Game: Gun Crazy
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 10 min
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Author: Matt Knight and edited by BloodDragooner
Welcome to the trophy guide for Gun Crazy. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Arcade mode – kill everything, complete level 2 and get 2000 points.
Play Arcade mode
Aim to get to the end of level 2 and earn 2000 points. Doing so will earn you the platinum trophy, as every other trophy will pop along the way. Kill everything you see by shooting it and collect the coins they drop.
Tips – Collect weapon upgrades
Shoot the breakable crates and collect the red boxes that comes out of them by walking into them. Collect all the weapon upgrades/enhancements that you can, it will improve your firepower and help towards killing enemies, especially the bosses. If you lose a life you will revert back to the starting weapon.
Please see the Platinum playthrough video for any further advice.
Platinum Gun
Get all other trophies.
Kill a Dip enemy.
Shoot this flying enemy for the trophy. Many appear on Level 1. Unmissable.
Kill a Runner enemy.
Shoot this enemy for the trophy. Many appear on level 1. Unmissable.
Kill a Robot enemy.
Seen during level 1 just after the 2nd mini boss. Constantly shoot his body and dodge any bullets he fires at you.
Mini Boss 1
Kill the Mini Boss 1.
Seen during level 1. Shoot at him constantly, there are 2 green circles on the front of the ship, this is where a laser comes out. You will see one of them charging up before it fires at you. Jump up to the platform to dodge the laser, then drop back down to ground level to dodge the laser again. Rinse and repeat.
Mini Boss 2
Kill the Mini Boss 2.
Seen during level 1. Shoot the head, dodging any bullets. Jump over the head as it comes towards you.
Boss 1
Kill the Boss 1.
Seen at the end of level 1. Constantly shoot at him while using the platforms to dodge any bullets.
Killer Enhancement
Get a weapon enhancement.
Earned on level 1. Shoot the breakable crates and collect the red boxes that come out of them by walking into them. Collect all the weapon upgrades/enhancements that you can as it will improve your firepower and help towards killing enemies, especially the bosses. If you lose a life, you will revert back to the starting weapon.
Reach 1000 in score.
Shoot everything and collect the gold coins dropped from enemies. Easily earned during stage 1.
Reach 2000 in score.
Earned on level 2. At the start of the level, stand in the far right corner of the screen, face left and constantly shoot upwards, aiming at the spheres. You will get this trophy before the boss fight starts.
Complete level 1.
Complete the 1st level for this trophy by killing everything, 2 mini bosses, 2 robots and a main boss.
Ball Destroyer
Complete level 2.
At the start of level 2 stand in the far right corner of the screen, face left and constantly shoot upwards aiming at the spheres. Once you have destroyed all the spheres a boss fight will start. Simply shoot it as much as possible dodging any bullets.
Kill a Hopper enemy.
This enemy appears at the start of level 1, shoot them to kill it. Unmissable. They look like green balls and they bounce towards you.