Game: HappyFunland
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 4 hours
Difficulty: 3/10
Missable trophies: Refer to stage 0.
Trophies: 0 , 2
, 1
, 37
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for HappyFunland. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 0 – Roadmap and introduction.
Welcome to HappyFunland. The game has a couple of missables that you need to keep in mind:
1. Turned it on – Grab and activate the vibrator
2. Fortune and glory Kid! – Activate the Fortune Teller machine
3. Now you know! – Push all 7 buttons of the fortune machine
4. Smashy Smash – Destroy the castle model
5. Dancing fool – Activate the machine.
6. Shutting her down – Deactivate the machine with the giant boobs.
7. Blow me down! – Pick up the gun in the pirate ride.
8. Beat down – Destroy the pirate plaque after exiting the pirate ride.
9. Giddy Up – Activate the horse ride.
10. Just for the articles – Open the magazine inside the haunted mansion.
11. To the Moon – Activate the rocket ride.
12. I got something in my eye – Shoot down the helicopter by interacting with the fireworks.
13. Home sweet home – Lie at the burger counter about being safe.
The game has chapter select as you progress through the game. From the main menu, turn around and you can select a couple of spawn points. The first section up to the first ride, around “Shutting her Down” can’t be done with chapter select. However, you can start a new game to visit the early sections. Collectibles do carry over. The map may show 0/80 something when in a ride, don’t worry about this.
The last 4 collectibles near the fast food chain may not save, as there is no checkpoint in that final section. Replay this section if you feel like you are missing those.
Stage 1 – Complete the Game
As the game starts you will need to walk a queue to the start of the ride. Enter. You will travel to a new area. Talk to the NPC and he will have you collect a flashlight. Next to the flashlight is a vibrator. Pick it up and activate it with Triangle or Circle depending on which hand you hold it. “Turned it on!” A short sequence will unfold and you will end up near the entrance of a sewer. Collect Collectible #0 here.
Collect the fuse from the cabinet and place it inside the fuse box. Now pull the lever. [Collectible #1] + “Fire it up!“.
Go through the door. On the pink/white seats to the right will be your second collectible [Collectible #2].
Interact with the robot, and it will tell you to get a ticket. At the correct ticket machine is another collectible [Collectible #3].
Behind the robot is your ticket. This will unlock the “Ticket to Ride” Trophy. Enter the park and you’ll find a map. “The Parchment” and Collectible #4.
Complete the golf course, and you’ll unlock “Par for the course“. As you walk a bit forwards towards the souvenir shop, you’ll see your fourth collectible in the Mold-O-Matic machine. [Collectible #5]. Inside the souvenir shop are two more collectibles inside the shelves. [Collectible #6, #7].
Interact with the Security Gate release behind the counter and you’ll unlock the door together with “Exit Through the gift shop“. Behind the counter is also Collectible #8 next to the release button.
As you exit, you’ll find the collectible next to the statue. [Collectible #9]. The next collectible is a tiny bit further, once again inside a Mold-O-Matic machine [Collectible #10]. Go inside the building and press the button in order from 1 to 7 to open up the door. While doing so, pick up Collectible #11 inside one of the cases. The trophy “Now you Know!” will unlock. Interact with the coin and the fortune teller will start to talk, earning “Fortune and glory kid!” trophy. Now enter the door/Cinema. Your 12th collectible is on one of the chairs. The key is in the second row in order to open up the door. The trophy “Saved the Headset!” will now pop. As you exit, turn right and you will find your 13th collectible. Smash the castle and you will earn the trophy “Smashy Smash!“.

As you continue, you’ll see a machine on your right side. It’s called “HEY KIDs, PLAY WITH RANOY”. Interact with the buttons and the trophy “Dancing Fool” will pop. A tiny bit further is a counter with your 14th collectible inside a vase. Once you reach the door, 2 enemies will come at you. Kill them with your golf stick. “Beheading your way“. Next to the golf course is your 15th collectible.
As you complete the golf course you can travel to the next area. Next to the save booth is your 16th collectible. This will also pop the trophy called “Tickle your Fancy“.
Complete the golf course to unlock the trophy “Hole 4 fun“. On your side, you will find collectible #17. Next to the Hobo-Go-Round attraction is collectible #18. As you progress a tiny bit, you’ll see an alley, pick up your 19th collectible here. Just after you’ll come to the attraction that you need to shut down. The 20th collectible is present, along with the trophy called “Shutting her down” As you exit it, you will see your 21st collectible inside a stand. You will now go for a ride and unlock the trophy called “That’s Nuts!”. After that you will visit a bathroom with the 22th collectible inside a toilet. Grab and continue. Now you will go on a “trip” and the trophy “Long Strange trip” will unlock.

As you exit, in front of you is the 23nd collectible on a trashcan. Now on to the next attraction, called “Dizzyland“. As you exit, you will find your 24th collectible in the shop and the 25th collectible one just behind the corner on the vending machine. Continue a bit, and you’ll see your 26th collectible inside a stand, next to an evil looking sunflower. You will now make your way to the Grisly World ride, which will unlock the “It’s a Grisly world!”.
A section of rides will follow. One of the rides has a pirate section, and you will be able to grab a gun. This unlocks the “Blow me Down!” trophy. As you exit; Kill the pirate talking to you on the wall. “Beat Down“. Exit through the souvenir store, you will find collectible 27, 28 and 29 in the shelves. Now make your way to the bathroom stall just as you go outside. There will be another 2 collectibles, 30 and 31. Continue to the new section of the part. Next to the golf course is collectible 32 on a wooden box. The 33rd is sitting in a store, just before a machine. Number 34 is behind the golf course, just behind the pillar next to the skeleton. We won’t actually go that way, complete the golf course and open up the door to the “Cannibal Lector“

As you climb up the Cannibal Lector, you’ll see collectible #35 sitting in front of you on a barrel. As you exit the ride, you’ll see collectible #36 on a trashcan. Now go inside a building with a talking parrot. Place the skull on the stone and pick up collectible #37. Continue to the next building, and you’ll see collectible #38 to the left of the main entrance. As you exit the building, you’ll see collectible #39 on the car. Collectible #40 in just beside it, in a popcorn machine. Enter the little cinema next to it and find yourself collectible #41. Continue walking, and you’ll need to complete another golf course. Behind it is collectible #42. You are now halfway with the collectibles, unlocking “Jr. Exterminator” Keep on walking, and you will earn “No Safe-ty here!“.
Go inside the Grisly Bears building and you’ll find collectible #43. Just ahead is a big sign with CORRAL on it, here is collectible #44. Next to the cactus a bit ahead is collectible #45. Turn right at the fountain, into the overflown area. You will find Collectible #46 and #47 here. Interact with the horse (insert coin) and the trophy “Giddy Up” will pop.

Just behind it is a cart, on the back of it is collectible #48. A tiny bit further is collectible #49 behind a sign on your left. In the queue line is collectible #50 next to an Indian statue. Now you need to make past a ride. On the exit, you’ll see collectible #51. Next is a golf course, behind it is a souvenir stand. Inside it, you will find collectible #52. Make your way through the gate by completing the course. “Dying to meet you” will unlock. In front of you will be collectible #53 next to a skeleton in the grass. To the left of that is collectible #54 next to a scary tree. Now you will enter the next ride, which will break down in the middle. You can now roam freely within the ride. In front of you will be collectible #55, next to the fireplace. Walk back, and you will find collectible #56 next to a bust (women’s head). Walk both stairs and collect collectible #57. Now grab the key from the table and open the secret door next to the fireplace you were earlier. “Passage to Bangkok” will unlock. Now walk the second set of stairs and collect collectible #58.
As you walk the creepy storage rooms, collectible #59 will be sitting on top of a computer. On the left is a magazine on the table. Open it and the trophy “Just for the Articles” will pop. #60 will follow shortly after, inside a suply cabin inside the robot repair room. It will be followed by collectible #61 on top of the sink, before the freezer room.

Enter the freezer and escape by picking up the key inside the dead’s body’s head. “All in your head!” will now pop. A short story will unfold. Once done, grab collectible #62 and #63 on the tray next to the trashcan and on the desk from Dr. Van Sterben. Next you’ll need to activate the ride. Pull the lever to activate the power and continue inside the ride. Towards the end of the ride, you will find yourself collectible #64 on the LEFT side. (Do note that this is DURING the ride!) A short sequence will unfold involving a monkey. Shortly after you’ll pop “That’s one way to do it“. Inside the building, you’ll find collectible #65 inside a cabin with a sign saying “Enchanted Banana” Make sure to open it in order to see it. a bit further you will find collectible #66 near the hippos. The #67th is just a bit further inside a cabinet. The final one for this building is near a bit sign saying “DANGER”. #Collectible #68 The trophy “Pyro for Pyros” will now pop.
You will end up in a jail. Interact with the desk on your left, and you will be able to free yourself, unlocking “Jailbreaker“. The #69 collectible is in front of you. #70 is inside cell 03 and cell 01 has collectible #71 for you. As you exit collectible #72 is sitting on the far left inside another Mold-o-matic machine. Towards the centre-forward of that area is collectible #73 sitting inside the hand of a robot. Next to the robot are 3 little rides. Interact with the coin on the bottem left and trophy “To the Moon” will pop. Continue a bit and on your left side will be collectible #74 in front of a popcorn machine. Collectible #75 will be waiting for you behind the fireworks, just besides the big ride. Interact with the fireworks for the trophy called “I got something in my eye“. You will now enter a ride and unlock “Your Grisly Future“.

As you go through the ride you will end up in a forest. Your journey is almost over now. As you make your way through the forest, you will see a hollow log on your right side. Look back and you’ll see collectible #76 inside it. A bit further you’ll make your way to a fastfood chain called Disappointment Burger. Collectible #77 is on the drive through speaker, while #78 is on the kids slide. The final one is inside on the table #collectible 79. Now speak to the employee and lie once he asks you a question, earning you the “Home Sweet Home” trophy. Once home, open up the front door and you will earn the final trophy called “This is the end“.

This is the end
Complete the game
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Extermination Master
Collect 80 collectables
Refer to Stage 1 for a complete overview on all collectibles.

Jr. Exterminator
Find 40 collectables
Refer to Stage 1 for a complete overview on all collectibles.

Turned it on!
Turn on Larrys device
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Fire it Up!
Restore power to the Park
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Ticket to Ride
Gain entrance to the Park
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

The Parchment
Get the map
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Par for the course
Open the entrance door
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Exit through the gift shop
Escape the shop
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Fortune and glory kid!
Activate the Fortune teller machine
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Now you know!
Push all 7 buttons
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Saved the headset!
Escape the theater
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Smashy Smash!
Destroy the model
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Dancing Fool
Activate the machine
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Beheading your way
Kill 2 enemies
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Tickle your fancy
Enter Fancyland
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this

Hole 4 fun
Get the ball in the hole
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Shutting her down
Turn off the ride
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

That’s Nuts!
Ride Feral Squirrel ride
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

long strange trip
Regain consciousness
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Ride krazy Kastle
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

It’s a Grisly world!
Ride “It’s a happy little Grisly world”
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Blow me down!
Pick up a gun
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Beat down
Destroy the plaque
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Cannibal Lector
Unlock the gate
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Jungle Cruiser
Ride the Jungle Ride
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this1.

Stranger Danger
Escape Dangerland
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

No Safe-ty here!
Enter Westernland
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Giddy Up
Activate the horsey ride
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Dying to meet you
Unlock the gate to the manor
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Passage to Bangkok
Unlock the passageway
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Just for the articles
Open the magazine
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

All in your head!
Exit the freezer
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

That’s one way to do it
Escape Westernland
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Pyro for pyros
Escape the Warehouse
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Escape the cell
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

To the moon!
Activate the rocket ride
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

I got something in my eye!
Take down the helicopter
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Your Grisly Future
Board the ride
Story related. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.

Home sweet home!
Make it home alive
Missable. Refer to Stage 1 for guidance on how to unlock this.