Game: The Persistence
Peripherals: PSVR + PS4 Controller / As of 16-5-2020 the game also supports non-VR.
Time to 100%: 15 hours
Difficulty: 4
Missable trophies: None
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome at the trophy guide for The Persistence. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the campaign
Welcome to The Persistence Trophy Guide! Having trouble getting a trophy? This is the place to be. You will need to complete the campaign in stage 1. The campaign has 5 objectives that need to be completed. Each one on a different deck level.
Stage 2 – Clean-up
After you complete the campaign, a few trophies will remain unearned. You will get them in this stage. No trophies are miss-able.
Persistence Pays Dividends
Collect all trophies
You will need to collect all other trophies before the platinum will pop.
Let’s Do This
Enter Research Deck after the tutorial.
For this trophy you will need to complete the tutorial. Upon spawning you’ll need to interact with the shutter, at which point a short tale will be told. After the story, make your way to the door on the left. A short explanation will inform you about the teleportation skill, that can be activated with X. Teleport behind the barricade and make your way trough the second door. Upon entering, you’ll find the Harvester to your right on the counter. Pick it up and harvest your body while laying on the ground. After harvesting it, you can pick up the key card by looking at it. Take the key card and move towards the teleporter that is back at the starting area. Interact with it and the tutorial will finish. An Image and video can be found below.
Plot the Jump Vectors
Plot the jump vectors home on Research Deck.
For this trophy you’ll need to complete the first objective. Plot the jump vectors on the Research deck (First deck). Upon arrival, you’ll encounter a closed door. Make your way through the maintenance shaft towards the Power panel. The shaft is filled with Reaper enemies. Hit them once and they should run away. You can activate the power panel by looking at it. Now, make your way towards the IRIS panel by using the shafts again.
When you arrive at the IRIS panel, interact with it. The NPC will tell you that you should activate the Terminal for it to work. Walk towards the left and you’ll encounter a maintenance shaft (don’t use the one you came from). Make your way towards the Terminal and clear any Reapers that you encounter, then interact with the Terminal by looking at it. You will be told to return to the IRIS panel.
Interact with the IRIS panel when you arrive there in order to end the mission. Please note that 2 Berserkers will spawn at the end of the mission.
It doesn’t matter if you die here, as the level is already over.
If you have trouble following the written story, please see the visual guide below.
Mutant Madness
Refuel the Stardrive
For this trophy, you’ll need to complete the second mission of the game.
You’ll need to refuel the Stardrive by shooting enemies into the Plasma gate by using your Valkyrie gun. The Valkyrie gun can be found in the first area (1,Yellow dot). Pick up the gun and make your way back towards the Terminal (2). Upon activating the Terminal, you’ll need to shoot the power box (3). The bridge will open and you can then move forwards. Move towards the left and interact with the Ignitor (4). Now shoot a few of the enemies into the plasma gate (5) with your gun. Once you’ve shot enough into the Plasma gate, the shield will deactivate, which will allow you to move towards the area that was previously blocked by a force field. You’ll now find yourself walking towards the Plasma gate (6). Please note that a lot of enemies will spawn, and they’ll keep spawning until you’ve shot enough of them into the plasma gate (6). After you activate the Plasma gate (6) you can take a little break. The last part will require you to interact with the Ignitor (7) and shoot the enemies that spawn. The trophy will pop after you fuel up the last Plasma gate (8).
Shooting enemies into the plasma gate is best done while crouching with R3. Make sure that you are standing in a straight line.
Repair the Sensors
Repair the Sensors on Communications Deck.
For objective three you’ll need to fix the sensors on the Communications Deck, which is found on the third floor.
When you arrive on the third floor, there’ll be a huge green dot on your map . You can place a custom way-point with X while in the map menu. You wont need any weapons to complete this mission. The game will provide you with a gravity gun that has unlimited ammo for the duration of this mission. Upon arriving in the correct area you will need to fix the sensors. This is done by placing a battery into each of the correct slots.
First & Second Battery & Doors (see drawing below)
It is highly recommended that you start with the door that is marked blue with the “1d”. To Open this door, simply insert the battery that is marked with a “1” into the blue “1b” slot. The battery can be found in front of the battery slots. You can pick up the battery (1) with the gravity gun that you found on the table. When inserted, the “1d” door will open. You’ll need to pick up the battery that is in the middle of the room (marked with a “2”). Insert this battery into the “1d” battery slot.
Be very careful, enemies will spawn! You can defeat them by using your gravity gun. Pick them up with R2 and smack them to death. Smacking them requires you to move your head. You can also shoot them away, however this will cause less damage. The area is also packed with explosive red barrels. When all of the enemies are killed, the second phase will start. The start of the second phase begins when NPC starts talking to you.
The second phase is pretty much the same as the first phase. Take the battery out of the “1b” slot and insert it into the “2b” slot. This will open the “2d” door! You will notice that you are missing a battery that is needed to activate this slot. Walk towards the “3d” door and you will see that the door is half open. Behind the half open door is a battery. Grab it with your gravity gun and insert it into the battery slot in the “2d” door. Then repeat the fighting phase and survive.
Third door (see drawing below)
Now that you have completed 2 out of the 3 doors, it is time to complete the “Purple 3d” door. Pick up the Battery from the ”2b” slot and put it into the “3d” slot. NOT THE “3b” SLOT! A lot of enemies will spawn, but to deal with them you will need to make good use of the half open door from the “3d” section. Press R3 and crouch under the half open door into the “3d” area. The door won’t open and the enemies won’t be able to get through. Simply kill them all in order to complete the mission.
Last part
Now that all of the electricity is flowing, you’ll need to walk towards the door on your right. It is marked with a green dot in the drawing below. This area is unstable and will kill you over time. You will need to make it to the other side as fast as possible. The area is packed with health kits that will help you survive. You should have at least 300 to 400 health before trying this. As mentioned in the Tips section, you can upgrade this at the base. You’ll need to teleport (X) to make your way through the damaged area with a lot of obstacles. Once you arrive at the airlock door the mission will almost be over. Make sure you loot the supply crate on your left and interact with the table by looking at it.
A Fallen Hero
Find the Captain’s body on Engineering Deck
For this trophy you’ll need to find the captain on deck level 4 of the Persistence. Deck level 4 is packed with strong enemies, the hardest thing about this mission is reaching it safe and sound. The mission itself only lasts for about 3 minutes and thus is rather short.
Before completing Objective 4, please consider to do the following:
- Upgrade your weapons
- Buy some weapons before entering deck level 4
- Get some invisibility items
- Get a good upgrade on your health, stealth, dark matter and melee damage.
You’ll need a to find a keycard(1) in a area that is full with dead enemies. The keycard can be found on the left side within the area. When you activate the keycard in the terminal(2), a horde of enemies(5) will come trough the door(4). Make sure you’re ready for them. You could skip them by turning invisible. Make your way into the captain her chambers. This is done by following the path i drafted below. Take the portal (6) and then take the other portal(7). Please note that there will be a few Weapers on your way towards the captain. Upon finding the captain(9) her body, harvest her DNA by pressing square. After this the trophy should pop.
Going Home!
Complete the game.
For this trophy you’ll need to complete objective 5. This is the last objective within the game. After completing this you are considered to have completed the story line. For this trophy you need to activate the warpdrive. This can be done by heading towards the bridge. This mission will mostly be story line talking without you doing anything. When you enter the bridge you should interact with the Terminal(1). After a few seconds you’ll be able to choose between Zimri(2, Purple) and Serena(2, Red). Please remember that saving the one will leave the second one behind.
You can save the second however by completing the Super Happy ending trophy.
Super Happy Ending
Save both Serena and Zimri.
This is a trophy that *could* be part of the main story, and perhaps it is. However is this guide the trophy does not belong towards the storyline.
In the last objective you will need to save either Serena or Zimri for the Going home! trophy. The story then tells you that you can save both by continuing your way towards the terminal at the end of the hallway. You will need to fight off a few waves of enemies. There will be a lot of enemies, so make sure you have enough weapons with you. Between the waves are areas that you can use to get some weapons and health. Use them well.
You will start your fight in area 2, so make sure you buy a item in area 1. After you defeat the enemies, make your way towards area 3. In area 3 you can buy a item again, make sure you do this! Fight your way trough area 4 and you will be save in area 5. You will once be able to buy a item. Prepare for the last fight that you will encounter in the next arena. The arena has a powerfield that you can fall into, or you could toss enemies into it with a GRAV HOOK. After you kill all the enemies, interact with the Terminal and the trophy will pop.
Treasure Hunter
Open 25 supply crates
The supply crates can be found in special area’s. There are a total of 3 area’s that collect these chests. Two of them are do-able, the third one is very hard. The two easy ones will be explained in this guide. One supply crate is present on every deck. These can be identified by the exclamation mark(!) that says ” SUPPLY CRATE”. You will need to find and loot a total of 25 supply crates.
Square Area – Fighting
You will find yourself in a area with the chest. A few enemies will spawn upon entering the area. Make sure you kill the enemies and you can open the supply crate. A video can be found here.
Long stretched beam
You will need to make your way to the other side as fast as possible. The area does not have air pressure and it’s up to you to restore it.
You need at least 400 health and an upgrade towards your dark matter before you can complete this section. On your way back it is possible that enemies will spawn and you could die. This does not matter because you will already have looted the supply crate. A video can be found here.
First of Many
Make any schematic
Please see Everything is awesome! for more details on this trophy.
Make an epic schematic
Please see Everything is awesome! for more details on this trophy.
Everything is Awesome!
Make an Epic of each suit, teleporter, shield, harvester and supersense
You will have to make an epic(orange) schematic for each class. The classes are:
- Suits
- Weapon (Weapon power + Store discount boost)
- Sneak (Speed + Stealth boost)
- Vampire (HP Steal)
- Dark matter regen (dark matter regen speed + Health regen per hit)
- Survival (Armour protection + Shield recovery)
- Loot drop (Better loot chance + Higher loot drop chance)
- Teleporter
- Shield
- Harvester
- Supersense
You will have to make an epic schema for 1.1 (weapon), 1.2 (sneak), 1.3 (Vampire), 1.4 (Dark matter regen), 1.5 (Survival), 1.6 (Loot drop) + 2 (Teleporter) + 3 (Shield) + 4 (Harvester) + 5 (Supersense).
Crafting an epic schema will cost you 15.000 each. You will need a total of 150.000 Fabric for this trophy. You can farm schematics by looting supply crate’s and equipping an increased loot change schematic!
Payback Time
Unlock a weapon
Please see Full Arsenal for more details on this trophy.
Full Arsenal
Unlock all weapons
For this trophy you will need to unlock all weapons present within this game. A full list can be found in the image below.
Unlocking a weapon will cost you 1 Erebus Token per weapon. You could earn this trophy rather early within your playthrough since tokens are common. Weapons you have unlocked will be marked green, unlocked weapons will be marked red within the fabricator.
Lock and Load
Upgrade a weapon
Please see As Good as it Gets for more details on this trophy.
As Good as it Gets
Get any weapon to Max level
Upgrading a weapon can be done by pressing R1 in the fabricator. upgrading a weapon will increase it stats (Ammo, Damage, elements). A upgrade will cost you a few Erebus tokens. Whenever you upgrade a single weapon to its max level you will earn this trophy. It will cost you around 15 tokens to upgrade a weapon completely.
While playing early game, pick a weapon from each fabricator that you like the most and upgrade that weapon to the max. You will find plenty of Erebus tokens later in the game to upgrade all of your weapons.
Feeling Good
Upgrade any DNA stat
Please see Feeling Unstoppable for more details on this trophy.
Feeling Great
Upgrade each DNA stat at least once
Please see Feeling Unstoppable for more details on this trophy.
Feeling Unstoppable
Get all DNA stats to max.
For this trophy you will need to upgrade all of your DNA Stats. There are 4 DNA stats present within the game. These are:
- Health (9 upgrade levels)
- Stealth (3 upgrade levels)
- Dark Matter (3 upgrade levels)
- Melee Damage (9 upgrade levels)
After upgrading a particular DNA class, the prize will increase to upgrade that class. The level 9 of Health and Melee damage will cost you 300.000 Stem cells each.
Kill 100 enemies by harvesting their stemcells
You can kill an enemy by sneaking up behind them and pressing square. Make sure to do this a lot cause you will need the stem cells for a lot of upgrades. Kill 100 of them with this method and the trophy will be yours.
Six Shooter
Shoot and kill 6 enemies in a row, with just 6 bullets
This trophy is best earned during objective 2. You will be rewarded with a Valkyrie gun with unlimited ammo. These bolts will one shot the small enemies during this mission. Simply kill 6 in a row for this trophy to pop.
If you did not get it while doing objective 2, you can get it later on. Upgrade the Valkyrie gun and kill 6 enemies on deck level 1.
Sharp Shooter
10 headshots in a row.
This trophy sounds hard, but is extremely easy. You will need to buy the Needler gun. This gun have a basic ammo capacity of 60. Make sure you find a bloodhound enemy on the minimap. They are shown with a giant red enemy icon on the map. The bloodhound is extremely slow, making it an easy target for the 10 headset. The trophy doesn’t mention that it should be 10 headshot kills. Let the bloodhound move towards you, while keeping distance. simply shoot him 10 times in his face and the trophy will pop.
For a visual guide please see:
A Bundle of Limbs
Kill 3 enemies with the same gravity bomb.
For this trophy you will need to buy a gravity bomb at the grenade fabricator. The best location for this trophy is the area around the supply crate. 3 enemies will spawn at the same time, making it an easy target for your gravity grenade. Lure the enemies towards the grenade and teleport away with X.. This is best done on deck level 1.
For a visual guide see the video below.
Thanks, Guys!
Kill 5 enemies with the same Swarm Droid
For this trophy you will need to kill 5 enemies with one swarm droid grenade. This can be bought at the grenade fabricator. The best location is the supply crate area. Before you throw the grenade, make sure you lower the health of the enemies with the Needler.
For a visual guide, please see the video below.
That’s Gotta Hurt
Smash an enemy to death with the Gravimetric Hook
For this trophy you will need to find, or buy the Gravimetric hook. Grab an enemy with R2 and smash him to death. Smashing is done by moving your head towards the walls. It kinda feels like you are headbanging. The easiest way to get this trophy is on deck 1.
A visual guide can been seen below.
Pin two enemies with the same Valkyrie bolt
For this trophy you will need to pin two enemies with the same Valkyrie bolt. The Valkyrie bolt can be found at the Firearm fabricator. Simply line 2 enemies behind each other and shoot. This trophy is best done at deck level 1.
Stealth is for Wimps
Melee kill a Berserker with the Stem Cell Harvester
For this trophy you must kill a Beserker with the standard melee weapon. You can damage him before finishing him off with the Stem cell harvester. It is not allowed to kill him with square! It is advised that you do this on deck level 1.
Who’s a Good Boy!
Have a single Ivy Serum buddy kill 5 enemies
Buy a Ivy serum at the Melee fabricator and inject it to a Beserker. The Beserker should easily kill 5 enemies before himself dying. This is best done at deck level 1. The enemies will be weak here and the Beserker will be relative stronger.
Shields Up!
Power up any Debris Defence Shield machine
Please see Shields at Maximum trophy for more details.
Shields at Maximum
Power up all the Debris Defence Shield machines
The Debris Defense Shield machines can be found on each deck once. They can be found by opening the minimap and looking for an Exclamation mark(!) with the description “Defense Shield machine” . When you enter the room some enemies will spawn. You must kill them all. You will find a keycard on one of the dead enemies. Use this keycard to activate the machine. This is done by interacting with the desk by looking at it.
You wont have to activate it again with the keycard upon returning to the same area and deck level. You can simply look at it to gain the defense boost. This makes the Fully fortified trophy a little easier.
Fully Fortified
Use all 4 Debris Defence Shield machines on the same life
You will need to use all defense shield machines for this trophy. There is one per deck, 4 in total. It is highly advisable that you visit and activate the areas before you try this trophy. In other words: Follow the steps that are explained in the Shields at Maximum trophy before going for this trophy.
The Shield machine area can be found in the minimap by pressing square.
Please remember that locations are randomized upon death. The area’s are distinct by their square shaped figure with 2 exclamation(!) marks in them. Simply interact with the desk and the NPC will tell you that you received a shield boost. Do this for all 4 levels and you will earn this trophy.
Some tips:
- Get the Shields at Maximum trophy first before trying this trophy.
- It is not required to clear the room of enemies
- The invisible item will help you a lot, especially on deck 4.
A visual guide can be found below.
A Lost Friend
Find a crew member artefact
Please see A lost Family for more details.
A Lost Family
Find all 6 crew member artifacts
You can find crew members on all 4 decks of the game, you can only find each crew member once. To find a crew member, open your map and look for exclamation mark(!). The mark should say “Crew member artifact” . Make your way towards the artifact and find the body. You now have to harvest the body with square. Upon dying you can pick your newly found crew member.
All 6 crew members are:
- Captain Cair Amrechi
- Hai Al-Farsi
- Joe Wilson
- DR. Harmony Cantor
- Serena Karim
- DR. Gabriel Faraday
Not Feeling Myself…
Print a clone of any other crew member
Please see All the Crew for more details.
All the Crew
Print a clone of all 7 crew members
For this trophy you should play as each crew member at least once. Upon achieving the A lost family trophy you will be able to earn this trophy. You can print a clone whenever you die.
Full House
Kill one of each type of enemy
For this trophy you will need to kill each of the enemies once. There are a total of 9 enemies being:
- Beserker
- Infected Golem
- Reaper
- Weaper
- Fireball
- Infected
- Infected with Gun
- Bloodhound
- Security robot
This trophy should pop naturally without having to farm a particularly enemy.
The Ship is your friend
Use the environment to kill 10 enemies.
You will need to kill 10 enemies with environment objects. There are 2 environment objects within the game:
- Red Explosive Barrels
- Ground that is Electrified
The barrels deal the most damage. You could lure an enemy close to it, and then shoot the barrel to let it explode. The ground is also usable, although it won’t kill an enemy instantly. You should damage it before it walks over the electrified area.
For a visual guide on the electrified ground, see the video below.
Big Bad Buddy
Rage Berserkers to kill 10 enemies
You have to enrage a Beserker and let him kill 10 enemies. You can enrage a Beserker by attacking him once. When his fist start glowing with a yellow glow, he is enraged. For the Beserker to kill an enemy, you should become invisible. Let the Beserker kill any enemies within the area. After 10 kills the trophy is yours.
I found this easy to do in the trophy mission Super Happy ending.
For a visual guide see the video below.
Thank You!
Get a weeper to kill another mutant (without using Ivy Serum).
The Weeper is the lady screamer enemy. Make sure you bait an enemy with you, and move towards the Weaper. The enemy should stand closer to the Weaper then YOU are. The Weaper will attack the enemy and this trophy will be yours.
Wrong place, Wrong time
Kill an enemy with a hidden Siren Grenade.
For this trophy you will need to find a hidden siren grenade and use that to kill an enemy. These can be found within compartments that are lootable. It is highly possible that you will find such item without having an enemy around. Whenever you find the grenade, memorize the location and quit the game. Now go back to the same spot and find yourself an enemy. Lure the enemy close and loot the compartment. The grenade will explode within a few seconds. Make sure the enemy is close and let him die by the grenade.
A visual guide can be found below.
Keep Your Distance, Buddy
Use your shield 10 times against the same enemy.
For this trophy you will need to have a enemy attack your shield 10 times. You can activate your shield by pressing L2. In the early game you wont have a big shield, and you should be able to block 2 attacks. You will then need to recharge your shield. You can dodge his attacks with X.. Repeat until you hit the 10 blocks.
Later in the game you can boost your shield with picking or with a shield schematic. You can repeat the steps as described above. You should be able to tank more hits with your should before having to recharge.
This trophy is best done on deck level 1, since enemies are the weakest here.
Get fireballs to kill a total of 10 mutants
Fireballs are the yellow enemies that will explode. They can be found everywhere. This trophy should come naturally. Make sure you bait the fireball towards you while there are enemies close. The fireball will explode and kill the enemies with it. This is best done with regular infected enemies.
Teleport Technician
Visit Research and then Stardrive decks on any one life, without walking.
For this trophy you will need to go from level 1(Research deck) to level 2(Stardrive deck) without walking. This can be done by using the teleport skill with X.. It is allowed to look around with the right stick and kill enemies with square and R2. Do not use the left stick
A Visual guide can be found below:
Nah, I’m Good.
Visit all 4 Decks on any 1 life, without collecting anything or making a weapon.
For this trophy you will need to visit all 4 decks on 1 life, without collecting loot or buying any items.
The decks, in order are:
- Research deck (Level 1)
- Stardrive deck (Level 2)
- Comms deck (Level 3)
- Engineering deck (Level 4)
Starting from the spawn area, you will warp towards the Research deck. Open the map and find the Stardrive teleporter. Place your waypoint and make your way toward the Stardrive teleporter. Once reached you will teleport to deck level 2. On deck level 2 you should open the map and look for the comms teleporter. Again place your waypoint en move towards it. At last you will reach deck level 3 Comms. Now find the engineering deck teleporter and place your waypoint. Once you reach deck level 4 the trophy will pop.
For a visual guide see the video below.