Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 2 minutes
Difficulty: 0/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1, 11
, 1
, 2
Welcome to the trophy guide for Quick Mafs Advanced
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Stage 1 – Complete the game
To earn the platinum trophy in Quick Mafs advanced, you’ll need to do the following:
– Complete 75 games of “Advanced Examples” (%, /, *, +, -)
– Complete 50 games of “Division” (/)
– Complete 50 games of “Modulo” (%)
You can skip all equations by pressing R1 and trophies will still pop! This will make the platinum trophy earnable in 2 minutes.
The Modulo equation can be new to players, and works as followed: It is the same as a Division, only you’ll write down the remainder of the sum. For instance:
60%7 = 4 (7*8=56, 4 left)
3%2 = 1 (1*2=2, 1 left)
24%3 = 0 (3*8, 0 left)
All trophies are intentionally left blank.

Here we have it!
Collect all trophies

75 advanced examples
Solve or skip 75 advanced examples

50 advanced examples
Solve or skip 50 advanced examples

25 advanced examples
Solve or skip 25 advanced examples

15 advanced examples
Solve or skip 15 advanced examples

10 advanced examples
Solve or skip 10 advanced examples

50 Division examples
Solve or skip 50 division examples

25 Division examples
Solve or skip 25 division examples

15 Division examples
Solve or skip 15 division examples

10 Division examples
Solve or skip 10 division examples

50 modulo examples
Solve or skip 50 modulo examples

25 modulo examples
Solve or skip 25 modulo examples

You are breathtaking!
Complete your first example

15 modulo examples
Solve or skip 15 modulo examples

10 modulo examples
Solve or skip 10 modulo examples