Schim Trophy Guide

Game: Schim
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 10+ hours
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 6 , 10 , 8
Author: Trophy Platypus, edited by BloodDragooner

Welcome to the trophy guide for Schim. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – 1st Playthrough – All Collectibles and Miscellaneous Trophies

Welcome to the trophy guide for Schim from Extra Nice B.V. an interesting take on a platformer where the player must use shadows to jump into to make their way around the map. There are a total of 65 levels and it’s recommended to get used to the games mechanics and get all of the collectibles. Some trophies will come naturally as you play the game. Also while playing through the game it’s important to interact with each type of object for the “I Came, I Saw, I Interacted”. Types are described below in the trophy description.

Level 1 – Trophies “Honk!” and “Litterly In The Litter League” (good to get these out the way by spamming Square on bins and a vehicle).
Level 2- Trophies “Mischievous!” and “Thanks For The Playdate!”.
Level 5 – Trophies “You Never Know What You’re Going To Get” and “Animal Handler” (spam Square on a sheep).
Level 8 Trophy “O_O”
Level 42 – Trophy “Hole In One”.
Level 43 – “Station to Station” 1/3.
Level 44 – “Station to Station” 2/3.
Level 58 – “Station to Station” 3/3.
Levels 62-65 – “Untouchable”.

Stage 2 – “Floor is Lava” and “Risky Mode” Playthroughs

After completing the game once, it’s time to tackle the different modes for the final trophies. They can be done in 1 run, but this will make the game much harder, so it is advised to split the game into two runs, detailed below.

Playthrough 2 – “The Floor is Lava”
For this run, turn off “Extra jump”. On this run the player will not be able to jump into anything except the shadows. You have unlimited lives, so trial and error is possible here, and the player will eventually make it through the 65 levels.

Playthrough 3 – “Risky Mode” and “Challenge Accepted”
In ‘Risky Mode’ you will only have twenty lives, if you also have the extra jump turned off this makes this much much harder which is why it is advised to split these into two runs. You can cheese the game with extra jump, as if you realise you will not make it to the next shadow just quit to the main menu. It is also advised to make cloud saves every few levels, should you mess up badly.

“Challenge Accepted” requires you to complete every level without respawning. As ‘Risky Mode’ only gives you 20 lives, this essentially means that at maximum there will be 20 levels left to complete. The game doesn’t show it keeping track of this, so it’s best to make notes of any levels in which the player dies on while going through Risky Mode and go back and complete them without respawning.

Time To Play Outside!
Unlock all trophies.

A shadowy Platinum is yours.

Honk 250 car horns.

You can honk a car’s horn while in its shadow by pressing Square. Do this 250 times. Can be grinded out in the first level in just a few minutes by spamming the button.

Visit 1000 shadows.

Will come naturally as you play through the game.

Litterly In The Litter League
Litter 100 times.

While in the shadow of a bin, press Square to interact with it, knocking a piece of rubbish from it. Can be grinded out in the first level by spamming the Square button.

Jump into the water 50 times.

Jumping straight into the water will kill you but in some levels there will be shadows, jump into those shadows 50 times to unlock. Should come naturally as you progress through the game.

A New Beginning
Reunite with your human.

Story related.

On Your Own
Get separated from your human.

Story related. Unlocks in level 7.

Interact with a big schim.

You will find big Schims throughout the game, they are the big eyes you see in shadows. Jump into the shadow with one and press Square. The first one you come across is in Level 8.

You Never Know What You’re Going To Get
Find the box of chocolates before adulthood.

In Level 5 after the bridge, walk towards the benches then jump through the fence where there will be a box of chocolates.

Thanks For The Playdate!
Wave everyone goodbye in the backyard.

In Level 2, after putting out the fire in the BBQ, your mom will come to pick you up. Before going, while controlling the boy go up to the kid, the kid’s dad and mom. Press square in front of them to wave goodbye.

Slide a total 100 meters.

In the first level the game will introduce you to a mechanic where you interact with a sign by pressing square then the sign will catapult you further than a normal jump. As long as you don’t end up in another shadow you will slide after making contact with the floor. Can be grinded out in the first level.

Animal Handler
Interact with 50 animals.

Press square while in the shadow of any animal. Level 5 has a lot of sheep in a field where you can spam Square while in the shadow of just one of them to unlock.

Find and reunite all lost schim.

Schim are the eyes in the shadows, and also the character you play as. When you see another Schim it often means there is a collectible item to find nearby.

The chapter select menu shows where the collectibles are and how many have been picked up, should one be missed during the first playthrough, simply replay that chapter, and pick it up, the player can exit out after picking it up and it will save as soon as you pick up the colectible so no need to replay the whole level.

Level 1 – Water Bottle – Found by a bin behind the child.
Level 4 – Beach Ball – On the main path (unmissable).
Level 5 – Schoolbag – Early on by the park.
Level 5 – Trough – After fixing the train barricade head north and to the east
Level 5 – Box of Chocolates – After the bridge walk towards the benches then jump through the fence
Level 6 – Office Chair –  Head forward and jump into the shadows by the trees and bin
Level 7 – Helmet – At the start go in the gap between buildings
Level 8 – Beach Chair – At the start head backwards and make your way to a bin
Level 8 – postcard – By a fountain head left and in front of the shop
Level 9 – Teddy bear – near the end of the level head left and use the trees and street lamps then up into a small park and behind the park is a box shaped object
Level 10 – Bike Wheel – At the start use a car to go around the map till you get to a bus stop
Level 11 – Package – just to the left of the main path
Level 13 – Anemometer – After reaching the part with the bicycles but before interacting with the lights head back on on the path and across the road the item is next to a sign by a parked car
Level 14 – Misplaced package – Jump off the conveyor belt and take the box path  then make your way past the container and the forklift to the item
Level 14 – Wrench – Shortly after the last collectible, head all the way towards the spot where the boxes are being taken in through a window then go left and back on yourself to the item
Level 14 – Crate – You’ll ride on a forklift, then jump into the shadow of the shelving and wait for another forklift, jump over the fence and make your way past the boxes to the crate
Level 16 – Chair – head to the outdoor cafe area and go along the wall of the building
Level 17 – Screwdriver – At the start of the level head left using the trees to the final one
Level 18 – Walking Cane – Head along the water and before the bridge on the right is the cane
Level 18 – Schoolbag – Use a jogger to get across the bridge and the schoolbag is by the climbing frame
Level 18 – Trashcan – Found in the pond
Level 18 – Bike – Also found in the pond
Level 19 – Plastic Trashcan – At the start head to the left of the right handsome body of water
Level 19 – Bucket -By the train barrier jump into the shadow of the car and to the right
Level 19 – Barrier – By the intersection with traffic cones and traffic stop barriers take that path to pick up the barrier
Level 19 – Cycle Pump – head along by the water and just past some parked bicycles you’ll find the pump
Level 20 – T-shirt – found inside a back garden
Level 21 – Flag – Near the end of the level you’ll reach a van, there’s a park  nearby with the flag in
Level 22 – Container – Take a bicycle then jump off near some bins
Level 22 – Bucket – Head right along a path by some water till you reach the bucket
Level 22 – Handbag – In a bus stop near the end of the level
Level 23 – Shopping Cart – At the start use the bikes to jump across to the flags
Level 23 – Cornflakes – At the end avoid the people with carts and make your way around the building to the item
Level  24 – Soda Crate – At the start go left throughout the door and to the left
Level 26 – Child’s Cap – Use a bike to pick up the cap just to the left in the tree’s shadow
Level 27 – Traffic Cone – On the main path by the water
Level 28 – Umbrella – Instead of going across the bridge take the path left all the way to the umbrella
Level 28 – A Brand New Bike – Once across the bridge head left
Level 31 – Hubcap – Use the vehicles to go along the road, till you see a bus stop, jump off here and then jump across the road to the hubcap
Level 32 – Ball – Found in the water
Level 33 – Picnic Basket – Found in the far corner of the park
Level 33 – Tricycle – Before jumping into the bus head along the road just past the bike racks
Level 34 – Wheel – Found past the parked cars in the car park
Level 34 – Jerrycan – Go to the left of the building near the two vans
Level 35 – Highway sign –  Use the cars to jump to the shadow of the street sign
Level 36 – Egg –  Use a moving bird’s shadow to retrieve the egg
Level 37 – Pitchfork – In the shadow of a tree in the back garden
Level 37 – Kite – Near the end of the level before crossing the road head along the pavement to a tree with the kite in it, press square to knock it down
Level 38 – Lifebuoy – On the beach head left and use the parasols to get to under the lifeguards hut
Level 38 -Treasure – Use the kites to reach a man metal detecting interact with him till he starts digging
Level 40 – Parasol – Near the end of the level look behind the bins near the bike racks
Level 41 – Pruning Shears – Head left past the fountain use the robot mower to reach some flags and then by the hedge is the tool
Level 42 – Bird’s Nest – As the level loads up you’ll see a bird’s nest. Use the trees to reach it
Level 43 – Suitcase – Use the people on the platform to reach under the train station cover
Level 44 – Soda Can –  Near the end head along the platform and there will be a box next to soda machines
Level 45 – Hat – Near the end the hat is found by some tables
Level 46 – Skateboard – Near the end of the level use the birds and skateboarders to reach the skateboard
Level 49 – Mug – Cross the road then head along the waterfront till you reach the mug
Level 49 – Boot – Head back to the traffic lights and activate them, jump on the vehicles shadow and jump off by the traffic lights by the train tracks, cross the road and head right, activate the buttons o let the ducks out and follow them, when they stop keep going along the path for some time and press square on the fisherman
Level 49 – Couch – Just slightly off the main path to the left
Level 50 – Anchor – Jump to the right and into the water
Level 51 – Camera –  On the main path between a large group of people
Level 52 – Caution Sign – In the far end of the room with the benches in the middle
Level 54 – Cardboard Cutout – By a bus stop on the main path
Level 56 – Order List – In the far right corner
Level 57 – Serving Tray – By some boxes just past the bikes next to the cafe
Level 58 – Toy Elephant – At the start of the level use a bike to take you to the bike racks, the elephant is found in the middle of the second rack
Level 59 – Shovel – Found in the elephant enclosure under a tree, use the baby elephant to reach it
Level 59 – Rubber Ducky – Found with the fish in the water
Level 60 – Flower Pot – At the start of the level head back by the bins
Level 62 – Swing Board – Found behind boxes in a store room

Let There Be Light!
Turn on the light.

Story related. Unlocks in Level 11.

Escape the burning building without respawning.

This trophy requires the player to complete levels 62 – 65 without respawning or restarting.

Station to Station
Check in at all train stations.

There are three Train stations found in levels 16, 43, 45, 46, and 58. In these levels make sure to interact with the ticket gates and other items at the train station, as it’s not clear what exactly you need to interact with to unlock the trophy.

Travel a total of 500 meters with vehicles.

Jump into the shadow of any moving vehicle and let it transport you around the map, do so for 500 meters to unlock. Will likely come naturally but can be farmed early on.

Use the waterhose on everything in the backyard.

In level 2 the BBQ will catch fire. As the boy, pick up the waterhose and use it on everything in the garden before the BBQ.

I Came, I Saw, I Interacted
Interact with every type of object.

For the trophy, players will need to interact with each possible type of interaction. The dev team have provided the following list.

Toy Car

Fire Extinguished
Extinguish the fire in the building.

Story Related. Unlocks in Level 63.

The Real Deal
Visit 5000 shadows.

Will come naturally while doing the several playthroughs. Can be farmed if somehow short.

Hole In One
Land a hole-in-one at the golf course.

In Level 42, get the arrow so it’s roughly going straight forward and the power so that the arrow is showing it at max power. This will take a few tries as the shot needs to be very accurate.

Challenge Accepted
Finish each level without respawning.

This is best done with extra jump on and while not going for collectibles. Does not have to be done in one run, however there is no way to track this so it’s best to try and do this while going for the Trophy “Risky Mode” where the player has only 20 lives. Make notes of any level where you do respawn, then go back into chapter select and replay those levels.

The Floor is Lava
Finish the game with “Extra jump” off.

After completing the game for the first time, the player will unlock Extra Jump off. This means you will not be able to jump into anything but the shadows. Can be done at the same time as Risky Mode but this will make both trophies much harder and it is advised to go for them separately.

Risky Mode
Finish the game with “Risky mode” on.

After completing the game for the first time, the player will unlock Risky Mode. This means the player will have just 20 lives. Can be done at the same time as Extra jump off, but this will make both trophies much harder and it is advised to go for them separately. During this trophy you will complete most of the game without respawning which you will need to do for the Trophy “Challenge Accepted”. Make notes of any level you do respawn in and replay those chapters after completing the run. If you are about to die and have extra jump on you can exit to the main menu and try again. It is also advised to make back-up saves to save scum just in case.

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