Don’t Let Him In Trophy Guide

Game: Don’t Let Him In
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: Less than 1 hour
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 11 , 1 , 0
Author: JimP2121, edited by BloodDragooner

Welcome to the trophy guide for Don’t Let Him In. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Play through the Game.

This game has quite a bit of dialogue that you will be going through by pressing the X button. There are a few times where your character will be able to move around an area: The Hotel, Gas Station, Cafeteria, Blue House, and VHS Video Store. During these areas you will be collecting items and progressing the story while keeping your Sanity level up. See the video below for a complete walkthrough of the game to earn all trophies.

Don’t let…
All trophies.

Cheers for your platinum trophy!

The cafeteria
Arriving at the cafeteria.

Story related and cannot be missed.

The Hotel
Arrive at the hotel

Story related and cannot be missed.

Children of VHS
Arrive at the blue house

Story related and cannot be missed.

The gas station
Arrive at the gas station.

Story related and cannot be missed.

The true?
Arrives at the warehouse.

Story related and cannot be missed.

Deadly video club
Arrives at the video club.

Story related and cannot be missed.

Light in the darkness
Take the flashlight.

When you enter the Cafeteria, approach the countertop and you will automatically pick up the Flashlight.

Pick up the hitchhiker.

Story related and cannot be missed.

Home Run
Take the baseball bat.

When you arrive at the Blue house, you will enter through the door and you will then see the Baseball Bat. You will need to press the square button to pick it up.

Collects 10 medicines.

Throughout the areas that you can walk around in during the game, you will see what looks like cups of coffee on tables, shelves, and even on the ground. You will need to collect at least 10 of these medicines as they will raise your Sanity level.

Danger man
Take the Shotgun.

When you arrive at the VHS Video Store, there will be a van that you can approach from the passengers side and it will automatically open its side door to reveal a Shotgun. You will need to press the square button to pick it up.

Finish the game.

After you have killed someone in the VHS Video Store, you will see a door open and you can walk into the bright white light. In this back room area you will find someone that you have been looking for and this will end the game.

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