Game: Cross the Moon
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 10 minutes
Difficulty: 1/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1, 11
, 1
, 0
Author: Hellscythe
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Stage 1 – Complete the game.
Cross the Moon is a Visual Novel seen through the eyes of sibling vampires and an out of town cop as they unravel a strange mystery at the heart of their broken country. This game does not require making multiple save points, since the story unfolds in a linear way, making it easily to obtain their respective trophies and the platinum.
Main Menu.
Stage 2 – Controls.
- Button R1: Toggles dialogue skipping.
- Button Option: Accesses the game menu.
- Button X: Advances dialogue and activates the interface.
- Touch panel/Touch panel button: Hides the user interface.
Stage 3 – Settings.
Skip: Unseen Text.
Text Speed: Far Right (maximum).
Auto-forward Seed: Far Right (maximum).
Stage 4 – Walkthrough.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
Oh It´s that… press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume I.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
“Thank You dear…” press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume II.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
Trophy: Moon Looks Back Side A.
The door knob rattled. press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume III.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
For herself a spiked coffee with whipped cream. press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume IV.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
Trophy: Moon Looks Back Side B.
“but I don´t think that´s what say on her mind yesterday.” press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume V.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
Ryouko recalled that thing she´d seen in the bloodFLOW basement, in the shape of the tattoo on the back for her neck. press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume VI.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
Trophy: Moon Made Flesh Side A.
She climbed the stairs. Impossible memories flashed before her eyes. press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume VII.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
“You remember me, don´t you lux”. press O button to Skip the seen.
Trophy: Claire’s Journal Volume VIII.
Press R1 to activate quick skip.
Trophy: Moon Made Flesh Side B.
Trophy: Platinum Moon.

Platinum Moon
Get all other trophies

Moon Looks Back Side B
Completed Side B of “Moon Looks Back”
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Moon Made Flesh Side A
Completed Side A of “Moon Made Flesh”
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Moon Made Flesh Side B
Completed Side B of “Moon Made Flesh”
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume I
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume I
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume II
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume II
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume III
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume III
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume IV
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume IV
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume V
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume V
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume VI
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume VI
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume VII
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume VII
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Claire’s Journal Volume VIII
Discovered Claire’s Journal Volume VIII
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.

Moon Looks Back Side A
Completed Side A of “Moon Looks Back”
This trophy can be obtained naturally exploring the game, can be obtain following the Walkthrough.