Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen Trophy Guide

Game: Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 25h – 30h+
Difficulty: 3/10
Missable trophies: Sound of a Thousand Memories, Collection Complete, Where the Wild Things March.
Trophies: 1 2 6 40
Author: Sean

Welcome to the trophy guide for Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Finish the Main Story.

The main story of Utawarerumono consists of many chapters of text to read through and a grand total of 36 Story Battles. There are only 3 potentially missable things to watch out for in Utawarerumono, but fear not this guide has you covered. Listed below will be a the Main Story Layout (Spoiler Free) and it’ll entail when to grab the missable portions, so no worries about missing your platinum. It’ll only be listed by battles, so use those as your guide points. Before that though, let’s go over a few notes to make your journey much easier:
~Utawarerumono is a very easy strategy RPG, so no need to do free battles or training to boost. Leaving it for post-game makes a heavily efficient OP party to rush that trophy.
~There are 3 stats for BP Allocation; ATK, DEF, and MDEF. Ignore MDEF, it’s a useless stat. As for ATK/DEF, level it up in a 2:1 ratio.
~Due to Utawarerumono’s ease, don’t manually activate combo’s as you’ll never hurt for Zeal later. Always hold L1 for auto-combos. This also makes it easier to activate final strikes.
~Find 2 or 3 characters you really enjoy and have them in your party as often as possible. Higher lvls and more inclusion, will make your 1,800+ damage trophy easier.
~35/36 story battles are 100%-able during story play, making item gathering that much easier (the battle that can’t doesn’t matter). Bring up the map at start of the battle and clear ALL red squares before clearing the mission objective.
~There are no in-game trackers for final strikes or co-op chains, so write them down!
~Upon completion of the game you’ll have all but 1 Event Viewer skit. It’s the alternate ending. Switch the BGM MODE to ORIGINAL and then re-watch Event 57. Utawarerumono. Remember to switch BGM MODE back to SPECIAL EXTENDED afterwards.

Without further adieu let’s get into the layout:
**Go into the settings and make sure SPECIAL EXTENDED BGM MODE is active and NOT ORIGINAL. You’ll need the SPECIAL EXTENDED to hear all the songs.
•Start a new game now and use below as the guide-points.
•Uninvited Guests
•Ruler of the Wild Forest
**Make a Manual Save upon returning to Yamyura Village, just as a pre-caution. You’ll eventually get the choice between 2 optional scenes: Square or Room. Room will have you receive clothing from Aruruu but it does not count as an item. Whereas Square has you doing Laundry with Eruruu and you will receive A White Cloth there’s also a BGM with the Laundry. The White Cloth is a MISSABLE ITEM.
•Path of No Return
•Daughter of the Forest
•Tatokori Gate
•Imperial Capital Invasion
•Decisive Battle
**Make a manual save here. Now that you’ll have Tuskur Stronghold as a camp, we’ll tackle the other missable item. Go into Free Battle and replay Decisive Battle and make sure Teoro is deployed, it is imperative that he reaches level 10!. DO NOT CONTINUE THE STORY IF HE ISN’T LEVEL 10.
•Blocking the Shikeripechim Invasion
•Special Attack
**If Teoro was level 10 or above at the completion of this battle, you’ll receive the missable item Teoro’s Axe.
•Evenkurugan Woman
•Battle to the Death on the Bridge
•False Truths – Part 1
•False Truths – Part 2
•Giriyaginan Gladiator
•Princess of a Fallen Empire
•Abandoned Feelings
•The Daybreakers
•Hansana Offense & Defense
•Hunter & Hunted – Part 1
•Hunter & Hunted – Part 2
•Burning Prison
•The Fallen
•Primordial Dream – Part 1
•Primordial Dream – Part 2
•Demander of Power
•Great Seal – Part 1
•Great Seal – Part 2

Upon completing the game you’ll be prompted to make Game Data Clear save file, do so. Completing the game will also grant you something called Soldiers’ Dream which is a post-game menu that’ll let you access Free Battles and Training (Upon loading the game clear data).

Stage 2 – Clean-Up

The majority of trophies are story related but there are a few miscellaneous and collectible ones to take care of. First on the agenda with an OP team should now be to clear 100% of your Training battle for those items. Once you have done so, you’ll have obtained all the in-game items which’ll unlock the menu to access Where the Wild Things March and the Trophy Collection Complete. Now go do Where the Wild Things March, there’s nothing to prep as that battle is forced for everything; no items, no equips, fixed levels, etc. You’ll get the trophy for completing it, alongside the missing CG and BGM. You should now obtain the platinum unless you were missing another misc. trophy like 1,800+ damage. If so, refer to the missing misc. trophy.

Stage 3 – New Game+ if needed.

Just in-case you managed to miss the above mentioned items, luckily it’s a quickly rectifiable situation. The 2 missable items are early game and since you’ve already played through the game, you can force skip all the text! Everything carries over making it an even easier battle situations too! Rush the 2 missable situations and nab those 2 items. Unfortunately, if you happened to miss BGM’s due to being on ORIGINAL for your playthrough, it may cost you a playthrough dependent on how much BGM’s are missing. This guide was written using the SPECIAL EXTENDED BGM from the get-go, so it can’t be said for certain what will be if any would be missing, so if you are missing any, turn on SPECIAL EXTENDED BGM and look at the missing song(s) from Sound of a Thousand Memories to find the unlock conditions.


Acquired all trophies.

 The End
Reached the ending.

Upon completing the final battle of the game, Utawarerumono, you’ll see the conclusion to the story followed by the credits. A short epilogue will happen then after saving Game Clear Data, this trophy will pop.

 Collection Complete
Completely filled out the encyclopedia.

The description can leave a little to confusion as the encyclopedia only refers to the Item List. Utawarerumono has 100 items which relate to: Equipment, Items, or Collection. All items in Utawarerumono aren’t missable and will come naturally with the exception of 2; 72. White Cloth and 79. Teoro’s Axe (Both marked in red). These 2 missable items are pointed out in Stage 1 above so you shan’t be missing them. Below is a list of all in-game items and where to get them:
Note: Upon checking the Item List after all 100, you’ll unlock the bonus stage Where the Wild Things March.

ItemHow to obtain
01. Wind God SandalsRevolt completion.
02. Wind God TabiHansana Offense & Defense completion.
03. Wind God MitamaEvenkurugan Woman completion.
04. Wind God Kushi-MitamaInfiltration completion.
05. Soldier’s TupaiNuwangi completion.
06. Kongou’s SenBlocking the Shikeripechim Invasion Stage Clear Bonus.
07. SoumetsugaReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus
08. Healing KitWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
09. Senjin KyuuWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
10. BajinKarulawaturei completion.
11. ShippuuAbandoned Feelings completion.
12. KosougaReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
13. Reppa SouFalse Truths completion.
14. Goushin ChokutouWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
15. Uchou SenReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
16. Souja TouFalse Truths completion.
17. Shiki no GenkyuuThieves Stage Clear Bonus.
18. HookasenWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
19. Hoozuki HouPursuit completion.
20. KoukyougaThe Daybreakers completion.
21. GousenThieves Stage Clear Bonus.
22. Ouka BuiThieves Stage Clear Bonus.
23. Armor PiercerWarriors’ Feast Stage Clear Bonus.
24. Armor CrusherWarriors’ Feast Stage Clear Bonus.
25. Festival StaffReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
26. Festival CupDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
27. Festival ContainerThe End of the Downfall Stage Clear Bonus.
28. Festival MirrorWanderer Stage Clear Bonus.
29. Soldier’s AperyuGlory Hounds Stage Clear Bonus.
30. Earth God’s ArmorBurning Prison completion.
31. Headband of CourageWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
32. Helmet of CouragePursuit completion.
33. War Dance RuriReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
34. War Dance JoruriDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
35. Fire God CharmReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
36. Water God CharmDecisive Battle completion.
37. Wind God CharmReturn of the Uninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
38. Earth God CharmImperial Capital Invasion completion.
39. Kantokoro CharmWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
40. Moshirikoro CharmDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
41. Kotankara CharmThieves Stage Clear Bonus.
42. Yokagura DrumEvenkurugan Woman completion.
43. Satokagura FluteWarriors’ Feast Stage Clear Bonus.
44. Fire God RingPath of No Return completion.
45. Fire God BraceletWarriors’ Feast Stage Clear Bonus.
46. Water God RingEvenkurugan Woman completion.
47. Water God BraceletWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
48. Wind God RingGlory Hounds Stage Clear Bonus.
49. Wind God BraceletThieves Stage Clear Bonus.
50. Earth God RingTatokori Gate completion.
51. Earth God BraceletDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
52. Yaoshikepu BagWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
53. Water God TearsDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
54. Kimun StoleDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
55. Yucatte HornWarriors – Cont. Stage Clear Bonus.
56. Situnpe BellDance with Kimamau Stage Clear Bonus.
57. Shune-KenyaUninvited Guests completion.
58. Shune-NukuiUninvited Guests Stage Clear Bonus.
59. Shune-Un’yakuRuler of the Forest Stage Clear Bonus.
60. Sovuyapi-N’kuriDaughter of the Forest Stage Clear Bonus.
61. Amamu-UchuTatokori Gate Stage Clear Bonus.
62. KeutuamanNuwangi completion.
63. Sriten’yusiriRevolt completion.
64. Turepu StemSpecial Attack completion.
65. Halnire LeafDaughter of the Forest completion.
66. Purple Amber Miracle MedicineDecisive Battle completion.
67. Water Life NostrumSpecial Attack completion.
68. Sun Fire NostrumBattle to the Death on the Bridge completion.
69. Earth Armor NostrumFalse Truths completion.
70. Dream Fantasy NostrumHunter & Hunted – Part 2 completion.
71. Tarachi-TamuhitoEvenkurugan Woman Stage Clear Bonus.
72. White ClothAn event where you’re doing laundry with Eruruu.
73. Military PrimerDaughter of the Forest Stage Clear Bonus.
74. Large Sake BottleAn event where you discover that Kuralau is the Sake Thief during her bedroom visit.
75. Nuwangis HatchetNuwangi Stage Clear Bonus.
76. Pressed FlowersAn event where you learn of Aruruu’s and Eruruu’s names.
77. Munto’s FeatherAn event during Ulthury’s return visit.
78. Ulthury’s FeatherAn event during Ulthury’s return visit.
79. Teoro’s AxeAn event for completion of Special Attack if Teoro was level 10 or higher.
80. Flashy CoatPath of No Return Stage Clear Bonus.
81. Blood-Stained SashKarulawaturei Stage Clear Bonus.
82. Hexagonal HairclipsAbandoned Feelings Stage Clear Bonus.
83. Half-Eaten FruitPursuit Stage Clear Bonus.
84. Jittoku ToolsPrincess of a Fallen Empire Stage Clear Bonus.
85. Black NotebookDemander of Power Stage Clear Bonus
86. Battle-Worn HeadbandDemander of Power Stage Clear Bonus
87. Battle-Worn EyepatchAn event involving Dii that takes place post-battle of Kuuya.
88. Camyu’s FeatherAn event where Camyu is ‘thirsty’ that takes place after Hunter & Hunted – Part 2.
89. Diamond WeightImperial Capital Invasion Stage Clear Bonus.
90. Wood-Carved DollAn event where the wooden doll that Touka had to have repaired after Hakuowlo broke it.
91. Paper FanBattle to the Death on the Bridge completion.
92. PotThe Fallen completion.
93. Doujin BookPrimordial Dream completion
94. Small SachetMask Stage Clear Bonus.
95. Hair ConditionerDecisive Battle Stage Clear Bonus.
96. Yuzuha`s HairsAn event where you’re introduced to Yuzuha.
97. CondimentsAbandoned Feelings completion.
98. Stuffed Mukkuru ToyAn event where you discover what’s causing the food shortages.
99. Striped TailPrimordial Dream Stage Clear Bonus.
100. Hakuowlo’s MaskUtawarerumono completion and finish the game.

 Training Legend
Acquired all rewards from training.

The training battles refers to the “Training” menu accessible during the main hub. There are a total of 11 Training Missions but mission 11 “True – Where the Wild Things March” does not count towards this. This trophy want you to obtain rewards from all the first 10 missions.

Unlike Story Battles, you will not need to defeat specific enemies to obtain items. You only have to win the battles. So ignore the rocks, barricades, palisades, etc. A great tip is to leave the training missions only post-game (Utawarerumono is a really easy SRPG that doesn’t require grinding so don’t worry) because you’ll be level 30+ and the final training mission is only level 22. This means you’ll be OP and able to one-shot everything easily, allowing for quick and efficient training missions.

As for all the rewards, every mission has 3 different Patterns. These are only for battle and doesn’t affect the training rewards whatsoever. Every time you complete a mission you’ll obtain 25% of the rewards for that specific mission. What this means is you’ll have to run every Training Mission four times! This is also needed to get all the items for Collection Complete.

 Unrivaled Chain Attack
Dealt 1,800+ damage to a single enemy.

Despite the name of this trophy, it’d complicate things setting it up that way. 1,800 is EASILY doable solo and more than likely you’ll obtain that damage naturally through your platinum journey. If for whatever reason you do not though, here is a simple method to guarantee it.

Load up the battle Return of the Uninvited Guests in the Training Mode. Deploy the character you have the highest attack for (75+ ATK is PLENTY enough to achieve this, make sure they have full zeal also) and Eruruu. Use Eruruu’s Healing Art > Poronero Grass Ointment on your attacker. Next use your attacker and find a Kimamau that has “Adv.” attached to it (Meaning you’ll do bonus damage) then go behind it to get another attack bonus and use your final strike on it. You should easily clear 2,600+ damage.

 Co-op Chain-a-thon
Used every main character’s co-op chain.

Co-op chains are abilities that require the use of 2 or 3characters and a pre-set amount of Zeal (70 Zeal for the attacking, and 50 Zeal for supporting). If the conditions are met and you have characters that are cooperative, you’ll notice a sword symbol on the ground indicating you can perform a Co-op chain from there! There is no in-game tracker though, so manually note who you’ve pulled them off with. Below is a list of all Co-op chains in the game:
Note: Not all characters have chains, so they won’t be listed.










•Dorry & Guraa

Note: Contrary to what people say, YES, there are 2 variants of Toula’s due to Aruruu’s 2nd pet. But you don’t need to see both. For the guide ONLY End-Game Touka & Aruruu were used, the earlier co-op chain was NEVER used and this still popped.


 Critical Strike-a-thon
Used every main character’s final strike.

Final Strike is a character’s final main attack combo it can learn when reaching certain levels depending on which character. Once you’ve unlocked the ability, you can execute final strikes with a character that has 100 Zeal. You’ll do PLENTY of these during the story. There is no in-game tracker though, so manually note who you’ve pulled them off with. Below is a list of all 15 characters that’ll have a final strike:
Note: Though some characters do leave the story, they’re all accessible in Training or Free Battle.

Note: Derihourai is only usable between  Giriyaginan Gladiator and Karulawaturei.
Note: Teoro is not usable after Decisive Battle.

 Where the Wild Things March
Completed Where the Wild Things March.

Where the Wild Things March is an extra battle that’ll unlock once you’ve obtained all 100 items (refer to Collection Complete for more details). It is under Bonus > Special Battle.

Be prepared because this battle automatically puts everyone at lvl 50 with no equips and you are to face off against every boss in the game simultaneously. It’ll be the hardest battle required for the plat but shouldn’t pose too much threat.

 Sound of a Thousand Memories
Listened to every BGM.

Head Note: This trophy is potentially missable, and as such is labeled so.

Utawarerumono has 2 settings for the BGM; SPECIAL EXTENDED and ORIGINAL. To be absolutely certain you don’t miss ANY songs, before you start a new game head into Settings and switch “BGM Mode” to SPECIAL EXTENDED.

Utawarerumono does not list which songs are playing so after you unlock the song the first time, unless you know the song, it’s hard to tell if it repeats throughout the game. Due to this, it is labeled that song 77. Tomoyo Kitare (Marked in red) is potentially missable. The Laundry scene is made aware in Stage 1 above, refer to it for it’s location. Besides that song, everything else will unlock naturally across the course of the game. Below you will find all the songs in the game:

Song TitleWhen it’s obtained
1. Utawarerumono (Arranged Ver.)It’s the Main Menu’s default song.
2. Hidamari No Naka DeAn event during your first visit to the Square.
3. MusumeAn event that happens while visiting the Yamayura Village Square.
4. Midori No UtagoeAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
5. FumirulAn event where you meet the Kunnekamun Owlo.
6. Kami YuuClear the Daughter of the Forest battle.
7. Ugomeku YamiAn event that happens while out foraging for medicinal supplies.
8. Isshoku SokuhatsuAn event where Mutikapa attacks.
9. Saihai Wo Furuu MonoAn event where you plan Tatokoro Gate’s fall.
10. IkusamanuiClear the Glory Hounds battle.
11. Araburu MonoClear the Nuwangi battle.
12. Kane Wo NaraseAn event from your first encounter with Kimamau’s until you battle them.
13. Tsuwamono No UtageClear the Warriors battle.
14. Hana To Hikari No Mau MachiAn event where Hakuowlo has enlisted the help of Touka.
15. MikotoAn event where you first meet Yuzuha.
16. AiginGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
17. MutsugoAn event where the emmisaries / princesses leave Tuskur.
18. BuryakuAn event where you procure the new base, “Fortress”.
19. Abh-HamuAn event where you bear witness to Kunnekamun going to war.
20. HakuowloAn event post-battle of Demander of Power when you reach the depths of the ruins.
21. UitsualnemetiaClear The Daybreakers battle.
22. On RiyakuAn event where Kuuya is ‘uniting’ the land.
23. Shinwa No Owari NiAn event where you first enter Larmanionu Palace.
24. YukauraAn event where you learn of Aruruu’s and Eruruu’s name origins.
25. Yukaura Chiriyuku Mono HeAn event where Ulthury kidnaps the baby.
26. SadameAn event where you procure the new base, “Fortress”.
27. UtawarerumonoClear all the training battles.
28. Kimi Dake No TabijiThe opening movie.
29. KimigatameClear Utawarerumono and finish the game.
30. Tenkei No ChiClear the Nuwangi battle.
31. Tenkei No Chi, Tenmei No MichiAn event where you first meet Nuwangi at the Square.
32. HiyoriAn event when you first visit the Yamayura Village Living Room.
33. Tabi Wa MichizureClear Utawarerumono and finish the game.
34. Chinshi MokkoGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
35. Tenjin GosuiAn event when you first visit the Yamayura Village Square.
36. Ugomeku Yami MagatsuClear the Evenkurugan Woman battle.
37. Aigin SoAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
38. KazewataribitoAn event that happens while out foraging for medicinal supplies.
39. SeiikiAn event from your first encounter with Kimamau’s until you battle them.
40. DenshoAn event where you first meet Nuwangi at the Square.
41. Kami No TasogareGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
42. Rakujitsu No TokiAn event that happens after the downfall of Inkalla.
43. KamigatariAn event that happens while out foraging for medicinal supplies.
44. YurakuGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
45. UtatsugumiAn event where you first meet Yuzuha
46. HinautatsugumiAn event where Munto awakens to an unaware prank.
47. Sodo Wo Okosu MonoAn event where Oboro and Hakuowlo battle over the latrines.
48. Tenka SoranAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
49. Miezaru Mono YoGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
50. Hyohaku No TabibitoAn event from your first encounter with Kimamau’s until you battle them.
51. Ranse No ToraiAn event from your first encounter with Kimamau’s until you battle them.
52. Oinaru WazawaiAn event where you meet Niwe after the completion of Blocking the Shikeripechim Invasion.
53. Yosekuru MonotachiAn event while discussing what will happen with the 150 survivors.
54. Senka No NoroshiAn event where you witness Chanumau Village burning.
55. SangeAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
56. MiyakoemakiAn event where Karulau obtains her sword.
57. TenjobitoAn event when you first visit the Yamayura Field.
58. Ikusa KaguraAn event where you learn of Mutikapa’s weakness.
59. Senjo No OkiteAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
60. SenkaAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
61. TenkirakuAn event for Hakuowlo’s recovery.
62. YunagiAn event from your first encounter with Kimamau’s until you battle them.
63. Shizan KetsugaClear The Daybreakers battle.
64. Yami No HokoAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
65. HayashiAn event where you meet Karulau.
66. Hametsu No SenjoClear the Ruler of the Wild Forest battle.
67. Mugen No TobariGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
68. AkuruturukaAn event where Benawi is arrested.
69. Kacho FugetsuAn event where Camyu is reading time with Yuzuha.
70. Taihei No YoAn event where Camyu is reading time with Yuzuha.
71. Kyoshu IchiAn event where Hakuowlo has his 2nd visit with Kuuya.
72. Kyoshu SanAn event in the ruins where Hakuowlo discovers a lab.
73. Kyoshu GoAn event where you are attacked during your summit at Tuskur Stronghold.
74. Kyoshu RokuAn event where Aruruu and Camyu try to remove Hakuowlo’s mask.
75. AijakuGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
76. Harukana TabijiAn event where you first meet Yuzuha.
77. Tomoyo KitareAn event where you are helping Eruruu with the laundry.
78. KomorebiAn event where Aruruu grants Touka the title of Big Sis.
79. Ushinawareta RakudoAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.
80. VuraiAn event where Hakuowlo discovers the bridge due to Aruruu’s help.
81. Hado Wo Yuku MonoClear the Demander of Power battle.
82. Kimigatame GekibanAn event where Hauenkua and Hakuowlo have a duel.
83. Itsuwari No KamenGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
84. Koi YumeAn event where Yuzuha admits her love.
85. Koi Yume GekibanAn event where Hakuowlo tells Yuzuha a tale of Man and Wife.
86. Kaze FukabaAn event where Camyu “Undergoes Change”.
87. MurakumoClear the Battle to the Death on the Bridge battle.
88. Kaiko No HiAn event where you oversee the Innkeeper’s plans in the forest.
89. Isshuku IppanAn event where Touka falls asleep during Aide duties.
90. TabisugorokuAn event where Eruruu is making Oboro Hangover Medicine.
91. Yo Wa NasakeAn event where Eruruu and Hakuowlo have a private outing away from Tuskur Stronghold.
92. Futari No HakuowloThe events that take place post-battle of Kuuya.
93. HoshikageAn event involving Aruruu and honeycomb’s.
94. YuzutsuGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
95. SenranAn event where Oboro and Benawi train/spar at Tuskur Stronghold.
96. Rekka No GotokuAn event where Benawi is released from prison.
97. Yukyu No DaichiGame introduction until Hakuowlo’s recovery.
98. Fuantei Na Kamisama GekibanClear the Where the Wild Things March battle.
99. Shori Wo Kono Te NiClear the Hunter & Hunted – Part 1 battle.
100. Shukumei No KessenAn event where Hakuowlo and Dii battle in the depths of the ruins.
101. Kimi Dake No Tabiji Gekiban ShinClear the Daughter of the Forest battle.
102. Musoka 2016An event where in his drunken stupor, Hakuowlo fools around.
103. Kimigatame 2016Clear the Utawarerumono battle and finish the game.
104. Towa Ni 2016Clear the Utawarerumono battle and finish the game.
105. Uruwashili SelaoAn event where Hakuowlo and Dii merge revealing some truth.
106. Yume Ka Utsutsu KaThe scene post-battle of Special Attack.
107. Hoshi Furu Sora AogimiteAn event where Nuwangi shows up to Yamayura with officers.

 Decisive Battle
Completed Decisive Battle

Decisive Battle is the 9th battle in Utawarerumono. The resolution of the Owlo’s war comes to a conclusion in this final battle. As you overpower Benawi and march onto dealing with Inkalla. 

 Crit Hit
Dealt 300+ damage to a single enemy.

Refer to Unrivaled Chain Attack for more details on how to achieve high damage.

 Imperial Capital Invasion
Completed Imperial Capital Invasion

Imperial Capital Invasion is the 8th battle of Utawarerumono. As Hakuowlo is gaining traction in the war, he and his army make way to Kenashikourupe Imperial City where they’re then halted by Kurou. Defeating him is this battles goal.

Completed Nuwangi

Nuwangi is the 7th battle of Utawarerumono. After Benawi’s arrest, Nuwangi as the new general comes to attack Hakuowlo and his army. This is your first defensive battle where you`ll need to protect the camp for X amount of turns.

 Chain Attack Participant
Successfully performed a chain attack.

Chain Attacks are when you link more than one combo during an attack. You can either manually press X with proper timing to get bonus zeal and chain it into another combo, or forfeit the bonus zeal and hold L1 and have it auto-chain the moves.

 Final Strike Savant
Used a final strike.

Final Strike is a character’s final main attack combo it can learn when reaching certain levels depending on which character. Once you’ve unlocked the ability, you can execute final strikes with a character that has 100 Zeal. You’ll do PLENTY of these during the story.

 Tatokori Gate
Completed Tatokori Gate

Tatokori Gate is the 6th battle in Utawarerumono. With the occupying of the Fortress, Hakuowlo plans to go on the offensive. He and his army decide to draw Benawi and his subordinates away with decoys, leaving Tatokori Gate open for attack.

 Friendship on Display
Used a co-op chain.

Co-op chains are when 2 or 3 members that have combo attacks reach a specific amount of Zeal, then in close proximity to eachother can perform one. Refer to Co-op Chain-a-thon for more details.

 Daughter of the Forest
Completed Daughter of the Forest

Daugher of the Forest is the 5th battle in Utawarerumono. Shortly after procuring the Fortress you’ll head out for Chanumau Village to which you’ll learned has been set ablaze. You’ll enter a battle between Benawi and his subordinates here.

 Master Strike
Dealt 750+ damage to a single enemy.

Refer to Unrivaled Chain Attack for more details on how to achieve high damage.

 Demander of Power
Completed Demander of Power.

Demander of Power is the  33rd battle of Utawarerumono. As you ascend further into the ruins, you’re path forward will be blocked by Hien and Hauenkua, defeat them.

 Path of No Return
Completed Path of No Return

Path of No Return is the 4th battle in Utawarerumono. This is the battle where Nuwangi and his father defend their camp, and will be your first ‘tough’ battle.

 Free Battle
Tried a free battle.

Free battles in Utawarerumono are ways of replaying any previous story battle you’ve completed. The differences are that you’ll only get the unlocks from that battle once and you can use any character you’ve unlocked to date. This is useful to farm experience, BP, or earn items you failed to do so the first attempt.

 Introductory Training
Tried training.

The training battles refers to the “Training” menu accessible during the main hub. Refer to Training Legend for more details.

 Training Expert
Completed all training battles.

The training battles refers to the “Training” menu accessible during the main hub. Refer to Training Legend for more details.

Completed Revolt

Revolt is the 3rd battle in Utawarerumono. Upon Hakuowlo ascending to the rank of Chief, he’ll decree that they’ll save Oboro. The mission starts with invasion of the enemy camp, this battle is Revolt.

 Ruler of the Wild Forest
Completed Ruler of the Wild Forest

Ruler of the Wild Forest is the 2nd battle in Utawarerumono. You’ll lure Mutikapa into a trap followed by a continuation of the battle where you’ll need to defeat the Mutikapa.

Viewed all event scenes.

The description to this trophy can be a bit ‘misleading’. The only thing in-game with the word ‘event’ is the “Event Viewer” which is not what you want. This trophy is for filling out all 5 pages of the Gallery.

Below you will find how to unlock each CG for the gallery:
Note: No CG’s are missable.

Page 1 CG NamesUnlock Conditions
1. WallpaperThe opening movie.
2. Foreign CeilingAn event during Hakuowlo’s recovery.
3. Visitor from afarAn event where you procure the new location, “Fortress”.
4. Unremovable MaskAn event during Hakuowlo’s recovery.
5. Warmth by the Fire.An event during the recovery feast.
6. Aruruu Up a TreeAn event while out foraging for medicinal ingredients.
7. Sleeping YuzuhaAn event where you first meet Yuzuha.
8. Yuzuha’s SeizureAn event where Yuzuha’s sickness relapses.
9. Chance Encounter of Two Great MenAn event where Oboro faces off against Benawi.
10. Tuskur’s RequestAn event while listening to Tuskur’s wish.
11. Dawn Creeps Up on the Surprise HouseguestAn event where you first meet Camyu.
12. Aruruu’s FavoriteAn event where Aruruu cuddles with Hakuowlo after his paperwork.
Page 2 CG NamesUnlock Conditions
1. A Good Day for a NapAn event where everyone is resting on Mukkuru.
2. Secret Rendezvous with Kuuya.An event where you meet the Kunnekamun Owlo.
3. Puzzling NightAn event with Eruruu shortly after the prisoner scuffle.
4. Priestess in the MoonlightAn event where Camyuu sneaks away from Tuskur Stronghold at night.
5. A Good Day to Go OutsideAn event where Eruruu and Hakuowlo have a private outing away from Tuskur Stronghold.
6. Holding EruruuAn event where Eruruu becomes drunk.
7. Karulau’s RequestAn event where you’ll meet Karulau about the Na Tuunk rebellion.
8. Eternal OathAn event where you’ll meet Karulau about the Na Tuunk rebellion.
9. Nighttime VisitorAn event where Camyu undergoes her ‘transformation’ a 2nd time.
10. Touka’s AidAn event where you see how overbearing Touka is.
11. Bustling RoadAn event where Hakuowlo is kidnapped and brought to Na Tuunk.
12. Drinking with the ProprietressAn event where Oboro and Kurou visit the Red Light District.
Page 3 CG NamesUnlock Conditions
1. Kamuchataal’s OutingAn event where Kamuchataal heads to Tuskur Stronghold.
2. The Catch (Fish)An event where TOuka takes Hakuowlo fishing.
3. The Old StoryAn event where the Owlo of Karulawaturei comes to visit Tuskur
4. ReminiscingAn event where Hakuowlo remembers something after holding Fumirul.
5. A Thirst for BloodAn event where Camyu’s feeding again, this time after Hunter & Hunted – Part 2
6. An Act of Love?An event where Touka tries to eomploy Karulau’s procreation techniques.
7. Abh-KamuAn event where you bear witness to Kunnekamun going to war.
8. MotherAn event where Hakuowlo misunderstands the scene with Ulthury feeding Fumirul.
9. Flowers in Full BloomAn event where Ulthury kidnaps Fumirul.
10. A Mother’s TearsAn event where Ulthury kidnaps Fumirul.
11. A Serene KuuyaAn event where Kuuya comes to meet Hakuowlo alone.
12. Ulthury’s DreamAn event with Ulthury about the orphanage.
Page 4 CG NamesUnlock Conditions
1. Aruruu on the Verge of DyingAn event where Hauenkua and Hakuowlo have a duel.
2. The ContractAn event that happens during the resolution and aftermath of the Kunnekamun Invasion – Post-battle Kuuya
3. AwakeningAn event where Hauenkua and Hakuowlo have a duel.
4. The Great God AwakensAn event where Hauenkua and Hakuowlo have a duel.
5. The UnspeakableAn event where Hauenkua and Hakuowlo have a duel.
6. Purifying FlameAn event that happens during the resolution and aftermath of the Kunnekamun Invasion – Post-battle Kuuya
7. Sakuya’s LoveAn event where Sakuya is grooming reverted Kuuya.
8. Last KissAn event that happens when you reach the deepest parts of the ruins.
9. LamentationClear the Utawarerumono battle and finish the game.
10. Here’s Where We Say…Clear the Utawarerumono battle and finish the game.
11. CongratulationsClear the Utawarerumono battle and finish the game.
12. CongratulationsClear the Utawarerumono battle and finish the game.
Page 5 CG NamesUnlock Conditions
1. You Did It!Clear the Where the Wild Things March battle.
2. You Did It!Clear the Where the Wild Things March battle.
3. DefeatAn event that happens during a game over.

 Great Seal
Completed Great Seal.

Great Seal is the  34th and 35th battle of Utawarerumono. Once you’ve reached the deepest depths of the ruins, your goal now becomes to seal Dii away.

 Primordial Dream
Completed Primordial Dream – Part 2

Primordial Dream are the 31st and 32nd battles of Utawarerumono as it’s a dual parted battle. After reaching the depths of Onkamiyamukai, you’ll be forced to battle the ‘guardians’. Gel-like remnants of an immortal being.

 Blocking the Shikeripechim Invasion
Completed Blocking the Shikeripechim Invasion.

Blocking the Shikeripechim Invasion is the 10th battle in Utawarerumono. It’s a rather simple battle compared to the prior ones. You’ll be stopping the resupply of enemy goods by killing the enemies Woptor’s.

Completed Pursuit

Pursuit is the 19th battle in Utawarerumono. While Hakuowlo and the ladies are away in Na Tuunk, Benawi and his subordinates keep everything around Tuskur afloat. That includes handling a thieving spy, this battle is when you engage the thieving spy’s party.

 Special Attack
Completed Special Attack.

Special Attack is the 11th battle in Utawarerumono. You’ll unfortunately be made aware things in Yamayura Village took a turn for the worse and head out to seek vengeance.

 Evenkurugan Woman
Completed Evenkurugan Woman.

Evenkurugan Woman is the 12th battle in Utawarerumono. As Kurou’s reconnaisance team was slaughtered, it was stated to be Kucca Kecca forces. Hakuowlo immediately sets out and finds out something surprising.

 Battle to the Death on the Bridge
Completed Battle to the Death on the Bridge.

Battle to the Death on the Bridge is the 13th battle in Utawarerumono. As the army of Kucca Keeca continues to elude you, you’ll find out as to why, a bridge between a chasm. You engage battle at this bridge upon it’s discovery.

 False Truths
Completed False Truths – Part 2.

False Truths is a 2 part battle that’ll be the 14th & 15th battle in Utawarerumono. Part 1 will have you flee the Owlo of Kucca Kecca, which actually leads him into an ambush. This ambush is False Truths Part 2, defeat him for this trophy.

 Giriyaginan Gladiator
Completed Giriyaginan Gladiator.

Giriyaginan Gladiator is the 16th battle of Utawarerumono. Shortly after entering Na Tuunk you’ll meet Derihourai, who’ll run off ahead and get himself ambushed. This battle is to rescue him.

Completed Infiltration.

Infiltration is the 17th battle of Utawarerumono. Sometime into Na Tuunk, Karulau will remember of an aqueduct that acts as a shortcut into the palace. While using this aqueduct to infiltrate the palacae, you’ll be forced to battle Cave Kimamau’s.

Completed Karulawaturei.

Karulawaturei is the 18th battle of Utawarerumono. After clearing the aqueduct you’ll have successfully infiltrated the palace. Though you’ll learn it was an ambush and will have to battle with the Owlo, Suonkasu.

 Princess of a Fallen Empire
Completed Princess of a Fallen Empire.

Princess of a Fallen Empire is the 20th battle in Utawarerumono. When you discover that the innkeeper was Kamuchatall, she’ll lash out with due to her plans being foiled and you’ll engage in battle.

Completed Kuuya.

Kuuya is the 30th battle in Utawarerumono. After the duel with Dii, Hakuowlo and his army will be teleported to the Kunnekamun palace to face off with Kuuya.

 Abandoned Feelings
Completed Abandoned Feelings.

Abandoned Feelings is the 21st battle in Utawarerumono. When you finally chase down Kamuchatall to the Former Kenashikourupe Villa you’ll engage in one final battle against her and her comrades, ending this charade.

 The Daybreakers
Completed The Daybreakers.

The Daybreakers is the 22nd battle of Utawarerumono. After a long absence Niwe will return with an invasion. Hakuowlo manages to ambush his men outside of the forest and protect Tuskur. 

 Hansana Offense & Defense
Completed Hansana Offense & Defense. 

Hansana Offense & Defense is the 23rd battle in Utawarerumono. Niwe is in love with the hunt and plans a retaliation on Hakuowlo by ambushing him in a valley.

 Hunter & Hunted
Completed Hunter & Hunted – Part 2.

Hunter & Hunted is a 2 part battle that consists of battles 24 and 25 in Utawarerumono. You’ll by now have chased Niwe back to his palace and engage in battle with his army outside of it for part 1, then take it inside to battle Niwe for part 2.

 Uninvited Guests
Completed Uninvited Guests.

Uninvited Guests is the 1st battle of Utawarerumono. In this battle you’ll be pitted against a half dozen Kimamau’s to defeat as Hakuowlo and Teoro. Halfway through the stage Eruruu will join you, but besides this there’s nothing too noteworthy about the battle.

 Burning Prison
Completed Burning Prison.

Burning Prison is the 27th battle in Utawarerumono. After Genjimaru joins Hakuowlo’s side your first order of business will be to rescue Waabe from Saharan Island which you’ll have to battle through.

 The Fallen
Completed The Fallen.

The Fallen is the 28th battle in Utawarerumono. It’s finally time to end things, Hakuowlo retaliates and brings war to Kunnekamun by means of invasion. Break through their defenses in this battle.

Completed Mask.

Mask is the 29th battle of Utawarerumono. After breaking through Kunnekamun’s borders, you’ll enter into the heart of the country. It is here you’ll find Masked Warriors and Dii to fight. 

Completed Abh-kamu. 

Abh-Kamu is the 26th battle in Utawarerumono. After Kuuya’s declaration of war it was a matter of time before they reached Tuskur. Now that they have, your task is to hold out and wait a set amount of turns to finish this battle. It is A LOT of turns to wait, 10 minutes of just passing turns and running away.

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