Game: South of the Circle
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 3-4 hours
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: Sleuth, Toy General, Pilot, and Scholar
Trophies: 0 , 1
, 6
, 3
Author: The Trophy Platypus
Welcome to the trophy guide for South of the Circle. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, 5, Xbox One, Series X and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4/5 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Walkthrough.
Welcome to this trophy guide for South of the Circle, an adventure/walking sim from 11 Bit Studios. There are four missable trophies to watch out for: “Sleuth”, “Toy General”, “Pilot”, and “Scholar”. The three other trophies will be unlocked when going for “Scholar”, which is for interacting with all items in the game, Radios may form part of the “Scholar” trophy, but as they are not mandatory to progress the story they were not included in the walkthrough. Decisions on speech do not matter for trophies but do shape the outcome of the game, so feel free to choose whichever ones you like.
Act 1
“Onto the Ice” Story related
“Sleuth” There are 5 items to interact with for this trophy that also count for “Scholar” and are therefore labelled with a backslash, having up to 16 total items.
At the British Base, in the first building head upstairs. Interact with the Synoptic chart (1/16) and Seismic graph (2/16).
Go downstairs and into the back room. Interact with the pills on the table (3/16), and the typewriter in the back right corner (4/15).
Go into the red building at the back, and after interacting with the radio interact with the map (5/16) (“Cartographer” 1/2)
Act 2
“Diplomatic Relations” Story related.
During the childhood flashback:
“Toy General” interact with the toy soldiers (6/16).
“Pilot” interact with the toy plane at the bottom of the bed (7/16).
Interact with the globe (8/16).
In the Scottish holiday flashback:
Interact with the height chart (9/16).
Interact with drawing on the book shelf (10/16).
Interact with book on engineering (11/16).
Interact with letter on fireplace (12/16).
Interact with the record player (must be done last) (13/16).
Back at Soviet base
Interact with map (14/16) (“Cartographer” 2/2).
Act 3
“Wake Up” Story related.
Inside the first building, interact with the telegram (15/16).
Inside the second building, interact with the letter on the crate (16/16) “Scholar”.
“Survivor” Story related.
“Fin” Story related.

Onto The Ice
Begin the search for help.
Story related. Unlocks after leaving the plane.

Diplomatic Relations
Start Act 2 of the story.
Story related. Unlocks upon reaching the Soviet base.

Wake Up
Start Act 3 of the story.
Story related. Unlocks upon falling down the cliff edge.

Finish the game.
Story related. Unlocks after completing the game.

Discover all the items in the British Base.
In Act 1 you will reach the British base, there are 5 items you will need to interact with. These items are also needed for “Scholar”.
In the first building head upstairs. Interact with the Synoptic chart (1/5) and Seismic graph (2/5).
Go downstairs and into the back room. Interact with the pills on the table (3/16), the typewriter in the back right corner (4/15).
Go into the red building at the back, after interacting with the radio interact with the map (5/5).

Study all the maps
There are two maps to interact with both are needed to progress the story forward. The first is in the British base in Act 1 and the second is in the Soviet base in Act 2.

Toy General
Play a game of toy soldiers.
In the flashback scene where you are a kid in bed and your parents are arguing downstairs, interact with the toy soldiers on the side and knock them over and pick them up by pressing X until the trophy pops. Also needed for “Scholar”.

Fly Peter’s toy plane.
In the same scene as “Toy General”, interact with the toy plane at the bottom of the bed by pressing X. Needed for “Scholar”.

Study every object in the game
Missable: In the three Acts there are 16 items to interact with. They are:
Act 1
At the British Base, in the first building head upstairs. Interact with the Synoptic chart (1/16) and Seismic graph (2/16).
Go downstairs and into the back room. Interact with the pills on the table (3/16), and the typewriter in the back right corner (4/15).
Go into the red building at the back, and after interacting with the radio interact with the map (5/16).
Act 2
During the childhood flashback:
Interact with the toy soldiers (6/16).
Interact with the toy plane at the bottom of the bed (7/16).
Interact with the globe (8/16).
In the Scottish holiday flashback:
Interact with the height chart (9/16).
Interact with drawing on the book shelf (10/16).
Interact with book on engineering (11/16).
Interact with letter on fireplace (12/16).
Interact with the record player (must be done last) (13/16).
Back at Soviet base:
Interact with map (14/16).
Act 3
After falling down the cliff edge, inside the first building, interact with the telegram (15/16).
Inside the second building, interact with the letter on the crate (16/16).

Deciding to live.
Story related. Unlocks in Act 3 when you reach and start the Norwegian vehicle.