Game: The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Trophy Guide
Peripherals: USB keyboard or PS4 textpad (both optional)
Time to 100%: 8 – 10 hours
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: – Inquisitive, Hintless Wonder, Late Shift, Cher This, Youthulhu, Lucky Guess
Author: Pete and edited by BloodDragooner
Welcome to the trophy guide for The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Play through the game until the end of Act 5.
Play the entire game making sure to take note of the missible trophies (Inquisitive, Hintless Wonder, Late Shift, Cher This, Youthulhu, Lucky Guess).
You will notice that every patient will have a red dot beside their name when they are available during an act. As you ask them questions they will eventually have a yellow dot (more questions/responses available) to green (all clear, everything was asked/all responses given/documents received/cut scenes shown). ALL patients MUST BE GREEN before going onto the next Act.
DO NOT PRESS DOWN ON THE DPAD! to reveal any hint(s) unless you are using backup saves. If you can not figure out what to ask a patient then save a backup, use hint(s) and reinstall your saved backup data.
Press up on the Dpad to ask a question from the ones given, left to see questions asked (note if there’s a green or yellow asterisk beside one, this means that there is more questions you need to ask the patient), and right to review your notes of important details to solving who is Doctor Dekker’s murderer. There is also the square button to review documents, triangle to ask (type) your own question(s), and touchpad to progress to the next Act (day).
It’s highly recommended to make PS+ cloud saves or USB saves in case you press down on the Dpad and especially after each Act when all patients have a green dot by their name(s) and before the time when you accuse someone being the murderer.
You can quit the game and download to your system data the saved backup to try again, repeat process until successfully determining the murder and solving the case.
Act 1
Note: You do not need to capitalize any words at all, no punctuation is needed, and you can shorten Doctor Dekker or Dr Dekker to Dekker. Your playthrough may have some slightly different questions given to ask, you may need to ask more, or slightly different questions based on if a character does not have a green dot by their name. Check by pressing left on the Dpad.
Tell me about yourself.
What’s wrong with you?
What do you know about the murder?
Tell me about Dekker.
Why purgatory?
Why was Dekker complex?
Why couldn’t Dekker decide what to do?
Why does nothing change?
What tragic event?
Five years is a long time ago.
Are you here because of an accident?
Why wouldn’t Dekker remember it that way?
You live the same day over and over again?
Yes I will try to help you.
Who is Hannah?
You played Warcraft with Hannah?
Why are you grinding life?
Can you go back and save Hannah?
Open the keyboard and type:
Do you feel like your life is a movie?
What else can move you forward?
You’re on sleeping tablets?
Why aren’t you a builder anymore?
Why did you say you were from hell?
You don’t think you’re aging?
Are you depressed?
Can you control your problem?
Do you know anything about the murder?
Why was he a good listener?
Why are you here?
Why have you been picked up for public nudity?
Yes I’m feeling OK.
Do you often blackout?
What did he work out?
Your breathing seems normal.
Do you suffer with anxiety?
Have you tried to film your blackouts?
Tell me about the beach.
What are you doing before your blackout?
Where do you dance?
What prognosis are you looking for?
Maybe holding your breath makes you blackout?
Maybe dancing causes your blackouts?
Can someone watch you when you blackout?
Maybe alcohol causes your blackouts?
Open the keyboard and type:
Maybe you should stop dancing?
Do you go to clubs alone?
Do you remember anything during your blackouts?
Yes I’ll watch you.
Is your hair wet when you regain consciousness?
Are you flirting with me?
Have you tried losing weight, stop smoking, exercise more? Anything?
Why do you hold your breath so much?
How long have you been a patient?
What do you mean by ‘move about a lot’?
No I haven’t got you a cake for your patient birthday.
Why do you keep going to the beach?
Are you a good swimmer?
What else can you tell me about the pearl?
No I have not been addicted to something.
Can you earn enough money selling things online?
Who are your real friends?
Why are police suspicious?
What do you think about Dekker?
What happens to your clothes?
How does that make you feel?
Are there any signs of injury or assault after your blackouts?
What charges are you worried about?
What happens when you wake up?
Do you swim in the sea?
Yes I like dancing.
Who are you?
What problem are you here for?
Why does it get stressful sometimes?
I’ve got a note that Teri called.
What type of nurse are you?
Are you lying about being stressed?
You mentioned dating?
What’s end of life care?
Tell me about Dekker.
Why are some patients out of it on meds?
Why are your patients frightened?
How are the other nurses mean?
Yes I’d like to sleep through it.
Did you like Dekker?
You mentioned herbal remedies?
How many patients have died on your shift?
Who is Hilda?
What do you know about Dr Dekker’s murder?
How long have you been seeing Dr Dekker?
Open the keyboard and type:
Wasn’t it Dr Dekker’s job to be interested in your problems?
Why are you married to your work?
Do you enjoy it when your patients die?
What’s causing all these patient deaths?
Are you afraid of death?
Do you believe in an afterlife?
You believe in Valhalla?
Valhalla is from Norse mythology.
Do you feel like people don’t listen to you?
Are your patients like your children?
Do you think we become one with the universe?
Do you believe in hell?
Do you think we can go to purgatory?
Do you believe in heaven?
New age?
Do you believe in reincarnation?
You believe we go nowhere when we die?
Why are you a qualified herbalist?
Do you like animals?
I’m a dog person.
Press to use the questions menu:
Who are you?
Why are you paying a small fortune?
Tell me about Dekker.
Why are you here?
Tell me about your delusions.
Tell me about your obsessive tendencies.
Why is it absurd?
Why shouldn’t your husband be here?
How did he almost die?
Why isn’t he a well man?
How has his health deteriorated?
Tell me about caring for him.
What history of violence?
Tell me about the violent outburst.
Why did you stab him?
What’s the lake house?
What do you mean by altercation?
Do you often get angry?
Why is bad to lose control?
Who is David?
Why were the police involved?
Why do the police think you’re dangerous?
Why aren’t you in prison?
You can be saved with therapy?
Do you think Dekker was suicidal?
Open the keyboard and type:
How well did you know Dr Dekker?
Do you know who murdered Dr Dekker?
How many sessions did you have with Dr. Dekker?
What madness do you want to be free from?
What problems have you been having?
What help do you want from me?
Does David work?
Did you kill your husband?
Do you consider yourself sane?
How long have you and David been married?
How does David fritter his time around?
Why can’t you hire anyone to look after him?
What happened to Iris?
Why don’t you have children?
Do you have any other family?
How did your parents die?
Why does everyone think you lost your mind?
What job do you do?
Why don’t you just divorce him now?
What downfall?
Why do they think you’re seeing things?
What would have been avoided?
Who are you?
Yes I knew Dekker.
What do you think of Dekker?
Why didn’t you like Dekker?
What’s your problem?
Why were you depressed?
What is your job?
What extra hour?
What do you mean by midnight hour?
What do you do in the extra hour?
I don’t think you’re insane?
Why is it hard to find someone who can use a shovel?
What sort of relics?
Tell me about Henley Church.
Do you believe in Scientology?
Yes there are too many religions.
Do you know anything about Dekker’s murder?
Do you like chess?
Why do you like planning moves in advance?
Yes, I like to be in control.
How did Dr Dekker unravel?
Open the keyboard and type:
What’s wrong with you now?
Why don’t you believe in God anymore?
What did Dr Dekker push you to do?
What do you mean by time freezes?
What kind of ugliness?
Motte and Bailey?
Are you lonely?
Do you prefer burial or cremation?
Why do you think Dr Dekker would kill himself?
You don’t seem sure if your extra hour is a gift or a curse?
Do you like photography?
People are pliable? That’s an odd word to use.
Why would you need to move people in the midnight hour?
Go to the next day if all have a green dot by their name(s).
Tell me about Ben.
Who is Ben?
How well did you know Dr Dekker?
Ben found Dr Dekker’s body?
Tell me about Valentine’s night.
You mentioned the police?
Who else is a suspect?
Yes, you’re a suspect.
Why would anyone want to kill Dr Dekker?
Do you know how Dr Dekker was killed?
Did Dr Dekker have any enemies?
Maybe you should name names?
Were there any clues left at the crime scene?
Why is it a new chair?
You think a patient killed Dr Dekker because of their treatment?
Open the keyboard and type:
Why was Dr Dekker working late?
Go to the next day.
What do you mean loop?
Jaya is my assistant.
You met Hannah playing Warcraft?
You met Hannah at school?
Yes it would be funny.
Go to the next day.
What do you mean loop?
Jaya is my assistant.
You met Hannah at school?
What pill?
No don’t take the tablet.
Go to the next day.
What do you mean loop?
Jaya is my assistant.
You met Hannah at school?
Tell me about the pill.
Why do you think I’m reliving your days?
What’s sim theory?
Go to the next day.
Act 2
Note: You do not need to capitalize any words at all, no punctuation is needed, and you can shorten doctor Dekker or Dr Dekker to Dekker. Your playthrough may have some slightly different questions given to ask or you may need to ask more or slightly different questions based on if a character does not have a green dot by their name. Check by pressing left on the Dpad.
How are you today?
What were you doing on Valentine’s Day?
Why did you burn Hannah’s clothes?
What did Dekker think of you?
I like spring.
What was the epitaph?
He cursed you?
When did you leave Henley Church?
Are you religious?
What advice do you need?
Burn the rocking chair.
Do you feel lonely?
What were you doing at the time of Dekker’s murder?
No, look when you’re ready.
Tell me about your mother.
What’s your favorite season?
What’s a cephalopod?
What happened with the archaeologist?
Did Dekker ever hypnotize you?
Open the keyboard and type:
Do you like fires?
What charity did Hannah donate her clothes to?
Did Dekker ever meet Hannah?
Open the keyboard and type:
What’s mindstretch outreach?
Why would Dr Dekker run mindstretch outreach?
You were talking to the student but wasn’t in the mood for conversation?
How did your mother die?
Why do you think the children were minions?
How are you today?
What were you doing on Valentine’s?
What else can you tell me about Dekker?
How are you persuasive?
How do you feel not going to the beach?
You’re not ugly.
Why have you missed the beach?
Why am I better behaved?
What beautiful thing have you seen?
Which patients did he date?
Did you just go out for drinks?
Intimate secrets?
Why did you have drinks with Dekker?
Were you seeing Dekker?
Have you been dancing?
Are you seeing someone at the moment?
No I’m not offering.
Were you really washing your hair?
Yes, your hair is pretty.
Why do you feel the need to ask if your hair is pretty?
Open the keyboard and type:
Isn’t drinks a date?
How many times did you go out with Dr Dekker?
You like dancing in your underwear?
What breach was Dr Dekker talking about?
What cure are you looking for?
What else can you tell me about Scarlett?
What special power do you feel like you have?
Hope for what?
Are you cold?
How was Dr Dekker acting strangely?
How did Dr Dekker like to interfere?
Do you feel like you want to jump off a cliff?
How did Dr Dekker push you?
What about my buttons?
Open the evidence:
Alderby footage is shown
What were you doing on Valentine’s night?
Can you tell me anything else about Dr Dekker?
How are you today?
Why was the date different?
What time did you get the cab?
You mentioned Hilda?
What were you accused of stealing?
What else have your patients given you?
Why do you need to see Hilda?
What’s Hilda’s unfinished business?
They’re all trinkets?
What talent?
No it’s not wrong to keep the locket.
How does it comfort them?
Who was your date with?
Who accused you of stealing?
How can you tell when people are dying?
What does HSK stand for?
Tell me about Max.
How was Dr Dekker on Valentine’s Day?
Open the keyboard and type:
Are you lying about looking for love?
Who was Alice?
What did Dr Dekker say about himself?
Did you ever date Dr Dekker?
Why was Dekker in a good mood?
Why were you talking about your mom?
What did Dr Dekker say about his mom?
What issues did Dr Dekker have with his mother?
Does it hurt when you change your skin?
Did Dr Dekker have any unfinished business?
How do you change your skin?
Why is it an illusion?
Is she deceiving her patients?
You need to hold hands for it to work?
How many times have you shifted?
Why were you given the locket?
What do you mean by enlightened?
Yes I’m happy.
Any loose ends?
How are you today?
What were you doing on Valentine’s Day?
What did you talk to Dekker about in your last session?
What did you do at the lake house?
How did your parents die?
Did you speak to the girl?
Why was the girl sad?
Yes you can talk with the girl.
Yes you can talk with the girl again.
What skins did the girl see?
Where is David today?
What were you doing on Valentine’s night?
How did you meet David?
Why were you watching David?
Do you love your husband?
How did the girl seem special?
What strange creature had the girl seen?
When did your parents die?
What kind of exclusive circles?
Open the keyboard and type:
Were you close to your parents?
Did men try to take advantage after your parents died?
How was Dr Dekker’s mood in your last session?
How was Dr Dekker more animated?
How long have you known David?
It seems a little suspicious that you were at a friend’s house.
Why did you need to toughen up?
What do you mean by enormous fortune?
Which friend were you staying with?
Where did the girl come from?
No, I don’t think you killed your parents.
Carbon monoxide poisoning? From what?
Is the key significant?
How are you today?
Where were you on Valentine’s day?
Can you see something behind me?
Tell me more about Dekker.
How have you been getting out of control?
I’d spy on people.
Was Dekker’s coffin empty?
Why would there be a decoy?
I’d steal things.
I’d go to a fairground.
I’d prefer to be cremated.
What did you do after taking off Jessica’s clothes?
I’d help people.
Yes, it’s wrong to take those photos.
Why is it Dekker’s fault?
How did Dekker change?
What advice did Dekker give you?
Why didn’t you stop seeing Dr Dekker?
Have they found any more relics.
Have you ever destroyed anything?
Open the keyboard and type:
What bigger things have you stolen?
You live on your own?
What strange things have you seen?
Did thinking you had an extra hour make it real?
Why do you think Dr Dekker didn’t want to know about his patients anymore?
Maybe Dr Dekker’s coffin contained ashes or other remains?
Have you moved or hidden things in your extra hour?
Would I murder someone in my extra hour?
Have you seen people come back from the dead?
What picture did you take of the woman whose purse was snatched?
What have you done with the photos of Jessica?
No I don’t want to see the photos of Jessica.
Tell me about Ben.
Get a solicitor.
Who had a session on Valentine’s Day?
How are you?
Shall we talk about grief?
What was Dekker like?
Tell me about Claire.
Tell me about Nathan.
Why did you work late with Dekker?
Who is tom?
Tell me about Bryce.
Tell me about Elin.
What was Tom’s hobby?
Tell me about Marianna.
Did Tom die?
What patterns was Dr Dekker trying to spot?
Is there someone you wanted to say goodbye to?
Referral letters?
How did you say goodbye to Dekker?
Why did Dekker resign?
Open the evidence:
Dekker’s resignation letter
Professor Alderby?
Who or what is Cthulhu?
What happened to Dr Dekker’s glass in Alderby’s video?
What can you tell me about Dr Dekker’s patients?
What’s Ben’s mom got to do with it?
Open the keyboard and type:
What do you think about chaos?
What do you mean by headhunted?
How were Dr Dekker and i extraordinary?
Can you check Elin’s alibi with the taxi company?
Won’t you be breaching patient confidentiality if I ask you about the patients?
Why do you think you’ll get into trouble?
Isn’t professor Alderby a patient?
Do you believe what professor Alderby said about gods?
Why would professor Alderby need to test Dr. Dekker?
Who are you?
What were you doing on Valentine’s Day?
What’s your problem?
What happens when there’s a person in the painting?
Tell me about Bryce?
Do you appreciate art?
Why do they watch disapprovingly?
How do the paintings move?
Which paintings can’t you stop?
Dekker was murdered.
Dekker was stabbed.
Tell me about Dorian?
What did Dorian say?
No it’s not true.
Tell me about Dekker.
Set fire to what?
Why didn’t your boss press charges?
Was the fire started for insurance money?
Did Petra ask you to do set fire to Providence?
Was Dorian destroyed in the fire?
What tablets?
I didn’t give you anything last time.
I think you lack a little bit of self confidence.
Who are you?
What were you doing on Valentine’s night?
Know what about you?
No I haven’t found love yet.
Tell me about the neighborhood watch?
What’s wrong with Agnes?
What is the truth?
Was the woman really selling double glazing?
What happened after Agnes let the woman into her house?
Do you have proof Agnes is dead?
Tell me about Dekker?
No they didn’t find Agnes.
Why is Agnes’ husband useless?
Do you suspect the husband?
Was Ron digging a grave?
Unless what?
You think Agnes is in the foundations?
No, I won’t call the police.
Why did Dekker call you the leech lady?
You sell double glazing?
Go to the next day.
Act 3
Note: You do not need to capitalize any words at all, no punctuation is needed, and you can shorten Doctor Dekker or Dr Dekker to Dekker. Your playthrough may have some slightly different questions given to ask, you may need to ask more, or slightly different questions based on if a character does not have a green dot by their name. Check by pressing left on the Dpad.
Open the evidence:
Claire’s arrest report
Crime scene report
Do you know anything about the paper spike?
Have you seen your arrest report?
The report says you were arrested for murder.
How are you today?
How could you have a funeral if David isn’t dead?
Which patient was a pallbearer?
How do you know Bryce?
Did you intend to fatally wound him?
How did you fix him?
Did you resurrect David?
What were the results of David’s resurrection?
What problem do you have?
How can I help you?
No you’re not a killer.
No you weren’t temporarily insane.
What else did Dekker want?
What girl did Dekker mention?
Did you help Iris?
What changed Dekker’s mind?
Yes I’d like to see David.
How is it possible David was brought back to life?
Do you think you might be seeing David’s ghost?
Is David not human?
Are you lying about David being alive?
Are you lying about never seeing Dekker outside of your sessions?
Did you speak to the girl at the lake house?
What did the girl do with the fish?
Open the keyboard and type:
Can you prove David is still alive?
The arrest reports says you was covered in blood?
More information is needed from other patients’ responses so move onto Bryce.
How are you today?
Yes, I have an extra hour!
Tell me about the paper spike.
Did you bury David Castleford?
What else can you tell me about Dekker?
Who is the hooded figure?
More information is needed from other patients’ responses so move onto Nathan.
How are you today?
Do you know about the paper spike?
Shall we talk about Hannah?
What happened with the Salvation Army bin?
What else can you tell me about Dekker?
What problems did Dekker give you?
Why was Dekker crazy?
Did you follow my dating advice?
Did you read the diary?
What do you regret?
How did Dekker curse you?
Why did you believe Dekker?
What demonstration?
You remember the flame even though he hypnotized you?
Why were you scared?
What did Dekker want you to forget?
What’s a basic therapist?
Do you know Jaya well?
Dr Dekker fired Jaya?
Did you kill Dekker so you wouldn’t have to suffer through repeat days?
What have you done that you’re not proud of?
Tell me more about the pizza girl.
More information is needed from other patients’ responses so move onto Marianna.
How are you today?
What’s rent day?
Do you know anything about the paper spike?
You mentioned cheques?
Do you often go to bars and restaurants?
Do you have money problems?
You dislike crowds but visit nightclubs?
Why slink?
Where do people follow you?
What happens after people follow you?
What do you mean they disappear?
Have you had any more blackouts?
Before, you mentioned something beautiful?
Maybe someone should come with you to the beach?
Why a beacon?
Maybe the dream is made up?
Do people ever follow you home?
Do they follow you to bed?
You’re OK with men buying you drinks?
Why are you good natured?
Yes you’re sweet.
Talk to me about Dekker.
Did Dekker visit you at home?
Yes I’m thinking of doing home visits.
Open the keyboard and type:
Why do you get bored so easily?
Do they follow you to the shops?
Why is it creepy?
Did you know Dr Dekker was stabbed through the heart?
What landlady?
What do you mean by growing correctly?
You sound like you’re quite antisocial?
What investment was Dekker checking up on?
Your kisses make people follow you around?
What do you mean by aversion therapy?
Why did you mention siren?
Do the people following you remain silent?
You said she’s just passing through?
Why doesn’t it work if people are watching?
Why do people seem like they’re in a trance?
I am easily bored of you.
How are you today?
Do you know about the paper spike?
Why is it weird the paper spike was used?
How’s Hilda?
Why did Hilda scratch you?
Why did you give the keepsakes back?
How is Teri?
Who is Sarah Dekker?
Why do you feel sad?
Why wasn’t there any blood from the paper spike?
How do you know the spike was real?
Do what tonight?
Are you going to kill Hilda?
Are you going to pretend to be Hilda’s daughter tonight?
What do you say when you shift?
No shifting isn’t wrong.
Why bother shifting if patients know it’s not the truth?
Why did you say I’m not going to die soon?
Why didn’t you want me to know about Sarah Dekker?
Did you know Sarah Dekker was Dr Dekker’s mother?
Why did Dr Dekker refuse to talk about his mum?
What did Dr Dekker mean by ‘take care of it’?
Was it Dr Dekker’s idea for you to shift?
Did you shift for Sarah?
How is your mum psychic?
What’s an empath?
Open the keyboard and type:
What’s wrong with my energy?
You said Sarah Dekker was one of your first patients?
When did Sarah Dekker die?
You said you came to see Dekker for stress, not about his mother?
What meds was you trying to give Hilda?
Aren’t you breaking the rules by giving me Hilda’s herbal remedies?
So you talked to Dr Dekker about herbalism?
Sounds like herbalism isn’t working if Hilda is still dying.
Are you allowed to give patients a herbal compound?
I’d like to see the full ingredients of what Hilda is on.
You believe just the nurses care for the patients?
Why didn’t you hold my hand to shift?
What would it mean if you could have shifted? Am I near death?
What smoke and mirrors are you talking about?
Why are you worried about what you might change into when you shift?
What is the reality for your patients?
Open the keyboard and type:
Has anyone else seen David?
What happened when Dr Dekker met David?
Maybe David survived the attack?
The arrest reports says your neighbors called the police?
Go to Jaya next.
How are you today?
Why would I want Marianna’s address?
Anything else to share about Dekker?
What connection?
What did you do on Valentine’s?
Shall we talk about grief today?
Home visits?
Is Marianna competition?
Why was it a stronger connection?
I haven’t read cult of the kinetic mind.
What’s psychokinesis?
Is psychokinesis common?
Any news on Ben?
What did Ben see?
Do you believe in psychokinesis?
Tell me about the paper spike.
Why would someone send psychokinetic patients here?
What approach?
Be passive.
Are you spying on me?
Was Dr Dekker helping or hindering?
How did Dr Dekker lose sight of things?
What was the definite turning point for Dekker?
Why couldn’t Marianna concentrate in the office?
Yes show me the footage.
Why does grief sound like being whipped?
What do you know about Dr Dekker’s mother?
Did you talk to Nathan much?
Did you see anyone else here on Valentine’s night?
Do you work from home often?
So you lied to the police about being at home?
What did you need the USB stick for?
Why were you still working for Dr Dekker if you’d been fired?
Why were you cross referencing the patient files?
Open the keyboard and type:
I didn’t ask for Marianna’s address.
What did you do at home?
Did Dr Dekker do home visits for any other patients?
What do you mean by deal with it better?
How can cult leaders turn followers into disciples?
Are you into psychology?
Which of my patients claim psychokinesis?
What did Dr Dekker and Marianna do on their date?
Prof Warwick
Who are you?
Dekker is dead.
Dekker was your adversary?
What theories?
What was the experiment?
Yes I’ve heard of quantum suicide.
What did you apply that logic to?
Why gambling?
Tell me about your wife?
Did it bother you that you couldn’t have children?
What parameter did you change?
Why did the experiment stop working?
What did Dekker kill?
What’s the hangman’s paradox?
How did Dekker trick you?
Why would Dekker hate you becoming rich and powerful?
What were you doing on Valentine’s night?
What’s mindstretch outreach?
What’s quantum tunneling?
How well do you know Jaya?
Yes let’s talk about your problem.
What research?
What opportunity has arisen?
What sort of practical demonstration?
No don’t take the offer.
Who do you work for?
Stop gambling.
When did you accidentally read Hannah’s diary?
How did Dr Dekker want you to ‘make something of’ your repeated days?
Do you really believe money makes you happy?
What bizarre things have you tried?
What did you see in the basement?
Why would the military be following you?
Yes, I’ll do something for you.
What did you do with the chained girl?
Where did you follow the hooded figure?
Tell me about the bar brawl.
Tell me about the open till.
Tell me about the bedroom window.
Did Claire. ask you to do something with David’s body?
Have you seen Jessica again?
Maybe you should try talking to Jessica.
How is your job?
What did you see when you looked at your hand?
How did your hand heal?
Do you think magic healed your hand?
Yes, magic is real.
Why did you say after port side?
Open the keyboard and type:
Why would the hooded figure be testing you?
Do you really think Dr Dekker has risen from the dead?
Have you been spying on me in your extra hour?
Did you find anything when spying on Dr Dekker?
Claire says the girl in Dekker’s basement was Iris?
What’s on the hard drive?
How was the paper spike used as an example?
Do you think Dr Dekker is evil?
Have you ever killed anyone in the midnight hour?
Do you know that Claire knows Iris?
Why was there no evidence of the girl?
I have an interesting aura?
Open the keyboard and type:
Is David a zombie?
Bryce says he took iris to a police station.
What happened to the lost key?
Did David talk to Dr Dekker?
Why did you use a steak knife?
Why didn’t you have much time to think about it?
You said you’d probably have stopped iris’s death?
Why is reanimation a more accurate term?
Why do you say you didn’t succeed at bringing him back?
Where is David safe?
You said David doesn’t leave the lake house for good reason?
Why is David’s strolling unseemly?
Did you lie about David never leaving the lake house?
You know Bryce says your husband is ‘in the ground’?
Go to the next day.
Yes it’s a dream.
Yes people can have kinetic powers.
I should encourage people.
Go to the next day.
Act 4
Note: you do not need to capitalize any words at all, no punctuation is needed, and you can shorten Doctor Dekker or Dr Dekker to Dekker. Your playthrough may have some slightly different questions given to ask, you may need to ask more, or slightly different questions based on if a character does not have a green dot by their name. Check by pressing left on the Dpad.
Who are you?
Tell me about Dekker?
What did Dr Dekker dream about?
How do you know what his dream looked like?
What creatures were in Dr Dekker’s dreams?
How did Dr Dekker’s dream change at the end?
What was Dr Dekker fighting?
How do you dream walk?
Tell me about jumping into people?
Who have you taught?
How are your relationships?
Why don’t you like what you see?
Why do other people’s dreams affect your relationships?
Keep it secret.
Refuse to dream walk?
Be honest?
Accept they’re just dreams?
Were you dating Dekker?
Why Jaya?
What were you doing on Valentine’s Day?
Open the keyboard and type:
Maybe you’re only dreaming that you’re in other people’s dreams?
Can you prove that you can dream walk?
Who are you?
Why didn’t you expect to be here?
The restroom?
Did Jaya see you?
You know Jaya’s lunch schedule?
Tell me about Dekker.
What did he observe?
What’s still happening?
What’s causing your problem?
Tell me about your dad.
Do you regret not saying you loved him?
Did you make peace with your dad?
What did you your dad say?
Did you forgive your dad then?
Your dad loved you.
No the door is not shut forever.
Try to forgive yourself.
Travel back in time?
Just open a door back?
Use the evidence:
Toxicology report
Loan agreement
How are you today?
Have you looked at the toxicology report.
I want to find out who killed him.
I still need to ask you about Dekker.
What do you know about Dekker’s drinking habits?
Which truck driver died?
How did he die in the garage?
Did the truck driver’s daughter die as well?
Tell me about the letter.
Yes you’re to blame.
Tell me about Molly.
Why did Dr Dekker think a patient was trying to kill him?
What sort of messages were on the prescription pad?
Tell me about your referral.
I can stop you reliving days.
Let’s talk about Marianna.
What have the police got to do with Marianna?
Open the keyboard and type:
Why do you think Dr Dekker was bluffing?
You said Marianna’s ‘probably not the same girl’. Same girl as what?
Do you wish you could save Molly?
I believe you should stay away from Marianna.
How are you today?
Has anyone else followed you?
Why do you feel thirsty and hot?
What happens to your followers?
Do you take temazepam?
Did Dekker lend you money?
What did you need distraction from?
Was Dekker an alcoholic?
Where is home for you?
You talk about the beach a lot.
No I don’t have that dream.
What’s the glowing being?
Why would I come to your house?
How are you getting worse?
What are the blood tests for?
The seas is calling you?
What does the alarm sound like?
Temazepam was found in Dekker’s blood.
Tell me about the referral letter.
You know I never rang your doorbell.
My twin?
No I don’t have a twin.
Have you been dancing recently?
Has Nathan spoken to you?
Yes go out with Nathan.
I can stop your blackouts.
Open the keyboard and type:
What business did you start?
What’s like a compass?
Do you think anxiety is causing your symptoms?
What did you use Dr Dekker’s loan money for?
There’s something suspicious about the death clause in the loan agreement.
Why are you dreaming about dead bodies?
You know that I have a superpower?
How are you today?
Do you still think about Dekker?
Why was Dekker a lousy son?
Did Dekker ever drink alcohol?
Yes it’s stressful.
Tell me about Jaya.
Do you have access to sleeping pills?
What do you mean by a place like this?
Which patient gives you the creeps? Claire?
What’s a good death?
I can stop you shifting.
Who is Amelia?
Did you have a referral letter to see Dr Dekker?
How’s Teri?
Are you just pretending to care about Teri?
Did you ever try shifting for Dr Dekker?
Did Dr Dekker know you could shift?
Why do you think Dr Dekker didn’t care about his mom?
What happened to Hilda’s doll?
Open the keyboard and type:
Who’s Amelia?
Do you believe in fate?
Do you think Nathan is creepy?
Do you think Marianna is creepy?
Do you think Bryce is creepy?
What sort of horrible things?
What bad experiences have you had?
What upset did I cause?
Why do you want to shift at work?
Yes you’re a good person.
Was Dr Dekker near death when you shifted from him?
How are you today?
What’s the problem with the girl?
Open the evidence:
Referral letter one
Referral letter two
Referral letter three
What has David been doing?
Where did the cat come from?
What are you worried about?
What are you starting to think?
Why can’t you stop him?
Yes kill David.
Have you ever taken temazepam?
Was Dekker an alcoholic?
Have you talked to Bryce or Iris?
No, I didn’t make up the story about Iris.
Did you remember the photo?
Did Dr Dekker offer any theories about David?
Why was Dr Dekker talking about David as if he was a pet?
What ‘certain conditions’ was Dr Dekker interested in?
I can stop you from reanimating people.
Tell me about your referral.
Open the keyboard and type:
Why is it time to kill David?
You couldn’t distract yourself with dating?
Can’t you train David not to kill Anoushka?
Can’t you distract yourself with a hobby?
What do you need to do?
Why weird and creepy?
Open the evidence:
David Castleford
Open the keyboard and type:
You could distract yourself with a job?
How are you today?
What new skill have you developed?
Do you know anything about sleeping pills?
Have you seen Jessica again?
Yes, tell Jessica about the photos.
How is work?
What have you been doing in the midnight hour?
What else have you stolen?
Yes, it’s OK to steal things.
How do you know your pursuer is definitely military?
Did you ever see Dekker drink alcohol?
Why do you think your pursuer is coming after you?
Yes, I think it’s death.
Tell me how you were able to teleport.
Can you demonstrate how you teleport?
Yes, I want you to teleport.
You said before you fell like you’re unraveling?
Is this a photo of David Castleford?
What if I told you I could stop your curse?
Tell me about your referral.
Open the keyboard and type:
Do you think you’re being punished for saving the old woman?
Is your pursuer hooded?
Iris denies being locked in the basement.
What was the painting like?
What about the fly in the painting?
Why do you need to use your skills wisely?
What can you tell me about providence?
Sucking oxygen? Have you experienced breathing problems?
Are you still feeling anxious?
Your grandfather?
How are you today?
Why is work giving you grief?
What video footage?
How is reality changeable?
Can you battle with insanity?
What specific example?
Does psychokinesis really pose any danger to therapists?
What is the grandfather paradox?
Do you take sleeping pills?
The toxicology report mentions ethanol?
What’s an odd tipple?
Could someone have spiked Dr Dekker’s bottle?
Yes test for fingerprints.
Why do you need help sleeping?
Why did Dr Dekker want to be removed from the videos?
A raise?
Did Dr Dekker have any psychokinetic abilities?
How well do you know professor Alderby?
What book have you been raving about?
Did Dr Dekker ever say anything else about his mom?
Are you feeling stressed?
I relax by eating.
I relax playing sports.
I relax playing games.
I relax listening to music.
Open the keyboard and type:
Sex makes me relax.
Alcohol makes me relax.
I am just going to relax.
It makes me feel angry.
Frustrated? Yes I am.
What’s a redrum?
What was Dr Dekker’s mother’s story?
How was Dr Dekker’s mother mean?
Why did Dr Dekker need you to forge his signature?
Why did Dr Dekker make sure you couldn’t forge his signature?
You mentioned there was a pattern in the referral letters?
Go to the next day.
Who is still here?
Dekker wants you to kill people?
What happens when they follow you?
Why do you blackout?
What do you want me to tell you?
What game?
Open the keyboard and type:
No I don’t think you killed Dr Dekker.
Who taught you how to get in my dream? Scarlett?
I love you?
Go to the next day.
Act 5
Note: You do not need to capitalize any words at all, no punctuation is needed, and you can shorten Doctor Dekker or Dr Dekker to Dekker. Your playthrough may have some slightly different questions given to ask, you may need to ask more, or slightly different questions based on if a character does not have a green dot by their name. Check by pressing left on the Dpad.
How are you today?
Do you know about the stolen prescription pad?
Did you write the death threats?
Did you take the prescription pad?
Tell me about the loan.
Did you kill Dekker because you owned him money?
Tell me about the loan transfer.
How are your dreams?
You’re lying about not dreaming.
What’s the truth?
Tell me about being followed.
What is the creature?
How does it feed?
The creature eats them?
What’s wrong with looking down?
I can’t keep a secret it people are getting hurt.
What do I do when I visit you?
What missing people?
Who’s John?
What happened next to John?
Why are you really here?
Did you kill John?
Who needs to know whether you’re insane?
No you’re not insane.
How well do you know Claire?
Has anyone else turned up at your home?
I did not visit you at home.
What did we do?
Open the keyboard and type:
Dr Dekker diagnosed you as sane?
You said you’re fine?
What do you mean by get inside?
Are the holes in John possibly stab wounds?
Why was Dr Dekker a hack?
Have you had any more withdrawal symptoms?
Remember what about visiting you at home?
Why do you feel like you deserve it?
How are you today?
What keyword?
You just went into a trance.
What haven’t you been telling me?
Who murdered Dekker?
Do you know about the prescription pad?
How are they covering their tracks?
How do you know Claire wrote them?
What about time travel?
What do you mean, except once?
What had changed about Hannah’s death?
How have things been with Marianna?
Why thanks to Marianna?
How do you feel about Hannah now?
Why lie about Hannah being on life support?
Did you ever think to drive away from the lorry?
Open the keyboard and type:
Do you like dancing?
Did you take the prescription pad?
When did you travel back to the accident?
Why don’t you try jumping back again, to save her?
Marianna might be the killer
Didn’t you tell me in our first session that you couldn’t time travel?
How are you today?
Do you know anything about the prescription pad?
Do you know about the death threats?
Did you take the pad?
Why did you have to steal the pad?
Why were you feeling negative?
Who’s max again?
Didn’t you date Max?
Who was Max’s sweetheart?
Did you become Eleanor for Max?
Why would Dr Dekker want to take away your gift?
Did you kill Dekker?
Thank you for bringing me a present.
What’s in the cookies?
You put herbs in the cookies?
Why did you shift again for Max?
Why didn’t Max die?
What do you mean by mean by usually works?
Open the keyboard and type:
Are the cookies poisoned?
Have you ever made cookies for Teri?
I thought it sounded like you kill your patients.
What conversation didn’t you want to have with Max?
How could Dr Dekker use the prescription pad?
Did you really believe whatever he wrote on the pad would become true?
Did you lie about Max dying?
Have you shifted outside work?
How are you today?
Did you see Anoushka again?
What did Anoushka’s father do?
What diagnosis?
Open the evidence:
Note from Dekker
How did you kill David?
What else can you tell me about Dekker?
What was Dekker’s offer?
How were you supposed to reanimate him?
Do you know anything about the prescription pad?
Did you write death threats on the pad?
What if I don’t think you’re insane?
Why would Dekker want to kill David?
Do you think Marianna is framing you?
Open the keyboard and type:
Did Nathan say anything else to you?
Where is David’s body?
Are you threatening me?
How are you today?
Yes I knew Dekker.
What’s the news about Marianna?
What are you worried about me?
Do you think I’m going insane?
How are you coping with grief?
How did your mother die?
You said Dekker’s prescription pad went missing?
Tell me about the death threats?
Did you have any grievances with Dekker?
Who were the special patients?
You’re saying the grandfather paradox killed Dekker?
Who do you think murdered Dekker?
Do you think Cthulhu is real?
I’m not sure the patients are improving.
Open the keyboard and type:
What do you believe then?
What do you mean by power?
What else is bothering me? Psychokinesis?
My memory bothers me.
Is spontaneous combustion real?
How are you going to stop me going crazy?
Do you think your mother willed herself to die?
How does you know Marianna said she could breath underwater?
You also bother me.
How are you today?
Why do you think you’re doomed?
How has it been taunting you?
Did you kill Dekker?
How did the body disappear?
Maybe Dekker is back from the dead?
Maybe someone else moved Dekker’s body?
Maybe Dekker teleported?
Yes the thing is Dekker.
How is Jessica?
What has been happening in the midnight hour?
What strangeness do i have?
Yes, I’m Dr Dekker.
Do you know anything about the missing prescription pad?
Do you know anything about the death threats on the pad?
You said you were trying to sleep through the night?
You said a thing was looking at you?
Open the keyboard and type:
Why do you wish you were still religious?
What do you think about the restraining order?
Are you stealing things?
Why didn’t you think burial would be enough?
Accuse whoever you think is the killer. A scene with that person will play and at the end of it if it does not say ‘you caught the killer’, immediately quit the game and install the save backup. Try again and repeat until it says ‘you caught the killer’.
Stage 2 – Only if you did not get the platinum in the first playthrough.
If you did not get the platinum trophy in your first playthrough then redownload the game save data to your system storage and proceed with which ever trophy you missed. If you moved onto another Act without all patients having a green dot by their name then you may have to replay the entire game as a new playthrough.
Platinum Trophy
Acquire all trophies.
Unlock all other trophies.
One thousand questions asked!
Ask any combination of 1000 pre-made questions (by pressing up on the Dpad) and/or your own question(s) (by using the triangle button to open a keyboard). You will notice that some questions disappear from the list so take note of the ones being offered so you can type them in when prompted, as depending on who is the murderer for your playthrough (1 of 6 possible people) they will have a slightly different set of questions through the game.
Cher This
You made Nathan sing a song.
During Act 5, you need to ask this question: Didn’t you tell me in our first session that you couldn’t time travel?
Lucky Guess
Solved Doctor Dekker’s murder without accusing any innocent people.
See The Power of Deduction description as this trophy will be earned at the same time as it.
The Power of Deduction
Solved Doctor Dekker’s murder.
At the end of Act 5 when all the patients’ have a green dot beside their names, you will proceed to the accusing phase. Before doing this make sure to make your last backup save here in case you accuse the wrong person. If you do accuse the wrong person then immediately quit the game, install the saved backup and ask someone else. Repeat until you accuse the right person.
Four hundred insanity points reached.
All characters in every Act need to have a green dot beside their name in order to help reach the 400 mark. Be sure to ask all possible questions, check what questions have more followup that you need to inquire about by pressing the left button on the Dpad (they will have a yellow or green asterisks beside them). There is no in-game stat that you can check for this. This will play out every possible response, documents acquired, and cut scenes in the game for your playthrough.
Late Shift
Eight hours played.
Play the game for 8 hours either actively or having it open in an Act, but not paused.
Five hundred responses revealed!
Achieved by getting 500 answers that reveal relevant information to the murder of Doctor Dekker. So if you ask a question, and they respond that they don’t know what you are talking about or something like that, it does not count toward this trophy.
Hintless Wonder
Zero hints, and you absolutely didn’t cheat at all.
Play without using any hints. Do NOT use the down button on the Dpad at all through your playthrough. After every act you should backup your game save.
Two hundred and fifty responses revealed!
See Practitioner description, 250 mark.
Part Timer
Four hours played.
Play the game for 4 hours, either actively or having it open in an Act, but not paused.
Five hundred questions asked!
See Inquisitive description for more information. Ask 500 questions.
Hinty Aftertaste
Solved the case using less than a hundred hints.
Unless you backup your game and reinstall the save, it is not recommended to use any hints. If you are absolutely stuck and need to use hint(s), make sure to quit the game, install the backup save to continue the game now knowing what to ask/do next in the game, as it will not change the pathway to solving who your murder suspect is.
Two hundred and fifty questions asked!
See Inquisitive description for more details. Ask 250 questions.
Seeing Things
Three hundred insanity points reached.
See Youthulhu description for more details. Achieve the 300 mark.
Twenty Questions
Twenty questions – well done!
See Inquisitive description for more details. Ask 20 questions.
Slightly Mad
Two hundred insanity points reached.
See Youthulhu description for more details. Achieve the 200 mark.
House Officer
One hundred responses revealed!
See Practitioner description. 100 mark.
One hundred questions asked!
See Inquisitive description for more details. Ask 100 questions.
Mind Games
Fifty insanity points reached.
See Youthulhu description for more details. Achieve the 50 mark.
Movie Length
Two hours played.
Play the game for 2 hours, either actively or having it open in an Act, but not paused.
Ten responses revealed!
See Practitioner description, 10 mark.