Game: Sagebrush
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 1 hour
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: Barnstorming with the House of David, Archivist, Piecing it Together, Poking Around, Genesis 3:16, Genesis 1:3
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for Sagebrush. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the game
The map
The Community Hall
Interact with the back of your car and open the trunk. Pick up the key and cut the fence (Where the beam of the headlights shine). Make your way into the Community Hall. Here you will find a few important things:
First Tape, Generator Key, Gate Key, Farm Shed Key, Map.
The Map is located at the entrance, to your left next to the billboard. The First tape is located in the main dining area on a table. The generator key can be found in the main dining area, next to the light switch. Pick up the key and enable the power generator. It’s outside, on the right of the house(Point of view from car). Now go back in and make your way to the ping pong room. It’s the first door on your left. On the right side of the Bookshelf are 2 keys. Pick them up and make your way outside. Open the gate and the trophy “Welcome to Black Sage Ranch” should pop.
The Farm Shed
Make your way to the Farm Shed and open the door with the key that you found. Once inside, do the following things:
– Interact with the second tape
– Pick up the Batteries (Genesis 1:3 trophy). It’s next to the tape, red of color.
– Pull the light cord hanging from the roof
– Interact with the jacket on the right, giving you a key to Andrew’s trailer.
Trailers, Toilet and School
Make your way to the trailers, and open Andrew’s Trailer. Pick up the third tape that’s on the table. Also, pick up the key that’s on your left on the bed. Now make your way to Sister Viola’s trailer. Open the door with the found key and pick up the fourth tape here too. This will pop the trophy for having listened to 4 tapes (Poking Around trophy). The trailers have nameplates on them, that way you will be able to find the correct trailers.
Near the trailers are 2 bathrooms, make your way to the one on the right. There is a Toilet with a pregnancy test in it. Pick this up for the Genesis 3:16 trophy.
Make your way to the school, there is a generator to the left of it. Enable power and turn on the light. Make your way inside the school and interact with the 5th tape.
Rectory, fire pit and trailers
Make your way to the Rectory and open the gate with the code 0603. Once inside, go to the bedroom. You will find a few important things there:
– Master Trailer Key (Will also pop “The Warning Light Trophy).
– 6th tape.
– Interact with the camera, you will get a VHS.
Now make your way back to the trailers and open Brother Leonard’s trailer. Tape number 7 will be on your left, and there will be bolt cutters on the right. Pick both up. Now make your way to Brother Peyton’s trailer and cut it open with the bolt cutters. There is a shovel in the trailer.
Now go to the fire pit and dig up the key closely to the tree. The key belongs to Lilian’s trailer. Make your way to her trailer and open the door. Your 8th tape will be found (Piecing it together trophy). The Cleansing Room key is next to the light switch on the wall. Make sure to pick it up.
Cleansing Room
Now make your way to the cleansing room. Once there, make sure to open the gate with the cleansing room key. Inside are a few important items:
– Pick up the axe on the altar
– Go up the ladder, pick up the Mine Key and your 9th tape
Make your way to the mines, and open the door with the mine key. Slash the wooden barrier with the axe you just picked up and take the elevator down.
Once down, go to the right and then to the left. Pick up the Oil can. Now turn around and make your way to the minecarts (Refer to the pain-map drawn). When at the minecarts, use the oil on the minecart and pull it towards you. Slash the wood and you will find a hidden area. You will need to interact with everything that’s behind it:
– The body and the document next to it. (The sun is gone Trophy).
– Your 10th tape.
– The Gas Can.
Take the Gas Can to the Generator room (Turn around, and go left). Enable power and take the elevator back up.
You will need to do 2 things while you are out in the cornfield.
– Dig up the key.
– Make a run around the baseball field (Barnstorming with the House of David Trophy)
The key is found close to the Shed we were at the beginning of the game, where we found the batteries for the flashlights.
The baseball field is found between the fire pit and the farm. You will need to run counter clock-wise, from Home base → First Base → Second Base → Third Base → Home Base. Make sure yo run, walking won’t cut it! You can watch a video here.
The Rectory – Upstairs
Once you found the key in the cornfield, go back to the Rectory. Take the stairs and open the door on the first floor.
You can put the tape into the VHS, which will reveal the code 3564 to you. Open the safe that’s behind you (on your left).
Pick up the Golden Seal, this will earn you the trophy “The Eighth Star”.
The Chapel
Now that we found the golden seal, make your way to the Chapel. ENTERING THE CHAPEL IS A POINT OF NO RETURN.
Within the Chapel, we will find the 2 remaining tapes, as well as the last remaining trophies (I love you all so much + A New Day + Archivist).
Use the seal on the door and enter. Pick up the 11th tape and listen to the story (Takes a few minutes). Once done, enter the door behind you.
There are 3 documents here, pick them up and a secret door will open. Make your way in and you will shortly after find the 12th and final tape.
You will encounter a few more doors, keep walking forward and a few scenes will play where the story will go in-depth. At a given moment, you can’t continue forward (Storage room). Make your way back, and shortly after you will reach the burned down Chapel. The final trophy “A New Day” will pop, earning you the platinum trophy.
Perfect Heaven
Get all the Trophies.
The sun is Gone
Night falls on Black Sage Ranch.
Story related, cannot be missed. Refer to Stage 1 for a complete walkthrough.
A New Day
The Sun Rises at Black Sage Ranch.
Story related, cannot be missed. Refer to Stage 1 for a complete walkthrough.
The Eighth Star
Find the golden Seal.
Story related and cannot be missed.
I love you all so much
Relive the final moments of the Flock.
Story related, cannot be missed. Refer to Stage 1 for a complete walkthrough.
Genesis 3:16
Find the Pregnancy test.
The Pregnancy test is located inside the bathroom on the right, near the trailers.
Poking Around
Collect 4 audio tapes.
Refer to Archivist.
Piecing It Together
Collect 8 audio tapes.
Refer to Archivist.
Collect all audiotapes.
Collect all audio tapes.
1) Community hall.
2) Shed.
3) Trailer.
4) Trailer.
5) School.
6) Rectory.
7) Trailer.
8) Fire Pit.
9) Cleansing Room.
10) Mines.
11) Chapel.
12) Chapel.
Full description of all tapes can be found in Stage 1.
Barnstorming with the House of David
Run the Bases.
The baseball field is found between the fire pit and the farm. You will need to run counter clock-wise, from Home base → First Base → Second Base → Third Base → Home Base. Make sure you run, walking won’t cut it! You can watch a video here.
Welcome to Black Sage Ranch
Gain Access to the full compound.
Story related, cannot be missed. Refer to Stage 1 for a complete walkthrough.
Genesis 1:3
Find the flashlight batteries.
The batteries are found within the Shed. They are red and can be found on the table, next to the second tape.
The Waning Light
Dusk falls on Black Sage Ranch.
Story related, cannot be missed. Refer to Stage 1 for a complete walkthrough.