Game: Music Racer
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 4 hours (with back-upping your save file)
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for Music Racer. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Get 1, 2, & 3 stars.
First of all you will need to earn the following trophies:
– Three Star Race – Get three stars for any race.
– Two Star Race – Get two stars for any race.
– One Star Race – Get 1 star for any race.
The trophies don’t stack, meaning you have to get each one in a separate race.
For the three stars, do the following:
Car: Anything you like.
Level: RETRO.
Soundtrack: Blue Neon
Difficulty: Zen (Removes any obstacles).
This combo makes it easy to earn the 3 stars. In the video below you will find a video walkthtough on how to earn 3 stars.
For 2 stars, do the following:
For two stars, do the following:
Car: Anything you like.
Level: RETRO.
Soundtrack: Blue Neon.
Difficulty: Zen.
Collect all notes until the rhythm of the music changes. When it does, stay still in the middle lane. Refer to the video below if you are having trouble.
For 1 star, do the following:
Car: Anything you like.
Level: RETRO.
Soundtrack: Blue Neon.
Difficulty: Zen.
Stay still in the middle lane and you will earn yourself a single star rating.
Stage 2 – Farming 100.000 coins
Almost all trophies are dedicated to buying all levels & cars. The most expensive item within the game is the Santa car. This one will cost you a total of 100.000 coins.
Since you will only earn between 700-1.800 coins each race, it would require a lot of grinding to earn the coins required to buy all items. The solve this problem, you will need to back-up your save file once you earn 100.000 coins.
Now buy the following items, then restore your back-up.
To earn the coins needed, it’s recommended to put the game on “Zen” difficulty. This removes all obstacles within the race, so you can’t destroy your combo meter. The formula to earning coins is:
Notes hit + Combo = coins.
If you hit an obstacle during a race, the “Combo” will reset to zero, earning you less coins.
Farming coins can be a boring grind, but it can be done semi-idle.
Load up the following set-up:
Car: Anything you like.
Level: RETRO.
Soundtrack: Blue Neon.
Difficulty: Zen.
Passive farming: Stay still in the middle lane. This method will earn you around 700 coins each run. You will have the required coins in 7 hours.
Active farming: If you choose to play actively, you will earn around 1.650 coins within a run. You will have the required coins in 3 hours.
There are many different songs, so you could always change to keep things interesting. There is no need to play the same song over and over again, just keep it on “Zen” difficulty for maximum coins. Increasing to “Normal” or “Hard” won’t earn you more coins.
Music Racer Platinum
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Three star race
Get three stars for any race.
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Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Road Warrior
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Two star race
Get two stars for any race
Unlocked a new car!
F1 bolide
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Muscle Car
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new level!
Knight Rider
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Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new car!
Unlocked a new level!
Distant Lands
Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new level!
Unlocked a new level!
One star race
Get one star for any race.
Unlocked a new level!