Game: Blood Waves
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 4 hours
Difficulty: 2/10
Missable trophies: –
Author: Knoef_NL
Welcome to the trophy guide for Blood Waves. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Reach wave 34
In order to earn a lot of trophies you need to get to wave 34;
– Survivor (suvive 30 waves)
– Killing zombies (First blood, 100 zombies, 500 zombies, 1000 zombies, 5000 zombies)
– Spending cash (10.000 cash, 25.000 cash, 100.000 cash, milionaire (1.000.000 cash)
– Large scale game (1.000 kills with the minigun)
– Buying weapons (Sniper, Bomberman(RPG))
– Misc trophies
You only need to reach wave 30 for the “survivor” trophy, however for the 5000 zombie kills & 1.000.000 cash spend you want to reach wave 34 to earn those.
Stage 2 – Reach wave 10
There are a lot of trophies that require you to upgrade a weapon/trap and skill to its maximum level. This can be done by reaching wave 10(without using any skill points). Once you are in wave 10, upgrade a skill/item to its maximum level and quit. Now reload the game and upgrade another skill to its maximum level. Keep doing this until you earned all trophies for this. The following skills/items need to be upgraded:
1. Machette + Armor
2. Colt + Resistance to damage
3. SMG + Regeneration
4. Shotgun + Health
5. Minigun
6. AK12
7. RPG
8. AWP
9. Barricade
10. Turret
11. Grinder
12. Flamethrower
13. Deadly spinner
Blood Waves Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!
Spend 1,000,000 cash in one game
For this trophy you need to reach wave 34. Money can be spend on various items and ammo. There will be a point ingame where you will earn more money than you can spend. Keep wasting RPG ammo in the safehouse and keep buying new ammo. This is a boring proces, but it will allow you to spend all your money to earn this trophy.
Survive 30 waves
This trophy is the hardest in the game. Follow the instructions below to reach wave 30:
Wave 1+2: Use your knife to kill all zombies
Wave 3: Get the shotgun and also use your colt
Wave 4: Get the Loot boost perk and buy some ammo
Wave 5: Buy the spinner + The upgrade for the grinder. Also get some ammo
Wave 6: Buy the second spinner
Wave 7: Buy ammo
Wave 8: Get the minigun
Wave 9: Get the grinder
Wave 10: get the sniper
Spend your upgrade points in upgrading the Minigun & Sniper. The skill points should be used for resistance to zombies and increasing health.
You need to build your base as follows:
On the side roads, place a slider.
On the main road, place a grinder, facing towards the door on the right.
Only shoot the Bomb, Electric and acid zombies. All other zombies will be killed by the traps. Your main weapons are the minigun and the sniper. You won’t be needing any other weapons once you buy these two.
After completing a wave you can quit the game and make a save to your USB-stick. In case you die you can always reload the save-file.
In the video clip below you can see how you can play each wave, without moving too much.
You will notice that i’ve placed some bariers and turrets in front of a door. This will decrease the amount of zombies that will be running towards you. They will start killing those objects, which is totally fine. This allows you to spend more money, which will earn you a few trophies along the way. You should start doing this around wave 15 when you have plenty of money.
5,000 zombies
Kill 5,000 zombies in one game
This trophy will pop once you reach wave 34. See “Survivor” for tips and tricks on this.
Large-scale game
Kill 1,000 zombies using M134
You will need to kill a total of 1.000 zombies troughout any games. The Minigun can be bought at a price of 25.000 and comes with 500 bullets. Bullets can be resplinished after every wave.
Master Deadly Spinner
Improve Deadly Spinner to
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Mega Headshot
Make 100 Headshots using Shotgun
Buy the shotgun for 6000 cash and headshot a total of 100 zombies. This trophy can be earned in multiple games, and doesn’t require you to kill them all during one game. It’s best to try this during the early waves (Wave 4-10).
100,000 $
Spend 100,000 cash in one game
See ” Millionaire” for more information.
Master Zombie Grinder
Improve Zombie Grinder to maximum in Workbench
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Maximum Invulnerability
Improve the skill “Invulnerability” to the maximum
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Maximum Health
Improve the skill “Health” to the maximum
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
1,000 zombies
Kill 1,000 zombies in one game
See ” 5,000 zombies” for more information
Full combat readiness
Buy all kinds of traps in one game
This trophy will pop as soon as you buy all traps once, these are:
– Grinder
– Slicer
– Baricade
– Gunturret
You don’t need to buy them in one game for this trophy to pop.
Master Flamethrower
Improve Flamethrower to
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Master RPG-7
Improve RPG-7 to maximum in Workbench
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Master AWP
Improve AWP to
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Master Barricade
Improve Barricade to maximum in Workbench
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Maximum Regeneration
Improve the skill “Regeneration” to the maximum.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Master Turret
Improve Turret to
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Earn 1,000 points on the repair in one game.
You will need to repair your turrets, flamethrowers, slicers and grinder for a total of 1000 points. This can be done once they get damage by zombies attacking it. After you complete a wave, you will be able to buy & repair stuff. Make sure to repair them as often as possible by pressing circle.
Maximum Resistance
Improve the skill “Resistance to damage” to the maximum.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Master M134
Improve M134 to
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this
Master AK-12
Improve AK-12 to the maximum in Workbench.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Master Machete
Improve Machete to maximum in Workbench.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Master Shotgun
Improve Shotgun to maximum in Workbench.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Kill the Electric zombie by shooting at his feet.
Simply kill an electric zombie by shooting at his feet. The best weapon for this is the minigun or the sniper.
100 zombies
Kill 100 zombies in one game.
See ” 5,000 zombies” for more information
500 zombies
Kill 500 zombies in one game.
See ” 5,000 zombies” for more information.
10,000 $
Spend 10,000 cash in one game.
See ” Millionaire” for more information.
25,000 $
Spend 25,000 cash in one game.
See “Millionaire” for more information.
Buy AWP.
Buy the AWP sniper and this trophy will pop.
Buy RPG-7.
Buy the RPG and this trophy will pop.
Acid Wars
Kill 20 Acid Zombies using SMG.
You will need to kill a total of 20 acid zombies with the SMG uzi. This can be a little tricky, because the uzi is a horrible weapon in this game. It will take around 1 clip to kill an acid zombie with the uzi.
Master SMG
Improve SMG to maximum in Workbench.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Add Armor
Get skill Armor.
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
I love barricades
Build 100 barricades in one game
Build a total of 100 barricades in one game. You can place a maximum of 15 at a time. Simply place them in front of door so that zombies will kill them every wave. Keep repeating this until you reach 100 barricades. (7 waves are required if you keep placing a total of 15 each wave)
Build 10 Flamethrower Traps in one game.
You will need to build a total of 10 flamethrower traps. You don’t need to build them in one game for this trophy to pop.
A total of 2 flamethrowers can be places at once, so you will need them to be killed by zombies in order to place new ones.
Zombie Grinder
Build 4 Zombie Grinder Traps in one game.
Build 4 zombie grinders and this trophy will pop. You don’t need to build them in one game for this to pop. You can place a total of 2 grinders at once, so you will zombies to kill them in order to place new ones. The Acid, Electric and bomber zombie are able to kill it.
Deadly Spinner
Build 2 Deadly Spinner Traps in one game.
You will need to build a total of 2 spinners, this doesn’t need to be in 1 single game. You can only place 1 spinner at a time, so you will need to kill one. The bomber zombie are the only one in the game that are able to kill the deadly spinner.
First blood
Kill the first zombie.
Earned upon killing your first zombie.
Master Colt M1911
Improve Colt M1911 to
See “Stage 2 – Reach wave 10” for more information on this.
Get Deadly Damage from Traps.
You will need to keep running into your own traps (Slicer or grinder) and die of the damage inflicted. This trophy can’t be earned once you upgrade the regeneration skill, because you will regenerate faster than you will be getting damage.