Cannon Dancer: Osman Trophy guide

Game: Cannon Dancer: Osman
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 2 hours
Difficulty: 3/10
Missable trophies: YES
Trophies: 1 , 5 , 19 , 2
Author: Matt Knight

Welcome to the trophy guide for Cannon Dancer: Osman. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Osman – Challenge Mode.

Select Osman > Start Game > Challenge Mode (feel free to choose Cannon Dancer instead of Osman if you can read Japanese). Other game modes do not include trophies.
Choose Perks – ‘Invincible Attack’ and ‘4 Extra Credits’ (You receive all credits/continues back at the start of a mission).
-Select Start Challenge.

Notes for trophies: (MISSABLE)
While playing – Suplex all new enemies you see, including the human-like bosses, and Collect Power Ups.
Other trophies – Kill a boss with a suplex. Kill a boss with a throw. Suplex final boss on Level 6 then kill with Fatal Attack move.
(spoiler) – If you miss suplexing a boss enemy from Levels 1 – 5 there is chance to do it again on Level 6.

Easily kill a boss enemy using the Fatal Attack a few times ( with Triangle). You get 3 to use per life.
Powerups are collected by hitting them open first then jumping into the orb to reveal a power up or level up message.
Press Start to skip cutscenes and dialogue.

Fatal Attack = Triangle Button
Suplex = Jump (X button) into an enemy then press X + Down.
Throw = Jump (X button) into an enemy then press X + Left/Right.

Cannon Dancer
Collect all other trophies.

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Bon voyage!
Finish off a boss with a suplex.

Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down. Do this move on a ‘human-like’ boss enemy when their health is low enough to be killed by a suplex move.

Bye, Felicia!
Finish off a boss with a throw.

Throw = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Left or Right. Do this move on a ‘human-like’ boss enemy when their health is low enough to be killed by being thrown.
One way to achieve this is by throwing an enemy soldier into a boss like seen in this video during Level 1.

Alternative way to get the trophy.

I ain’t nobody’s slave!
Suplex Slaver.

Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy then press X + Down. Do the suplex move on Slaver, the final boss enemy at the end of Level 6. Do it as soon as you start to fight her, as you need to kill her with your Fatal Attack (Triangle) for another trophy, and not by performing a Suplex.

Move over, Hiryu!
Complete the game!

Simply complete the game to earn this trophy. Easily done by choosing the perks ‘Invincible Attack’ and ‘4 Extra Credits.’ There are only 6 Levels.

Keep in Touch!
Do a suplex that takes 3 seconds or longer.

Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down. There are many opportunities to earn this trophy, one example could be the many Jetpack Soldiers during Level 5, after using the diamonds to get launched into the air.
For some reason it is possible to pop this trophy during the fight with Herio. As seen in this video, suplex from one of the platforms.

3 trophies in 1 boss fight. Suplex boss, kill boss with suplex and 3 second suplex if done from a platform.

That’s going to sting!
Suplex a Scorpion.

Scorpion enemies can be found on Level 3. Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down.
Here is a video showing the above.

Get over here!

There can be only one!
Suplex Fake.

Fake is a boss enemy only found on Level 6. Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down.
Here is a video showing the above.

Mirror mirror on the wall.

Hit the road, Jack!
Suplex Willf

Willf is a boss enemy found at the end of Level 3. Suplex = Jump (X button) into enemy then, press X + Down.

Give a hug, ladybug!
Suplex Tianon

Found during Level 5. Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down.

Grow some balls!
Suplex Cannons.

Found on Level 4 after climbing the female golden statue. Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down.

You’re fired!
Suplex Herio.

SSuplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down. Suplex boss Herio found at the end of Level 2.

This is the way!
Suplex a Jetpack-Soldier.

Found during Level 4 at the water section. Suplex = Jump (X button) into enemy then press X + Down. If you miss the few on Level 4 then many more can be found on Level 5.

Suplex the jetpack soldier for the The Mandalorian reference. 😉

Eye of the Tiger!
Suplex a Tiger.

Found during Level 2. Suplex = Jump (X button) into the enemy, then press X + Down. Once you have earned the trophy you can skip killing the Tigers by making your way up the wall to the right.


Area 1 complete
Complete Area 1.

Simply complete the area by traversing through the level and killing any bosses. The trophy will pop at the level stats screen.

Silence is golden!
Suplex a Gold Statue.

Found on the first level. Jump into the enemy, then press jump+down to do a suplex move. Also found on Level 6.

Suplex the golden face statue.

Malfunction. Need input.
Suplex a Laser-Robot.

Found on the first level. Jump into the enemy then press jump+down to do a suplex move. Also found on Level 4 during the water section with the Jetpack Soldiers. See the video below.

Suplex the robot.

See ya later, alligator!
Suplex a Soldier.

Found on the first level. Jump into the enemy, then press jump+down to do a suplex move.

Live long and prosper!
Achieve the maximum life level.

The amount needed is unknown but if you collect just the powerups in plain sight this trophy will be easily achieved. You start with 3 segments to the health bar, collecting enough powerups will give you 4 segments and this trophy.

I have the power!
Achieve the maximum power-up level.

The amount needed is unknown, but if you collect just the powerups in plain sight this trophy will be easily achieved (possibly during Level 3).

Area 5 complete
Complete Area 5.

Simply complete the area by traversing through the level and killing any bosses. The trophy will pop at the level stats screen.

Area 4 complete
Complete Area 4.

Simply complete the area by traversing through the level and killing any bosses. The trophy will pop at the level stats screen.

Area 3 complete
Complete Area 3.

Simply complete the area by traversing through the level and killing any bosses. The trophy will pop at the level stats screen.

Area 2 complete
Complete Area 2

Simply complete the area by traversing through the level and killing any bosses. The trophy will pop at the level stats screen.

My name is Kirin!
Finish off the Slaver with a Fatal Attack

Make sure to kill this last boss using your Fatal Attack move (Triangle Button). Before killing the boss also do a suplex beforehand for another trophy. (Suplex = Jump (X button) into enemy then press X + Down).

No littering!
Throw an enemy

Jump (with X) into an enemy, then press jump+left or right, to grab and throw an enemy for this trophy.
As seen in this video. This trophy could be earned at the same time as Killing a boss by throwing them.

Throw an enemy.

Chop chop, lollipop!
Use your fatal attack.

Simply press triangle to use your Fatal Attack. You have 3 to use per life, indicated by the boxes with ‘S’ in at the bottom left of the screen. They are great at clearing an area of enemies, or better still, to largely deplete the health of a Boss Enemy. Use this attack as the last attack on Slaver, the final boss enemy of the game, for another trophy.

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