Riddled Corpses EX Trophy Guide

Game: Riddled Corpses EX
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 10 hours
Difficulty: 3/10
Missable trophies: –
Author: Knoef_NL and edited by BloodDragooner

Welcome to the trophy guide for Riddled Corpses EX. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Story, and farming to level up!

Welcome to the riddled Corpses EX Trophy Guide. It’s an indie twin-stick shooter game where farming gold and leveling up your character plays a big role.
You will start the game with “Jon”, at level 1. You won’t be able to complete stage 1 with those stats, just keep playing and farming gold until you earn enough money for upgrades. At a certain point you will be strong enough to complete stage 2.

When at stage 2, I would advise to start saving money for Cloe. She has the magnet ability, that attracts money towards her. This makes farming money a lot easier.
Try to complete stage 2 & 3 while you’re upgrading Jon and Cloe. They should both reach level 20.

Around stage 4, you should focus on buying “Liery” as she is the best character ingame for the story mode. Try to beat level 4, while leveling her up to level 20. She has the ability that earns you 2 times the gold you pick up. Buy the MK1000 turret and level it up to level 5. Make also sure to buy the TURRET and upgrade it a level or two.

Doing all this is a lengthy process of farming. Completing the story line this way can take up to 8 hours. Once you have the following stats:
Liery Level 20
MK1000 Level 5
Turret Level 3

You should be able to complete stage & stage 6. Should you have trouble, but 9 lives, 9 time slows and 9 dynamite. This will help you a lot in completing level 5.

Stage 2 – Arcade & Survival Mode

Survival mode can be done with Liery at level 20, and the MK1000 at level 5. Just keep shooting until you kill all enemies and complete wave 5.

Arcade mode is best done with Erika, no need to upgrade her. Upgrades are found during this game mode. Make sure you spend all your money on lives, slows and dynamite. Dying once means you have to start all over. The Arcade mode should take you around 30 minutes to complete. The hardest stage is 5, as stage 6 is rather short and easy.


 Hardcore Gamer
Unlock all trophies in Riddled Corpses EX.

 Arcade winner
Complete arcade mode .

You should try arcade mode with Erika, as she has all the special abilities in the game. Focus all your gold on buying items such as lives, slow items and the dynamite. Make sure you don’t lose any unnecessary lives and pick up as many items as possible. Refer to the video below if you are having trouble.

Nothing special
Complete stage 4 in story mode without using any special item

This is best done when you got any character on level 20, and the MK1000 maxed out(lv. 5). Buy some extra lives if you are having trouble completing this.
The special items are the slow item, the dynamite and the turret. Make sure you don’t use them!

Story Stage 1
Complete stage 1 in story mode.

See the video below for visual assistance and refer to stage 1 for tips and tricks on how to complete the story mode.

Story Stage 2
Complete stage 2 in story mode.

See the video below for visual assistance and refer to stage 1 for tips and tricks on how to complete the story mode.

Story Stage 3
Complete stage 3 in story mode.

See the video below for visual assistance and refer to stage 1 for tips and tricks on how to complete the story mode.

Story Stage 4
Complete stage 4 in story mode.

Refer to “Nothing special” for more information about this trophy.

 Story Stage 5
Complete stage 5 in story mode.

See the video below for visual assistance and refer to stage 1 for tips and tricks on how to complete the story mode.

Story completed!
Complete stage 6 in story mode.

See the video below for visual assistance and refer to stage 1 for tips and tricks on how to complete the story mode.

Survive through 5 waves in survival mode.

Survival mode can be done with Liery at level 20, and the MK1000 at level 5. Just keep shooting until you kill all enemies and complete wave 5.

Get at least one of each collectible item.

Collectibles are found in each level, at random. They will spawn when you kill enemies, and look like things below. You will find them quite a lot, just make sure to pick them up.

Full cast
Unlock all the characters.

There are a total of 6 characters, beign it Jon, Cloe, Liery, Fael, Erika and Nora. Jon is unlocked from start, Erika will be unlocked when you complete the story line. You will be able to purchase Nora once you get Jon, Cloe and Liery to level 20. Buy them all once they become available and you will unlock this trophy.

All the way up
Upgrade at least 4 characters to max level.

Upgrading characters can be done in the menu, upon dying. I would suggest leveling up the following characters to level 20:
1) Jon
2) Cloe
3) Liery
4) Fael

Turrets ready
Unlock the turrets.

The turret can be bought for 9999 coins, and will unlock you this trophy.

I like them roasted
Burn 100 enemies during the same run

This can be done in multiple levels. In the GIF we use level 1 as an example. Wait until a large group of enemies walks past a car or barrel, then shoot it. This will set the enemies in a flame, burning them. Do this for a total of 100 enemies during the same run and this trophy will pop.

Can you feel the tension?
Electrify 30 enemies during the same run .

This trophy can only be earned during level 2. Use the electric fences to electrify enemies. Stand behind one and let the enemies walk into the fence.

First death
Die in any mode.

Die and this trophy will be yours.

MK 1000 ready
Unlock the MK 1000.

The MK 1000 can be bought for 9999 coins, and will boost your strength a lot.

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