Game: Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 3-4 hours
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 11
, 0
, 0
Author: Trophy Platypus
Welcome to the trophy guide for Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete all 33 Campaign Maps and 5 Online Maps
Welcome to the trophy guide for Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery by Rogueside, a game where you must find each objective on a map. The objectives are found at the bottom of the screen and are hiding, clicking on them will give you a clue to their whereabouts, you will then need to find the on the map and simply click on them, the concept is like a digital version of the Where’s Wally (Waldo) books.
There are 3 worlds each with 11 maps. You will unlock levels by finding a certain amount of objectives. Unlike the previous game there are no hidden objectives.
Once finished with the main game, it is now the time to finish the remaining trophies. In online mode complete 5 maps and rate them, search for maps with the most rated or most played as they will be most likely easy ones people have played just for the trophies.
Hidden No More!
Complete all other trophies
Stop hiding that shiny Platinum.
Secrets in Black
Find all the objects in the Noir story.
Find all the objectives in all 11 maps.
The Peachfair Mystery – 5 Objectives
The Stolen Kibble – 6 Objectives
The Creepy Candy Shop – 7 Objectives
A Day Of Leisure – 8 Objectives
Night At The Jazz Club – 10 Objectives
The Robbery – 12 Objectives
The Chasing – 12 Objectives
The Missing Kid – 15 Objectives
Cotton Candy Thirst – 16 Objectives
Chinatown – 18 Objectives
Time To Celebrate 4 Objectives
Beyond the Stars
Find all the objects in the Sci-Fi story.
Find all the objectives in all 11 maps.
Rocket Launch – 5 Objectives
Spaceship Trade – 6 Objectives
A New Land – 7 Objectives
First Contact – 8 Objectives
Making Friends? – 10 Objectives
Returning Home – 12 Objectives
Visiting The Factories – 14 Objectives
Improved Technology – 15 Objectives
Terraforming – 16 Objectives
Space Colony – 18 Objectives
Apollo 11 – 4 Objectives
Elementary, my dear Watson
Find all objects in the Victorian Gothic story.
Find all the objectives in all 11 maps.
The Grand Experiment – 5 Objectives
The Academy – 6 Objectives
The Graveyard – 8 Objectives
A ghostly Wedding – 10 Objectives
New Connections – 11 Objectives
To Transylvania – 12 Objectives
Dracula’s Castle – 13 Objectives
Home Sweet Home – 14 Objectives
Monster Town – 16 Objectives
A Day At The Beach – 18 Objectives
The Ritual – 4 Objectives
Master Detective
Find all objectives in the Campaign.
Find all objectives in all 33 maps. Please refer to the videos above for locations.
There you are!
Find your first objective.
First trophy likely unlocked.
Can’t hide from me!
Find 10 different objectives.
Naturally unlocks as you progress through the game.
Find 25 different objectives.
Naturally unlocks as you progress through the game.
No Stone Left Unturned
Find 50 different objectives.
Naturally unlocks as you progress through the game.
Online Observer
Complete and rate an online map.
Complete any online map, searching for the most liked there are many that are very easy to complete with names like easy, trophy, etc. Then rate it to unlock.
Web Searching Surfer
Complete and rate 3 Online maps.
Complete any three online maps, searching for the most liked there are many that are very easy to complete with names like easy, trophy, etc. Then rate it to unlock.
Can’t Get Enough
Complete and rate 5 Online maps.
Complete any five online maps, searching for the most liked there are many that are very easy to complete with names like easy, trophy etc. Then rate it to unlock.