Game: ArtPulse
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 30 minutes
Difficulty: 0/10
Missable trophies: None
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for Artpulse. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the tutorial.
Completing the tutorial will earn you the following trophies:
1. Flat (Create a flat square).
2. Full Arsenal (Have all quick binds in use).
3. I like this one (Quick bind a tool, shape or color).
4. Favorite color (Use the color picker to quick bind a color).
The tutorial will tell you what to do exactly, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled ingame for hints and tips. When you have earned all 4 trophies mentioned above, you can press Options and start a new game as explained in Stage 2.
Stage 2 – Complete Cinematic Mode.
Turn on Cinematic Mode and you will earn the following trophies after 3 minutes:
1. Beginner (Start the game).
2. Big Bang (Have 3 spinning tops go off within 5 seconds of each other).
3. Cinema (Finish cinematic mode).
4. Black and White (Create an artwork using only black and white colors).
5. The End (Witness your artwork decay into nothingness).
Press options and enable the options “EXPERIENCE” & “CINEMATIC” . Make sure “NO DECAY” is turned off. Now press Continue. Enjoy the experience and after 3 minutes all of the above trophies will have popped.
Stage 3 – Clean up the remaining trophies
The remaining trophies are:
1. A little bit of everything (Have one object of each type in your artwork).
2. Space (Create an artwork using only shootings starts and blackholes).
3. Freedom! (Draw total of 100 meters of color bar with free draw tool).
After you complete the 3 minute Cinematic Mode, start a new game. Make sure only the 3 minute experience is enabled.
While active, do the following:
Place 2 blackholes and shoot a bunch of stars into the air. Now wait for 3 minutes in order to pop the trophies.
After the trophies pop, press Options and start a new game once more. Now make sure to place each object at least once. There are a total of 8 different objects. (The circle has 2 options). This will earn you the trophy ” A little bit of everything”.
Now for the last trophy you will need to draw a total of 100 meter color bar. Select the middle icon (line) and hold the draw button while moving forward. This will earn you the Freedom! trophy once you reach 100 meters.

True Artist
Earn all other Trophies.

A little bit of everything
Have one object of each type in your artwork.
You will need to place an object of each, a total of 8.
1. Shooting Star.
2. Triangle.
3. Tornado.
4. Free Line.
5. Black Hole.
6. Music Ball.
7. Erase Tool (Not really an object, it erases other objects).
8. Square.

Finish the experience in cinematic mode.
Press Options, then enable cinematic mode & 3 minute experience. Now wait for 3 minutes and this trophy will trigger.

I like this one
Quick bind a tool, shape or color
Open the menu (either shapes or color), aim at the object and press either square, circle or X.

The End
Witness your artwork decay into nothingness
Disable the “No decay” options, place an object and wait for a minute or two.

Draw total of 100 meters of color bar with free draw tool
From the objects, select object 4 (Free line) and draw a total of 100 meters.

Big bang!
Have 3 spinning tops go off within 5 seconds of each other.
From the object, select object 3 (tornado) and place a bunch of them. They will go off 5 seconds of each other, earning you this trophy.

Create a flat square with the cube tool
From the tools, select option 8 (square) and instantly place it without resizing it, earning you this trophy.

Full arsenal
Have all quick binds in use
Enable all quick binds on both motion controllers. Square, circle and X for the colors on the left hand, and square, circle and X for the shapes on the right hand.

Black and White
Create an artwork using only black and white colors
Enable 3 minute experience, and place a bunch of black & white shapes in the arena. Now wait 3 minutes and this trophy will pop.

Create an artwork using only shootings stars and blackholes
Enable 3 minute experience, and place shooting stars (tool, number 1) and a black hole (Tool, number 5, left option) in the arena. Now wait 3 minutes and this trophy will pop.

Favorite color
Use the color picker to quick bind a color
Refer to “Full arsenal” for more information on this trophy.

I don’t like you anymore
Use the Vacuum tool to destroy the last placed object
Place any object, then use the Vacuum tool (number 7) to erase it.

Start the game for the first time
Start the Cinematic experience via options and this trophy will pop.