Game: Task Force Kampas
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 20 mins
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: none
Author: Matt Knight
Welcome to the trophy guide for Task Force Kampas. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the game or reach 250k points
Completing the game means killing the 3rd boss. This will get you all the ‘Kill x boss’, ‘Beat highscore of x’ and ‘Survive for x minutes’ trophies, plus work towards any misc trophies.
Once the trophies Score Hunter 3 (250,000 points) and Time Hunter 3 (Survive 4 minutes) pop, it is ok to get game over, as all remaining trophies are accumulative. Move to stage 2 of this guide.
Stage 2 – Misc Trophies Clean Up
If need be, play the game a few more times to clean up any trophies you are missing. e.g. Destroying 100 meteors and collecting 60 Cocos (yellow dinosaur that comes out of some meteors when destroyed).
killing 1000 enemies, dying 5 times or possibly killing a total of 3 bosses should be the only trophies left.
See playthrough video for more guidance.

Space Coco
Unlock all other trophies.
Congrats and thanks for following our guide.

Time Hunter III
Survive 4 minutes.
This will come naturally during your game playthrough and pop around the 2nd level. Shoot everything. If you get hit, stop shooting and your health will recharge.

Boss Hunter III
Kill 3 bosses.
This will pop during a full playthrough of the game, as it consists of 3 bosses, however if you kill the 1st boss 3 times across different playthroughs, this trophy will also pop. You will know when you reach a boss, as their name will appear across the screen just before you see them. Each boss has the same strategy, dodge the bullets and constantly shoot the boss. If you get hit, stop shooting to recharge your health, but continue dodging. See the video playthrough at the top of this guide for further guidance.
1st boss being at 2:02, 2nd boss at 4:55 and 3rd at 7:35.

Enemy Hunter III
Kill 1000 enemies.
Shoot to kill, and shoot everything. A good tip is to strafe from left to right of the screen while constantly firing to make sure you hit everything. Killing 1000 enemies does not have to be done in 1 playthrough.

Meteor Hunter III
Destroy 100 meteors.
Meteors are gold, brown or grey rocks that fall down the screen and can be destroyed by being shot at. They will break open once destroyed and sometimes a Coco (Yellow dinosaur) will appear out of them. This trophy is accumulative and can be done across multiple playthroughs.

Score Hunter III
Beat highscore of 250,000.
Shoot and kill enemies to get points. Strafe left and right while constantly shooting to try and kill everything. The trophy should pop during the 2nd level.

Death Hunter III
Die 5 times.
You will die once you lose all your health by being hit by projectiles. Die 5 times for this trophy.

Coco Hunter III
Collect 60 cocos.
Meteors are gold, brown or grey rocks that fall down the screen and can be destroyed by being shot at. They will break open once destroyed and sometimes a Coco (Yellow dinosaur) will appear out of them. Fly into Coco to collect him, when you do you will see a ‘Thanks’ message. Coco can also appear during a boss fight. This trophy is accumulative and can be done across multiple playthroughs.

Time Hunter I
Survive 1 minute.
This will come naturally during your game playthrough and pop on the 1st level. Shoot everything. If you get hit, stop shooting and your health will recharge. One tip is to strafe left and right while constantly shooting.

Time Hunter II
Survive 2 minutes.
This will come naturally during your game playthrough and pop on the 1st level. Shoot everything. If you get hit, stop shooting and your health will recharge. One tip is to strafe left and right while constantly shooting.

Death Hunter II
Die 2 times.
You will die once you lose all your health by being hit by projectiles, once you die it’s game over. Die twice for the trophy.

Meteor Hunter I
Destroy 25 meteors.
Meteors are gold, brown or grey rocks that fall down the screen and can be destroyed by being shot at. They will break open once destroyed and sometimes a Coco (Yellow dinosaur) will appear out of them. This trophy is accumulative and can be done across multiple playthroughs.

Coco Hunter I
Collect 10 cocos.
Meteors are gold, brown or grey rocks that fall down the screen and can be destroyed by being shot at. They will break open once destroyed and sometimes a Coco (Yellow dinosaur) will appear out of them. Fly into Coco to collect him, when you do you will see a ‘Thanks’ message. Coco can also appear during a boss fight. This trophy is accumulative and can be done across multiple playthroughs.

Death Hunter I
Die 1 time.
You will die once you lose all your health by being hit by projectiles, once you die it’s game over.

Enemy Hunter I
Kill 200 enemies.
Shoot to kill, and shoot everything. A good tip is to strafe from left to right of the screen whilst constantly firing to make sure you hit everything. Killing 200 enemies does not have to be done in 1 playthrough.

Enemy Hunter II
Kill 500 enemies.
Shoot to kill, and shoot everything. A good tip is to strafe from left to right of the screen while constantly firing to make sure you hit everything. Killing 500 enemies doesn’t have to be done in 1 playthrough.

Boss Hunter I
Kill 1 boss.
Each boss has the same strategy, dodge the bullets and constantly shoot the boss. If you get hit, stop shooting to recharge your health, but continue dodging. You will know when you reach a boss, as their name will appear across the screen before you see them. See the video playthrough at the top of this guide for further guidance.
1st boss being at 2:02.

Boss Hunter II
Kill 2 bosses.
This will pop during a full playthrough of the game, as it consists of 3 bosses, however, if you kill the 1st boss twice across different, this trophy will also pop. Each boss has the same strategy, dodge the bullets and constantly shoot the boss. If you get hit, stop shooting to recharge your health, but continue dodging. You will know when you reach a boss. as their name will appear across the screen before you see them. See the video playthrough at the top of this guide for further guidance.
1st boss being at 2:02 , 2nd boss at 4:55.

Coco Hunter II
Collect 30 cocos.
Meteors are gold, brown or grey rocks that fall down the screen and can be destroyed by being shot at. They will break open once destroyed and sometimes a Coco (Yellow dinosaur) will appear out of them. Fly into Coco to collect him, when you do you will see a ‘Thanks’ message. Coco can also appear during a boss fight. This trophy is accumulative and can be done across multiple playthroughs.

Score Hunter I
Beat highscore of 50,000.
Shoot and kill enemies to get points. Strafe left and right while constantly shooting to try and kill everything. The trophy should pop on the 1st level before you reach the boss.

Score Hunter II
Beat highscore of 150,000.
Shoot and kill enemies to get points. Strafe left and right while constantly shooting to try and kill everything. The trophy should pop during the 2nd level before you reach the boss.

Meteor Hunter II
Destroy 50 meteors.
Meteors are gold, brown or grey rocks that fall down the screen and can be destroyed by being shot at. They will break open once destroyed and sometimes a Coco (Yellow dinosaur) will appear out of them. This trophy is accumulative and can be done across gameplays.