Ginger – The Tooth Fairy Trophy Guide

Game: Ginger – The Tooth Fairy
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 1 hour
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 10 , 3, 0
Author: Knoef_NL

Welcome to the trophy guide for Ginger – The Tooth Fairy. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Complete level 1 & 2

Spawn; Head right. Take the first door. Continue right.
Take the purple lift upwards. Enter the door above you in the middle. Collect your first tooth (“THE FIRST TOOTH“). Take the door in front of you. Again take the purple lift up. Jump towards the left upper part

Enter level 1
Walk towards the right. After killing the flower pick up the “D”.
Enter the first door. Hit the pillar. Exit via the same door again Head right and skip the second door. Go for the 3rd door.
Pick up the “E” and hit the second pillar. Secret trophy (“THE PILLAR“) and pick up the first tooth of this level.

Exit again and now take the second door.

Head right and pick up the tooth-filling. Head left and take the door.
Kill the plant and pick up the “N”. Skip the door and find the secret area (“SECRET AREA“) on the far left wall.
Pick up the second tooth

Repeat and go through the door you just skipped.
Go right and take the first door. Pick up the “T”(“DENT”) (3rd tooth). Pick up the second filling.
Go through the door just next to it. Pick up the 4th tooth by jumping the little enemy.
Take the door to the left for the boss fight. Defeat the boss by jumping on his head (“THE FIRST CHALLENGE“) (5th tooth)

Follow the same route, now;
Go left and solve the puzzle (up, down, up, down and down) Pick up the tooth. (6th tooth)

From the start, go all the way right towards the 3rd door. You’ll see a bat. It will race you. (7th tooth)

Stage #2 is on the same level as Stage #1, on the right side of the castle
Enter level 2

Keep heading right, fall, and enter the door. Hit the wooden pillar and float across the water.
Hit the second pillar, and the door opens. Enter the door. Float across the water. Take the first door.
Defeat the blue monster (“DINOSAUR?“).

Continue and take the secret entrance to the tooth.
Re-enter level 2 again.
Again head right, now take the upper door instead of falling down.
Continue right to the door. Enter the door. Continue and take the first door just before the water. Head right and again take the door.
Fall down and take the door. Now head right, you’ll find a secret area with your 10th tooth.

Collect all trophies!

Defeat the first boss.

Refer to stage 1.

Find the secret area in stage 1.

Refer to stage 1.

Find all the teeth in any stage.

Refer to stage 1.

Win a race.

Refer to stage 1.

Gain an increase in maximum life.

Kill enough enemies and your life will increase.

Solve the puzzle.

Refer to stage 1.

Complete the word DENT once.

Recover 10 teeth.

Refer to stage 1.

Defeat the stage 2 monster.

Refer to stage 1.

Increase your maximum strength.

Collect enough toothpaste and your strength will increase.

Activate the pillar in stage 1.

Refer to stage 1.

Die once.

Die once.

Get the first tooth.

Refer to stage 1.

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