Arcade Game Series : Galaga Trophy Guide

Game: Arcade Game Series : Galaga
Peripherals: –
Time to 100%: 4 hours
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: None (chapter select)
Author: Matt Knight and edited by BloodDragooner

Welcome to the trophy guide for Arcade Game Series : Galaga. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.

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Stage 1 – Game Settings – Level Select and Lives.

To be able to use the level select option, go into the Option/Settings menu.
Note – You must have previously reached the level in order to be able to level select it.

You can also increase the amount of lives you start with to 5 in the same menu.

Stage 2 – Reach Stage 31. Perfect the Challenge Stages.

Aim to reach Stage 31.
Next, you need to get Perfect (kill all enemies) on the challenge stages.

A) Level select to the stage before and get yourself a dual fighter, this will make the challenge stages easier.
B) Stage 15 also needs to be done without a dual fighter
C) Holding Square will make your ship shoot faster.


 Retro Gamer
Earn all other trophies!

Congrats on your platinum and thanks for looking at our guides.

 Stage 15 Perfect
Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 15 Challenging Stage!

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s beam and then kill him to release your fighter) Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however.

Stage 15 – Perfect.

 Single Perfect
Without forming a Dual Fighter, get a Perfect Bonus on a certain Challenging Stage!

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s beam and then kill him to release your fighter) Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however.

 Stage 31 Perfect
Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 31 Challenging Stage!

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s beam and then kill him to release your fighter) Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however. This Challenge also has the Blue Spaceship enemy in it.

Stage 31 – Perfect.

 Stage 27 Perfect
Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 27 Challenging Stage! 

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s beam and then kill him to release your fighter) Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however.

 Stage 23 Perfect
Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 23 Challenging Stage!

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s beam and then kill him to release your fighter) Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however.

Stage 23 – Perfect.

 Stage 19 Perfect
Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 19 Challenging Stage!

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s tractor beam and then kill him to release your fighter) Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however.

Stage 19 – Perfect.

 Ace Pilot
Get a 70% or higher hit rate on Stage 10 or above!

If you haven’t got this trophy naturally, then use the level select option, choose Stage 10, shoot 1 enemy, and then stay still and die. The trophy will pop when you lose all your lives.

Find the Galboss that appears in battle!

This enemy first appears on Stage 12. One bullet will kill it.

 Blue Spaceship
Find the Blue Spaceship that appears in battle!

This enemy first appears on Level 31 Challenge stage. One bullet will kill it.

 Stage 11 Perfect
Get a Perfect Bonus on the Stage 11 Challenging Stage! 

Please watch the video below to see and learn the patterns. Choosing the level before via level select and then creating a dual fighter will make this easier. (Get captured in Boss Galaga’s tractor beam and then kill him to release your fighter). Hold Square to shoot faster. Sometimes you need to time your shots however.

Stage 11 – Perfect.

Find the Stingray that appears in battle! 

This enemy first appears on Stage 8. One bullet will kill it.

Find the Mosquito that appears in battle!

This enemy first appears on Stage 19 Challenge Stage. One bullet will kill it.

Find the Scorpion that appears in battle!

This enemy first appears on Stage 4. One bullet will kill it.

 Stage 30 Reached
Reach Stage 30 and view the stage emblem!

Reach Stage 30 for this trophy, you will need to reach Stage 31 for all the trophies, so this will pop while working towards that.

 Enemy Fighter
Shoot down a red captured Fighter!

Only do this if you have at least 2 fighters/lives left. Allow your fighter to get captured in the tractor beam formed by Boss Galaga, then with your next fighter, shoot the captured one. Don’t shoot Boss Galaga as that will release your fighter.

 Escape Artist
Escape from a Boss Galaga’s tractor beam!

Boss Galaga takes 2 hits to kill. Shoot him once while he swoops down, allow yourself to get caught in the tractor beam, but shoot him while your fighter is spinning as it gets pulled into the beam.

Find the Dragonfly that appears in battle! 

This enemy first appears on Stage 11 Challenge Stage. One bullet will kill it.

 Dual Fighter
Form a Dual Fighter!

Only do this if you have at least 2 fighters/lives left. Allow your fighter to get captured in the tractor beam formed by Boss Galaga, then shoot Boss Galaga (takes 2 hits to kill) to release your fighter. Be careful not to shoot your fighter instead. Killing Boss Galaga and freeing your fighter will pair up your 2 fighters. Highly recommended you do this often, especially for the Challenge Stages.

 Stage 10 Reached
Reach Stage 10 and view the stage emblem!

Reach stage 10 for this trophy, you will need to reach Stage 31 for all the trophies, so this will pop while working towards that.

 Stage 20 Reached
Reach Stage 20 and view the stage emblem!

Reach Stage 10 for this trophy, you will need to reach Stage 31 for all the trophies, so this will pop while working towards that.

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