Trickster VR Trophy Guide

Game: Trickster VR
Peripherals: PSVR + Motion Controllers
Time to 100%: 10 hours
Difficulty: 5
Missable trophies: Been there, done that is currently not obtainable
Author: Knoef_NL

Welcome at the trophy guide for Trickster VR. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Complete the game

Welcome to the Trickster VR trophy Guide. You will need to complete all levels of the game, while doing so you will most likely get all the trophies within the game.


 Been there, done that
Complete all levels.

You will need to complete all the levels within the game.  The  different worlds with all its levels can be found in the roadmap below.

7-december-2018: This trophy is currently Bugged and can NOT be achieved. This will be fixed within the next patch. 

Trickster VR Roadmap

 Am I a hero now?
Complete an adventure game on Legendary difficulty.

You will need to complete a level on Legendary difficulty. When selecting a level, you can see which difficulty it has. This is achievable solo.
The easiest levels are:Kill the crows & Kill the Warmaster/Forgemaster. The objective where you will need to kill the crystal ia very hard and should be avoided. Upon reloading the level you will get a different objective.

See the video below if you are having trouble. 

 Mom, get the camera!
Hit an enemy with throwing knives from 50 meters away.

This is a very hard trophy to achieve. You will need to hit an enemy from at least 50 meters away. The throwing knives are available from the start of the game. This will take you a couple of tries before you succeed. It took me around 1 hour before I hit something. You can see the video below for a visual guide. This is a throw from an estimated distance of 60 meter. 

You could use “The Kindness” which has the active ability that shoots knifes. This is not verified however. 

 Better than a gym
Get over 100 kills in one game, on Brave difficulty or higher.

For this trophy you will need to kill at least 100 enemies. There is no in game counter, so you will have to count it for yourself. You will be able to get this trophy all on levels that are Brave or Legendary difficulty.

At the end of the level, you will need to go through a portal. Don’t and just keep fighting. It does not matter if you succeed or die while trying to get this. The only requirement is to get the 100 kills.

For a guide, please see the video below. 

Better than a gym Trophy

 Twice the fun
Unlock the Crossfire dual crossbow.

This trophy will automatically pop when you are completing the game. The Crossfire dual crossbow can be found in the first world, called Highlands

 Look how big it is!
Unlock the Red Band Greatsword.

This trophy will automatically pop when you are completing the game. The Red Band Greatsword can be found in the fifth world called Hollows.

 All that’s missing is a dragon
Complete an adventure level in Nordhall.

You will need to complete any level in the Nordhall world. This trophy will come naturally when you are completing the game.

That’s my favourite vacation spot!
Complete an adventure level in Fellbrann.

You will need to complete any level in the Fellbrann world. This trophy will come naturally when you are completing the game.

 Eat more veggies next time!
Kill the Keeper in a single player game on Brave difficulty or higher.

Levels are random, you should encounter this naturally in your play-through. A video can be found below: 

 Nice forge you have there
Kill the Forge master in a single player game on Brave difficulty or higher.

You will need to kill the Forge Master while playing solo. Make sure to put your party in a closed state. The Forge master can be found in the first world. A specific level can’t be pointed out, since they seem to be random.

A Video walk through can be found below:

Nice forge you have there

 Master Bow Shooter Person
Level up a ranged weapon to level 20.

You will need to level up a single ranged weapon to level 20. This can be done by playing a lot with a single range weapon. You should also invest gold into the weapon to level it up
The range weapons are:

– The Howler
– Piercer
– Crossfire
– Sharpshooter
– Scorching Wand
– Widowmaker

 I like this pointy bit
Level up a melee weapon to level 20.

You will need to level up a single melee weapon to level 20. This can be done by playing a lot with a single melee weapon. 
You should also invest gold into the weapon to level it up.
The melee weapons are:

– Defender’s Insignia
– The Whirlwind
– Sword and Shield
– Frying Pan
– The Scourge
– The Kindness
– The Cyclone

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