Jets’N’ Guns 2 Trophy Guide

Game: Jets’N’Guns
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 6-8 hours
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 3 , 16 , 20
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for Jets’N’Guns. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – The campaign

Welcome to the Jets’N’Guns trophy guide! You’ll be looking at a lengthy campaign in where you need to cycle the game 10 times in order to reach the hardest difficulty required for the trophy “I have the power!“. It is highly recommended that you do the following during your first run:

Start the game on normal difficulty. We’ll do a separate hardcore run.
– Collect all cargo
– Collect all Hitchhikers
– Collect all hidden Ducks
– Replay a couple of boss levels, you’ll need to kill a 100 total overall

Take note that you can upgrade weapons and equipment in the shop! You’ll earn money by getting high scores. When cycling to a new difficulty, all money can be re-earned.

The following build is advised in order to beat the higher difficulties:
Equipment: Blast projector, Circulus, G.E.M. Connector, Armor, Bomb Duplicator, Shield
Primairy weapon (middle): Fireball
Side + back weapons: Electroball + 1 Rammer
GEMS: Anarchon (4x)
Antimatter devices: Energy Barrier & Focus
Missle: Tigerfun
Bomb: Godfinger

Stage 2 – Collectibles

Level 1 & 2
Level 1 – Star City 17
Rubber Ducky #1 – At the beginning of the level, blast away the upper section.
Cargo #1: Shoot the sign as you exit Tunnel A.
Rubber Ducky #2 – Just past the first checkpoint in the upper part of the level.
Hitchhiker #1 – At the same spot as the Rubber Ducky, but instead at the lower section of the level

Level 2 – Skyway Alpha
Rubber Ducky #1 – At the VERY start of the level, go down as you exit the tunnel
Rubber Ducky #2 – Just past the first checkpoint, keep towards the upper part of the level
Hitchhiker #2 – A tiny bit past the first Rubber Ducky. Keep towards the upper section of the level
Rubber Ducky #3 – Past the second checkpoint. Keep towards the upper part of the level. There are 2 gas tanks you need to destroy in order to reach the ducky

Level 3 & 4
Level 3 – Pirate Base
Rubber Ducky #1 – At the start of the level, blow up the bridge with a bomb
Hitchhiker #3 – A bit further, blow up a bridge again to access the Hitch-Hiker
Secret level: Blow up the station just before you need to head down, pick up the orb!
Cargo: After exiting the underground section, destroy the plane parked on the rock.

Level 4 – Xmas Mayhem (Secret/Hidden)
Collecting all collectibles in this level will unlock 4 x-mas pieces that unlock the trophy “Set for victory” once equipped.
100/100 Gifts: Throughout the level, required for the “Set for Victory
Rubber Ducky #1: Around the start of the levels, below the floating island. Blow up the bridge and you’ll find the first ducky in the water.
Cargo #1: In front of the factory.
Rubber Ducky #2: Just past the first checkpoint you need to go down in order to progress the level. Instead, go straight and you’ll find a ducky close to the mountain top.
Rubber Ducky #3: As you exit the underground section, go straight up and you’ll find it.
Cargo #2: Inside the crater, underneath the water.

Level 5 & 6
Level 5 – Moon Colony
Hitchhiker #4: At the start of the level you’ll see a tiny crater. Destroy the bridge to access it.
Hidden Ducky #1: A bit further, just before you reach the checkpoint. You’ll see two round containers. Blow them up and you’ll find your ducky.
Cargo: Once you enter the tunnel, a bit after, you’ll see a shaft going up. You’ll find the cargo container there.
Hidden Ducky #2: Once inside, blow up the green hazard containing fluids to reveal the last ducky.

Level 6 – Asteroid Field
Cargo: Destroy the rock in the upper field level
Hitchhiker #5: Early in the levels, on the bottom behind a giant asteroid.
Secret Level: Destroy the asteroid with the mysterious logo on it.
Hidden Ducky #1: Past the first checkpoint, towards the end of the level; destroy a giant asteroid on the bottom side of the level.

Level 7 & 8
Level 7 – Cloning Lab (Hidden/Secret)
Hitchhiker: At the start of the level, all the way up
Cargo: You’ll need to destroy the device sending out the red laser. There is only a tiny gap to reach it.
Duck #1: Destroy the platform and the device above where the many moon people are standing.
Duck #2: Enter the shaft of the building and fly towards the exit.

Level 8 – Water World
Cargo: Destroy the device underneath the water and pick it up
Duck #1: underneath the “Tractor”
Duck #2: As you exit the underwater section, fly straight up
Hitchhiker: Above the spawning point of the giant enemy. Destroy the building in order to reach the hitchhiker.

Level 9 & 10
Level 9 – Giganteria
Duck #1: Inside a gap
Hitchhiker: Same gap!
Duck #2: A bit further, destroy the building
Hidden level: A bit further, destroy the buildings on the bottom side.

Level 10 – Galactic Gumball (Hidden/Secret)
No secrets to be found here

Level 11 & 12
Level 11 – Beer Empire
Duck #1: Destroy the pipes on the upper side.
Cargo: On the bottom side, destroy some buildings
Duck #2: upper side, you’ll need to destroy some buildings in order to enter a tiny vent
Hitchhiker: Shortly after exiting the vent, go to the bottom section.

Level 12 – Quantum base
Duck #1: You’ll see a giant rocket on the ground, facing up. Destroy it.
Cargo #1: Destroy a building
Hitchhiker: Middle/upper area; on a rock.
Cargo #1: In the middle, destroy a laser gun in order to pick it up

Level 13 & 14
Level 13 – Holographic space
Duck #1: The top of the map
Hitchhiker: Once you reach the laser section, top of the map.
Duck #2: During the boss fight, second phase, top of the map.

Level 14 – Insectoid Colony
Duck #1: Bottom of the map, underneath a rock.
Hitchhiker: Inside a little cave, you’ll have to fly backwards.
Duck #2: In between purple slimes, underneath a rock
Cargo: Go to the top of the map, shoot the slimes.

Level 15
Level 15 – Necrodrois H.Q.
Cargo: Upper part of the level
Duck #1: Just past the Star Wars Easter egg, destroy the building
Hitchhiker: Below the bridge
Duck #2 Take the small upper entrance towards the tunnel.

Stage 3 – Hardcore mode

Hardmode only gives you a single life. Dying means to start over. Luckily, we can rely on our trusty “save to cloud” method to build in a failsafe. Below is a walkthrough on what to buy/upgrade after each level.

Level 1 – Star City 17
Just play, no options to buy anything yet!
Buy the Viper Gun and equip it in the empty front slot.
Save to cloud/usb-stick

Level 2 – Skyway Alpha
Buy the Clint Chaingun and replace it for the main gun (Pea shooter)
Upgrade the Clint Chaingun three times.
Sell the Peagun you replaced
Buy the Incubus (missiles)
If you still got cash remaining, upgrade the peaguns both once.
Save to cloud

Level 3 – Pirate Base
Take the upper route upon leaving the underground section to avoid the orange laser!
Buy the Daisycutter & Clint Chaingun
Sell the Peagun and Viper gun.
Buy the Baker (bomb) and sell the B-1 Bombs
Buy the Armor (equipment)
Upgrade the Daisycutter and Clint chaingun
Save to the cloud

Level 4 – Moon Colony
Buy the Pink Panther, Sell the Clint Chaingun
Upgrade the Pink Panther
Buy the Hull Boost (Devices)
Buy the Cooling fan and Circulus(equipment)
Upgrade the incubus (missiles)
Upgrade the Baker Bombs
Save to the cloud

Level 5 – Asteroid Field
Buy the Skywalker HG and sell the Clint Chaingun
Upgrade the armor + Circulus both once
Save to the cloud

Level 6 – Water world
This level has a difficulty spike. Be extra careful with the levels and its boss!
Buy the Superkiller and sell the Daisycutter
Buy the Cauldron and sell the Baker Bomb
Buy the Shield (equipment) and upgrade it twice
Upgrade the cooling fan once
Save to the cloud

Level 7 – Giganteria
Buy the Blackfirst and sell the Pink Panther
Upgrade the Blackfirst and Superkiller
Buy the Scavenger (equipment) and upgrade it fully.
Buy the heat sink (GEM) once for the Skywalker HG (one of your side guns)
Upgrade the energy Barrier once.
Save to the cloud

Level 8 – Beer Empire
Buy Homing missiles and sell the Incubus
Buy another heatsink for the Superkiller
Buy the Missile Buster for the Blackfist
Buy the VX Master Blaster and sell the Skywalker HG
Upgrade the VX Master Blaster (side gun)
Buy the Nanomachines (equipment) and upgrade it twice
Save to the cloud

Level 9 – Quantum Base
Buy the autotracker and equip it in the backslot
Buy the Toxican cannon and equip it in the backslot
Save to the cloud

Level 10 Holographic space
Buy the Zombie Blues and sell the Blackfist
Upgrade both Zombie Blues and Toxican Cannon
Upgrade the Circulus, Cooling fan and armor
Save to the cloud

Level 11 – Insectoid Colony
Buy and upgrade the Travolta bombs
Save to the cloud

Necroid H.Q.
Buy the Phoenix missiles and sell the Homing Missiles.
Upgrade the Phoenix.
Save to the cloud

Invasion Battleship

Shine on you crazy diamond
Collect all trophies

I have the power!
Reach the Ultimate difficulty (Difficulty 10) in Standard or Hardcore mode.

Once you reach the first level of the ultimate difficulty, the trophy will pop.

  1. Normal
  2. Hard
  3. Nightmare
  4. Hell
  5. Insane
  6. Inhuman
  7. Apocalypse
  8. God
  9. Impossible
  10. Ultimate

I got balls of steel
Win the campaign in Hardcore mode.

Refer to Stage 3.

Legendary warrior of legends
Kill 100 bosses.

You’ll need to cycle the game 10 times to reach difficulty level 10. You should be close to 60 bosses by then. The easiest way to farm bosses is while still at the easiest difficulty at your first cycle.

Levels with bosses are:

Star City 17 – RX-TDY Bomber & B-BOB – Fighter Jet (2 bosses from cycle 2)
Pirate Base – Kong 25
Moon Colony – Necrodroid Titan
Water World –
Giganteria – Alpha Giganotor
Beer Empire – Beer Panzer
Holographic Space – The Construct
Insectoid Colony – Insectoid Queen
Invasion Battleship – Invasion Battleship

Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist
Reach 10 millions score.

You will earn this without any problem while cycling trough the difficulties.

Finish level without killing anything.

Easiest level to earn this is the level “Galactic Gumball” which is a secret racing level.

The hero we needed
Win the campaign.

Beat the campaign on normal difficulty.

Drunken master
Finish a level while being drunk.

You’ll be able to find beer when opening cargo crates. Select the beer and then press drink.

Unlock 25 cargo crates.

Cargo crates van be found in several levels, as listed in stage 1. You will need to buy the Atarix 2000 for 5000 gold in order to crack them open. For each crate you crack manual, you’ll get +10% auto crack chance with a total of 100%. That means you can open them with 100% succes rate after 10 manual cracks.

Reach score 10.000 in Mortal Tetrix.

You will need to boot up the Atari 2000 and play Mortal Tetrix. 10.000 points is quite a lot and requires some serious playtime.
Each shape has a unique “power” that can be used. As shown in the image below, it’s the move called Cannonball. It’s activated by pressing down, left, up, right, down.

Burn baby burn
Reach 999 heat.

For this trophy you’ll need to equip the “El Diablo” which allows you to reach 999 heat. It’s done in the practice range, access from the shop menu. Also equip a heal and some guns that generate heat.

In practice mode, you have unlimited access to your heals, so you won’t die. Now keep shooting and healing yourself until you reach 999 heat.

Don’t panic
Find all hitchhikers.

Refer to Stage 1 for an overview of all hitchhikers.

Gotta find them all
Find all secrets.

Refer to Stage 1 for an overview of all hidden duckies/cargo crates.

I am ripper, tearer, slasher
Kill 10 thousand enemies.

Don’t worry about this trophy, you’ll get this with ease.

I will survive!
Absorb 10 thousand damage in total.

Absorb a total of 10.000 damage in total, for instance with the “Shield” available as equipment.

Floating like a butterfly
Win a level without being hit.

Easiest level to earn this is the level “Galactic Gumball” which is a secret racing level. Blocking damage with the “Shield” equipment doesn’t void this trophy!

Just keep winning, winning, winning
Win 100 levels.

You will need to cycle 10 times the world in order to reach level 10 difficulty. You will get this while doing your cycles.

Bug, out of luck
Defeat Insectoid Queen from Insect Colony.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

All the gifts for meee!
Collect 100 gift packages in Xmas Mayhem level.

During the secret Xmas Mayhem level you will need to collect a total of 100 gifts in order to earn this trophy.
Enemies will spawn them as you destroy them. Make sure to stick closely to them, otherwise the gifts will drop, and you won’t be able to pick them up.

Sledge to the edge
Save the sledger before the tragic end.

This trophy is earned in the secret X-mas level. Just before the boss fight (and its checkpoint) you can see a sledge coming down the mountain. Clear the slope of obstacles so that it can reach the end.

Clone war
Find a secret Cloning facility.

This one can be found in Level 6 – Asteroid Field. Destroy the asteroid with the mysterious logo on it.
Screenshots of it can be found in stage 2.

Panzer got cancelled
Defeating Kong 25 – Panzer Devastator from Pirate Base.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

Kraken was flattened
Defeating Techno-Kraken from Water World.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

Titan done fightin’
Defeating Necrodroid Titan from Moon Colony.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

Colossus? Just a wuss.
Defeat Alpha Gigantor from Giganteria.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

Beer, kicked in the rear
Defeat the leader of the Beer Empire.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

Operation Carnage
Achieve TOTAL CARNAGE! bonus with Carnage TV.

Before you start, you’ll need to equip the Carnage TV in an equipment slot. This trophy can only be earned on the level called Moon Colony. You’ll see little people all over the place, those are the ones you will be aiming for.

You can best start with your streak just before the checkpoint. To keep the streak going, it is smart to use your drones as a weapon. The pace of killing will be just perfect. The amount needed for this trophy is 600.

Set for victory
Completing your first item set.

This can be achieved on the hidden X-mas level. You’ll need to collect all the collectibles, as listed below:
Collecting all collectibles in this level will unlock 4 x-mas pieces that unlock the trophy “Set for victory” once equipped.
100/100 Gifts: Throughout the level, required for the “Set for Victory
Rubber Ducky #1: Around the start of the levels, below the floating island. Blow up the bridge and you’ll find the first ducky in the water.
Cargo #1: In front of the factory.
Rubber Ducky #2: Just past the first checkpoint you need to go down in order to progress the level. Instead, go straight and you’ll find a ducky close to the mountain top.
Rubber Ducky #3: As you exit the underground section, go straight up and you’ll find it.
Cargo #2: Inside the crater, underneath the water.

All your moneys are belong to us
Reach 1 million score

Earned while playing the campaign.

Need for speed
Win the secret Race level.

Earned in the Galactic Gumball race level. The goal of this level if you fly through all checkpoints. It contains no shooting or enemies.

Secret Galactic Gumball
Find secret Galactic Gumball race level.

Found in Level 9 – Giganteria. You’ll need to destroy a building, after which you can pick up the orb to unlock the secret level. Pictures on where to find it are present in stage 2.

Secret Xmas mayhem
Find secret Xmas Mayhem level.

Found in Level 3 – Pirate Base. Just before you enter the underground section, you can destroy a building on the slope of the mountain. Refer to stage 2 for a picture on where to find it.

There’s Atilla, Genghis and me
Kill 10 thousand troops.

Earned while playing the campaign. If needed, best farmed on the moon colony.

Get in mah belly!
Collect 1 thousand bonuses.

Earned while playing the campaign, you’ll need to pick up the purple stuff that fills up your ultimate ability.

Bullet time
Shoot more than 100 thousand shots or missiles.

Earned while playing the campaign.

Over 9000!
Reach 10 thousand DPS.

Earned while playing the campaign.

Jet is dead
Defeating RX-TDY Jet Fighter from Star City 17.

You’ll beat the bosses many times. They are not that though that it requires any special walkthrough or video.

Staying alive!
Absorb more than 1 thousand damage in a mission

This can be earned with the Shield equipment. You’ll get it on the higher difficulty levels later on.

I’m gonna wreck it!
Deal 10 million damage.

Earned while playing the campaign.

We are family!
Control 10 drones at once.

In order to earn this, quip the following:

+1 – Hand of God
+4 – 3 Drills + 1 electroball (or 3 electroballs and 1 drill)
+4 – Drones upgraded to level 4 (equipment)
+1 – The equipment that doubles your bombs thrown. (Doubles the hand of God)

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