Game: Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 30 minutes
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 11
, 1
, 0
Author: Siralja, edited by BloodDragooner
Welcome to the trophy guide for Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the first 48 levels.
Welcome to the trophy guide for the game Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo, a platformer published by Eastasiasoft.
This game is all about solving different puzzle levels. The game has 50 levels, but 48 are actually needed for the platinum. Every 4 levels a trophy pops up, so in level:
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48.
The levels are really easy, you don’t need a big guide for them. All you have to consider is that you have 3 lives, you have to sacrifice them to become a ghost, but lose the level as soon as the third heart is gone. The keys needed to open the doors can only be collected as a human!

Master Platformer
Unlock all other trophies.
Booooo-who! Congratulations to your new shiny platinum.

Platformer II
Complete level 8.

Platformer III
Complete level 12.

Platformer IV
Complete level 16.

Platformer V
Complete level 20.

Platformer VI
Complete level 24.

Platformer VII
Complete level 28.

Platformer VIII
Complete level 32.

Platformer IX
Complete level 36.

Platformer X
Complete level 40.

Platformer XI
Complete level 44.

Platformer XII
Complete level 48.

Platformer I
Complete level 4.