Game: G.I JOE: Operation Blackout
Peripherals: Second controller for co-op and some misc trophies.
Time to 100%: 15-20 hoursspoile
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: none (chapter select)
Author: Knoef_NL and Matt Knight.
Welcome to the trophy guide for G.I JOE: Operation Blackout. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Easy playthrough and misc trophies.
You need to complete a playthrough on the easiest difficulty, named Action Figure. During this, aim to do the following:
1) Obtain all collectibles.
2) Complete the Side Missions.
3) Earn all misc trophies for each level.
4) Use each Character’s Ultimate move.
5) Perform each Character’s Primary Weapons Quick Reload.
6) Unlock modifiers.
Each level has a set of collectibles that need to be obtained. For a complete list refer to “Now I Know!”. Complete any side missions, the requirement will be displayed in the top right corner along with the primary mission requirements. Almost all levels require a specific action for a trophy. Keep this in mind while playing the levels on easy. A few levels require multiple tries.
While playing each level, where possible, select a different character that you haven’t used before, use their Ultimate move at least once by pressing L1+R1. Also perform a quick reload at least once with each character’s primary weapon, by pressing R1 during reload when the gauge is vertical and pointing down inside the darker area. After the 1st playthrough, the only characters that will still need to be used are either Destro or Baroness.
After completing a level for the first time, you’ll unlock modifiers and playable characters from that specific level. These will come in handy for the hard playthrough as you can select any unlocked character.
Modifiers will not void trophies.
Stage 2 – Hard playthrough / Local Co-op mode
For the hard playthrough make sure to enable a modifier that will benefit you! The double health/Shield or More damage will benefit you most. Make sure to push Square to enable it (Not X, as that will skip the selection).
Your shield will regenerate when not taking damage for a while, whereas health will not regenerate. Each character has unique stats, some have 200HP and 200 shield, while others only have 100.
Ignore the side missions, collectibles and enemies and just run to the next checkpoint where possible. The enemies will despawn. Using StormShadow or Destro, and pressing Circle to make them charge/run forward, will help.
You also need to play some Local Co-op, but that can be done in 20 minutes. You need a second controller to farm the idle friendly player. Play each game mode and win with each character. Alter the settings to the lowest to make this as quick as possible. Playing Capture the Flag and setting it to 1 is recommended.
Using a 2nd controller/co-op is recommended for some misc trophies. See the descriptions.
Complete Blackout
Collect all the trophies.
You caused a Blackout! Congratulations!
A Job Well Done
Complete all secondary objectives on story mode
Each level has 1 secondary objective that needs to be completed. They are all very straightforward.
The objectives will appear in the top right corner of your screen once they can be fulfilled.
American Hero
Complete all missions of story mode on “Man of Action” difficulty.
Refer to “A Real American Hero” for more information.
A Real American Hero
Complete all missions of story mode on “Real American Hero” difficulty.
The hardest difficulty ingame is “A Real American Hero”. It is recommended that you complete the levels on the easiest mode first, as this will unlock modifiers.
When doing Real American Hero mode, make sure to equip the “Double Shield/HP” or “Double Damage” modifier. Press Square to equip it.
Ignore the side missions, collectibles and enemies and run to the next checkpoint where possible. The enemies will despawn.
Hot potato
Deal damage to 5 enemies with a single grenade.
You need to hit 5 enemies at the same time with a grenade, but you do not need to kill them. This can be done in many levels as soon as you see enemies group together.
An easy method is to select Zartan, use his special by pressing L1+R1, which will make him invisible to the enemies, the enemies will still approach Zartan but will not attack. Once 5 or more gather, press L1 and throw a bomb at your feet.
Show me what you’ve got!
Win a multiplayer match in all game modes.
With online multiplayer, the game refers to local co-op. There are a total of 4 game modes, these being:
1) Team Arena,
2) Assault,
3) Capture the flag,
4) King of The hill.
Change the settings to the lowest to make it quicker.
Don’t be a stranger –
Win a Multiplayer match with every character from Cobra and G.I Joe.
You need to play a total of 12 matches, 6 on each team. Put kills to 1 and keep killing the second idle player. Should be done fairly quick. If you struggle to find the 2nd player quick enough, play Capture the Flag mode instead and set it to 1. The game shows you where the flag is, making winning the game very quick and easy.
Knowing is half the battle!
Get half of the game collectibles.
Refer to “Now I Know!” for more information.
Now I Know!
Get all the collectables.
Most collectibles are found with levels as pick-ups. Few character skins can only be earned by completing a level with a certain character. Those are listed in “Other”.
Level 1
Snake Eyes:
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 14 with Duke.
Lady Jade:
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 6 with Lady Jaye.
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 6 with Sci-fi.
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 5 with Scarlett.
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 5 with Roadblock.
Cobra Commander:
Character Skin 1: Complete mission 8 with Cobra.
Storm Shadow:
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 9 with Firefly.
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 1 with Baroness.
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 13 with Destro.
Character Skin 1: Complete Mission 11 with Zartan
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #230 (2016): When you start, the collectible is on the deck of the ship. Walk for a bit, the collectible is on the right side.
Bronze Betty Heroic skin: When facing the 2 AA’s, walk towards the guns on the right. The collectible is behind them.
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #255 Cover A special part 5 (of 5) (2018): Before the boss part. The collectible is on your right behind a ship.
Hiss of Obedience Neon Skin: When you take control of the objective point, make your way upstairs. The collectible is behind the stairs.
Level 2
GI Joe ARAH Issue #27B (Retail Incentive): When walking up the steep hill, look behind you on your right.
G.I Joe ARAH issue #227 SUB Cover (2016): After reaching the 3rd objective (Secure the refinery). The collectible is on the big water container on your right.
Apollo Caster Heroic skin: When on the platform to activate the turrets, look to where you came from. The collectible is on your right, on top of a building.
Breacher Heroic skin: Behind the platform, beneath a giant container.
Level 3
No collectibles present
Level 4
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #250 RIB (2018): Inside the tower where you need to survive your hacking attempt.
Crypsis Venomous skin: After surviving, make your way over the bridge. The collectible is on your right behind the tower.
Apollo Caster Neon skin: After surviving the second wave, head outside through the gates, then turn right.
Crypsis Neon skin: After clearing the third coms, 2 doors will open. Take the right door (facing towards the outside).
Level 5
Breacher Neon Skin: Upon entering the command center where you fight Cobra. The collectible on your left.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #255 SUB Cover (2018): In the third room behind the tank/stairs.
Osprey Neon skin: After going through the hallway, behind a box.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #255 Cover B (2018): In the next room with a destruction command center. The collectible is in the upper level inside a small room.
Level 6
T.E Cannon Neon skin: After reaching the outside, behind the building.
T.E Canon Heroic skin: After reaching the second base, where you need to interact with 3 buttons. it’s behind a small building.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #263 Cover A (2019): Inside the hangar that you need to open. The collectible is behind a box.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #244 (2017): In the airfield, on the far right in the snow. There is a path leading behind the rocks.
Level 7
No collectibles present
Level 8
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #249:
Right at the start, make your way up.
Gorgon Neon Skin: In the bottom left corner of a fighting arena.
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #1 Cover Variant (2016): Behind the stairs in the next fighting arena.
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #252:
In the area with a few turrets in a small alley. It is in one of the small cut-outs next to a turret.
Level 9
Vendetta VMB Venomous Skin: After jumping down from the giant hill, on your left. It is next to a Japanese temple.
#238 (2017): 1 minute after the previous skin, behind a Japanese house.
Boomslang Neon Skin: Immediately after the previous collectible, it is to the right of the stairs.
Level 10
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #225 Cover C: Behind the dojo in the starting area.
Osprey Heroic skin: On the main road, behind the three on the left.
G.I JOE SNAKE EYES Issue #14 Cover Variant (2012): At the final area, where you placed the C4 in the previous level. Collect it before you defeat the final boss.
Level 11
G.I Joe #1 cover B (2016): Behind the first red Cobra statue.
#222 Cobra World Order: In the area where you need to capture the flag. The collectible is upstairs.
Boomslang Venomous: When defeating Cobra, head to the far left.
Hiss of obedience Venomous: When defeating Cobra, inside a small tower on your right.
Level 12
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #8 Cover C (2016): At the first belt, go all the way towards the right. The collectible is in a small entrance.
Feral XMB Neon skin: When at the second belt, the collectible is in the left corner.
G.I JOE ARAH#21 (1984) – Breakdowns: After beating all the enemies in the hangar, you will get to another area with belts. In on your right.
G.I JOE: Cobra Civil War #0 Cover B (2011): Same area as the previous one, but on the left. Interact with the belts to clear a path.
G.I JOE ARAH #9 (2002): Still the same area, in the far right corner of this room. (Behind the final belt)
Level 13
Gorgon Venomous skin: On the airport, between some boxes. On the right.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #254 (2018): After leaving the airport, in the right tower.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue 252 Cover A Special Missions Part 2 (of 5) (2018): After making your way down into the building. The collectible is on your right before leaving. (You already found a collectible here in a previous level)
Level 14
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #253 Cover A (2018) Special Mission Part 3 (of 5): Before using the AA guns, walk a bit past them. It is on the far end of the ship behind some containers.
G.I JOE ARAH Omnibus TPB (2018): Where you took down some planes for the second time using the AA. Go back inside the ship and take the dead end path.
When entering the ship, the collectible is on your right.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #230 (2016) Cover Art: When liberating the mainframe (capturing a point). The collectible is upstairs.
Bronze Betty Neon skin: After liberating the point, make your way downstairs. It’s on the main path.
Level 15
No collectibles are present within this level.
Level 16
G.I JOE Snake Eyes #1d (2011): When you start the level, turn around.
Vendetta XMB Neon skin: In the tower when destroying the turrets.
Feral XMB Heroic skin: From the previous skin, walk straight ahead.
G.I JOE ARAH Issue #234 SUB Cover (2016): Upstairs, when destroying the fortress consoles
Level 17
Alpha’s Bane Neon skin: When you spawn, look to your right. Behind the tanks.
G.I Joe ARAH Issue #221 Cobra World Order Part Three (2015): When killing the 2 bosses, it’s in the hallway. The collectible is on your right.
Alpha’s Bane Venomous Skin: When in the giant cave, the collectible on your left.
Cold Slither
Complete mission 4: “Cold Case”, without receiving health damage from Zartan.
Zartan appears 3 times throughout this level. Only the second and third time he has a health bar. During those times you will work towards this trophy.
He is equipped with a sniper rifle and only fires from a long distance. Stay behind cover and he will not be able to hit you.
A MCcullen Won’t forget
During Mission 6: “Come with me if you want to live”, Knockdown Destro at least 4 times.
At the very start of the mission, you will face Destro. When you “kill” him, he will be knocked down with an orange shield. Wait for a bit and he will get up on his feet again. Repeat this until the trophy pops.
Man on the Run
Complete Mission 8:” It’s a Trap” with 2 minutes or more remaining.
When playing on Easy, you have around 4-5 minutes left when reaching the end. Make sure to keep running and blast the doors to progress. In certain areas you need to attack the boss. Knifing him seems to do the trick quickly.
The trophy will pop nicely together with “That Tech is Expensive!” & “Man on the Run”.
If struggling, play on Easy. Ignore the side missions, collectibles and enemies and run to the next checkpoint where possible. The enemies will despawn. Using Storm Shadow or Destro, and pressing Circle to make them charge/run forward will help.
Survival of the fittest
During mission 9: “Made in Japan”, While playing as Storm Shadow, defeat most of the ninjas using melee attacks
You need to obtain this trophy in co-op mode. If not playing in co-op, the NPC will kill most of the ninjas before you get the chance to kill them with your sword.
Ninjas are dressed in red. They will also spawn when interacting with the secondary objective (finding the 3 scrolls).
A relic of the Past
During Mission 10: “Fury & Silence”, Don’t lose your grasp on the mold.
You will pick up the mold at the beginning of the mission. You will encounter the white ninja (Storm Shadow) three times during the level. He will try to get close to you and steal it. Keep walking away from him and he should not be able to do so.
Make sure you play on the easiest difficulty with the modifier for extra damage on.
You can’t do thiss to me!
During Mission 11: “Nothing Personal”, Defeat cobra commander in less than 2 minutes.
Put the game on easiest difficulty and get a few grenades in. Explosive deal high damage and will kill anybody quickly. Also make sure to take the extra damage modifier.
Disassembly Line
During Mission 12: “First Light” defeat 25 B.A.T.’s using turrets.
At the end of the level, you need to survive for a given time when performing a hack.
You’ll be able to control 2 turrets, having them move left or right. Keep them where they are, and you will kill most of the enemies.
Guide the enemies back to the turrets that slip past them. Be careful, as the turrets will shoot at you too!
The Pride of the McCullen
Complete Mission 13: “Unplugged” as Destro without taking down neither Scarlett nor Lady Jaye
At a given point you need to survive for 3 waves. During the second wave, Lady Jaye will spawn. During the third wave, Scarlett will spawn. Ignore both and keep killing only the B.A.T.S.
As deadly as ever
During Mission 13: “Unplugged” defeat both Lady Jaye and Scarlett while playing as Baroness
At a given point you need to survive 3 waves. In wave 2 & 3 Lady Jade and Scarlett will spawn. Kill them before you kill all the normal enemies.
Make sure to select Baroness in character select.
They Won’t even know what hit them
Complete Mission 16: “enemy of my enemy” in under 15 minutes.
As for the character, pick one of the fastest. Keep running and shooting enemies along with it. 15 minutes is not much, as you can be done in about 10 minutes.
Make sure to put it on the easiest difficulty with the damage modifier.
If struggling, play on Easy. Ignore the side missions, collectibles and enemies and run to the next checkpoint where possible. The enemies will despawn. Using Storm Shadow or Destro, and pressing Circle to make them charge/run forwardwill help.
Target Practice
During mission 16: “Enemy of my enemy” on single player, win the B.A.T destruction contest.
At a given point you will see a “scoreboard” at the top of your screen. Beat your A.I ally with killing the most enemies.
Make sure to focus on the weaker enemies such as the little robots that explode and the regular white enemies. Throwing grenades or using your special move into grouped enemies will help.
Snake is sneak spelled sideways
During mission 17: “Freedom Squad”, defeat the last boss avoiding its special attack.
During the final fight in the cave you face Storm Shadow. He has 3 phases, and after each phase some enemies will spawn. Towards the end of each phase, he will use a special move, as seen below.
When playing on Easy, you can take him down with a strong explosive gun or grenades. That way he will not pull off his special move.
G.I Joe is There
Complete all missions of story mode on “Government Issue” Difficulty
Refer to “A Real American Hero” for more information.
Lock and Load
Perform a quick reload with all primary weapons.
While playing each level, where possible, select a character that you haven’t used before, perform a quick reload at least once with each character’s primary weapon by pressing R1 during reload when the gauge is vertical and pointing down inside the darker area. After the 1st playthrough, the only characters that will still need to be used are either Destro or Baroness.
Snake Eyes
Lady Jaye
Cobra Commander
Storm Shadow
Ultimate Power
Perform all character ultimates.
Play at least once with every character and perform its ultimate by pressing L1+R1.
Snake eyes
Lady Jaye
Cobra Commander
Storm Shadow
Yo Joe!
Complete the tutorial.
Story related. Required and cannot be missed.
Mine, all mine!
Complete Mission 1: “Capture the FLAGG” in under 10 minutes.
Mission: Capture The Flagg
Difficulty: Action figure [Easy]
Modifiers: Reinforced Tactical Vests or Armor Piercing Rounds
Character: Storm Shadow (has the most speed)
When the level begins, start running towards the checkpoints, ignoring the side missions and enemies where possible. Clear the AA checkpoints quickly by destroying the aircrafts fast. Now keep running until you encounter Duke. Use your special to take him down quickly or use grenades.
When at the capture point, keep yourself within the circle so it takes as less time as possible to capture the flag.
Now make your way up and clear the objectives quickly.
Refer to the video below if you are having trouble.
Recipe for Disaster
Complete mission 2: “Light’s Out” without activating any turrets.
During the last part of the game, you need to survive for 3 waves. Power up the base but do not interact with the turrets. It is best done on the easiest difficulty.
A Joe needs No Tricks
Complete Mission 5: “Scarcity of freedom” using the self-destruct sequence only once”.
During this mission, you encounter a terminal with a Self-Destruct button twice. The first one is mandatory to interact with.
The second one is found once you need to stand your ground for 3 minutes. Do not interact with it at all and this trophy will pop.
Close Enough to the End
Complete mission 8: “It’s a trap” without losing everything.
Not even sure what the exact requirements are for this trophy – It could refer to winning this level without having the countdown hit zero.
It will pop alongside the trophies “That Tech is Expensive!” and “Man on the Run”.
All these 3 trophies can be obtained within a single run.
That Tech is Expensive!
Complete Mission 8: It’s a Trap! destroying no more than 3 B.A.T.S pods.
During this mission, you will encounter a lot of B.A.T pods, which are marked red. They spawn enemies. During the intro, destroy only 3 of them,
You will be able to earn this trophy alongside “That Tech is Expensive!” and “Man on the Run”.
Graves of the firefly
During Mission 9: “Made in Japan” as firefly, defeat most of the enemies using only the Boomslang.
The Boomslang is the main gun of Firefly. It is kinda a rocket launcher, so do not use it too close to yourself.
Again, do this mission in co-op, or the NPC will kill off all the enemies before you can.
Make sure to kill all the enemies in the first area before placing the C4. After the C4 detonates, kill all the enemies again before progressing.
Failing in killing most enemies will result in the trophy not popping.
On mission 10: “Fury & Silence”, Deal the final blow to Storm Shadow using “Snake Eyes” Katana.
As Snake Eyes, deal the final blow with your melee weapon by pressing Triangle. Best done on Sasy.
Spring Cleaning
Complete Mission 14: “Undo what They Did to USS” having defeated most enemies.
Kill all enemies with your gun. do not go too fast as you might miss some otherwise!
Doesn’t Ring a Bell
Complete Mission 17: “Freedom Squad” without losing control of your character.
You need to fight 2 bosses at the same time. Make sure to hit them both every few seconds. This will taunt them, having them attack you instead of hitting the bell. Placing a good timed grenade will kill them quickly.
Whenever There’s Trouble
Complete all missions of story mode on “Action Figures” difficulty.
Refer to “A Real American Hero” for more information.