VR Pigeons Trophy Guide

Game: VR Pigeons
Peripherals: – VR Headset and camera
Time to Platinum: 25 minutes
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 0 , 1 , 5 , 4
Author: Trophy Platypus

Welcome to the trophy guide for VR Pigeons. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Complete the four levels pecking 100 bread and 10 birds.

Welcome to this trophy guide for VR Pigeons from VR Kiwi Games. A straightforward trophy list where all of the trophies should unlock as you complete the four levels. You will also need to peck 100 bread and 10 birds and use one powerup. There is also a trophy for finding the hidden level, but this is unlocked by completing level 4 with a score of over 180.

Unlock level 2
Unlock level 2.

To unlock level 2 you will need to get a score of 100 bread in the first level.

Unlock level 3
Unlock level 3.

To unlock level 3 you will need to get a score of 100 bread in the second level.

Unlock level 4
Unlock level 4.

To unlock level 4 you will need to get a score of 150 bread in the third level.

Eat 1 bread
Eat 1 bread.

Simply eat the bread on the armchair while in the house before starting any of the levels.

Eat 10 breads
Eat 10 breads.

Will likely unlock in the first level, as you need to score 100 bread to reach level 2, as each peck is worth 5 bread, and a loaf lasts 3 pecks.

Eat 100 breads
Eat 100 breads.

Each peck is worth 5 breads, and a loaf lasts 3 pecks. Should be unlocked when you reach the hidden level with the old lady who will supply you with a lot of bread, after completing level 4.

Peck another bird
Peck another bird.

As well as pecking bread, you should be pecking the other birds and eggs so they do not peck the bread. Peck any other bird to unlock.

Peck birds 10 times
Peck birds 10 times

As well as pecking bread, you should be pecking the other birds and eggs so they do not peck the bread. Peck birds ten times to unlock.

Use powerup
Use powerup

Powerups will appear from time to time, they will be circled in red. Pick up any of them and use it to unlock the trophy.

Find the hidden level.
Find the hidden level.

To find the hidden level you will need to complete level 4 with a score of 180. Afterwards you will be with the old lady who throws you bread with lots of other pigeons and bread to peck.

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