Game: The Mortuary Assistant
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 20 – 25 hours
Difficulty: 3/10
Missable trophies: None. Multiple playthroughs needed
Trophies: 1 , 6 , 10 , 9
Author: JimP2121
Welcome to the trophy guide for The Mortuary Assistant. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Welcome to The Mortuary Assistant! Having completed your degree in mortuary sciences, you have taken on an apprenticeship at River Fields Mortuary. Over the past several months you have logged many hours aiding the Mortician in daily tasks along with learning the ins and outs of the embalming process as well as how to properly handle and care for the deceased. Late one night, you are called into work to handle some embalmings. Death doesn’t keep day time hours. But there is something different about these bodies because there is something different about you. The phone rings with the Mortician on the other end. The rumours are true, and you cannot leave.
Stage 1 – Play the Game Multiple Times to Get all 6 Endings.
Play the tutorial for the game and then play the game performing the embalmings while determining the demon. Name the demon and match it to the correct body. Put this named dead body into the retort to burn and destroy them. There are some specific details that you will need to be aware of so that you can determine the ending that you will be working towards as noted in the trophy descriptions below. By earning all 6 of the endings you will have seen all the major story elements of the game.
1. You can hold L2 to run in the game.
2. Using headphones will help in determining where sounds are coming from so that you can determine the possessed body.
3. Use a Cremation Bag on the retort to get Ashes. Matches are in the front office. To determine the House of a possessed body, put Ashes on its stomach and then apply Matches. This will reveal the House on its stomach.
4. Each Shift has items and events that are random. In the drawer near the Cavity Fluid is Mr. Delver’s ID that has a number code on the back. This is the code for the Night Shift icon on the computer. This will have the Demon Names and Houses information inside.
Stage 2 – Focus on Burning and Embalming.
You will play the Embalming Only mode of the game from the Main Menu. This will allow you to focus on embalming the bodies as quickly as possible. You can only embalm three bodies per day, but you will be able to continually play this until you quit to the Main Menu. When you return to play in the Embalming Only mode, you will return to another day with the items all in the exact same setup as when you first started this play through mode. As for the burning of the bodies, you can burn from one to all three of bodies during the Embalming Only mode.
Master of the House
Unlocked every trophy in The Mortuary Assistant.
Congratulations on doing everything as the mortician!
Well Preserved
Embalm 100 bodies.
As you play through the main story of the game, each shift that you complete you will be embalming bodies. After finishing all 6 endings for the game, you can switch to Embalming Only mode from the Main Menu. This will allow you to focus on embalming all 3 of the bodies each day in the game without ever being interrupted. You can play multiple days in a row or quit and then return to the next day from the Main Menu. The Embalming Only mode will allow you to embalm about 6 – 8 bodies per hour so this can be a time consuming trophy to earn.
Light Em UP!
Burn 50 bodies in the retort.
The number of bodies that you burn will be cumulative between a Shift in the main game and the Embalming Only mode of the game. You can quickly burn bodies during the Embalming Only mode using the gurney and then putting each individually into the retort.
The Mortician
Get all endings.
There are 6 endings to the main story of the game. The Main Menu screen will show a counter with circles that will be filled in when you have completed each of them. The endings can be done in any order. Every time that you play the main story of the game there will be different events that happen and depending on your choices this will lead to a specific ending to the game. See Stage 1 – All 6 Endings for more details.
All The Pieces
Experience all major story events.
There are a number of major story events that will happen while you play each Shift in the main story of the game. Depending on which events happen during each Shift, this will further the story and reveal more details and major story events. By the time you have earned all 6 endings to the game, you will have seen all of the major story events.
The House of Delver
Complete ending 6.
You will need to have completed Our Secret Below and Breaking and Entering trophies. Go to room where that you opened in Our Secret Below and talk to the woman that is inside the coffin. You will need to determine which body is possessed and then take the Mark on the outside of the coffin and use it on the possessed body. Burn the body in the retort and then go back to the basement. Pick up the Bolt Cutters from the other basement room and then use them to free the woman from the coffin. See the pictures below for more information.
Get Rebecca’s ending.
This is Ending 5 of the game. There are two possible ways of getting this ending. Firstly, there will be a random event where you will visit an addiction recovery place and you will find yourself hanging in a room. On the side dresser there will be a box with a Necklace (Item 1) and a 5 Year Coin (Item 2). The 10 Year Coin (Item 3) will be in the right hand of your hanging body. After experiencing this scene you will have the 3 items inside a green book in a drawer below the TV in your apartment. Before leaving your apartment you will need to take these 3 items with you and then collect them when at the Mortuary. These items will be in a drawer below the Cavity Fluid. See the pictures below for more information.
Scenario 1:
A random event will happen where you see yourself inside the mortuary hung. Approach and place the 10 Year Coin in the right hand and the 5 Year Coin in the left hand. Complete this shift by successfully choosing the possessed body, Marking it with the correct Demon Name and burning it in the retort.
Scenario 2:
A random event will happen where your father will be on the gurney and you need to put the Necklace on him. Complete this Shift by successfully choosing the possessed body, Marking it with the correct Demon Name, and burning it in the retort.
Speed Run
Beat the game in under 45 minutes.
You will need to complete a Shift in the main story of the game in under 45 minutes. This will involve you determining which body, house, and name of the demon you are dealing with and then burning them in the retort.
To determine which body was possessed by the demon you will need to watch and listen for clues like movements of the body, talking after having mouth wired shut, and/or other clues that will help you determine it. See Stage 1 – Which is the Possessed Body? One way that almost always guarantees which body is possessed is while you are embalming a body make sure to always have the doors in the cold storage closed. If you hear a loud banging coming from the cold storage stop whatever you are doing, run to that room, and take note as to which door is opening/shutting. This will be the possess body. If all the doors are opening and closing then this will not help with this identification.
When you have a body on the gurney and you have performed the embalming and you think that that body is possessed you can determine the house that the demon belongs to. You will need to take a Cremation Bag from the shelf opposite the retort and then use it to collect Ashes from the bottom area of the retort. Next, you will need the Matches that are in the front office area on the side table between the two doors. Approach the cadaver and place the Ashes on its stomach and then use the Matches. It will ignite and then reveal in red the image of the house that the demon belongs to.
While you are playing through a Shift you will naturally have hauntings and events that happen which will increase your possessed level. You will notice that there will be times where there is a red, yellow/green, and blue effect that you will see happening on your screen. This is your cue to take a Letting Strip and then run around the rooms of the building to see if the Letting Strip ignites. When the Letting Strip starts to smoulder you are getting closer, flame is even closer, and finally after it bursts into a small explosion there will be a name symbol reveal somewhere on a surface close by. It could appear on a wall, behind a door, on a door, in a drawer, on the ceiling, etc. The majority of the time you will notice it rather quickly. Note: You may need to turn the Brightness to maximum in the settings section of the Main Menu.
As you get more possessed, more of the name symbols will appear when you look for them. However, if you know the House of the demon and know enough of the name symbols you do not need to wait for all 4 name symbols to be found to determine the demon’s name. In the side drawers near the Cavity Fluid container is the ID for Mr. Delver and each Shift it will have a unique code that will be used on the computer to unlock the Night Shift icon. Use the tab icon that is for the Houses of the demons and then select the house to reveal 4 possible name/symbol arrangements. On the left side of the computer desk you will be able to choose and arrange the name symbols to spell out the demon’s name. You can then take the Mark and then place it on the possessed body.
Finally, take the named demon’s body to the retort and burn it. If you have correctly named and chosen the possessed body then you will have completed the Shift successfully. Do all of this in less than 45 minutes to earn this trophy.
I’m DJ Two-Shades
Listen to all DJ Two-shades clips.
Whenever you start a Shift, you will be in your character’s apartment. There is a radio near the TV and it will be playing a song. Wait around near the radio and it will cycle through a song 4 times with DJ Two-shades commenting between each play through of the song. After DJ Two-shades finishes talking the 4th time you will earn this trophy. This will take about 15 minutes to earn.
Breaking and Entering
Open the second basement door.
Inside the basement, there are two doors. This second basement door is the one closest to the TV. You will need to use the Hammer that is on the desk in the basement on the door lock mechanism. You will then need to go to the office and take a Fuse from one of the drawers of the desk. Use this Fuse in the back room of the washroom on the wall electrical panel. Go back to the basement door and move the hinge manually. This will unlock the second door in the basement and then open this door.
I Know You
Beat the game without embalming all bodies.
Each Shift that you play after the Tutorial will have 3 bodies that can possibly be embalmed. You will need to make sure that you get a successful ending to the game where you did not embalm all the bodies.
Six Feet Under
Open the outside hatch.
Each time that you play a Shift the story events will be random. However, there will be a few different ways to get the code to open the locked box inside one of the floor cabinets in the embalming area. It is highly recommended not to just enter the code before either sets of the events mentioned below have happened as this could possibly require you to play more playthroughs of the main story of the game until the correct events happen for you to experience these naturally in the game as the story unfolds.
Scenario 1: There is a story event where you will enter into the cold storage area, but there is a hatch here that you will interact with and enter. Once down in the area, there will be statues with coded numbers on their foreheads. This will reveal the code “197044”.
Scenario 2: You could get two other story events that help you determine this code. The first four numbers will be on a photograph in the washroom that’s on the mirror “1970” and the last two numbers will be during another scene when blood drips on to the embalming body. You will then see a hanging body with “44” on the wall behind it. Thus revealing the code “197044”.
Once you have the code you can enter it in the floor cabinet and the box will open so that you can grab the key for the hatch. Go outside and then use it on the hatch door lock to open and enter the basement. See the pictures below for more information.
Our Secret Below
Enter the storage room.
You will need to take the Large Key from the Cavity Fluid drawer (bottom one) that is under a piece of clothing. Next you will need to have access to the hatch. See Six Feet Under for more details. After you have unlocked the hatch, enter the basement and unlock the door to the right with the Large Key. See the pictures below for more information.
The Unforgiven
Read the letter from Raymond.
After you have completed Ending 6 to the game there will be an envelope marked “Rebecca” with a letter inside on the computer desk. Pick up the letter and it will open for you to read and to earn this trophy. See the pictures below for more information.
I Survived
Beat the game once.
You will need to complete your first Shift game where you have successfully Marked the name of the demon on the correctly possessed body and burnt it in the retort.
No Way Out
Try to leave the mortuary.
As soon as you have completed the Tutorial to the game, the next day you will start a Shift and begin the process of working during the night shift. During this play through you will notice a haunting experience that will happen while examining/embalming a body and as soon as it starts you will need to stop whatever you are doing. You may have the lights go out and then the body contorts to scare you or some other haunting event while working on the body you are examining or embalming. Immediately go down the hallway to try to exit through the main doors. You will slow down and you will not be able to open the doors. Eventually, you can open the doors and then get into your car and try to start it. After go to the gate behind your car and try to interact with it. Finally, to the left of the gate try to interact with the fence. You will earn this trophy and you can go back into the Mortuary and continue the Shift.
Note: This will void getting I ain’t afraid of no ghost trophy so you will need to replay the beginning of the game by using the Erase Data from the Main Menu. See the picture below for more information.
Flying Solo
Complete your first body in the main game.
When you start your first Shift after the Tutorial, you will need to begin the process of examining one of the bodies. Complete the examination, file the information on the computer, get the Embalming Report, place it in the wall filing system in the other office, and perform the complete embalming process of the body.
I ain’t afraid of no ghost
Get right back to work.
During your first Shift after the Tutorial, you will experience your first haunting event in the game while examining/embalming a body and then you ignore it and continue doing whatever you were doing. This may be the lights going off or a body contorting in weird movements, etc.
Note: This will void getting No Way Out trophy so you will need to replay the beginning of the game by using Erase Data from the Main Menu.
The Phone’s Dead!
Try to use the phone during the start of the game.
After you have completed the Tutorial for the game and while you are on the first Shift, you will receive a call from the computer desk phone. After this call has ended, you will need to interact with the phone to try to use it and find out that it is dead.
Throw The Vase
Throw the red vase.
In the office area there is a red vase on the table that you can pick up and throw/fling after completing the Tutorial for the game.
My First Body
Complete the tutorial.
The first time that you play the main game you will need to complete the Tutorial of the game which explains in detail all the instructions on how to embalm a body. These instructions will be written on the clipboard and you can press L1 at anytime to refer to it. Items will be checked off in order as you complete them.
Let Me In
Fail to banish the demon.
This is Ending 3 in the game. During a Shift you will not banish the demon. This can be done by:
1. Burn a body in the retort as soon as you start a Shift without doing an embalming.
2. Burn an unpossessed embalmed body that is Marked with the correct or incorrect name.
3. Burn the possessed embalmed body that is Marked with the incorrect name.
4. Take too long during a Shift and never end up completing a Shift by using the retort.
5. Burn the possessed embalmed body that is marked with the correct name, but forget to add the Reagent that is in the old cabinet.
Just Give In
Become possessed for the first time.
During a Shift, if you take too long, you will end up becoming possessed and eventually you will end your play through. Another method is to start a Shift and then place the body on the gurney and put it into the retort to burn it.
10/10 Immersion
Would immerse again.
After completing the Tutorial, you will be able to work a Shift and you will need to interact with the toilet in the washroom to flush it.
It does nothing…
After completing the Tutorial, you will be able to use the computer at the desk. Interact with the CPU tower on the desk to earn this trophy.
Do the dead comfort you?
Embalm a body in embalming only mode.
You will earn this trophy when you play the Embalming Only mode and you have completed your first embalming. This will take about 10 minutes or less to complete.