Barbie: Project Friendship Trophy Guide

Game: Barbie: Project Friendship
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 6-7 hours
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 6 , 7 , 14
Author: Siralja

Welcome to the trophy guide for Barbie: Project Friendship. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Complete the game.

Welcome to the trophy guide for the game Barbie: Project Friendship, a game by Outrightgames. This game is about rebuilding the Malibu Waves resort with the two Barbies, Malibu and Brooklyn. To do this, you have to run back and forth a lot, play mini-games and complete quests.

Gradually, more areas are unlocked and also clothes, as well as furniture for the office. The clothes and the furniture all have to be bought for the trophies “Office Makeover” and “Fashion Fun!“. Community Points are required to purchase. These can be obtained by completing quests, mini-games and by keeping the resort area clean. Keep the trophy “Heart of the Community” in mind. For these, you need to have 1000 points at once.

Each area has 2 main quests (marked with blue puzzle pieces) to complete and 1-2 side quests (marked with golden puzzle piece). All quests must be completed. On the journey you will meet 38 collectibles, all of which you have to collect. See “Memories worth a lifetime” for the locations. Unfortunately, there is no map in the game that you always have access to. However, there is a map in each area with which you can get an overview and also teleport to other areas, as long as this area has been restored.

Pinker than ever
Unlock all other trophies

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Project Friendship: Complete!
Complete all main and secondary quests.

Each area has 2 main quests and 1-2 secondary quests. Kill everyone for this trophy. To see if there is a quest open somewhere, look at a map that is all over Malibu Waves and it will show you if there is a quest. The main quests are marked with blue puzzle pieces and the side quests with golden ones.

Heart of the Community
Have 1000 Community Points.

You will receive community points for every completed quest or renovation work. Complete all tasks and remove garbage, grasses and repair the buildings, as well as benches. You must have 1000 points at once.

Office Makeover
Unlock all the Office items.

In the office, you can buy furniture and wallpaper for the office on your laptop. For this you need community points, which you get by completing tasks and renovation work. Buy all of them for this trophy. The furniture is gradually unlocked as the story progresses. It will unlock after buying 75 items.

Memories worth a lifetime
Get all the collectables

In total, there are 39 collectibles in the game. Each area has 4-5 collectibles hidden. Find them and collect them with the X button. Here is a gallery with the different collectibles.

Saving the Malibu Waves
Complete the final fair at the Amphitheater.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the last quest from Moira, after restoring the Amphitheater.

You Can Pet the Dog
Pet a dog.

This trophy can be earned as soon as the first quest from the animal asylum is completed. Go up the stairs and pet the dog up there.

The Malibu Waves Community Center
Complete introductory quest.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the tutorial.

Building a Community
Have 500 Community Points.

For more information about this trophy, see “Heart of the Community“.

Malibu Waves Tour
Visit all the spaces.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after visiting all areas. There are a total of 8 places to visit, but this happens automatically on the journey.

Fashion Fun!
Unlock all the outfits.

In Malibu Waves, you can buy a lot of outfits in Wardrobes. For this you need community points, which you get by completing tasks and renovation work. Buy all of them for this trophy. The Clothes will gradually unlocked as the story progresses.

Playful Star
Get 4 stars in a minigame.

For this trophy it is necessary to get 4 stars in any minigame. This is obtained when the bar at the bottom left is 100% filled. This should be easy to do for the first minigames.

Get 3 stars in a minigame.

For this trophy, you have to get 3 stars in any minigame. To achieve this, play a minigame until the 3 stars in the bar at the bottom right are reached and then do not continue playing. If you fill the bar to 100%, you will receive 4 stars and the trophy will NOT be unlocked.

Looking for Inspiration
Complete the restoration of the Amphitheater.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing all of Daisy’s quests at the Amphitheater.

Sewing Experts
Complete the first quest in the Amphitheater.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the first quest at the Amphitheater. This area will be unlocked after restoring all other areas.

Improving Together
Complete the restoration of the Beach

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing all of Ken’s quests at the Beach.

First Steps
Complete the first minigame.

Story related. After your first minigame, you’ll unlock this trophy.

Becoming Jr Rangers
Complete the restoration of the Camping Area.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing all of JJ’s quests at the Camping Area.

May the best gamers win
Complete the restoration of the Tech Lab

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing all of Teresa’s quests in the Tech Lab.

Treasure Hunter
Get your first collectable

For more information about this trophy, see “Memories worth a lifetime“.

Fun at the Beach!
Complete the first quest at the Beach.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the first quest at the Beach. This area will be unlocked after completing the workshop area.

Unexpected News
Complete the restoration of the Workshop.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing all of Nikki’s quests in the workshop area.

Back to the 80s
Complete the first quest in the Tech Lab.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the first quest in the Tech Lab. This area will be unlocked after restoring the beach.

A Wild Pursuit
Complete the restoration of the Animal Aid Center.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing all of Skipper’s quests in the Animal Aid Center.

A home for all animals
Complete the first quest in the Animal Aid Center.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the first quest in the Animal Aid Center. This Area will be unlocked after restoring the beach.

DIY Dreams
Complete the first quest in the Workshop.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the first quest in the workshop. This area will be unlocked after completing the Tutorial.

Treat Yourself
Spend 175 Community Points on an item.

For this trophy, buy a piece of furniture or outfit for at least 175 community points. The first item for this price is the arcade wallpaper in the office. This will be unlocked after restoring the beach.

Scavenger Hunt
Complete the first quest at the Camping Area.

Story related. This trophy will be unlocked after completing the first quest at the Camping Area. This area will be unlocked after restoring the beach.

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