Game: Jumanji
Peripherals: PS+ for Online Multiplayer
Time to 100%: 15 – 20 hours
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: None
Author: Peter
Welcome to the trophy guide for Jumanji. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Play the Four Different Maps Locally.
Each MAP has a similar layout: battle areas and find Jumanji the 4 game pieces areas.
In Battle areas, you will defeat enemies as you are trying to use the JEWEL to get the OBELISK meter filled to open the gate to the next area. Then there are trap areas where you need to avoid the obstacles. You will be collecting Jumanji game pieces in these sections too. After collecting the Jumanji game pieces you will go to the Safe Room before going to the next section of the game.
Each of the MAPs are linear in setup as you go from start to the finish with results shown on a score board. If you unlock new skins (clothing or weapon colours) this will be displayed.
Play each of the maps (total of 4) offline on easy, to achieve all the trophies required for this section. If you have a buddy or two, complete the maps on hard to achieve 4 harder trophies early on.
Stage 2 – Play online on any of the Four Different Maps.
The maps for online play are the same as in Stage 1. Focus on completing the requirements for these trophies as noted below. There is QUICK CONNECT to join a random online game, BROWSE SESSIONS to join an online game, and PRIVATE to setup an online game with your PSN Friends or with any random players. The difficulty does not affect any trophies in Stage 2.
NOTE: Full Wardrobe will probably be the last trophy you will earn before the platinum trophy. This is because you will need to increase your EXPERIENCE level from 1 to 30 so that you will have collected all of the unlockables. The unlockables are the rewards of skins (clothing and weapon colouring) for your characters.
Earned all other trophies.
Unlock all other trophies.
Full Wardrobe
Unlocked all unlockables.
You will earn this trophy when you reach LEVEL 30. To reach level 30 you will need EXP points. For each succesful run you will get a total of 1.000 EXP.
For each failed run you will get a total of 300 points. So to farm up EXP fast, just fail levels really fast.
It’s best to use the following method:
Play local
Level: Night Persuit
Difficulty: Hard
Friendly AI: Off
When ingame, die as fast as possible. It will take you around 90 seconds to earn 300 exp. See the video below for details.
By the Skin of My Teeth
Completed all trap rooms in a level without losing a life.
All 4 MAPs have sections of hallways with traps. The traps could be: FIRE, SWINGING BLADES, SAW BLADES, SHOOTING BULLETS, and/or FLOOR SPIKES. In any given MAP go through all of the trap rooms WITHOUT losing a life. Upon completing the MAP you will earn this trophy.
High Climber
Completed Mountain Fortress in 20 minutes on hard difficulty.
Play the MAP called MOUNTAIN FORTRESS on HARD difficulty and successfully finish the level in 20 minutes or less. Focus on defeating the enemies as soon as they appear and finding the 4 Jumanji pieces as quickly as possible. Also, stock up on HEALTH and WEAPON CHARGES that is plentiful on the MAPs during the “waiting time” for enemies to appear and gates to open.
City Slicker
Completed Bizarre Bazaar in 20 minutes on hard difficulty.
Play the MAP called BIZARRE BAZAAR on HARD difficulty and successfully finish the level in 20 minutes or less. Focus on defeating the enemies as soon as they appear and finding the 4 Jumanji pieces as quickly as possible. Also, stock up on HEALTH and WEAPON CHARGES that is plentiful on the MAPs during the “waiting time” for enemies to appear and gates to open.
King of the Jungle
Completed Jungle Hideout in 20 minutes on hard difficulty.
Play the MAP called JUNGLE HIDEOUT on HARD difficulty and successfully finish the level in 20 minutes or less. Focus on defeating the enemies as soon as they appear and finding the 4 Jumanji pieces as quickly as possible. Also, stock up on HEALTH and WEAPON CHARGES that is plentiful on the MAPs during the “waiting time” for enemies to appear and gates to open.
People Love Me
(Online) Received 20 lives.
The easiest way to do this is during the first section of an ONLINE MAP, where you will have your character get defeated on purpose. Do not fight back the enemies and/or run into traps. After losing your third life, your teammates will need to donate a life to you so that you respawn in that MAP section. During the next section of the MAP you will only have 1 LIFE so you will only need to be defeated once before you can repeat this process. Eventually you will have earned 20 lives from other ONLINE players.
Ultimate Survivor
Finished a level without losing a life.
Make it to the end of any MAP level in any MODE while not losing any of your 3 lives.
This. Is. JUMANJI!
Took down 300 enemies.
Defeat 300 enemies while playing the game. The total of 300 will accumulate over time.
Saviour of Jumanji!
Completed each one with at least 1 life remaining.
Play all 4 MAPS and have one or more lives remaining at the end.
Night Owl
Completed Night Pursuit in 20 minutes on hard difficulty.
Play the MAP called NIGHT PURSUIT on HARD difficulty and successfully finish the level in 20 minutes or less. Focus on defeating the enemies as soon as they appear and finding the 4 Jumanji pieces as quickly as possible. Also, stock up on HEALTH and WEAPON CHARGES that is plentiful on the MAPs during the “waiting time” for enemies to appear and gates to open.
A Very Generous Friend
Donated 1 life to each team mate.
During a play through of a MAP, you will need to donate 1 life to each of your teammates. Keep an eye on the indicators in the bottom left corner that shows if a teammate(s) has lost a life. Then HOLD the direction arrow on the DPAD (LEFT, UP, RIGHT) to donate a life to them. This trophy will be earned when playing with 3 or 4 teammates.
A Hippo to Go
As Shelly, sprinted away from a hippo as it chased you.
Choose Shelly as your character and and of the MAP: JUNGLE HIDEOUT. When you spot the HIPPO, you will just need for it to chase after you.
As Ruby, sprinted away from a rhino as it chased you.
Choose Ruby as your character and and of the MAP: BIZARRE BAZAAR. When you spot the RHINO, you will just need for it to chase after you.
Bear with Me
As Smolder, sprinted away from a bear as it chased you.
Choose Smolder as your character and and of the MAP: MOUNTAIN FORTRESS. When you spot the BEAR, you will just need for it to chase after you.
Trend Setter
Unlocked your first unlockable with any character.
As soon as you reach Level 1, you will earn your first unlockable item (clothing or weapon skin).
Finders Keepers
Picked up 100 game pieces.
You will need to collect 100 game pieces throughout your playthroughs.
How Do I Look?
Wore an unlocked character skin in any level.
After reaching Level 1 and higher, you will have unlocked character skins (clothes) for various characters. While at the screen to choose your character, make sure to change their clothing option before starting a play through.
Blew up 100 barrels.
Shoot a barrel and it will start on fire and then explode. Repeat this 100 times.
Donated 1 life to a team mate.
During a playthrough of a MAP, you will need to donate 1 life to one of your teammates. Keep an eye on the indicators in the bottom left corner that shows if a teammate has lost a life. Then HOLD the direction arrow on the DPAD (LEFT, UP, RIGHT) to donate a life to them. This trophy will be earned when playing with 2 or more teammates.
What Year is it?
Played the game for 6 hours.
Play an accumulated total of 6 hours or more. This can be done in one or multiple game sessions.
Get to Know the Gang
Played with each character for 1 minute.
You will need to play the game at least once as each of the 4 characters in it. You will play longer than 1 minute with each as you work to complete the character associated specific trophies mentioned in this guide.
Just Getting Started
(Online) Played your first online game.
After completing your first online game, you will earn this trophy.
Making Friends
(Online) Played 10 online games.
While playing online, play 10 games.
Games Master
Played 10 local games.
While not playing online, play 10 games.
Team Goals
(Online) Completed at least one level online with team mates.
Successfully finish at least one MAP with other online teammates. As soon as the scoreboard appears, you will earn this trophy.
Lone Wolf
(Online) Was the only surviving player in the team.
While playing online, have all other teammates be defeated by losing all their lives. As soon as you are the only player able to play, you will earn this trophy. If a player is not able to play they will have the option to watch another player’s game point of view.
Top Dog
(Online) Got highest score on the score screen at the end of the game.
Upon the completion of a MAP, if you have the highest score shown on the scoreboard then you will earn this trophy.
Twilight Triumph
Completed Night Pursuit with at least 1 life remaining.
Successfully finish the NIGHT PURSUIT level while having 1 or more lives remaining.
Trading Up
Completed Bizarre Bazaar with at least 1 life remaining.
Successfully finish the BIZARRE BAZAAR level while having 1 or more lives remaining.
Peak Performance
Completed Mountain Fortress with at least 1 life remaining.
Successfully finish the MOUNTAIN FORTRESS level while having 1 or more lives remaining.
Just Like in the Movie!
As Finbar, sprinted away from a rhino as it chased you.
Choose FINBAR as your character and and of the MAP: BIZARRE BAZAAR. When you spot the RHINO, you will just need for it to chase after you.
Master Explorer
Got highest collectables count on the results screen.
At the end of a game when the scoreboard appears, you will need to be the player that has destroyed the most RELICS and/or game pieces collected.
Carpet burn
Performed 100 slides.
Using any character (or combination of characters) perform 100 SLIDES by running and HOLDING down the CIRCLE button.
I’m a Team Player
Helped the team power up 10 obelisks.
Each MAP has enemy areas where there is an OBELISK that needs to have the player with the JEWEL stand on this floor pad. When the JEWEL is next to the OBELISK, an indicator meter will be displayed filling up in the top left corner of your screen. After a limited amount of time the player with the JEWEL must send it to another player or they will suffer a health damage. You can send it to someone else by pressing the directional arrow on the DPAD (LEFT, UP, RIGHT). The receiving player can choose to hold onto the JEWEL or pass it to any other player. After successfully powering up 10 OBELISKS you will earn this trophy.
Need More Practice
Got killed by traps 10 times.
Every MAP has sections of hallways with TRAPS: FIRE, SHOOTING BULLETS, SWINGING BLADES, SAW BLADES and/or FLOOR SPIKES. After dying 10 times by TRAPS, you will earn this trophy.
Healthy Lifestyle
Picked up 50 health packs.
Every MAP has many HEALTH PACKS scattered throughout them in the open. COLLECT 50 HEALTH PACKS to earn this trophy.
All Mine
Picked up 50 weapon charges.
Every MAP has many WEAPON CHARGES scattered throughout them in the open. COLLECT 50 WEAPON CHARGES to earn this trophy.
To Me, To You
Passed the Jewel 100 times.
There is only one JEWEL during a game. The JEWEL will be glowing on the waist belt of the player that has possession of it. The player that has the JEWEL. must send it to another player or they will suffer a health damage. You will send it to someone else by pressing the directional arrow on the DPAD (LEFT, UP, RIGHT). The receiving player can choose to hold onto the JEWEL or pass it to any other player. After 100 times of passing the JEWEL to another player you will earn this trophy. NOTE: Below this trophy was achieved using LOCAL COOP with 2 controllers.
Completed a trap room without losing a life.
All 4 MAPs have sections of hallways with traps. The traps could be: FIRE, SWINGING BLADES, SAW BLADES, SHOOTING BULLETS, and/or FLOOR SPIKES. In any given MAP go through a trap room WITHOUT losing a life. Upon completing a TRAP ROOM you will earn this trophy.
Eagle Eye
Shot 100 relics.
Every MAP has RELICS that are placed higher up on structures (building roofs, balconies, higher up level edges, etc.) You will need to shot 100 RELICS to earn this trophy.
Prize Possession
Carried the Jewel for a total of 10 minutes.
You will earn this trophy after having the JEWEL in your possession for an accumulated total of 10 minutes.
Where’s My Medal?
Was the first to enter a safe room.
Every MAP has a SAFE ROOMS in them. You will need to be the first to go into a SAFE ROOM to earn this trophy.
Carry the team!
Carried the Jewel near an obelisk to power it up.
Have your character in possession of the JEWEL and stand on the area around the OBELISK.
I’m Invincible
Survived 5 minutes without losing life.
In any game MODE and on any MAP, you will need to not lose a life for 5 minutes.
Quick Draw
Took down 10 enemies in 30 seconds.
It is easier to earn this trophy on EASY difficulty as enemies do not require as many hits to be defeated. Then while playing you will need to defeat 10 enemies in 30 seconds.
Giant Slayer
Defeated a Heavy Melee enemy.
Heavy Melee enemies are larger enemies that carry a WAR HAMMER. Defeat one of these enemies and you will earn this trophy.
Not So Tough Anymore
Defeated a Heavy Gunner enemy.
Heavy Gunner enemies are larger enemies that carry a LARGE MACHINE GUNS. Defeat one of these enemies and you will earn this trophy.
Disco Hits
As Ruby, stunned 100 enemies with your Boombox.
Play as Ruby, use her special ability of BOOMBOX by pressing the L1 button while enemies are close to her. The enemies will start to dance and not fight back while the music is playing. You can move around while her special ability is active.
Dr. Shelly to the Rescue!
As Shelly, used your Heal on teammates 100 times.
Play as Shelly, use his special ability of HEAL by pressing the L1 button while your teammates are close to him. This will heal any of your teammates that are in the proximity area. You can move around while his special ability is active.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
As Finbar, made your Monkey attack 100 enemies.
Play as Finbar, use his special ability of MONKEY ATTACK by pressing the L1 button while enemies are close to him. The monkey will run and attack various enemies for a limited amount of time. You can move around while the monkey is actively attacking enemies.
Between a Rock and Hard Place
As Smolder, took down 100 enemies with your Ground Pound.
Play as Smolder, use his special ability of GROUND POUND by pressing the L1 button while enemies are close to him. Smolder will jump in the air and then hit the ground with his fist killing any enemies that are in close proximity.
Jungle Survivor
Completed Jungle Hideout with at least 1 life remaining.
Successfully finish the JUNGLE HIDEOUT level while having 1 or more lives remaining.
Perfect Pitcher
Took down 50 Grenadiers.
Use your secondary weapon attack of GRENADES by pressing R1. You can hold and launch up to 3 GERNADES at a time. Defeat 50 enemies by using your grenades will earn you this trophy.
Fisticuffs Master
Took down 50 enemies using only melee attacks.
Defeat 50 enemies using melee attacks only. Press SQUARE to hit an enemy with a melee attack. Press SQUARE repeatedly to hit an enemy with melee combos. As you hit an enemy, you deplete its health bar, and eventually you will defeat 50 enemies this way.
Performed 50 critical hits on enemies.
HIT or SHOOT an enemy and as you are depleting its health bar make sure to do this as HEADSHOTS. HEADSHOTS that defeat an enemy are the critical hits on enemies. Repeat 50 times.
Chainlink Master
Took down 20 enemies without losing a life.
Play on EASY difficulty and then defeat any 20 enemies without losing a life. If your health bar is low, go and collect a HEALTH PACK to bring it back up.