Planet RIX-13 Trophy Guide

Game: Planet RIX-13
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 20 minutes
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: Let it Burn!, Cause of Death: killed By a Monster, Acid, Explosion, Suffocation, Drowning, Suicide, Radiation (7 trophies involving dying)
It was worth a Try, Alchemist
Author: Knoef_NL

Welcome to the trophy guide for Planet RIX-13. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Complete the game

Follow the video guide below for a complete walkthrough. It takes around 20 minutes to platinum the game. If you would like to have information on trophies, please refer to them below. It is still highly advised that the video is used to complete your playthrough.


 Planet RIX-13 Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!

Complete all other trophies for this one to unlock.

Cause of Death: Radiation
Die from effects of radiation

At the very beginning of the game, walk towards your left and you will die of radiation.

Cause of Death: Explosion
Die in the explosion

Before resolving the issue with the source of anomalies do the following:
Go to the place “Cargo Ship” and interact with the ship. Select “replace the navigation unit” and fly away. The ship will crash, earning you this trophy.

It will also earn you the “It Was Worth a Try” trophy.

 Cause of Death: Suffocation
Die from effects of toxic fumes

Go to the “Cave system” and enter the cave by walking towards the left. Enter the gap and walk to the right, you will suffocate while doing so.

 Cause of Death: Drowning
Drown in the water

Go to the Laboratory B01 and enter the laboratory door. Interact with the keypad and enter the code “2409”. The room will fill itself with water, making you drown. It can take a minute or two before the room is completly filled with water.

 Cause of Death: Killed by a Monster
Die after a monster attack

Go to the “Idol” and place the crystal in the machine. Now walk with full speed towards your right. A monster will grab and kill you.

Cause of Death: Acid
Die due to acid exposure

Make your way to the “Well” and place to rope in the well. Climb down and walk into the acid that is dripping down the ceiling.

 Cause of Death: Suicide
Commit suicide

Go to the “Laboratory B01” and enter the living room. Interact with the pile of garbage, to your right. Drink the poison and you will die.

Find all the locations

There are a total of 11 locations to discover. Please refer to the video in Stage 1 on how to find them.
All the locations are:
1. Cave system
2. Laboratory B01
3. The place of supplies drop
4. Place of crash
5. Well
6. Laboratory B02
7. Reactor
8. Laboratory B03
9. Cargo Ship
10. Idol
11. Radar Station

Map with all locations

 Wonders of Technology
Make an object using 3D printer

Story related and cannot be missed.
Go to the 3D printer and print a computer screen. The 3D printer is found in the Laboratory B02, you will also need to find a few items. This is all explained in the walkthrough video present in Stage 1.

Find a Crystal

There are a total of 4 crystals that need to be found. Keep playing the story and this trophy will be earned. The first one can be found in the Laboratory B01 by the laboratory door. Interact with the panel(code = 2409) and you will find the crystal.

Try to prepare a potion using five components

To make a potion out of five components you will need 5 components. Go to the Laboratory B03 and interact with the minilab. Add all 5 ingredients to the mix and press “mix”.

The following 5 are present:
1. Wood Mushroom – Found in the “Place of crash
2. Cave mushroom – Found in the “cave system”
3. Flower – Found in the “Well”
4. Red Berries – Found in “Laboratory B03”
5. Yellow Berries – Found in the “Cave system”

 Two is Better Than One
Restore the operation of both servers

Story related and cannot be missed. Refer to the video in stage 1 on how to complete the campaign.

It Was Worth a Try
Try to fly away from the planet, not solving the problem with the source of the anomalies

Before resolving the issue with the source of anomalies do the following:
Go to the place “Cargo Ship” and interact with the ship. Select “replace the navigation unit” and fly away. The ship will crash, earning you this trophy.

It will also earn you the “It Was Worth a Try” trophy.

 There is a Signal!
Restore the operation of repeaters

Story related and cannot be missed. Refer to the video in stage 1 on how to complete the campaign.

 Let It Burn!
Destroy the source of anomalies

Go to the “Laboratory B01” and make your way to the anomalies (Laboratory -> Corridor -> Elevator). place the explosives and walk outside the room, wait for the countdown to hit 0. The trophy should pop. Make sure you reload your game since you will need the explosives again for a second ending.

Reloading is done by pressing: Pause -> Main Menu -> Continue

Peaceful Outcome
Eliminate the source of anomalies without destroying it

Go to the radar station and enter the room. Place the explosives on the scientific equipement and walk outside. Wait for the countdown to hit 0 and the trophy is yours.

 You Managed to Survive!
Pass the game

Finsh the game and this trophy will pop. Refer to the video in stage 1 on how to complete the campaign.

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