Songbird Symphony Trophy Guide

Game: Songbird Symphony
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 4-6 hours
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: –
Author: Sean

Welcome to the trophy guide for Songbird Symphony. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Play The Game until you beat the ‘The Freezing Point’

Songbird Symphony is an absolute wonderful gem developed by Joysteak and published by PQUBE with no trophies to worry about. There is a point of no return that the game warns you about, which happens shortly after “The Freezing Point” map. Though you can continue the game afterwards, so it’s not really a point of no return. We’ll still make this Point Of No Return Stage 1’s goal. By the point of no return you should have 17/20 Feathers found and identified, 33 music notes, and have the non-story trophies: Legacy, Invite Only, and Accidental Accomplice.

Stage 2 – Continue Past The Point of No Return and Finish the Game.

This last section of the game, after The Point of No Return, is 3 small maps, so you’re in the home stretch. If you followed the collectibles for stage 1, you only have to worry about 3 feathers now! The rest are story and a post-game room find.


  Songbirb Symphony
Gotta get them owl!

  Show Me Your Moves
Played your first song.

Story Related.

  Sunny Side Kick
Have Egbert join Birb in his adventure.

Story Related.

Found the Songbirds’ Memorial.

In the Crystal Corridors, once you exit the underground portion of the cave, to the left of Cassie by a little bit, there’s a giant fountain. Click the prompt to see it.

Songbirds’ Memorial

  Invite Only
Gained entrance to the party.

In Vice Paradise, there is a party to attend. This requires a little side-quest to complete. You’ll have to talk to a certain ticket booth operator, the one at the top above the TV’s. He’ll ask you to go find Nugget and get his birdseeds repaid. Nugget is a chicken that’s hidden away in the bottom right of the map. After the battle with the Kookaburra’s, you’ll want to drop to the bottom and go right. Nugget will ask you to see if the booth vendor will take fish instead. Return to the Booth Vendor and he will give you the ticket. With the ticket in hand, use the balloons beside you, go to the top right and enter the party!

Discovered Birb’s identity.

Story Related.

  Forest Guardian
Saved the forest.

Story Related.

  Bird Watcher
Identified all birds and their feathers.

There are a total of 20 feathers in this game, some of which are already indentified for you. Identifying feathers is not a difficult thing as all the feathers that need identifying has their bird in the same level. These are all trackable inside your book.

Feathers 1-5

Feather 1 (Zonoark’s Feather): GREEN MEADOWS – At the top of the map is a bridge, past this bridge is the feather. (Zonoark is located in a hidden passage, to the immediate right of the bouncy mushrooms in the cliffside)

Feather 2 (Pea’s Feather) GREEN MEADOWS – Gained at the end of the map, you can’t miss it.

Pea’s Feather

Feather 3 (Dabson’s Feather) FOREST OF ECHOES – This feather is sitting on a branch to the left of some frogs.
Feather 4 (Dede’s Feather) FOREST OF ECHOES – The elevator is on the far right, outside and above the elevator is this feather.
(These 2 feather’s are identified together in a disco party. From the beginning of the level, one of the first branches you’ll jump up to and going right will lead to a hole in the tree. Activate music blocks to reach these 2 birds.)

Feather 5 (Poot’s Feather) – GALLUS PALACE – From the check point, go up to the right. You will find a music block that’ll lift you to this. (Poot is located under the palace, to find her use the secret passage located on the lower level. You’ll find a huge stack of wooden boxes, the secret passageway is on the right side of the boxes.)

Feathers 6 - 10

Feather 6 (Emperooster’s Feather) GALLUS PALACE – You will be required to climb a tower on the right side of the map to reach the next map. Before jumping off the tower to the right, glide off to the left and use the music block to find this feather.

Emperooster’s Feather

Feather 7 (Baron’s Feather) PRECARIOUS PEAKS – From the deer you’ll need to glide to a tree to the right. Follow the cliff down and to the right. (After the Woodpecker you’ll want to follow the waterfall down, then climb back up to the right and follow the music blocks until you come across the Baron.)

Feather 8 (Woodpecker’s Feather) PRECARIOUS PEAKS – After the woodpecker, you’ll come across stairs like this. The bottom step is a hidden passage into this spot.

Woodpecker’s Feather

Feather 9 (Buridoss’ Feather) CRYSTAL CORRIDORS – After you solve a puzzle down here, you’ll follow some stairs up. These stairs lead to music blocks which lead to this feather. (Go back down to the top of the puzzle and glide into the wall on the left, you’ll notice this alcove easily to find the hidden passage. Buridoss is in this secret area.)

Feather 10 (Cassowary’s Feather) After Cassie’s song, with your new note, go all the way left and you’ll find music blocks to get you to this feather.

Cassowary’s Feather
Feathers 11 - 15

Feather 11 (Boss’ Feather) VICE PARADISE – At the top of the map near the Kookaburra Vendor, there’s balloons. Ride these balloons to the top left to find this feather. (After the Kookaburra battle, you’ll use a music block to move forward. Use the balloons to get above and into the area to find The Boss in a throne.)

Feather 12 (Kookaburras’ Feather) VICE PARADISE – After the Kookaburras’ battle, instead of using the balloon up, drop straight down and continue on. You’ll solve a puzzle and once solved, return to the reset switch. now go left over the gap, and at the top of the 2 step tree, glide right into the golden area.

Kookaburra’s Feather

Feather 13 (Francisca’s Feather) SPARKLING SHORES – From the Checkpoint, glide right. Then make your way up left to the top for this feather. (From the feather glide right onto the high up platforms and follow them to the end. Glide off to the right again and take the mushroom up to Francisca.)

Feather 14 (MetalliBirb’s Feather) THE BOILING POINT – The Cave all the way right from the checkpoint will have a bunch of gusts. Ride them until you’re all the way up to the ceiling then glide for this feather. (From the checkpoint o right and jump up to the 2nd set of stair cases. Use the right gust, go in your first tunnel. Go to the right hand side in this cavern and use the gust and go right into the small alcove which is a secret passage to find MetalliBirb.)

Feather 15 (Blue-Footed Chef’s Feather) THE BOILING POINT – This feather can’t be missed. Picked up on story progression.

Blue-Footed Chef’s Feather
Feathers 16 - 20

Feather 16 (Dancing Queen’s Feather) THE FREEZING POINT – After the penguin battle, drop onto the first stair and go right into the hidden passage.

Dnacing Queen’s Feather

Feather 17 (Magpie Feather) STORY PROGRESSION – In the transition map after the gondola.

Magpie Feather

Feather 18 (Bowerbird’s Feather) GRAND UNDERGROWTH – Gained as story progression, laying in your path as you go to leave the level.

Bowerbird’s Feather

Feather 19 (Lyrebird’s Feather) GREEN MEADOWS – After the ‘Reunion’ trophy pops, this will be on a rock to your right do not glide up the air stream yet.

Lyrebird’s Feather

Feather 20 (Owl’s Feather)After the battle with owl in his house, you’ll have to chase him through this temple level. About midway through you’ll bounce up a mushroom and have to navigate gusts through a series of columns and rows. After the 2nd floor, there’s a 3 platform jump up. You will see this feather clear as day as a drop off to the left of the platforms.

Owl’s Feather

  The Symphony is Complete
Found all the world notes.

There are a total of 39 World Notes in this game, some of which are given for story content others are hidden around. These are all trackable inside your book.


Note 1: Use the bees you find on your path and bring them to the flowers.
Note 2: Up left of the save point you’ll find a brown shell, push this into the water.
Note 3: Drop right of the save point, you’ll find a turtle at the bottom. Push him.
Note 4: After you cross the bridge, Birb will mention to float down. On doing so, hit all the fireflies on the way down.


Note 1: At the top of the tree, up left from the frogs and the feather, push the switch.
Note 2: If you go past the frogs, into the tree, you’ll be transported. Go down and left to find some spiders.
Note 3: Activate the music block between the frogs to reunite them for this note.
Note 4: Opposite of the frogs is another tree to go in, you will find some sloths here.


Note 1: To the far right side and up some stairs you’ll meet this princess chicken who will give you the note.
Note 2: This mother chick wants her 3 chicks back. In the beginning of this stage you can only find 2, it isn’t until after you have met the Emperooster that’ll you get the 3rd chick.
Note 3: After Precarious Peaks you’ll learn a new note, needed to play with this chicken.


Note 1: At the beginning of this area is a flower you will need to raise all the way up.
Note 2:You will come across a deer, above the deer on another level is a button you’ll need Eggbert for. Activate it and this note is yours.
Note 3: After the Woodpecker, you’ll find another deer. You’ll have to use Eggbert and a stone this time to activate a music block.
Note 4: From the Baron (See Feather 7) head to the left and glide off the edge hitting all the fireflies like you did in Green Meadows.


Note 1: From the checkpoint go left and down, there will be a block to push. This will get you the note.
Note 2: There are 2 routes but we’ll use the minecarts to the top and glide left. Activate the following music blcoks and continue all the way left. At the end drop down and complete the puzzle for this note.
Note 3: This note is automatically obtained.


Note 1: Solving the 4 block puzzle and pushing the square rock off will earn you this note.
Note 2: At the top of the map there will be a bunch of baloons near the ticket-booth kookabura. Use these ballons to go up and left to an alcove where this note will be obtained.
Note 3: After the Kookaburra’s song, you’ll stumble across a music block. This music block will get you this note.
Note 4: immediately after note 3’s music block, drop down the passage and at the bottom go left to find and solve a puzzle for this note.


I did not show screenshots for this map because they’re note achieved by location, they’re all just given to you by returning to the “central hub”

Note 1: With a jump, go all the way left into the cave for the first ingredient puzzle.
Note 2: Using the upward gust, go to the cave immediately above Note 1’s cave to find the next ingredient puzzle’s cave.
Note 3: From the checkpoint it’s you’re 2nd jump up to the left, then the first left path after using the upward gust. You’ll find your 3rd ingredient puzzle’s cave.
Note 4: Riding the upward gust up, immediately above Note 3’s cave you’ll find this next Ingredient puzzle’s cave.
Note 5: Going right from the checkpoint all the way, you’ll find this ingredient puzzle’s cave.
Note 6: Using the upward gust, immediately above Note 5’s cave, you’ll find this ingredient puzzle’s cave.
Note 7: From the checkpoint going right you’ll want to take the 2nd set of stairs going up. Use the upward gust and take your first right path to find this ingredient puzzle’s cave.
Note 8: Taking the gust all the way up, this is immediately above Note 7’s cave, you’ll find the last ingredient’s cave.


All the notes in The Freezing Point are story related for returning each power cell to the elevator.


All the notes in Grand Undergrowth are story related for fetching all the blue flowers needed.

World Notes Page

  Sunny Side Up
Helped Egbert hatch.

Story Related.

  Accidental Accomplice
Listened to Poot’s plans for revenge.

Poot is a chicken pixie you will first meet in Gallus Palace. After you Identify her feather, later she’ll show back up at The Freezing Point. She will be using the disguise of a Mama Penguin looking for her 7 lost penguins. Find all 7 and she will reveal herself and her plan! Her 7 babies are hidden poorly in miscolored walls:
1: Go all the way left of the map
2:Go up from penguin 1 and watch the left wall, below the red ballon to the left a little is this penguin.
3: Above Penguin 2, use the red balloon to get high then glide right.
4: Go right from mama, use the glide, and go right again.
5: From penguin 4, work your way to the top right corner. There will be a green pipe running to your left now. Activate the music blcok at the end and get the penguin from above the pipe.
6: From Mama, go the right and glide up followed by the red balloon. Glide slowly back down the pipe and go into the middle right pipe. Penguin is above.
7: From Mama Penguin go into the left gust up into the pipe, get on top of the music block then reactiavte it to bring it up. Glide onto the top of the pipe on the right, there’ll be a balloon on it. Use this ballon, and half-way up on your left side is the last penguin’s hiding spot.

  Meet the Makers
Found the secret area with the developers.

There is a stone in the Precarious Peaks that needs 36 notes to open. You will find this stone immediately after the Woodpecker to the left, hug the cliff on your way down. At the bottom go right and enter your 36 notes. Inside are the developers. You won’t be able to open this until post-game, as there are only 33 notes when you make it to the point of no return.

36 Note Door

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