Game: No Longer Home
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 45 minutes
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: Answer a Call, Trip to the Shed, Meet Esther, Meet Aya, Meet Gi, Meet Lu
Trophies: 1 , 11
, 1
, 0
Author: Trophy Platypus, edited by BloodDragooner
Welcome to the trophy guide for No Longer Home. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Play the game making a cloud save after the BBQ.
Welcome to the trophy guide for No Longer Home by Humble Grove and published by Fellow Traveller. A point and click adventure game. Overall the game is fairly straight forward and is mostly dialogue with a few interactive scenes.
At the start the game will ask you if you want to play the Prologue which you should do so to unlock the trophy “Stargazing”
There are six trophies which are missable: “Answer a Call“, “Trip to the Shed“, “Meet Esther“, “Meet Aya”. You will unlock two of them, but will be locked out from the other two. Unfortunately, the chapter select just restarts you back at the beginning of the game so it’s worth making a cloud save after the BBQ and before playing the
To unlock the trophies “Answer a Call“ and “Meet Esther”
[Tiff]: I’m sure we can’t get lost if we just keep heading straight.
[Ao] Well, obviously we can’t just ignore that phone.
[nana] Why don’t we check if that phone works? I think I see a phone book.
After some more dialogue
[Ao] Finally some adventure! Let’s check out the cave.
[Tiff] Press button in elevator
[Bo] Huh looks like the plant room I used to service with my dad.
Once you unlocked both of these trophies, close the game and download your cloud save and choose the following options.
To unlock the trophies “Trip to the Shed“ and “Meet Aya”
[Amy] Erm… it’s getting late right? Maybe we could stay in that cabin?
[Tiff] “We may as well have a little peak in the shed”
[Amy] Maybe we could find a house somewhere on that street?
[Nana] Is there a way into one of the houses?
[Nana] Why don’t we just try talking to the woman?
[Amy] We should probably say something right?
[Tiff] I don’t think they’re paying any attention to us.
[Tiff] Hold the phone. A fox god?
The remaining two missable trophies are very straight forward. For “Meet Gi” – After playing ‘Among the leaves’, head into the room in the hallway next to the radiator and speak with Gi. And “Meet Lu” – After the long conversation in the bedroom, you will wake up the next day. Head to the final room in the hallway before the exit. Enter the room and speak with Lu.

All Packed Up
Obtain all trophies.
Time to go home.

Finished Friary Road.
At the start of the game, it will ask if the player wants to play the prologue. Select yes and the trophy will unlock at the end.

Unknown Geometry
Found some unknown geometry.
Story related. Interact with the unknown geometry in the bedroom.

Have a BBQ
Had the last barbecue at no. 29.
Story related. Unlocks after having the last BBQ.

Play a Game
Played Among the Leaves.
Story related. Unlocks after playing the text based game “Among the leaves”. Please read the Missable trophies section in the walkthrough above to save time as there are four trophies of which you will only be able to unlock two of in one run.

Try to Sleep
Had a long conversation in bed.
Story related. In the bedroom, exhaust all dialogue.

Leave the House
Finished No Longer Home.
Story related. Unlocks on completing the game.

Answer a Call
Answered the ringing phone.
Please read the missable trophies section in the walkthrough above to save time. During the “Among the Leaves” section, choose the following dialogue options:
[Tiff]: I’m sure we can’t get lost if we just keep heading straight.
[Ao] Well, obviously we can’t just ignore that phone.
[nana] Why don’t we check if that phone works? I think I see a phone book.

Trip to the Shed
Visited the shed.
Please read the missable trophies section in the walkthrough above to save time. During the “Among the Leaves” section, choose the following dialogue options:
[Amy] Erm… it’s getting late right? Maybe we could stay in that cabin?
[Tiff] “We may as well have a little peak in the shed”

Meet Esther
Found Esther in the plant room.
Please read the missable trophies section in the walkthrough above to save time. During the “Among the Leaves” section, choose the following dialogue options:
[Ao] Finally some adventure! Let’s check out the cave.
[Tiff] Press button in elevator
[Bo] Huh looks like the plant room I used to service with my dad.

Meet Aya
Met Aya at the shrine.
Please read the missable trophies section in the walkthrough above to save time. During the “Among the Leaves” section, choose the following dialogue options:
[Amy] Maybe we could find a house somewhere on that street?
[Nana] Is there a way into one of the houses?
[Nana] Why don’t we just try talking to the woman?
[Amy] We should probably say something right?
[Tiff] I don’t think they’re paying any attention to us.
[Tiff] Hold the phone. A fox god?

Meet Lu
Met your new flatmate Lu.
After the long conversation in the bedroom, you will wake up the next day. Head to the final room in the hallway before the exit. Enter the room and speak with Lu.

Meet Gi
Visited Gi’s abode.
After playing “Among the leaves”, head into the room in the hallway next to the radiator and speak with Gi.