Game: Irem Collection: Volume 2
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 5 hours
Difficulty: 5/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 5 , 7 , 25
Author: Matt Knight, edited by BloodDragooner
Welcome to the trophy guide for Irem Collection: Volume 2. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Classic Mode.
Always choose the Classic Mode version of the games as this is where the trophy support is.
You have unlimited lives but can’t use save states or rewind like the other version. Add credits as you need them by pressing L3 and don’t let the game over counter reach zero by pressing the options button to continue.
While in game hold the options button down to reach the menu to configure controls and auto fire speed. Use auto fire to make it easier, (default is Square button) there doesn’t seem to be any advantage in changing the speed from 15 to 30.
Most trophy descriptions have been left blank in the guide as no information is needed.
Play Air Duel until you earn “Air Duel – Special Game finished!” trophy for completing the main game (7 missions) and the special levels (7 missions). In between each life you can change ship to helicopter or plane depending on your preferred playstyle. To make it easier, use bombs (X button by default. 3 bombs per life) > die > add credit > spawn > bomb area, rinse and repeat. Otherwise save the bombs for the bosses. Will take less than an hour to earn all 14 trophies.
Play Gunforce Arcade. Add credits as you need them. Will take about 20 minutes to earn all 7 trophies. Completing a level without dying is very easy for this game due to the trophy popping during the credits!?
Stage 2 – SNES and GunForce 2.
Now that you are familiar with GunForce, play the SNES version. Once again, choose the Classic version. You have limited lives this time (3 lives per continue, 3 continues) but can press the options button on the Title Screen and select Easy. A video playthrough is provided below in the trophy description. It will take about 15 minutes to earn all 5 trophies on a successful playthrough. Take your time and try and avoid picking up other weapons, especially how some struggle with the auto fire options.
Play GunForce 2, this is where most of the time is spent and where the difficulty spikes due to having to complete a level without dying and having to find all hostages on each level. The frustrating part is if you miss any hostages you will have to play the game from the start to reach that level to try again. Thankfully the final mission doesn’t require every hostage to be found. The game can play differently too in that the bosses behave differently, weapon drops seem random and hostages don’t always appear. In the trophy descriptions below are videos showing a successful playthrough of when the trophy was earned.
God of Irem Collection Volume 2
Unlock all other trophies.
Congratulations and thanks for looking at our guides.
Air Duel – Game finished!
Finish Air Duel!
GunForce II – Beat Game
Finish GunForce II / Geostorm!
GunForce (Arcade) – Beat Game
Finish GunForce (Arcade)!
Air Duel – Special Game finished!
Beat the Special Game of Air Duel
GunForce (SNES) – Beat Game
Finish GunForce (SNES)!
You have to complete the game in one sitting with a limited amount of lives, 3 lives per continue and 3 continues. It is better to attempt this after completing the Arcade version so you are familiar with the game. On the title screen press options and select Easy difficulty. It will take about 15 minutes to earn all trophies on a successful playthrough. A full video playthrough is provided for reference.
GunForce II – Flawless Mission
Beat a mission of GunForce II / Geostorm without dying!
The first mission is the easiest and recommended due to probably requiring many attempts, as there is no level select option. Choose the classic version of this game. You must not get hit as this will mean losing a life and dying. Here is a video showing a successful playthrough.
The main areas to focus on are the helicopter (1:00) and the last boss (3:00). It is optional but recommended to skip getting in the vehicle at 2:00 as it seems easier and quicker to kill the enemies as the player.
Frustratingly the game can act differently in what weapon pick ups you get or how the boss behaves. Sometimes when the helicopter dies some enemies will fly out of it, if you shoot them they can drop pickups.
GunForce II – Mission 5 – 25 Hostages
Free 25 hostages in Mission 5.
Hostages are women in red clothing. They can either be walking around, tied up, inside containers or behind doors and can be freed by shooting them free. Make sure not to let the hostage die by falling off the screen. It is okay to free a tied up hostage and then not walk past them to collect them, it still counts.
Here is a video showing a successful run of when the trophy popped. (Thankfully for Mission 5 not all the hostages need to be free/found, only 25 are required)
GunForce II – Mission 4 – 41 Hostages
Free 41 hostages in Mission 4.
Hostages are women in red clothing. They can either be walking around, tied up, inside containers or behind doors and can be freed by shooting them free. Make sure not to let the hostage die by falling off the screen. It is ok to free a tied up hostage and then not walk past them to collect them, it still counts.
Here is a video showing a successful run of when the trophy popped. Take your time and ensure to shoot the garage section near the start, stand to the left at the top of the lift that the tank is on and shoot the steps/platforms shortly after the lift.
GunForce II – Mission 3 – 31 Hostages
Free 31 hostages in Mission 3.
Hostages are women in red clothing. They can either be walking around, tied up, inside containers or behind doors and can be freed by shooting them free. Make sure not to let the hostage die by falling off the screen. It is okay to free a tied up hostage and then not walk past them to collect them, it still counts.
Here is a video showing a successful run of when the trophy popped. It is especially important on this level you take your time and be careful where you are shooting, to not let the hostages fall to their death. Make sure you are under them when they fall.
GunForce II – Mission 2 – 16 Hostages
Free 16 hostages in Mission 2.
Hostages are women in red clothing. They can either be walking around, tied up, inside containers or behind doors and can be freed by shooting them free. Make sure not to let the hostage die by falling off the screen. It is okay to free a tied up hostage and then not walk past them to collect them, it still counts.
Here is a video showing a successful run of when the trophy popped.
GunForce II – Mission 1 – 23 Hostages
Free 23 hostages in Mission 1.
Hostages are women in red clothing. They can either be walking around, tied up, inside containers or behind doors and can be freed by shooting them free. Make sure not to let the hostage die by falling off the screen. It is ok to free a tied up hostage and then not walk past them to collect them, it still counts.
Here is a video showing a successful run of when the trophy popped.
GunForce (Arcade) – Flawless Mission
Beat a Mission of Gun Force (Arcade) without dying!
Unless this gets patched all that is needed to earn this trophy is to complete the game, it pops during the credits whether you died or not.
GunForce (Arcade) – Beat Mission 4
Beat Mission 4 of GunForce (Arcade).
Air Duel – Mission 2 clear!
Beat Mission 2 of Air Duel.
GunForce II – Beat Mission 4
Beat Mission 4 of Gun Force II / Geostorm.
GunForce II – Beat Mission 3
Beat Mission 3 of Gun Force II / Geostorm.
GunForce II – Beat Mission 2
Beat Mission 2 of Gun Force II / Geostorm
GunForce II – Beat Mission 1
Beat Mission 1 of Gun Force II / Geostorm.
Air Duel – Mission 3 clear!
Beat Mission 3 of Air Duel.
GunForce (Arcade) – Beat Mission 5
Beat Mission 5 of GunForce (Arcade).
Air Duel – Mission 6 clear!
Beat Mission 6 of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 5 clear!
Beat Mission 5 of Air Duel.
GunForce (Arcade) – Beat Mission 2
Beat Mission 2 of GunForce (Arcade).
GunForce (Arcade) – Beat Mission 1
Beat Mission 1 of GunForce (Arcade).
Air Duel – Mission 1 clear!
Beat Mission 1 of Air Duel.
GunForce (SNES) – Beat Mission 4
Beat Mission 4 of GunForce (SNES).
GunForce (SNES) – Beat Mission 3
Beat Mission 3 of GunForce (SNES).
GunForce (SNES) – Beat Mission 2
Beat Mission 2 of GunForce (SNES).
GunForce (SNES) – Beat Mission 1
Beat Mission 1 of GunForce (SNES).
Air Duel – Mission 4 clear!
Beat Mission 4 of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 6 Special Game clear!
Beat Mission 6 – Special Game of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 5 Special Game clear!
Beat Mission 5 – Special Game of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 4 Special Game clear!
Beat Mission 4 – Special Game of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 3 Special Game clear!
Beat Mission 3 – Special Game of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 2 Special Game clear!
Beat Mission 2 – Special Game of Air Duel.
Air Duel – Mission 1 Special Game clear!
Beat Mission 1 – Special Game of Air Duel.
GunForce (Arcade) – Beat Mission 3
Beat Mission 3 of GunForce (Arcade).