Game: House Flipper VR
Peripherals: PSVR2
Time to Platinum: 4-5 hours
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 1
, 3
, 8
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for House Flipper VR. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete all levels
Welcome to House Flipper for PSVR2. The game has been available on other VR platforms for a while, but is finally here to enjoy!
The trophies are straight forward. Your main goal is to complete all levels and sell all houses once.
There are a few bronze misc. trophies, you’ll find those at the bottom of the guide. Below is the official trailer if you are thinking about getting the game!

Super Seller
Selling sand on the beach or a house on the estate is not a big deal for me.
This is your (final) trophy for selling each house once. To do this you need to complete all jobs.
upon starting a job you will be tasked with various tasks such as cleaning, painting and placing items in the building.
Each mission will show the required progression you need to make before you may progress.

Darts Dude
Straight into the center of the dartboard, and then the same 2 more times!
During the job “Moving in” you can interact with the dart board. Press play and throw the darts into the centre. There are no rules regarding distance, so stay close if you like.

Revealed Renovator
Any repair crew is nothing compared to me!
To do this you need to complete all jobs.
upon starting a job you will be tasked with various tasks such as cleaning, painting and placing items in the building.
Each mission will show the required progression you need to make before you may progress.

Rich Renovator
Collecting $300,000 wasn’t a big challenge!
Collect a total of 300.000 cash. Should be earned during the normal course of the game.

Content Client
If they paid me for this job it means the job was done right, right?
Complete job one.

Pure Purely
Scrubbing dirt is my calling!
Complete job two.

First Flip
The sale of the first house was successful!
Sell your first house.

Plates popper
You don’t have to be angry to throw plates at the walls!
Buy some plates from the shop and keep smashing them on the ground until this trophy pops.

Deft Detective
When the mystery of the mysterious burglar is solved…
Earned for completing the theft job.

Eggs Executor
No egg finds ease!
Buy some eggs from the shop and keep smashing them on the ground.

Basic Boomeranging
If you love something, let it fly!
Get a boomerang and throw it a couple of times.

Teddy Time
C’mon, grab your Simon!
Spawn the dog toy from the job and interact with it.