Game: Crossovers by POWGI
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 1-2 hours
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Author: Knoef_NL & JimP2121
Welcome to the trophy guide for Crossovers by POWGI. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the game
You will need to complete a total of 200 levels, all solutions are provided below. Before you can enter these words, you will have to complete a few mini puzzles. Those mini puzzles always have 4 letters that you can choose from, it’s easier to guess those, as this is just the fastest way to complete them. You will need to complete 1 puzzle without making any errors, a solution for that is listed in the trophy ” Who’s a clever boy? “.
Level | Word | Level | Word |
1 | Judge | 2 | Onion |
3 | Zodiac | 4 | Wrinkle |
5 | Vampire | 6 | Eleven |
7 | Piano | 8 | Cheat |
9 | Eclipse | 10 | Magnet |
11 | Universe | 12 | Spine |
13 | Sunrise | 14 | Once |
15 | Amoeba | 16 | Promise |
17 | Pets | 18 | Fingers |
19 | Silent | 20 | Pregnant |
21 | Sundial | 22 | Sled |
23 | Wrong | 24 | Unplug |
25 | Stick | 26 | Toga |
27 | Geology | 28 | Bleep |
29 | Burglar | 30 | Orbit |
31 | Sneeze | 32 | Yolk |
33 | Stamps | 34 | Zero |
35 | Hyphen | 36 | Neuter |
37 | Echo | 38 | Candle |
39 | Kayak | 40 | Sentence |
Level | Word | Level | Word |
41 | Pedal | 42 | Month |
43 | Hurdle | 44 | Prisoner |
45 | Mute | 46 | Episode |
47 | Mustard | 48 | Charged |
49 | Scuba | 50 | Bound |
51 | Diary | 52 | Flutes |
53 | Phone | 54 | Pilot |
55 | Ocean | 56 | Atlas |
57 | Paper | 58 | Braille |
59 | Curator | 60 | Niagara |
61 | Test | 62 | Genie |
63 | Outlet | 64 | Carpet |
65 | Sticker | 66 | Corny |
67 | Match | 68 | Stamina |
69 | Freeze | 70 | Drive |
71 | Crunch | 72 | Combat |
73 | Arcade | 74 | Facade |
75 | Heated | 76 | Dressing |
77 | Polygon | 78 | Eject |
79 | Pound | 80 | Miracle |
Level | Word | Level | Word |
81 | Recycle | 82 | Insect |
83 | LLama | 84 | Diner |
85 | Crawl | 86 | Market |
87 | Rusty | 88 | Stubborn |
89 | Audience | 90 | Company |
91 | Cheese | 92 | Galleon |
93 | Onward | 94 | Total |
95 | Battery | 96 | Service |
97 | Waiter | 98 | Amigo |
99 | Ounce | 100 | Bumble |
101 | Crowd | 102 | Blossom |
103 | Kitty | 104 | Storage |
105 | Singer | 106 | Towel |
107 | Sleeve | 108 | Volume |
109 | Spring | 110 | Staples |
111 | Couple | 112 | Spend |
113 | Hole | 114 | Chard |
115 | Wound | 116 | Concern |
117 | Power | 118 | Buffet |
119 | Alarm | 120 | Thousand |
Level | Word | Level | Word |
121 | 122 | Sauna | |
123 | Anxiety | 124 | Scale |
125 | Blaze | 126 | Intro |
127 | Bazaar | 128 | Prone |
129 | Globe | 130 | Doubt |
131 | Balance | 132 | Trade |
133 | Green | 134 | Grease |
135 | Engaged | 136 | Ensemble |
137 | Likewise | 138 | Beyond |
139 | Increase | 140 | Rainbow |
141 | Chip | 142 | Stroke |
143 | Matter | 144 | Omnibus |
145 | Motion | 146 | Bagel |
147 | Rough | 148 | Multiple |
149 | Strain | 150 | Eastern |
151 | Oxymoron | 152 | Shrapnel |
153 | Leather | 154 | Edam |
155 | Sheet | 156 | Animal |
157 | Diets | 158 | Nose |
159 | Handy | 160 | Flesh |
Level | Word | Level | Word |
161 | Octagon | 162 | Short |
163 | Robot | 164 | Florist |
165 | Sagas | 166 | Fowl |
167 | Division | 168 | Turban |
169 | Issue | 170 | Wiring |
171 | Income | 172 | Pine |
173 | Sandal | 174 | Weight |
175 | Soldier | 176 | Cricket |
177 | Beehive | 178 | Dynamite |
179 | Mummify | 180 | Spark |
181 | Trifle | 182 | Porter |
183 | Advice | 184 | Inept |
185 | Down | 186 | Butter |
187 | Yarn | 188 | Jitters |
189 | Young | 190 | Grate |
191 | Abrupt | 192 | Theme |
193 | Equine | 194 | Stole |
195 | Hail | 196 | Stripe |
197 | General | 198 | Actor |
199 | Paths | 200 | Event |
Collect all the trophies.
I still don’t get it
Unscramble words that are not the answer ten times
You will need to form words that are not the solution to the puzzle, but which are real words. You can do this at your earliest convenience in the following levels:
Level 8: Tache, Teach, Theca (Solution: Cheat).
Level 12: Peins, Penis, Pines, Snipe (Solution: Spine.)
Level 13: Insures (Solution: Sunrise).
Level 14: Cone (Solution: Once)
Level 16: Imposer (Solution: Promise)
Barking up the wrong tree
Try five different wrong answers for the same clue
This can be done on level 1, with the letters JUDGE. Form the following “words” before entering “Judge”:
The mind boggles
Unscramble three other words before solving a clue
This can be done in level 8, the solution here is “Cheat”, make sure to enter the following words beforehand:
1) Tache
2) Teach
3) Theca
Cross training
Solve every puzzle.
There are a total of 200 puzzles, you will need to complete them all to earn this trophy. All solutions to this are listed in “Stage 1”.
Mix it up a bit
Completely miss the point of an anagram-based clue.
This trophy can be earned in level 17. Type in the Word “Step”, while the solution is “Pets”.
I don’t get it
Unscramble a word that isn’t the answer
The earliest level to pull this off is level 8. You can come up with the words: Tache, Teach and Theca (Solution: Cheat).
Oh grow up!
Anagrams, huh?
This has to be done in level 12. Give in the word “Penis” while the solution is “Spine” .
You spelled it wrong .
This is done in level 23 when giving the solution “Wrong” . (Cannot be missed.)
Paws for thought
Spend at least a minute considering a solution.
When you completed all the mini games in a puzzle, wait for 1 minute and the trophy will pop.
Drop it!
Try the same wrong answer twice.
Can be done on level 1. Just put in a wrong answer twice.
Solution is: “Judge”.
Ruff guess
Try an answer that isn’t even a word
Can be done on level 1. Just put in the word “JUEDG”.
First try!
Find the correct letter on only the fourth attempt
On level 1, pick the following 3 letters before selecting the “E” on “Prey” and “Deck”.
1) A.
2) O.
3) U.
Who’s a clever boy?
Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
On level 1, give in the following letters in the mini puzzles:
1) E, to form “Prey” and “Deck”.
2) G, to form “Change” and “Cage”.
3) J, to form “Major” and “Ajar”.
4) D, to form “Added” and “Bride”.
5) U, to form “Tune” and “Drug”.
Give me an “A”
Find a missing letter “A”
All letters from A-Z will pop automatically while you are solving the puzzles. Most of the letters will pop during the first few levels. The letter “Q” will pop as the last one, on level 193, with the words “Squid” and “Equal”.
Give me an “B”
Find a missing letter “B”.
Give me an “C”
Find a missing letter “C”.
Give me an “D”
Find a missing letter “D”.
Give me an “E”
Find a missing letter “E”.
Give me an “F”
Find a missing letter “F”.
Give me an “G”
Find a missing letter “G”.
Give me an “H”
Find a missing letter “H”.
Give me an “I”
Find a missing letter “I”.
Give me an “J”
Find a missing letter “J”.
Give me an “K”
Find a missing letter “K”
Give me an “L”
Find a missing letter “L”
Give me an “M”
Find a missing letter “M”
Give me an “N”
Find a missing letter “N”
Give me an “O”
Find a missing letter “O”
Give me an “P”
Find a missing letter “P”
Give me an “Q”
Find a missing letter “Q”.
Give me an “R”
Find a missing letter “R”
Give me an “S”
Find a missing letter “S”
Give me an “T”
Find a missing letter “T”.
Give me an “U”
Find a missing letter “U”.
Give me an “V”
Find a missing letter “V”.
Give me an “W”
Find a missing letter “W”.
Give me an “X”
Find a missing letter “X” .
Give me an “Y”
Find a missing letter “Y”.
Give me an “Z”
Find a missing letter “Z”.