Peripherals: – 2 controllers
Time to Platinum: 5 – 10 hours
Difficulty: 3/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1, 9
, 4
, 4
Welcome to the trophy guide for Shoot 1UP DX
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Welcome to the guide for Shoot 1UP DX, a shoot-em-up by Mother’s Best Games.
Tips – For local coop, a human 2nd player is recommended, but it is possible to do solo with 2 controllers.
Slow down the game speed from default if required, it will not affect trophies but disables score submission to the leaderboards.
Use the save states the game creates after each level to your advantage, this also will not affect trophies.
Choose the left/straight up route to make it easier, unless the trophy description suggests otherwise.
See the video under Robin’s Egg trophy for guidance on how to kill each boss.
Stage 1 – Campaign Playthroughs
Campaign – Play through each of the difficulty settings of the main game: Chilled, Normal and Serious. The difficulties do not stack. Slow down the game speed if you are struggling. Completing Level 4 will unlock Score Trek Mode.
Pies/Ovoid – Choose the right or back path option when you get the prompt, pies only spawn on these paths from the blue jelly-like enemies, shoot them for many points/1ups. Collect 2 pies in one game for a trophy and to unlock the second ship named Ovoid.
Scores/Shield – (Possibly easier in Score Trek Mode while going for Round and round/Loop 5 trophy). Use your shield attack on the slightly larger enemies to gain many points and to kill them quickly, also great against bosses. Collect the score points they drop. Use the shield attack 50 times in 1 playthrough. Shooting the pies can give many points. Pressing R1 to spread your ships out and form a larger shield will make it more powerful.
60x 1ups – It is recommended to have a human 2nd player for local coop, but it is possible to do it alone with 2 controllers. Play on the easiest/Chilled difficulty and lower the speed of the game. Choose the paths that do not fly upwards e.g. right or back, and shoot the pies. The pie on Level 5 gives you 1ups instead of points. (Possibly made easier in Score Trek mode if Player 2 is human and using a save state).
Spread/Plasma Auger – Press R1 with at least 6 ships collected to spread out and form the Plasma Auger Weapon, which is a large beam. In the top left of the screen, where it displays your ship count, you can see other symbols underneath that display what level of spread you are at when you press R1 and L1 to alter the size. Pressing R1 to max spread (9) and then killing an enemy while this is active will pop the trophy. (Note: Unsure if a boss kill is required or that the trophy pops at the end of a level)
If at any point you only have 2 ships remaining perform the Plasma Auger for a trophy, or start a new game on chilled, purposely get hit to kill 1 of the 3 ships, and then press R1 and perform the Plasma Auger.)
Don’t die – It might be worth returning to the main campaign to attempt this after you have played Score Trek Mode and got used to that playstyle. Play through Chilled without getting hit. Always press L1 to retract your ships. Check the screen after each level to see if you lost any ships.
Stage 2 – Score Trek Game Mode.
As you should know the game inside out by now, this Stage should be simple enough, there is no auger spread option, but make sure to still collect the 1ups to upgrade your ship.
You need to play through the game 5 more times in Score Trek Mode, each time getting harder, the only bonus is that once you kill a boss and start a new stage it creates a save state, and if you die you can select to continue from that point via the title screen. If you are playing in local coop with a human player. It is possible to revive each other, although you will lose 1ups, so decide if it is better to restart from the save point, or continue with the amount of lives you have, creating a new save state.
Always choose the Straight Up path, as it is easier and quicker.
Stay on the bottom left at the final boss, but slightly away from the enemies appearing at the edge of the screen. It is also possible to stay at the top left of the screen but harder to dodge a stray bullet.

Master and Commander
Get All Trophies.
Congrats and thanks for looking at our guides.

Million Bucks
Get over a million points from a single enemy.
Use your shield attack on the slightly larger enemies to gain many points and to kill them quickly, also great against bosses. Collect the score points they drop and collect over a million points worth for this trophy. Pressing R1 to spread your ships out and form a larger shield which will make it more powerful. Stop shooting to charge your shield up, which looks like a bubble surrounding you, go up to the side of an enemy and press X to use your shield attack.

Trick Killer
50 kills in a single level using the shield.
Stop shooting to charge your shield up, which looks like a bubble surrounding you, go up to the side of an enemy and press X to use your shield attack. Play on the easiest setting so that the enemies are weak and will easily die from the shield attack. Kill 50 in one level for this trophy. Please watch the video for further assistance.

Robin’s Egg
Beat a non-Trek campaign losing no ships.
It might be worthwhile to attempt this after you have played Score Trek mode and gotten used to that playstyle of not getting hit. Play through Chilled difficulty of the main campaign without getting hit and dying. Always press L1 to retract your ships as you will have less chance of getting hit. Check the stats screen after each level to see if you lost any ships. See the video for guidance on how to kill each boss and make it through without getting hit.

Round and Round
Complete loop 5 in Score Trek
Score Trek Mode is unlocked by finishing Level 4 in the main campaign.
You need to play through the game 5 more times in Score Trek Mode, each time getting harder. The only bonus is that once you kill a boss and start a new stage it creates a save state, and if you die you can select to continue from that point via the title screen. If you are playing in local coop with a human player, it is possible to revive each other, although you will lose 1ups, so decide if it is better to restart from the save point, or continue with the amount of lives you have, and creating a new save state.
Always choose the Straight Up path as it is easier and quicker.
Stay on the bottom left at the final boss, but slightly away from the enemies appearing at the edge of the screen. It is also possible to stay at the top left of the screen but harder to dodge a stray bullet.
Please see the video for guidance of the last level on Loop 5.

Love the Pain
Complete Serious Campaign.
This is the hardest difficulty to the main campaign.
Use your shield against larger enemies. Spread your ships out slightly to perform the Plasma Auger. Collect as many 1up’s as possible. On the last boss, stay in the bottom left of the screen, slightly away from the edge.

Ovoid Unlocked
Eat 2 pies on a single playthrough.
Choose the right or back path option when you get the prompt, pies only spawn on these paths from the blue jelly-like enemies, shoot them for many points/1ups but collect 2 pies in one game for a trophy and to unlock the second ship named Ovoid. Please see the video for further assistance.

Get 30,000,000 points in any game mode.
Easily done in Score Trek Mode while going for the round and round/loop 5 trophy. Use your shield attack on enemies, especially the slightly larger enemies to gain many points and to kill them quickly, also great against bosses. Collect the score points they drop. Shooting the pies can also give many points.

Ship Hoarder
Get thirty ships in single player.
This will possibly come naturally while going for other trophies. Collect the 1up’s dropped from killed enemies. Once you have 30 1up’s this trophy will pop. any ship you collect afterwards will act as a bomb.

Precious Ships
Beat a non-Trek level without losing a ship.
It might be worth attempting this after you have played Score Trek mode and gotten used to that play style of not getting hit. Play on Chilled difficulty of the main campaign without getting hit and dying. Always press L1 to retract your ships as you will have less chance of getting hit.
There is another trophy called Robin’s Egg that requires you to complete the campaign without getting hit. See the video under that trophy for guidance.

Score Monger
Get 10,000,000 points in any game mode.
Easily done in Score Trek Mode while going for the round and round/loop 5 trophy. Use your shield attack on enemies, especially the slightly larger enemies to gain many points and to kill them quickly, also great against bosses. Collect the score points they drop. Shooting the pies can also give many points.

Out of Retirement
Complete Normal Campaign.
This is the middle difficulty to the main campaign.
Use your shield against larger enemies. Spread your ships out slightly to perform the Plasma Auger. Collect as many 1up’s as possible. On the last boss, stay in the bottom left of the screen, slightly away from the edge of the screen.

Score Trek Unlocked
Finish level 4 to unlock Score Trek mode.
Completing Level 4 of the main campaign will unlock this trophy and the game mode Score Trek.
Use your shield against larger enemies. Spread your ships out slightly to perform the Plasma Auger. Collect as many 1up’s as possible.

Take It Easy
Complete Chilled Campaign
This is the easiest difficulty to the main campaign.
Use your shield against larger enemies. Spread your ships out slightly to perform the Plasma Auger. Collect as many 1up’s as possible. On the last boss, stay in the bottom left of the screen, slightly away from the edge of the screen.

Max Multiplier
Kill an enemy with the best ship spread
Press R1 with at least 6 ships/1 up’s collected to spread out to max (9) and form the Plasma Auger Weapon, which is a large beam, and kill an enemy.
In the top left of the screen, where it displays your ship count, you can see symbols underneath that displays what level of spread you are at when pressing R1 and L1 to alter the size. Pressing R1 to form the max spread of 9 and then killing an enemy while this is active will pop the trophy.
(Note: Unsure if a boss kill is required or that the trophy pops at the end of a level.)

Score Fiend
Get 1,000,000 points in any game mode.
Easily done in Score Trek Mode while going for the round and round/loop 5 trophy. Use your shield attack on enemies, especially the slightly larger enemies to gain many points and to kill them quickly, also great against bosses. Collect the score points they drop. Shooting the pies can also give many points.

Peer Pressure
Get sixty ships with two players.
Collect 1up’s dropped from killed enemies. Normal max amount per player is 30, any collected afterwards act as a bomb. In 2 player, this amount can be exceeded. See video below.
It is recommended to have a human 2nd player for local coop but it is possible to do it alone with 2 controllers.
Option 1 – Play on the easiest/chilled difficulty and lower the speed of the game. Choose the paths that don’t fly upwards e.g. right or back, and shoot the pies that spawn from the blue jelly-like enemies. The pie on Level 5 gives you 1ups instead of points making this trophy easier.
Option 2 – Play Score Trek in single player (or 2 player with human) until the start of Level 5. (If in 1 player) Purposely die. Have player 2 join, slow the game speed down if needed, then Continue from the save state, this way player 2 starts with move lives than if joining mid game, choose the right/back/free flight path and shoot the pie, collect the 1up’s it drops.
If you have failed to pop the trophy you can die and reload the save state.

Conservative Killer
Form the max Plasma Auger with only two ships.
If at any point you only have 2 ships remaining perform the Plasma Auger by pressing R1 for this trophy, or start a new game on chilled, purposely get hit to kill 1 of the 3 ships, and then press R1 to spread out and perform the Plasma Auger, a beam fired from your ships.