Game: Word Wheel by POWGI
Peripherals: Game can be completed with up to 4 people in local co-op. All players will earn the trophies.
Time to 100%: 1 – 2 hours
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: Reinventing the Wheel, …and I Would Find 500 More
Author: Pete and edited by BloodDragooner
Welcome to the trophy guide for Word Wheel by POWGI. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Follow the screenshots below in guide to quickly complete the game.
Welcome on the Trophy Guide vor World Wheel by POWGI. The solutions to each puzzle’s 9 letter words are shown in the corresponding box for that puzzle. There are 100 puzzles to solve in this game. Hint: Using the LS is easy to choose letters from the word wheel and do not use D pad. Use L1 and R1 to flip between screens while in a puzzle to see all the 4 to 9 letter fill-in-the-blanks. Use Options button to pause game and to be able to navigate back to the main menu. “Words” that are not words and do not count will flash in red after pressing to enter them.
Stage 2 – You may have to complete a couple of trophies.
See descriptions below if you are missing any trophies. It is possible for Reinventing the Wheel that you did not enter a word that is a not a possible fill-in-the-blank answers, but instead is a word that is a bonus word. For …and I Would Find 500 More you must enter in 500 words above the one hundred 9 letter solutions for the puzzles.

The Wheel McCoy
Collect all the trophies.
Earn all the trophies to obtain this trophy.

Nice Set of Wheels
Find all the nine-letter words.
Enter all the 9 letter solutions that solve each of the 100 puzzles. See below for all the solutions to all 100 puzzles under their associated trophy description.

Keeping It Wheel
Find 100 words in a single puzzle
For this trophy you can obtain it on the third puzzle “A” by entering into the words below.
Puzzle 3 Orchestra Puzzle 3 Orchestra Puzzle 3 Orchestra Puzzle 3 Orchestra

Mind Blown
Find the nine-letter words for “MIND”.
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Upon entering a 9 letter solution you can just press the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Full Stop
Find the nine-letter words for “STOP”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Wave Goodbye
Find the nine-letter words for “WAVE”.
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Upon entering a 9 letter solution you can just press the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Beat Time
Find the nine-letter words for “TIME”
Enter the 9 letter words shown in the picture. Upon entering a 9 letter solution you can just press the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Get Even
Find the nine-letter words for “EVEN”
Please note this is actually VENT not EVEN. Enter the 9 letter words shown in the picture. After entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Joke’s Over
Find the nine-letter words for “JOKE”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Fuel Efficiency
Find the nine-letter words for “FUEL”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Rain Check
Find the nine-letter words for “RAIN”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Bold Faced
Find the nine-letter words for “BOLD”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Pain Killer
Find the nine-letter words for “PAIN”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Turn Around
Find the nine-letter words for “TURN”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Fixed Wing
Find the nine-letter words for “WING”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Without Envy
Find the nine-letter words for “ENVY”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Hair Brained
Find the nine-letter words for “HAIR”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Snow Capped
Find the nine-letter words for “SNOW”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Top Spin
Find the nine-letter words for “SPIN”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Fast Forward
Find the nine-letter words for “FAST”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Wind Down
Find the nine-letter words for “WIND”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Hint Taken
Find the nine-letter words for “HINT”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Page Turner
Find the nine-letter words for “PAGE”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Rail Pass
Find the nine-letter words for “RAIL”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Type Cast
Find the nine-letter words for “TYPE”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Band Leader
Find the nine-letter words for “BAND”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Star Crossed
Find the nine-letter words for “STAR”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Fair Play
Find the nine-letter words for “PLAY”
Enter the 9 letter words in shown in the picture. Have entering a 9 letter solution you will be able to you the options button to go back to the main menu and then go into the next puzzle.

Full Circle
Find every word in a single puzzle.
Enter all the possible 4 to 9 letter word solutions that have a fill-in-the-blank. Bonus words do not count. Below is puzzle 2 L.

… and I Would Find 500 More
Find 500 words.
You need to enter in 500 words above the 100 – 9 letter solutions. Bonus words do NOT count towards this trophy. See the solutions below.
500 Words HAPPINESS pg. 1 500 Words HAPPINESS pg. 2 500 Words WHIMSICAL 500 Words ORCHESTRA pg. 1 500 Words ORCHESTRA pg. 2 500 Words ORCHESTRA pg. 3 500 Words ORCHESTRA pg. 4 500 Words XYLOPHONE 500 Words SPOTLIGHT pg. 1 500 Words SPOTLIGHT pg. 2 500 Words BANDICOOT 500 Words RECORDING pg. 1 500 Words RECORDING pg. 2 500 Words ELONGATED pg. 1 500 Words ELONGATED pg. 2 500 Words CHARACTER 500 Words KEYBOARDS 500 Words PUBLISHER

Wheels In Motion
Find a nine-letter word.
Solve the first puzzle’s 9 letter word solution. It is HAPPINESS.

Reinventing the Wheel
Find a bonus word.
In puzzle 1 P enter the word “NAPPIE”.

Wheelie Mature
This is a family game!
In puzzle 1 P, enter the word “PENIS”.