WitchCrafty Trophy Guide

Game: Witchcrafty
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 2-3 hours
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: Greed is good
, Shopaholic, Wrong gnome, Heart of the forest, Witch’s heart, Hat and whip
Trophies: 1, 7 , 9 , 9
Author: The Trophy Platypus
Welcome to the trophy guide for Witchcrafty. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Play through all 5 levels of the game.

This game can be a little buggy at times, due to it being rushed to make the cut-off point of the vita store closure. This game will surely get patched soon as will the PS4 version once it is released.

The biggest problem is that if you die (and you will) then the crystals, mana and hearts do not respawn. If you didn’t make it to the save point then they will be lost. It is advised that whenever you die that you exit back to the main menu and reload your save to make the three item types respawn. You can also use this to your advantage early on once you reach a save point exit out and reload your save, collect some crystals head back to the save point and save then repeat.

Additionally there are quite a few missable trophies, so even more reason to reload your game if you die. You need to make sure you collect and have 500 crystals at one point, collect at least 3 mana 1 of which you should buy from the gnome and 4 Hearts 1 of which you should buy from the gnome.

With that out of the way, play through the game’s 5 levels. They are all very linear and can be followed by pausing the game and looking at the map. Make the detours which are normally one or two screens to collect mana and hearts. You can go back to the save point when you do to save reloading if you die.

Witchcrafty Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!

Well done on completing Witchcrafty. Viva la Vita!

Fallen Giant
Defeat Mushroom Baron

This is the only boss you will face at the end of level 4. He has two attacks, he will use his shield to hit the ground causing damage to anything around him, he will also sprout small exploding mushrooms which you either have to find where there is a gap or time a jump. However there are spikes in the ceiling to watch out for. His other attack is a charge attack which you need to jump and dash to avoid again avoiding the spikes. You can attack the boss when it is out of breath the mushroom will rest on its shield and you can attack. You should be able to destro its healthbar easily

Fighting the boss.

… and ice!
Get the power of ice.

Shortly after starting level 4 you will come across the ice pictured below. Press X to receive the ice power and unlock this trophy.

The power of ice.

The fire…
Get the power of fire.

During the prologue you will come across a fiery stone pictured below. Press X to receive the fire power and unlock the trophy.

Obtaining the power of fire.

Greed is good
Collect 500 Crystals.

Crystals are this game’s currency. You can only spend 500 of them with the gnome. After that they are useless. You must have all 500 on you at the same time, so it is advised to unlock this trophy before shopping with the gnome. You can save and reload your file to make crystals reappear and then collect the again so you can farm this as early as the first save point.

Buy all goods from the gnome merchant.

To buy all goods, you need 500 crystals to buy 1 heart and 1 mana. Can be done in level 1 if you do some crystal farming by reloading a save point collecting crystals, saving and repeating.

Thunder god
Get the power of lightning

In level 1 on the same screen as the cat you meet for Mysterious ally, there will be a stone, press X to interact with it and you will now have lightning attacks.

End of the tale
Finish the game

Unlocks at the same time as The girl who won for completing the fourth level.

Wrong gnome
Buy something from a gnome merchant

The gnome has two items for sale a heart and mana both cost 250 crystals to purchase. The earliest time you come across him is in level 1 but he is in every level after also. If you don’t have enough crystals in level 1, go back to the main menu and reload the save and collect some more crystals go to the save point and then repeat this way you can grind enough crystals to purchase one of the items.

The girl who won
Complete Level 4

Level 4 is a little different, first you must make your way through the level before moving to a snowy level where you will face a mushroom boss. He’s pretty tricky because at the moment he is glitchy. He has two attacks he will use his shield to hit the ground causing damage to anything around him, he will also sprout small exploding mushrooms which you either have to find where there is a gap or time a jump. However their are spikes in the ceiling to watch out for. His other attack is a charge attack which you need to jump and dash to avoid again avoiding the spikes. You can attack the boss when it is out of breath the mushroom will rest on its shield and you can attack. You should be able to destroy its health bar in 3-4 attacks. After defeating the boss head to the next screen to complete the level.

The girl who slept
Complete the Prologue

Complete the prologue. The levels are fairly linear so follow the map in the pause menu. Do take the detours as they normally contain mana or heart piece.

Read at least 1 book

There are many books in the game which you can read by pressing X. The first one is in the prologue and is very hard to miss.

The girl who was late
Complete Level 3

Complete level 3. The levels are fairly linear so follow the map in the pause menu. Do take the detours as they normally contain mana or heart piece.

Heart of the forest
Increase health

Once you’ve collected 4 hearts, your health will automatically increase and you will unlock this trophy. You can find hearts in chests that you need magic to unlock like the one in the picture. You can also buy one from the gnome for 250 crystals. The earliest you can earn this trophy is in level 2.

Witch’s heart
Increase mana

Once you’ve collected 3 mana the Blue circles as pictured below, your mana will automatically increase and you will unlock this trophy. There are more than 3 mana in the whole game and they can be found in treasure chests that require magic to open or you can buy one for 250 from the gnome.

Hat and whip
Open the first chest

Unlocked for opening your first chest . The first one is in the prologue, pictured below.

The girl who got lost
Complete Level 2

Complete level 2. The levels are fairly linear so follow the map in the pause menu. Do take the detours as they normally contain mana or heart piece

The girl who was looking
Complete Level 1

Complete level 1. The levels are fairly linear so follow the map in the pause menu. Do take the detours as they normally contain mana or heart piece.

Arrogant ally
Meet the Supreme Witch

At the start of the game after you wake up you will be told to find the supreme witch, she is on the next screen in front of the tree.

An unexpected ally
Meet the Dark Witch

At the end of level 2 you will meet the Dark Witch and unlock this trophy.

Greedy ally
Meet the gnome merchant

After reaching the save point in level 1 you will come across a gnome who will sell you items. This trophy will unlock for speaking to the gnome.

Good ally
Meet the Flight Master

Shortly after the second save point in the prologue you will meet the flight master who will tell you to use the broomstick. Using the broom stick will end the level.

Mysterious ally
Meet Jake

Jake is a cat who you meet just before the first save in level 1. Trophy will unlock for speaking to him.

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