Game: The Wreck Peripherals: – Time to Platinum: 4-5 hours Difficulty: 1/10 Missable trophies: “Dr. Dolittle”, “Deer Crossing” and “Heartsnatcher” (there are also three ending trophies) Trophies: 1 , 11 , 0 , 1 Author: Trophy Platypus
Welcome to the trophy guide for The Wreck. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Play all 5 chapters and get all 3 endings.
Welcome to the trophy guide and walkthrough for The Wreck, a narrative driven game by The Pixel Hunt. The game has 3 very missable trophies: “Dr. Dolittle”, “Deer Crossing” and “Heartsnatcher”. All of these can be missed if you spam the X button and miss the dialogue that unlocks them. Additionally, the game has three different endings ,each of which comes with a trophy, those being “Mommie Dearest”, “Kill Bill” or “Unbreakable“. It is best to make a cloud save when you reach the point of having to choose either ‘Hope, Agree or Refuse’ choosing one of the endings and then downloading your cloud save. If you do not make a cloud save you will have to replay the whole of Chapter 5.
Chapter 1
Hospital Scene What? Fainted Honestly Sure Yes, I’m sure. I’m good Better I’ll be out in just a second. “We”? Trophy “Concussion” Fuck Surprise Laugh Screenplay Saddest Why do you think I’m here? Long term Impaired Impacts the body Holy Fucking Shit Shit …to be in Moma. The artist Yep, THE Marie Demange! I.. Uhh… yeah, I suppose Car Scene Running away Again Flashback L2 Rewind Shadow L2 Paintings Birds L2 Marie L2 Nest L2 Mobile L2 Birds L2 Suitcase L2 Garden door L2 Kill L2 All or nothing Hospital Scene All or nothing I… I think You get used to it Is this it? Bawling my eyes out I’m suffering I have to go in But I can’t
Chapter 2
Trophy “Frozen” Diane Love Hey Dididou Script Worry And how are you? Diane’s job Physical therapist Oh Diane, I’m sorry I knew it Look I’m sure you’re upset Oh no… Seriously Idiot Ah damn, you noticed How I feel Not entirely wrong Ok maybe I am a little distant Five years Can’t be Five Years Where are you going with this? You had to go there, didn’t you? Car Scene Honest Have to Click on Shell L2 Fertile L2 Safe L2 Immortal L2 Loved L2 In real life L2 Doomed L2 Prey L2 Rotten L2 Cooked Traditional L2 In my head L2 Alone L2 Alone L2 Alone L2 Alone L2 Alone L2 I feel alone Canteen I feel nothing Sensitive Yup, that’s me, so fragile That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me Are you bitter right now? Stay calm Junon Uhh… What’s that supposed to mean? You know what? Car Scene Stupid Can’t help it Click on Lighter L2 Alex L2 Exuberant The rebels L2 Coming out Marie Perfect (x2) Clumsy L2 Gift Present Like L2 Accident Marie L2 Concerned L2 Wasted Drunk L2 Close Choirgirl Lower our guard Crying L2 Stop Diane L2 Arson Marie L2 Trust me Canteen Trust me Secret Whatever Tense Fault Hamster Trophy “Dr Dolittle” Race Didn’t care Some days it was hard You know your mother You can’t always DSO something you know? Could have died That day Hospital So it’s all my fault then? Car Scene Freak out She’s right Click on the Mints R2 Family Click on the Seashell R2 Cannibal Click on the Lighter R2 Strong R2 Care Care Marie Furious Biblical What are you talking about? Alex Agreed In private
Chapter 3
Trophy “Drive” I have no idea where that house is… Good The chance It was.. very nice The day we met That was a million years ago Yes… I think I do Car Why not Right Click on Book Alone L2 Self help A joke A book Emergency library L2 Fiction L2 Terrifying R2 Alive L2 Insomnia R2 Writing Personal R2 Dependent Alex L2 Boxes Those boxes R2 Mug R2 Break down Devastated R2 From the ground up From the ground up I didn’t need help Without you Live Be loved Love myself Without (1st one) Without you I miss you That’s besides the point Why Figuring stuff out Figured it out (x3) If only it were that simple I’m sorry You don’t understand anything Car Alone Ever Click on Hairbrush Pauline Since high school Great R2 Work About you R2 Dollhouse You passed R2 House L2 Moved on L2 Melancholy L2 Comfort L2 Cocaine See some Silence R2 He loves me I hate him He hates me L2 Sex I kissed him He kissed me R2 I love him I am hurt L2 He’s hurt too He’s hurt too I did Check Inquire Assess Ask Are you sure about that? No, maybe not. Out of there Antidote Us You can take care of yourself I’m going to hang up now… Relief Harsh She loved him Alex, this is my mother we’re talking about. Weird I actually don’t know Are we keeping score? Car Scene Asshole Bring you up Click on Pocket mirror L2 Marie L2 Junon L2 Astrid L2 Alex L2 Astrid L2 Alex L2 Marie L2 Junon L2 Alex L2 Marie L2 Alex L2 Junon L2 Junon The rest L2 Alex L2 Marie L2 Astrid L2 Marie Something L2 Not anymore Not anymore I needed that Lost touch Talked Art Jealous Last Next day I hated it That was the trigger Save me Fishing out corpses This story Terrible Sells it Article Understand Cry Once Third If you’re crying, I’m going to cry too Since last week The lookout Driving Face Screaming Oh dear (x4) A deer Magnificent Trophy “Deer Crossing” What are you doing over there? OK but still? You are not an issue Amnesia Black hole One question That was… really shitty It takes time… Car Scene Bad feeling Click on Book R2 Writer Click on Hairbrush L2 Love Click on lighter L2 Truth L2 Unbroken Unbroken Do you remember my stalker? We did what we could It scares me too Dead Scares I’d like to know as well Intense Before Before you were born Rooftop Scene Anyone there? Astrid No (x2) Car Scene What happened that day?
Chapter 4
Trophy “The Sixth Sense” What the..? Listen here missy. You’ve grown up so much! Forget it. I’m lost I was so terrified… I abandoned you. I feel the shards of glass. Car Scene What happened that day? Click on Sunglasses L2 Ceremony 12 Ashes Diane Donny Liberation L2 Beach day 3 Sand Shell Summer Happiness R2 Way home zero Poem Urn Empty Void L2 Self Portrait Inspiration Vulnerable Writing L2 Wrong R2 Still with me Still with me Manchester by the sea I think about your laugh I think about your little doodles… I think about your birthday pizza You’re not even real Ninjappalooza Inspector Drunkass Everything I write sucks I’m so happy to see you! Typical me I’m sorry That wasn’t a joke No… Stop it… Car Scene Think She What happened that day? Click on Phone L2 To be a mother Good mom? L2 The gig L2 Positive Surprise L2 Brave L2 Success L2 To be a mother L2 The rest of the world L2 Mobile Marie Unexpected L2 Climate change L2 Afraid Everything else L2 Mistake My room L2 Not enough Not enough I read a book She starts imagining things… She locks them up in cages She eats rotten meat It was really hard You gave me so much energy You might have been a goth teenager Trophy “Heartsnatcher” Do you think it’s that easy? I know you don’t deserve that.. Car Scene What happened that day? Click on Brush R2 Mommy Click on Phone R2 Daddy Click on Mirror R2 Astrid and daddy R2 Astrid and mommy R2 Astrid R2 Beam of sunlight Beam of sunlight You know what I mean The accident It was an accident
Chapter 5
Trophy “The Artist” Click on Rosary beads R2 Jesus R2 Drawing R2 Privacy R2 Father R2 Secret Mother The Slap R2 Betrayed L2 Femininity R2 Meat R2 The Slap R2 Cross R2 Running away R2 Unfair Click on Mint tin R2 Lie Click on Lighter R2 Pulsion Click on shell R2 Change Click on Book R2 Need Click on Hairbrush Loving Click on Rosary beads R2 Curse Click on Mirror R2 Help Click on Sunglasses R2 Competition Click on Phone R2 Family Click on Car key Need Pulsion Competition Help Family Curse Change Loving Lie Your fault Make A Cloud Save Hope I understand what you’re missing… Confirm Trophy “Adaptation” Trophy “Unbreakable”
Download Cloud Save Refuse I can’t give you what you want Confirm Trophy “Mommie Dearest”
Download Cloud Save Agree Very well Marie. We agree Confirm Trophy “Kill Bill” Trophy “The NeverEnding Story”
The NeverEnding Story Congratulations!
Concussion Meet Dr Diagana. Get punched in the guts.
Story related. Unlocks in Chapter 1.
Frozen Meet Diane. Fail to warm her up.
Story related. Unlocks in Chapter 2.
Dr. Dolittle Witness unsupervised animal experiments.
Missable. Unlocks in Chapter 2. Please refer to the walkthrough above for how to unlock.
Drive Meet Alex. Or is it Ryan Gosling?
Story related. Unlocks in Chapter 3.
Deer Crossing The only moment when the deer does in fact not cross the road.
Missable. Unlocks in Chapter 3. Please refer to the walkthrough above for how to unlock.
The Sixth Sense She’s not a ghost.
Story related. Unlocks in Chapter 4.
Heartsnatcher It’s a weird book but you should read it. Really.
Missable. Unlocks in Chapter 4. Please refer to the walkthrough above for how to unlock.
The Artist Meet Marie and find out whether it’s all black and white.
Story related. Unlocks in Chapter 5.
Mommie Dearest The closest this will ever get to a coming of age story.
1/3 endings. Unlocks in Chapter 5 when choosing the following options:
Refuse I can’t give you what you want Confirm
Kill Bill The closest this will ever get to a vengeance movie.
1/3 endings. Unlocks in Chapter 5 when choosing the following options:
Agree Very well Marie. We agree Confirm
Unbreakable The closest this will ever get to a happy ending.
1/3 endings. Unlocks in Chapter 5 when choosing the following options: