Splash Cars Trophy Guide

Game: Splash Cars
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 60-90 minutes
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1, 8 , 10 , 0
Author: The Trophy Platypus

Welcome to the trophy guide for Splash Cars. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Complete the first 15 levels.

Welcome to this trophy guide for Splash Cars from EastAsiaSoft. The main aim of the game is to drive your car across the map, while leaving a trail of paint and coloring in as much of the map as possible.

The main trophies to work towards are “Level Master III” for completing level 15 and “Star Gazer III” for completing 8 levels with 3 stars. The trophies for collecting power-ups, coins and traveling miles will come while working on these trophies. You should also upgrade to any car you are able to purchase to make painting the map easier.

At the start of each level, target the NPC cars that are not police cars, as they will clean your paint and reduce your percentage. When you convert them by splashing them with paint, they will aid you in coloring in the map, so it is best to convert them as soon as you can. Additionally, the bigger NPC cars stick only to the roads and will do a good job of coloring in the roads, so do not waste too much fuel coloring in the roads and instead focus on weaving in between all the houses and other obstacles where the NPC vehicles will not paint. The smaller tractor-like NPCs once converted will also weave in-between obstacles but do not cover so much ground.

After a few levels you will not be able to get 3 stars immediately without upgrading to a better car. Therefore you should not waste time trying to get three stars the first time you play a level, it is best to progress through the game and return to easier levels with a better car that has more efficient fuel consumption. The game will also offer you to purchase refills if you do not achieve three stars, these go up in price each time you buy one and do not give you that much fuel, so only buy them if you are a few percent away from getting the third star.

Color Speedster
Unlock all other trophies.

Here in my car, I feel safest of all. I can lock all my doors, it is the only way to live…

Level Master I
Finish level 5.

Finish the 5th level with at least 1 star to unlock this trophy.

Level Master II
Finish level 10.

Finish the 10th level with at least 1 star to unlock this trophy.

Level Master III
Finish level 15.

Finish the 15th level with at least 1 star to unlock this trophy.

Coin Hunter I
Collect a total of 1,000 coins.

Please refer to the “Coin Hunter III” trophy.

Coin Hunter II
Collect a total of 10,000 coins.

Please refer to “Coin Hunter III” for more information on this.

Coin Hunter III
Collect a total of 20,000 coins.

Coins can be earned in different ways, either by driving over them while playing a level, as a reward for completing a level, and for completing accomplishments. Collecting 20,000 coins will come very easily as you complete the first 15 levels and get 3 stars on 8 levels.

Speedy Collector I
Collect 6 power ups with your car.

Please refer to the “Speedy Collector III” trophy.

Speedy Collector II
Collect 18 power ups with your car.

Please refer to “Speedy Collector III” for more information on this.

Speedy Collector III
Collect 48 power ups with your car.

Power ups will appear while playing levels, you should always aim to pick them up whenever you see them as they help with painting the map. Using 48 power ups will come easily before finishing the first 15 levels.

Miles Traveler I
Reach 10,000 miles.

Please refer to “Miles Traveler” for more information on this.

Miles Traveler II
Reach 50,000 miles.

Please refer to the “Miles Traveler III” trophy.

Miles Traveler III
Reach 100,000 miles.

100,000 miles sounds like a lot, but this should come easily before you complete level 15 and you should not have to grind for it.

Star Gazer I
Reach a 3-star rating.

Please refer to the “Star Gazer III” trophy.

Star Gazer II
Reach four 3-star ratings.

Please refer to “Star Gazer III” for more information on this.

Star Gazer III
Reach eight 3-star ratings.

If playing the NA version make sure you are playing on the version 1.01 and above as this trophy was glitched on launch. The devs have now patched the problem and the trophy unlocks fine.

To get a 3-star rating, you have to paint a certain percent of the map, this will not always be possible when you first unlock a level. Therefore your aim should be to unlock the next level and next cars and then purchase a better car and return to earlier levels if you found the 3-star target unobtainable at first.

Car Owner I
Own the car Bug.

The Bug is the first car you can purchase, it costs 149 coins.

Car Owner II
Own the car Petite.

Petite is the third car you can purchase, it costs 699 coins once you have unlocked the option to buy it.

Car Owner III
Own the car Supremer.

Supremer is the fifth car you can purchase, it costs 930 coins once you have unlocked the option to buy it.

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