Game: AI: The Somnium Files Peripherals: – Time to 100%: 20-30 hours+ (Heavily dependant on reading skill and how much you investigate extra stuff). Difficulty: 2/10 Missable trophies: None, there’s a chapter select. Author: Sean Thanks to: @RealTurniplord – for help with the Wanderer.
Welcome to the trophy guide for AI: The Somnium Files. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Play the game.
AI: The Somnium Files is a game all about branching options and choices and that’s where the joy of the game lies! So this stage will not give you a direction to play, so you play however you see fit. What this stage will do is outline the details of each day, their locations and somniums. Since you have the freedom of jumping wherever to, the days will be listed in numerical order and the day’s name will be then listed in alphabetical order.
As for the platinum, AI: The Somnium Files is really straightforward, there are a few trophies that require some collectibles, interactions, or witnessing but those are of little difficulty and effort. As for the plat this guide is written in 3 ways: 1. You can follow along and interact with everything and have an easy flowing play. 2. AI:The Somnium Files has a lot of repetitive examinations, like dozens upon dozens upon dozens upon dozens! So instead of wasting game time and examining things meticulously, the guides made it easier! everything with an annotated number, i.e. x2, x3, x4, x5… All add jokes, innuendoes, story, and more. Unless needed for progression, ignore the singular interactive objects, and you`ll get 100% gameplay and bonuses without any wasted time. 3. There is A LOT of gameplay meaning COPIUS amounts of text to follow and read through! Could be a bore for some people. So play the game comepletely blind. After beating it come back and look at your missing trophies! Every trophy has Where and What day to find them on. So then remember that day and visit the day in the Game Stage Guide and quickly nab it!
Use the days listed below as a reference to any missed items to look at or the Somniums for how to complete them too. All missable/collectible trophies will be listed on the days they occur! You could also view the trophy to see the specific information! The only game long trophy is collecting 100 appendix files which will come naturally as 99%, if not all, of those entries come from questioning people. Somniums are listed in usually the shortest routes with collectibles, so everything is smooth sailing. In the Somniums, each choice is listed without TIMIES being used (you`ll know which ones need TIMIES and when to use them, if you have 3 TIMIES and the next interaction nets you one, use one so it’s not wasted), so use them TIMIES as you see appropiate. There is plenty of room with Somniums for remaining time (Except for 2 or 3) so you don’t have to be scrutinous, the BIG choices will be bolded so you know what you should save your good TIMIES for. As for advancing scenes by object interaction, they’re usually listed last in the column so do the bottom interactions (unless you see Thermal, Zoom, X-Ray beforehand in the list). The last tip is, AI doesn’t give a tutorial about shooting scenes, they just throw you into it! There’s QTE’s which are self explantory and there are the shooting segments. Shooting segments are timed! To do these segments, keep the reticle inside the target circle long enough to fill your meter, when it’s fill you’ll be prompted to push .
An overlooked feature but very helpul in larger Somniums like the forest is the map feature! Accessed with the button while in a Somnium. Great for finding interactive objects, and where you are. That’s about it for the tips, so without further adieu: *Note: Do the Interactive Objectsthen the Dialogue, sometimes the scene will go back and forth as it advances. These points will be bolded, continue from the bolded text as you go back and forth between the columns.The days, and locations without any interactions won’t be listed, nor will the Name of the Day as it’s irrelevant here.
*Note 2 – Boss’s Office will not be listing Interactive Objects except for the trophy purpose, as well as some locations that will say ‘none’, as you don’t have to examine for the platinum beside the single trophy. Her office has way to much stuff to check ever single time.
Day 1: sigAI
Day 1: sigAI Locations
Near the Merry-go round in Bloom Park
Interactive Objects: Barrier x2 Skewered Horse x2 Sky x2 Ferris Wheel Cityscape Parasol Bench Control Room x2 Roof Horse Column Pole Fence x2 Policeman Panda Ride Go to Dialogue Corpse Look Zoom Face x3 Body x2 Arm x2 Left Eye Column X-Ray ???
Dialogue: Boss Look x2 “Any suspects?” “The rain is awful, huh?” “Who found the body?” “So… what am I doing here?” “What can you tell me about the victim?”
Policeman Look “How’s the investigation coming?”
Inspector Look x2 “What’s your name?” x5 “Thanks for coming out here in this mess.” “Anything to go on?” Go Back to Interactive Objects
Door Investigate Winter Iris Smell Switch Turn on Switch Wine Smell Wine Have a Sip Skeleton Talk Basket Wear Basket Basket Tackle Basket Search Standing Lamp Lift Up Standing Lamp Kick Skeleton Investigate Skeleton Hit HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (In the Kitchen) Unlocks Day 1: Date B. Dream Documentation Duty: Intern Unlocks. Gun Investigate Gun Pick Up Door Put Gun in Keyhole BRaiN: Memories Hidden in Dreams Unlocks.
After completing Day 1: sigAI you should have the following: Persons: 1, 2, 5, 7, 12. Appendix: 1, 2, 17, 47, 61, 69, 74, 126, 136, 137, 138, 141. Album: 1,2.
Day 2: keitAI
Day 2: keitAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Psync Control Room
Interactive Objects: Psync Machine Monitor (On) Binder x2 Long Table x2 Steel Shelf Door Monitor (Off) Locker x2 Chair
Dialogue: Boss Look “About Mizuki’s aphonia…” “Do you believe in Pprophetic dreams?” “About prophetic dreams…” “Abou what I saw in Somnium…” “About the ringtone I heard in Somnium…”
Pewter Look “About prophetic dreams…” “About Somnium.” “About the ringtone I heard in Somnium…”
Mizuki Look “About the ringtone I heard in Somnium…” “About Iris’s body…” “About the NILE message…| Are you okay?” “About the ice pick…” Look
Pewter “Summarize for me.”
Near the Merry-go-round in Bloom Park
Interactive Objects: Fence Control Room Skewered Horse Bench Cityscape Sky x5 Horse Pole Column x2 Roof Parasol Go to Dialogue Horse Look Horse X-Ray Mysterious Object Smartphone Spartphone (Clue) x4 Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: Aiba Look “Who are you?!” “About your appearance…” “How do you appear in Somnium?” “About that ringtone I heard in Somnium…” “Anything catch your eye?” “Do you see anywhere suspicious?” x5 Go back to Interactive Objects
Aiba Look “Call the number I just gave you.” “Can you call it again?” “Call Reika!” “Who is the person we called?” “Why was the phone in the horse?” “What cell tower did that call connect too?” “Should we go to Shinjuku?” “Let’s Go.”
Dialogue: Iris Look “…” “Uh, well…” “How are you?” “Where’s your mom?”
After completing Day 2: keitAI you should have the following: Appendix: 92.
Day 2: meikAI
Day 2: meikAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Psync Control Room
Interactive Objects: Monitor (On) Monitor (Off) Binder Long Table x2 Steel Shelf x2 CRT Monitor x3 Door Chair x2 Psync Machine Door Locker x2
Dialogue: Boss Look “Thoughts on the suspect?” “About Mizuki’s muteness…” “About what I saw in Somnium…” “Do you have any questions?” x2
Pewter Look “Who do you think the suspect is?” “About Somnium…” “How does Aiba appear in Somnium?” “About Aiba’s appearance…” “About that figure I saw…”
Mizuki Look x2 “How are you doing?” “Are you hungry?” “About that figure I saw…” x2 “Who sent you the NILE message?” “Summarize for me.”
Near the Merry-go-round in Bloom Park
Interactive Objects: Ferris Wheel Bench Sky x6 Skewered Horse Cityscape Past the Bush x2 Go to dialogue Past the Bush x2
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Are you cold?” “About the suspicious figure…” “Do you remember anything?” “What’s wrong?” Look Go back to Interactive Objects
Interactive Objects: Wheel Dashboard Center Console Glovebox Gearshift Passenger Seat
Dialogue: Mizuki Look x2 “When was the last time you saw your dad?” x2 “About the suspicious figure…” “About the NILE message…” x2
Boss Look x2 “Why did you release him?” “Any idea where Renju is?” “About Renju’s alibi…” “About Renju’s questioning…” “Hang up the phone.”
After completing Day 2 meikAI ends you should have: Appendix: 9, 58.
Day 2: saikAI
Day 2: saikAI Locations
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: Bags Shelves Chair Cabinet Matryoshka x2 Large Key x2 Door AC Vent x2 Tombstone Wine Bottle RC Car x2 Police Officer Mannequin x3 Fishing Flag Broom Volleyball Soccer Ball x2 Tanuki x2 Coffee Maker x2 Desk Soba Door Curtain Pumpkin x2 Happy Birthday Banner Bookshelf x2 Computer Darts Machine x2 Skis x2 Snowboard Triangle Ruler Poster Public Bath Door Curtain Map Boy Band Poster x2 Cymbal x2 Stationary Bike Lifesaver Plaster Figure Christmas Tree x2 Coat Hanger Mask (Left) Mask (Right) Pennant x2 Rug x2 Broken Clock x2 Shogi Piece (This can be a pain to find, refer to the trophy for a screenshot.) Boss Mania Unlocks.
Dialogue: Boss Look “I see you still haven’t cleaned this place up.” “About the case six years ago…” x5 “About Mizuki…” “What’s the status of the investigation?” “About Renju Okiura…” “Are there any leads at all?” “About the ice pick…” “Is there any other information?” “Did we ever indetify who call it in?” “About “I”…” “About my “eye”…” “About “AI”” “So, about Aiba…”
Aiba “Who are you?” “You know, you are kind of cute like that.” “Okay, back inside.” “Why did you come out?” x2 “Who reported the crime?”
Dialogue: Ota’s Mother Look “About the weather…” “Tell me about your restaurant.” “Is Ota here?” “Where is your husband?” “How long have you been here?” “What’s the name of the company?” “Why does Ota hang out there?” “So is this “witch” working there?” “About Shoko…” “Can you call him?”
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Sofa x2 Magazine Rack x2 Vending Machine Door Monitor x2 High Table Plant x2 High Stool x2 Logo Reception Desk Abstract Painting x2 Window Low Table x2 Laptop x2 Receptionist x5
Dialogue: Ota Look “Are you a fan of A-Set?” “Could you look at me?” “What are you typing?” “What can you tell me about last night?” “Punch Him” “Kick Him” “Hey, Kid!” “Why are you here?” “When did you start with the fake accounts?” “About last night…” x2 “How do you know Mizuki?” x2 “Can you provide a detailed account of last night?” x2 Did you leave her there?” “Why did you use a payphone?” “About A-Set…” “About Shoko Nadami…” “Did you talk to her about last night?” Look x2
A-Set Look x5 “Are you A-Set?” “How old are you?” “You’re friends with Mizuki?” “What’s your relationship with Ota?” “About the sockpuppeting…” “We’re Leaving.”
Ota Look “Something wrong?”
A-Set Look “What are you doing?” “Why are you doing this?”
Dialogue: A-Set “Why did you become an idol?” “How did you start working for Lemniscate?” “About Ota…” “About Mizuki…” “Do you have any questions for me?” “About that video…” “About my department…” “Ask for her real name.”
Near the Merry-go round in Bloom Park
Interactive Objects: Skewered Horse x2 Sky x2 Ferris Wheel Barrier Bench x2 Panda Ride Parasol Control Room x3 Roof Fence Pole x2 Cityscape Policeman Policeman Column x2 Go to Dialogue Horse Look Horse Zoom Horse Horse Zoom Horse Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: Policeman Look “How’s the investigation coming?”
Iris Look “Have you been here before?” “You’re wasting your time.” “What are you doing?” “Why do you think this was a ritual murder?” x2 Go back to Interactive Objects
Iris “We should go.”
Interactive Objects: Wheel Dashboard x2 Gearshift Glovebox x2 Center Console
Dialogue: Iris Look “How are you feeling?”
Sagan Residence
Interactive Objects: Shelves Speaker System x5 I Wish Mine Were That Glorious unlocks. Plant x2 Window Flower x2 Cushion x2 Picture Ceiling Fan Light Entrance Shoebox x2 Clock Mysterious Object x2 Bookshelf x2 Standing Lamp Sofa Cupboard Dining Table Kitchen Counter x2 Door Refrigerator x2 Low Table Workbooks x2 Tea
Dialogue: Iris Look “You look chipper.” “About the flowers…” “You seem to be doing well now…” “How long have you been living here?” “You were saying?”
Hitomi Look “About Renju Okiura…” “Where do you work?” “May I ask how old you are?” Do you know Renju’s Ex-wife? Goodbye.”
Dialogue: Myself Look “Allow me to introduce myself…” “Play a game.” “Focus. You’ve got this.”
Aiba “About Shoko’s corpse…” x3 “About the blood stains…” “Why was Mizuki inside the column?” “Let’s hear the timeline of events.” “Anything on your mind?”
ABIS HQ, Psync Control Room
Interactive Objects: Monitor (On) Monitor (Off) CRT Monitor x2 Steel Shelf x2 Long Table x2 Door Locker x2 Chair Door Binder Psync Machine
Dialogue: Boss Look “Did you get Renju’s permission?” “Any progress on the investigation?” “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Mizuki Look “I’ll Try talking to her…”
Pewter Look “About Aiba…” “You sure this okay?” “How’s Mizuki doing?” “Are you ready?”
Mizuki Look “About ABIS…” “About the Psync Gear…” “Psync…” “So, here’s what’s going to happen…” “When this is all over…” “Let’s go get some of that stew you like.”
Solution 1: Goes down the Purple Route HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: Off to the right you’ll find this collectible on a bench. Day 2: Mizuki B obtained. Shoko’s Photo Pull Out [20] Control Room Open [10] Right Bird Cage Life [55] Deflated Balloon Blow Up [40] Panda Head Kick Away[40] Mizuki Speak Kindly[45] Day 2: Mizuki A obtained. PaiN: Mother, Blood, and Secrets unlocks.
Solution 2: Goes down the Red Route Shoko’s Photo Pull Out [20] Control Room Open [10] Left Bird Cage Lift [55] Torn Paper Piece Together [45] Panda Ride Stop [25] Mizuki Hug Her [50]
Interactive Objects: Long Table x2 Binder Steel Shelf x2 CRT Monitor x2 Monitor (On) Monitor (Off) Door Chair Psync Machine Door Locker x2
Dialogue: Pewter Look “About the Original Cyclops Killer…” “Why did the Original Cyclops Killer appear in Iris’s Somnium?” x2 “The red figure from the Psync…” “About the “Original” and “New” incidents…” “Are all memories “real”?”
Boss Look “The blue igure from the Psync…” “Why did the Original Cyclops Killer appear in Iris’s Somnium?” “About the Original Cyclops Serial Killings…” “What about the Original Cyclops Serial Killings?” “Summarize for me.”
Interactive Objects: Blackboard Hanger Sofa Table Menu Flier Poster Stool Counter Beer Tap Bottles on Counter Shelves TV Regrigerator Radio Picture
Dialogue: Iris Look “You called Ota here?”
Ota Look “Where’s Mama?” “I never thought I’d run into you here.” “Isn’t your phone broken?” “What was “that thing” about?”
After completing Day 3: gumAI ends you should have: Appendix: 60.
Day 3: gyoukAI
Day 3: gyoukAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: N/A
Dialogue: Myself Look”Talk to myself.” x3 “Play a game.” Look x3
Boss Look “About Mizuki…” “About the phone…” “Who called it?” x2 “About the investigation…” “Any other information about Shoko’s phone?” “Anything else to report?” “About Renju…”
Aiba Look “About Mizuki…” “About the investigation…” “Anything stand out to you?” “Summary.”
Interactive Objects: Menu Counter x2 Beer Tap x2 TV x2 Shelves Bottles on Counter Sofa Table Stool Poster x2 Flier Blackboard x2 Picture x3 Refrigerator x2 Radio Hanger
Dialogue: Mama Look “About Shoko…” “Can you get me a glass of water?” “How’ve you been?” “About Renju’s watch…” Look x4 “Summarize for me.”
Kumakura Office
Interactive Objects: Locker Permit Sofa x2 Low Table x2 Tiger Rug x2 Company Motto x3 Whiteboard x2 Ashtray Metal Door Partition Locker Chair Desk Door Dragon x3 Lantern Shrine Window Crest x2 Computer x2 Desk Phone Chair Keyboard Mouse x2 Go to Dialogue Crest X-Ray ??? Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: Member A Look “Talk to him.”
Member B Look “Talk to him.”
Moma Look “About Shoko…” “Where’s the chairman?” “Do you know anything about the investment fraud?” “Did the Kumakura’s kill her?” Go back to Interactive Objects
Moma “Shadows.” “Water.” “Fears.” “About Shoka and the Kumakuras…” “I had no idea you were a net idol fan.” “What about Rohan Kumakura?” “Why was he hospitalized?” “Was Rohan left-handed?” “About Rohan…” “When was Rohan hospitalized?” “Do you have an alibi for Shoko’s murder?” “Summarize for me.”
Central Hospital
Interactive Objects: Cupboard Curtain Patient Monitor Bed x2 Bedside Table x2 TV x2 Window Chair
Dialogue: Nurse Look “And you are?” “Where are we?” “Where is he?” “Where is Renju?”
Maid Cafe Sunfish Pocket
Interactive Objects: Trident Chair x2 Box x2 Table Omelet Rice Menu x2 Donut x2 Oil Drum Light Sign Kitchen Window x2 Counter Kitchen Door Other Mermaids Customer x2 Pictures x2 Cash Register Doorway Surveillance Camera Window Cream Soda
Ota Look “Why are you here?” “When did this visitor arrive?” “What’s with that spear?” “What’s with your trident?” “Are you a regular here?” “Have you seen Renju?” “Summarize for me.”
Interactive Objects: Three-seat Sofa x2 Shool Bag x2 Irone Pipe x2 Rack x2 Clothes x2 Large Window Bench Press Armchair Desk Chair Computer x2 Corkboard File Cabinet Large Speaker Low Table Carpet x2 Audio Equipment x2 Adorabbit x2 Light Bed Cushion x2 Door Refrigerator x2 Kitchen Pot Condiments Oven Hood Frying Pan
Dialogue: Hitomi Look x2 X-Ray Hitomi x2 Look “You’re her teacher?” “Is it just coincidence that you’re Mizuki’s teacher?” “Where is Renju?” “Where is Iris?” “Pardon me for asking, but your right arm…” “How is Mizuki at school?” “How did you get her talking again?”
Mizuki Look x2 “About Renju…” “Where is Renju?” “Where is Iris?” “About your aphonia…” “Why didn’t you tell me about Hitomi?” “About Hitomi…” “About the NILE message…” “Why were you holding the ice pick?” “Was Shoko’s left eye on the ice pick?” “Summarize for me.”
Dialogue: Aiba Look x2 “Scream.” “Do you really self-destruct?” “Why do you even have that function?” “About your self-destruct function…” x3 “How did you come up with that number?” “Commiserate.” “About me and Aiba…” “I’m concerned about Renju…” “About Shoko Nadami’s Murder…” “Shoko’s Phone.” “Accuse him of being an imposter!”
Sejima Residence
Interactive Objects: Bridge Stone Pond x3 Island Tree Topiary Lantern x2 Mansion
Dialogue: Bodyguard Look x2 “How much do you get paid?” “Why are you wearing sunglasses at night?” “Your boss is a liar, you know.”
Bodyguard Look x2 “What’s your name?” “What’s your blood type?” “Got a girlfriend?”
So Look x2 Thermo “So” “Call him.”
Bodyguard Look “Do you know Shoko Nadami?” “Anything suspicious about So lately?” “Look, a UFO!” “Look, the Mothman!” “Look , a grandma!” Look, a porno mag on the floor!”
Bodyguard “About So’s alibi…” “What’s the relationship between So and Shoko?”
Cold Storage Warehouse
Interactive Objects: Shelves with Boxes Oil Drum Forklift A Overhead Crane Cardboard Box Shelves Box Forklift B Ice-cutting Machine Switchboard Workbench
Dialogue: None.
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: None.
Dialogue: So Iris’s Picture Where Iris was found So leaving the warehouse Iris’s Time of Death Iris’s Autopsy Records Interrogation: Implicate So unlocks.
Forklift Drive [20] Portal A Put Your Hand In [20] Warehouse Door F Go In [10] Control Panel A Input Fighting Game Combo [120] Warehouse Door B Enter [10] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Behind the Crane) Day 3: So B obtained. Warehouse Door D Open [30] Warehouse Door D Enter [10] Control Panel B Raise Lever [60] Day 3: So A obtained. VILLaiN: Evasive Memory unlocks.
After completing Day 3: gyoukAI ends you should have: Album: 17, 18. Appendix: 10, 31, 32, 36, 75, 117, 134, 140. Persons: 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
Iris Look “How are you feeling?” “Do you remember your dream earlier?” “Do you know a politician named So Sejima?” “About the NILE message with Ota…” “Head to Matsushita Diner.”
Dialogue: Iris Look “Is this your first time here?” “Have you ever met OTa’s mother?” “About that “thing” in the NILE message…”
Ota Look “Where is your mother?” “Did I keep you waiting?” “I guess you bought a new cellphone.” “About that “thing” in the NILE message…”
Day 3: rihAI does not add anything to your books.
Day 3: syokubAI
Day 3: syokubAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: N/A.
Dialogue: Pewter Look “You seem troubled, Pewter.” “Any thoughts on the culprit?” “Why are you here, anyway?”
Boss Look “What happened to Mizuki?” “How about you? Getting any sleep?” “About Renju…” “About the incident six years ago…” “Cyclops?” “Was the “Cyclops” captured?” “Any other information?”
Dialogue: Mizuki Look x3 “How are you doing?” “Nice weather we’re having.” “How did you even get in here?” “What are you doing here?” “So…” “Do you want to catch the suspect?” “About Renju…” “What is Shoko’s secret?” “Anyway, I’m glad that you’re okay.”
Maid Cafe Sunfish Pocket
Interactive Objects: Trident x2 Chair Table Menu x2 Box x2 Lifesavr Kitchen Door Beer Tap x2 Kitchen Window Sign Window Surveillance Camera x2 Doorway x2 Pictures x2 Policeman Cash Register Wooden Barrel Light Beer Keg x2 Evidence Marker Go to Dialogue Oil Drum Oil Drum Look Oil Drum X-Ray ??? Counter x2 Counter Look Counter Zoom Face x2 Body x2 Neck x2 Left Eye x2 Right Eye Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: Policeman Look “What’s the status?”
Mizuki Look x3 “Notice anything strange?” x3 “You can leave if you need to.” “Do you remember what you saw last night?”
Inspector Look “What’s your name?” x8 Your Name? unlocks. “Any leads?” “Are you getting enough rest?” Go back to Interactive Objects
Mizuki Look “Do you want to talk to Iris?” “Do you want to talk to Ota?” “Any places you can think of that I don’t know about?” “Let’s head out.”
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Window Abstract Painting x2 Plant x2 Logo Reception Desk Monitor x2 Door Vending Machine Magazine Rack x2 High Table High Stool x2 Sofa x2 Blank Monitor
Dialogue: Receptionist Look x7 “Things have been pretty serious around here lately.” “What’s going to happen to the office?” “Did you happen to see Ota here?” “Have you seen Iris?”
Mizuki Look “Do you know this receptionist?” “Who hired this woman?” “Let’s go.”
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Have you been here before?”
Mayumi “Hey, you’re looking gorgeous today.” “Any recommendations?” “Where is your husband?” “Is Ota here?”
Interactive Objects: Counter TV x2 Shelves x2 Menu Beer Tap x2 Bottles on Counter x4 Radio Refrigerator x2 Blackboard x2 Picture Poster x2 Flier Sofa Table Stool Hanger Go to Dialogue Counter TV Shelves Menu Beer Tap x2 Bottles on Counter Radio Refrigerator x2 Blackboard x2 Picture x3 Poster x2 Flier Sofa Table Stool Hanger Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Having fun at school?” “Are you tired?” “It’s been a long time since we did this.” “Mizuki, we should at least have one meal together.” “About Renju…” Go back to Interactive Objects
Mizuki Look x2 “Is this your first time at a place like this?” “Are you scared of Mama?” “About Mama…”
Mama Look x2 “Was Renju a regular here?” “How’s business?” “About Renju…” “What else do you remember about Renju?”
Mizuki “I’m going to the bathroom.”
Kumakura Office
Interactive Objects: Locker Permit Company Motto x3 Tiger Rug x2 Whiteboard x2 Knife x2 Metal Door Psrtition x2 Locker Desk Chair Door Dragon x2 Lantern s2 Shrine Computer x2 Keyboard Mouse x4 Phone Desk Chair Crest Window Go to Dialogue Low Table Sofa Look x2 Sofa Therm Sofa Ashtray Look x2 Ashtray Thermo Cigarette Butts Go to Dialogue Door X-Ray ??? “The Secret Lives of Yakuza Wives” unlocks. Go to Dialogue Gatling Gun (Nab this after talking to Moma)
Dialogue: Member B Look “Talk to him.”
Member A Look “Talk to him.”
Moma Look “Where’s the chairman?” “About Shoko…” “About Renju…” Go back to Interactive Objects
Moma Look “Was someone here recently? Go to back to Interactive Objects
Moma Look “Do you have an alibi for yesterday and the dat before?” “About Renju…” “About Shoko…” “About Rohan Kumakura…”
So Look x2 “What are you doing here?” “Do you have an alibi for yesterday and the day before?” “About Shoko…” “About Renju…”
Interactive Objects: Wheel Dashboard Center Console Glovebox Passenger Seat Gearshift
Dialogue: Aiba Look “Warn carefully.” “About your appearance…” “I’m going to have to get used to this look.” “How is So related to the Kumakuras?” x2
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Window Sofa x2 Plant x2 Blank Monitor Magazine Rack x2 High Table High Stool x2 Vending Machine Door Monitor x2 Reception Desk Logo Abstract Painting x2
Dialogue: Receptionist Look x3 “Thank you for the call.” “You’re cute.” “Do you want to go get some food sometime?” “Where is Iris?”
Ota Look “Where have you been?” “About Mizuki…” “About Renju’s case…” x2 “A savior?” “Slow down, I didn’t say Iris was the murderer.” “What time did Renju and Iris leave the building?”
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: Desk Camera x2 Pipe Surveillance Camera x2 Mirror x2 Go to Dialogue Camera (After the Interrogation)
Dialogue: Iris Look x3 “Do you have an alibi for last night?” “Can I ask your mother about your alibi?” “You used to work at Sunfish Pocket, right?” “About the surveillance camera…” “When did you find out Renju was killed?” “Is Ota’s story true?” “What were you doing with Renju?” “What did you do after you turned him down?” ————————– Sedation Discovery of Renju’s Body Oil Drum Renju’s Watch Elevator’s Record Renju’s Weight Interrogation: Implicate Iris unlocks.
Path A HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Back left corner of the room.) Day 3: Iris B obtained. TV Spin the Dial [30] Doors Open [5] Torso Choke [45] TV Turn the Dial [40] Torso Punch [30] TV Turn the Dial [50] Locker Open [95] Day 3: Iris A obtained VaiN: Disassociated Persona
Path B TV Hit [30] Doors Open [5] Medicine Shelf Investigate the Bottle [35] Reference Book Rip [50] Locker Open [25] Knife Throw [25] Oil Drum Look Inside [60] Gun Shoot [99]
After completing Day 3: syokubAI ends you should have: Album: 5, 6. Appendix: 19, 46, 73, 105, 121. Persons: 28.
After completing Day 4: jikAI ends you should have: Appendix: 63.
Day 4: jukkAI
Day 4: jukkAI locations.
Interactive Objects: Blackboard Hanger Sofa Table Menu Flier Poster Stool Counter Beer Tap Bottles on Counter Shelves TV Refrigerator Radio Picture
Dialogue: Mama Look “What time is it?” “Where’s Ota?” “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: Mirror Desk Surveillance Camera B Door Camera x2 Computer Pipe
Dialogue: Boss Look “Ota’s behaviour during the video…” “What about the polar bear costume?” “Ota had no incentive to kill Renju.” “Ota had no incentive to kill Shoko.” *Do all the choices*
Cold Storage Warehouse
Interactive Objects: Shelves with Boxes Oil Drum Equipment x4 Cardboard Box x4 Shelves x2 Box Forklift A x2 Forklift B Overhead Crane Evidence Marker Bloodstain B Bloodstain A Work Bench x4 Ice-cutting Machine x3
Dialogue: Policeman Look “Any progress on the investigation?”
Inspector Look “Any clues?” “I’m heading out.”
Warehouse District
Interactive Objects: Water Barrier Policeman Policeman 1 Box Container Oil Drum Crane Mooring Post Warehouse Cold Storage Warehouse
Dialogue: Pewter Look “About Rohan…” “Why did the Cyclops case get classified?” “Who is this “Murderous Psycopath”?” “Summarize for me.”
Interactive Objects: TV Counter Menu Shelves Beer Tap Bottles on Counter Radio Refrigerator Picture Blackboard Stool Sofa Poster Flier
Dialogue: Mama Look “Information about the incident.” “How is Ota related to the Kumakura’s?” “About So and the Kabasaki District…” x3 “About Ota and the Kabasaki District…” “Say goodbye.” Mama
Interactive Objects: Large Speaker Audio Equipment Adorabbit Bed Light Low Table Carpet Armchair Three-seat Sofa Cushion Door Refrigerator Oven Hood Frying Pan Condiments Pot Kitchen Small Window School Bag Iron Pipe Clothes Rack Large Window Bench Press
Dialogue: Hitomi Look x3 “About Ota…” “About Iris…” x2 “Can you think of any information?”
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: N/A.
Dialogue: Aiba Look x2 “Who is #89?” “What is #89 real name?” “What about #89 and the New Cyclops Serial Killings?” “What’s the relationship between #89 and Shoko?” “Let’s Talk to #89.”
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: Camera Desk Pipe Surveillance Camera A Mirror Go to Dialogue Camera Desk Pipe Surveillance Camera A Mirror Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: #89 Look “What’s your name?” “Where are you from?” “Do you know Shoko Nadami?” “When did you first meet Shoko?” “You’re the Original Cyclops Killer, aren’t you?” “Who killed Shoko Nadami?” Go back to Interactive Objects
#89 Look “You mentioned a detective?” “Was that the whole story?” “Why did you stop?” “What’s the connection between that and Shoko?” “Answer Me!”
Picture Fill Out [24] Phone Ignore [30] Book Tear [6] Ceiling Fan Blow On [18] Phone Ignore [60] Book Tear [18] Book Tear [12] Pot Wear [30] Switch Flip Switch [12] Eye Close Curtain [12] Book Tear [24] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (In the bookshelf) Day 4: #89 B obtained Book Tear [30] Floor Lamp Grab [12] Skull Throw [12] Door Lock [6] Day 4: #89 A obtained CURTaiN: The Other Side of the Black Curtain unlocks.
After completing Day 4: jukkAI ends you should have: Album: 13, 14. Appendix: 6, 34, 49, 66, 76, 81, 97, 100, 115.
Dialogue: Hitomi Look “It’s Monday, isn’t it a school day?” “Where is Renju?” “About Iris…” “What about your parents?” “About Iris…” x2 “What was the other time?” “Summarize for me.”
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Window Plant x2 Sofa x2 Blank Monitor Magazine Rack High Stool High Table Vending Machine Door Monitor Logo Abstract Painting x2 Reception Desk
Dialogue: Receptionist Look “What’s your type?” “I want to know your measurements.” “Can I have your contact information?” x4 “I want to know where Renju is.”
Iris Look “Have the day off?” “Where’s Renju?” “Do you know So Sejima, the politician?” “Why was your phone off yesterday?” “About the late night visitor…” “I saw your body…” “Summarize for me.” “Go on a date.”
Cold Storage Warehouse
Interactive Objects: Shelves with Boxes Oil Drum Forklift A Overhead Crane x2 Forklift B Shelves x2 Box x2 Cardboard Box Switchboard x2 Work Bench x3
Dialogue: Aiba Look “Who is #89?” “What is #89s name?” “What’s he in jail for?” “What’s the relationship between So and #89?” “Summary.”
Sojima Residence
Interactive Objects: Topiary x2 Tree Lantern x2 Island Stone Pond x3 Mansion Bridge
Dialogue: So Look “Why did you call Shoko?” “Why were you at the warehouse?” “About Iris…” “About #89…” x2
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: Camera Pipe Surveillance Camera A Desk Mirror
Dialogue: #89 Look “How many people have you killed?” “Where are you from?” “What’s your name?” “Why did you call So Sejima’s secretary?” “What did you tell him?” “About Shoko’s murder…”
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: N/A
Dialogue: Pewter Look “Where’s my gun?” “How did he get away?” “Where is #89?”
Boss “Apologize.” “Summarize for me.”
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Window Plant x2 Sofa x2 Blank Monitor Magazine Rack x2 Vending Machine High Table x2 High Stool Monitor x2 Door Logo Reception Desk x2
Dialogue: Iris Look “To where the dragon is.”
Kumakura’s Office
Interactive Objects: Chair Metal Door Partition x2 Locker Desk Permit Phone Door Dragon Lantern x2 Computer Desk x2 Shrine Crest Keyboard Mouse x2 Window Shelves Sofa x2 Ashtray x2 Tiger Rug x2 Locker Company Motto x2 Whiteboard x2
Dialogue: Iris Look “You’ve been here before?” “About Iris’s resurrection…” “What’s your usual?”
Ota Look “You’re good at cooking, huh?” “Where’s your mom?” “Where is Renju?”
Iris “About the parallel world…” “Rock.” “100 million balls?” x2 “The bouba/kiki effect?” x2 “The Mandela Effect?” x2
Ota “The spatial-temporal man?” “What about others?” “The two sisters?” “Anything else?” “The lost friend?” x2
Iris “Summarize for me.”
Cold Storage Warehouse
Interactive Objects: Shelves with Boxes Oil Drum x2 Forklift A Switchboard x2 Forklift B Ice-cutting Machine Overhead Crane Shelves Box x2 Cardboard Box x2 Work Bench x2
Dialogue: Iris Look “Do you know about the BBB?” “Do you know about nanotechnology?” “Do you know about the Wadjet system?” “Here’s how Psync works.” x3 “Summarize.” x2
Maid Cafe Sunfish Pocket
Interactive Objects: Trident Box Chair Table Lifesaver Calamari Ring Oil Drum Counter Menu x3 Wooden Barrel x2 Kitchen Door Light Sign Kitchen Window x2 Other Mermaids x2 Customer x2 Pictures of the Mermaids Doorway Surveillance Camera Window Cream Soda x2
DIalogue: Iris Look “Do you know this mermaid?” “About Renju…” “You like dancing, right?” “Could you show me your dance?” “About your visitor last night…”
Mizuki Look “About Renju…” “About the Okiura Fishery warehouse…” x2 “What are you doing here?”
Mermaid Look X-Ray Mermaid x4 “What do you like in men?” “About your relationship with Mizuki…” “Was Renju here?” “What was he doing here?” “Anything else you can tell me about Renju?” “Summarize for me.”
Ikume Shrine
Interactive Objects: Tree Monument Lantern Guardian Dog Statue Flower Look Night Vision Flower x2 Arch Chozuya Shrine Sacred Straw Rope Bell Offering Box
Dialogue: Iris Look “Your thoughts?” “About this “Uncle”…” “You’re looking at a winter iris, aren’t you?” “About this shrine…” “Immortality, huh…” “About Renju…” “Summarize for me.”
Interactive Objects: Rack Three-seat Sofa Large WIndow Bench Press Armchair Corkboard File Cabinet Desk Computer Large Speaker Audio Equipment Adorabbit Bed Low Table Carpet Cushion Door Refrigerator Pot Oven Hood Condiments
Dialogue: Iris Look “About the unidentified attackers…” “About their relation to the Wadjet system…” “About Naixatloz…” “What is X00639?” x2 “Summarize for me.” “Why do the members of Naixatloz follow Wadjet?” “Why does Wadjet want to keep Naix a secret?” “Why is Wadhet building X00639?” “Summarize for me.” “How and when did you learn all this?” “Think” Iris
Dialogue: Pewter Look “Where are you?” “Does a Psync machine exist outside of ABIS?” “About Boss…” “Summarize for me.”
Path A Pickaxe Pick Up [10] Gate 2 Dig [10] Vending Machine Dig [10] Crafting Table A Make Something Else [30] Gate 3 Dig [10] ??? Observe [30] Talk [60] Crafting Table B Investigate [10] Craft N/A Shrine Wall Dig [10] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE:(A small shrine off to the right, middle of path.) Day 4: Iris B obtained Gate Enter [10] Pyramid Climb [10] Mirror Door Destroy [60] Iris’s Core Destroy Core [999] Note: Do not worry about the 999, you’ll still win but not obtain the A collectible, you’ll get that on the other path. MaiN1: Antinomic Conflict unlocks.
Path B Note: when you recieve a 1/6 TIMIE, keep it to use on the last choice (Iris’s Core). Pickaxe Pick Up [10] Gate 2 Dig [10] Vending Machine Dig [10] Crafting Table A Make Something Else [30] Gate 3 Dig [10] Crafting Table B Investigate [10] Craft Monument [60] Pedestal Investigate [10] Place Monument [10] Soft Ground Dig [10] Debris Investigate [10] Use Love Bomb [60] Pyramid Climb [10] Mirror Door Dance [60] Iris’s Core Touch Core [358] Day 4: Iris A Obtained
After completing Day 4: syuurAI ends you should have: Album: 20. Appendix: 4, 29, 33, 39, 48, 55, 62, 67, 77, 78, 90, 91, 94, 98, 104, 110, 120, 127. Persons: 19.
Day 4: youdAI
Day 4: youdAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: N/A
Dialogue: Boss Look x2 “About So…” “About Iris and Ota…” “About Okiura Fishery…” “Have you contacted Hitomi and Mayumi?” “I want to hear from a representative of Okiura FIshery.” “Has CSI found anything at the warehouse?” “I should go investigate.”
Warehouse District
Interactive Objects: Water x2 Barrier x2 Box x2 Crane x2 Oil Drum x2 Warehouse x2 Container Station Wagon x3 Van x2
Dialogue: None.
Cold Storage Warehouse
Interactive Objects: Shelves with Boxes x2 Oil Drum x2 Equipment x3 Forklift A x2 Forklift B Shelves x2 Box Cardboard Box Evidence Marker Bloodstain Overhead Crane Work Bench x2 Ice-cutting Machine x2 Go to Dialogue Shadow Look (Left of Shelves with Boxes) Shaow NV Square Object
Dialogue: Inspector Look “What’s your name?” x6 “Do you have a family?” “We see each other a lot, don’t we?” “Any clues?”
Policeman Look “Aren’t you cold?” “Any progress on the investigation?” Go back to Interactive Objects
Interactive Objects: School Bag x2 Iron Pipe x2 Rack x2 Clothes x2 Large Window Bench Press x2 Computer x2 Corkboard Garbage Can Desk Chair File Cabinet x2 Armchair Large Speaker x2 Audio Equipment Adorabbit x2 Bed Light x2 Low Table Carpet Three-seat Sofa x2 Door Refrigerator x2 Kitchen Pot Go back to Dialogue
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Where’s the officer who dropped you off?” “You’re mad at me aren’t you?” “About Ota and Iris…” “About the fishery…” “Apologize to Mizuki.” Go to Interactive Objects
Mizuki Look “Where’s the officer who dropped you off?” “About Ota and Iris…” “About Okiura Fishery…” “What kind of person was your grandpa?” “Say goodbye.”
Ikume Shrine
Interactive Objects: Tree Mokujin Shrine Guardian Dog Statue Offering Box x2 Sacred Straw Rope x2 Bell Lantern x3 Monument x2 Chozuya x3 Arch
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “The key to victory is to kill the heart.” “Mental preperation is important.” “Your everyday life is of dire importance.” “Being quick to act is crucial.”
Matsushita Diner
Interactive Objects: Poster Autograph Table Chair Mop Bucket Disposable Chopsticks Condiments Menu Stool Counter Kitchen Kid’s Seat Phone Menus Swinging Door Cushion Low Table Window Fortnune Lucky Cat Calendar x2 Clock Go to Dialogue Mayumi Look Mayumi Thermo Mayumi
Dialogue: Mayuki Look “About that photo?” “Where is your husband?” “Are you done packing?” “About the Odoroki-Man chocolate…” “About last night…” “What kind of dream?” Go back to Interactive Objects
Interactive Objects: Cupboard Curtain Patient Monitor Bed x2 Bedside Table x2 TV x2 Chair Window Do to Dialogue Ota Look Ota X-ray ???
DIalogue: Boss Look “Why did you come here?” “Did you find any new clues?” “Anything you want to ask Ota?”
Ota Look “About the Wok…” “Did you hear about Iris?” “Who stabbed you?” “About “that thing” on NILE…” “About the Odoroki-man chocolate…” “What happened after you left Matsushita Diner?” “After stealing the station wagon…” “After running into the warehouse…” “The identity of the polar bear…” “About “that thing”…” x3 Go back to Interactive Obtjects
Path A Iris Ears! [10] Throw Ice at Her [15] Wake Her [10] Icy Floor Jump [100] Plate(The one closest to Cardboard Box). Breathe On [200] Forklift Sortie [140] Ota Encourage Day 4: Ota A obtained SWaiN: My Hero unlocks.
Path B Iris Ears! [10] Throw Ice at Her [15] Wake Her [10] Icy Floor Jump [100] Oil Drum Roll [180] Power Board Throw Something [240] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Hidden behind the shelf, accessible from the left hand end of the shelf) Day 4: Ota B obtained Ota Encourage
After completing Day 4: youdAI ends you should have: Persons: 10. Appendix: 5, 28, 42, 109. Album: 7.
Day 5: dakkAI
Day 5: dakkAI locations.
Kumakura Office
Interactive Objects: Metal Door Permit Partition x2 Chair Desk Phone Locker Door Dragon Lantern x2 Computer Crest Shrine Desk Keyboard Mouse x2 Window Shelves Sofa x2 Locker Low Table Tiger Rug Ashtray Company Motto x2 Whiteboard x2
Dialogue: Iris Look “How’s School?” “About Renju…” x2 “Do you want to call your mom?
Moma Look “Where are your lackeys?” “About Naxatloz…” x2 “About Renju…” x2 “Summarize for me.” x2
Dialogue: Iris Look “How did you get so fast?” “About A-set…” x3 “About the “Eye of Wadjet”…” x3 “Summarize for me.”
Interactive Objects: Counter Menu TV x2 Shelves Beer Tap x2 Bottles on COunter Refrigerator x2 Radio Picture Blackboard x2 Poster x2 Flier Sofa Stool Table Hanger x2
Dialogue: Iris Look “Want a drink?” “What do you think of Mama?” “What should we ask?”
Mama Look “Introduce Iris.” “About the armed men…” “About Naixatloz…” “Summarize for me.”
ABIS HQ, Psync Control Room
Interactive Objects: CRT Monitor x2 Steel Shelf x2 Monitor (Off) Monitor (On) Long Table x2 Bider x2 Iris Door Chair Locker Look Locker X-Ray ??? Locker Long Table Binder Monitor (Off) Monitor (On) Steel Shelf CRT Monitor Door Chair
Dialogue: Iris Look “What’s that cat on your waist?” “Introduce Pewter.” “Reassure Her.”
Pewter Look “About Renju’s watch…” “About #89’s escape…” x2 “Why did Boss not present at #89 interrogation? “Why did Tenju escape with #89? “Where’s Renju”
Warehouse District
Interactive OBjects: Something Look Something Zoom Something Armed Men x2 Something Look Something Zoom Something Barricade Something Look Something Zoom Something Van Van X-Ray Van ATV x2 Note: The Van can be incredibly difficult to find.
Dialogue: Moma Look x2 “What did you want to ask? (1)” “What did you want to ask? (2)” “What did you want to ask? (3)” “Summarize for me.” “The Erotic Legend of Atlantis” unlocks.
Ikume Shrine
Interactive Objects: Tree Monument Lantern Guardian Dog Statue Arch Chozuya Shrine Bell Sacred Straw Rope Offering Box
Dialogue: Iris Look “About the winter iris…” “Did Pewter say anything?” “Are you okay?” “Listen to her story.” “About “Unlce”…” “Like what?” “What was Uncle’s real name?” “Listen to her story.” x2 “What happened to Renju?” “What did you do after you ran away?” “Why didn’t you tell me this?” “Where did he take you, exactly?” Iris
Room in Kabasaki District, Abandoned Factory
Interactive Objects: Chemical Bottles Sink Torso Locker Crane Plastic Bucket Mirror Shelf C Vise Psync Chair Psync Machine x2 Console x2 Psync Chair Iris Look Talk to her Surgical Tray Operating Table CRT Monitor Medicine Shelf Oil Drum Long Table Bookshelf Chair Shelf B Shelf A x2 Manual
Dialogue: None.
Chozuya Investigate The Dream Wanderer unlocks. Note: Restart the Somnium to regain this time.
Egg-Shaped Monument Place on Pedestal [30] Chozuya Stick your hand in it [30] Egg-Shaped Monument (Blue) Pick Up [25] Pedestal (Blue) C Place Monument [25] Pedestal (Peach) B Take Monument [25] Pedestal (Peach) A Place Monument [25] Egg-Shaped Monument (Yellow) Pick Up [25] Pedestal (Yellow) Place Monument [25] Chozuya Dig [66] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Inside the temple) Day 5: Iris B obtained Note: if you’re tight on time for the next action due to bad TIMIES, Investigate the Guardin Dog Statue (Right) to get a TIMIE for cheap. Iris Give Fruit of Immortality [150] Day 5: Iris A Obtained MaiN2: The Eternal Ceremony
After completing Day 5: dakkAI ends you should have: Appendix: 15, 18, 22, 23, 45, 70, 79, 84, 87, 99, 103, 111, 119, 128, 132, 133, 135. Album: 21, 22.
Day 5: ihAI
Day 5: ihAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: Camera Pipe Surveillance Camera A Mirror Desk Go to dialogue. Camera Pipe Surveillance Camera A Mirror Desk Go to dialogue.
Dialogue: Boss Look “It’s you.”
Suspect Look “Who the hell are you?”
Saito “Who was inside Iris during the interrogation Sunday?” x2 “Give me the details of each crime.” “Continue.” “Day 1 (Friday)?” “Day 2 (Saturday)?” “Day 3 (Sunday)?” “Continue.” “Day 4 (Monday)?” “Continue.” Look “Why did you take out your victims’ eyes?” x2 “Where are the eyeballs that you removed?” “What’s your motive?” “Revenge against me?” “This body is yours?” “Whose boy were you in before SHoko?” “Who were you before Rohan?” “Keep Talking.” Go back to Interactive Objects Saito “I’ll do it.” Annihilation Route: END unlocks.
After completing Day 5: ihAI ends you should have: Appendix: 24. Persons: 18.
Day 5: jinnAI
Day 5: jinnAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office
Interactive Objects: N/A.
Dialogue: Aiba Look “Boss’s alibi for Shoko’s murder…” ” Boss’s alibi for Renju’s murder…” ” Boss’s alibi for Iris and Ota’s murder…” “I don’t believe it… Boss?”
Sagan Residence
Interactive Objects: Bookshelf Standing Lamp Cupboard Microwave x2 Refrigerator Kitchen Counter Bag of Flour Cell
Dialogue: SAT Officer Look “I didn’t kill anyone!” “Please, lower your weapons…” “Boss is the Culprit!” SAT Officer x4
Boss Look “Where’s Hitomi?!” “Did you kill the five victims?” “Boss, what the fuck are you doing?” “Fight.” “H***y Housewives In H***” unlocks.
Dialogue: Pewter Look “Where is #89?” “Why are you so cooperative?” “How’s Boss?”
Boss Look x2 “Talk to her.”
Pewter “Psync with Boss.”
Note: There are A lot of [999] choices in this Psync, keep ALL your [1] TIMIES for them. Door A Open [1] Door 1 Break Lock with Pick [66] Key 5 Pick Up [1] Key 3 Pick Up [5] Key 1 Pick Up [5] Door A Open[1] Door B Tackle [60] Door C Tackle [60] Steel Drum Push [7] Door 2 Open [999] Key (03:45) Pick Up [1] Key (02:50) Pick Up [5] Key (08:00) Pick Up [5] Door D Open [1] Pipe Kick [7] Door 3 Open [999] Control Panel Investigate [1] Insert Key [5] Rotate Key [2] Press Switch [2] Rotate Key [2] Door D Open [10] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (behind you will be a catwalk with a dead end, the collectible is here.) Day 5: Boss B obtained Door E Open [1] Door C Open [10] Door B Open [10] Door F Tackle [1] Ladder (1F) Tackle [999] Door 4 Open [999] Day 5: Boss A Obtained REFRaiN: Echoes of Murder
After completing Day 5: jinnAI ends you should have: Appendix: 14, 88, 114. Album: 15, 16.
Interactive Objects: Topary Tree Lantern Island Pond Stone Mansion Bridge
Dialogue: So Look “Question Him.” x2
Interactive Objects: Wheel Dashboard Center Console Glovebox Passenger Seat Gearshift
Dialogue: Aiba Look “Three days ago, Saturday Night?” “Alice.” “Mizuki.”
Ikume Shrine
Interactive Objects: Chozuya Tree Lantern Guardian Dog Statue Shrine Sacred Straw Rope Bell Offering Box Monument
DIalogue: Mizuki Look “What are you doing here?” “Where is Ota?” “Where is Renju?” “About Alice…” x3 “What did you do after that?” “Why didn’t you call the police?” “Did you talk to Renju about it?” “About Okiura Fishery Cold Storage Warehouse…” x3 “How long was he managing the warehouse?”
Interactive Objects: Long Table Binder Steel Shelf CRT Monitor Monitor (On) Monitor (Off) Door Chair Psync Machine Hitomi Locked Door
Dialogue: Pewter Look “Are you two hiding something?” “What happens after six minutes of Psyncing?” “Anything Else?” Pewter
Boss Look “Why did you keep this a secret?”
Flower Bud Worship [15] Hole in Tree 1 Stick Hand In [15] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Behind the tree off to the left, it’s nestled behind a rock) Day 5: Hitomi B Obtained Hole in Tree 2 Tackle [10] Renju Show Picture [15] Hole 1 Jump In [30] Rock 2 Worship [10] (Hopefully you’ll get a 1/4 TIMIE from the ? then save it for Hole 3!) Hole in Tree 3 Scream [15] Stick Hand in [15] Hitomi Show Bracelet [15] Hole 2 Jump In [30] Cluster Amaryllis Dig Up [15] Hole 3 Jump In [120] Day 5: Hitomi A obtained MOUNTaiN: Corpse Flower unlocks.
After completing Day 5: jutAI ends you should have: Appendix: 27, 52, 122, 125. Album: 23, 24.
Dialogue: Hitomi Look “About Manaka’s killer…” “What did So say to Manaka?” “Who told you this?” “What happened after Manaka’s murder?” “Listen to the rest of the story.”
Dialogue: Hitomi Look “Why did Rohan remove Manaka’s eye?” “Did you tell Renju about blackmailing So?” “Continuing Sunday’s events…” “Summarize for me.” “How do you know where Iris is?” “Listen to the rest of the story.”
After completing Day 5: kokkAI ends you should have: Persons: 17.
Day 5: seisAI
Day 5: seisAI locations.
Interactive Objects: Large Window Bench Press Armchair Chair Desk Computer Garbage Can Corkboard File Cabinet Large Speaker Audio Equipment Adorabbit Bed Door Refrigerator Three-seat Sofa Kitchen Pot Condiments Frying Pan Oven Hood Towel Cushion Low Table Carpet
Dialogue: MIzuki Look “Don’t you have school?” “Where is Ota?” “Did Boss and Pewter say anything?” “Time to get back to the investigation.” “Mizuki…” “Tell Mizuki that you’ll take her with you.”
Cold Storage Warehouse
Interactive Objects: Shelves with Boxes Oil Drum Policeman x2 Forklift A x2 Equipment Evidence Marker Overhead Crane Forklift B Shelves Box x2 Cardboard Box x2 Switchboard Ice-cutting Machine x2 Work Bench Bloodstain
Dialogue: None.
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Window Abstract Painting x2 Plant x2 Logo Reception Desk Monitor x2 Door Vending Machine Magazine Rack x2 High Table High Stool x2 Blank Monitor Sofa x2 Low Table
Dialogue: Receptionist Look “By the way, what’s your cup size?” “Have you seen anyone with an injured left leg?” “I want to touch your two… big…” “Let’s go to Atami together!” x5 Date’s Atami Date Route: END unlocks.
Mizuki Look “About the person with the injured leg…” “Do you have any memories of Renju here?” “Let’s check out Renju’s office.”
Near the Merry-go-round in Bloom Park
Interactive Objects: Cityscape Sky Barrier Skewered Horse Fence Bench Control Room Parasol Horse Roof Pole Column
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Did you go on any other rides? “Have you come here before with friends?” “Where was Renju when you were on the horse?” “Say nothing.” “What are you saying?”
Interactive Objects: TV Counter Shelves Menu Beer Tap Bottles on COunter Glass Picture Radio Refrigerator Poster Blackboard Flier Hanger Sofa Table Stool Go to Dialogue TV Counter Shelves Menu Beer Tap Bottles on COunter Glass Picture Radio Refrigerator Poster Blackboard Flier Hanger Sofa Table Stool Go to Dialogue
Dialogue: Mama Look “I’ll take a drink.” “What do you think?” “You should scold her.”
Shoko Look “Where is Mizuko now?” “Do you wanna call it a night?” “Listen to the rest of the story.” Go back to Interactive Objects Mama Look “Did you lose weight?” “What time do you close tonight?” “What do you think?”
Renju Look “I do feel bad about Shoko…” “Maybe it’s best if Mizuki and Shoko were seperated.” “Couldn’t you step in and take over the parenting?”
Interactive Objects: TV x2 Counter x2 Shelves Menu Beer Tap x2 Bottles on COunter Glass Picture Radio Refrigerator x2 Poster x2 Blackboard x2 Flier Hanger x2 Sofa Table Stool
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Still not used to Mama?” “Do you have a problem with gay people?” “What’s in the backpack?”
Mama Look “About Mizuki…” “Know anything about the New Cyclops Serial Killings?” “About the culprit with the injured leg…” “Time to go.”
Ikume Shrine
Interactive Objects: Chozuya x2 Tree Lantern Guardian Dog Statue x2 Shrine Bell x2 Sacred Straw Rope Offering Box x2 Monument x2 Arch
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “About your training…” “About the bullies…”
Maid Cafe Sunfish Pocket
Interactive Objects: Trident Chair Table Box Oil Drum Wooden Barrel Lifesaver Counter Kitchen Door Kitchen Window Sign Menu x2 Light Pictures x3 Cash Register Window Doorway Surveillance Camera
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Can you think of anything?” “I’m sorry for bringing you here.” “Let’s get going.”
Central Hospital
Interactive Objects: Cupboard Curtain Patient Monitor Bed x2 TV x2 Bedside Table x2 Window
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “About Iris…” “About Ota…”
Ota Look “How are you?” “Have you remembered anything?” “About the investigation…”
Mizuki Should we get going?”
Warehouse District
Interactive Objects: Container x2 Box Oil Drum Crane x2 Warehouse Water x2 Mooring Post x2 Inspector x2 Human Figure Look x2 Human Figure Zoom Figure Box Container Cold Storage Warehouse Crane Oil Drum Water Mooring Post Warehouse
Dialogue: Aiba Look “The Kumakura’s Office?”
Kumakura Office
Interactive Objects: Klein Cigarette
Dialogue: None.
Interactive Objects: Refrigerator x2 Pot x2 Condiments Kitchen x2 Towel Oven Hood x2 Rack x2 Large Window Bench Press Three-seat Sofa Carpet x2 Low Table Armchair Bed x2 Adorabbit x2 Audio Equipment x2 File Cabinet Corkboard Desk x2 Computer x2 Speaker Speakr Look Speaker X-Ray Speaker Bench Press Arm Chair Large Window Desk Computer Garbage Can File Cabinet Corkboard Speaker Audio Equipment Speaker Adorabbit Bed Low Table Carpet Three-seat Sofa Cushion Door
Dialogue: Mizuki Look “Are you okay?” “Who did this?” “We know who the culprit is.” “I’m going to So’s right now.”
Sejima Residence
Interactive Objects: Folding Screen Sliding Door Sliding Door Look Sliding Door X-Ray ??? “The Congressman’s Secretary’s Warm Reception” unlocks. Mizuki Look Protect Mizuki Light So Shoot
Dialogue: None.
After completing Day 5: seisAI ends you should have: Appendix: 7, 40, 43, 57, 72, 83, 101, 107.
Day 5: syokuzAI
Day 5: syokuzAI locations.
Central Hospital
Interactive Objects: Cupboard Curtain Patient Monitor Bed Bedside Table Window Chair TV
Dialogue: Mayumi Look “Talk to her.”
Ota Look “What happens now?” “One last thing…” Ota Route: END unlocks.
Day 5: zugAI
Day 5: zugAI locations.
ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room
Interactive Objects: Camera Pipe Surveillance Camera A Mirror Desk
Dialogue: Mayumi Look “Why did you kidnap Iris?” “Why did you take out her eye?” “Why did you want to stream it online?” “Where did you get the camera and laptop?” “Were you the one who stabbed Ota?” “About the Cyclops Killings…” “What was your motive?” “Why did you kill SHoko?” “When and how did you killer her>” “Why are you lying?”
Interactive Objects: Wheel Dashboard Center COnsole Glovebox Passenger Seat Gearshift
Dialogue: Aiba Look “Ota?” *Choose all options* “I don’t understand…” “Why would they do that?”
Dialogue: Ota Look “Why are you here?” “It’s not like Mayumi is under arrest…” “Is Iris the criminal?” Look “Did you stage the warehouse incident?” “About Mayumi’s Dementia…” “Debt?” “You lied about the editor thing, right?” “When did Mayumi’s illness start?” “Listen to the rest of the story.” “About that picture…”
Warehouse District
Interactive Objects: Water x2 Barrier Mooring Post x2 Box x3 Crane x2 Oil Drum x2 Warehouse Container x2 Cold Storage Warehouse Policeman x2 Policeman Forklift Van x2 Station Wagon x2
Dialogue: None.
Talent Agency Lemniscate
Interactive Objects: Window Plant x2 Abstract Painting Logo Reception Desk High Stool x2 High Table Door Monitor x2 Vending Machine Magazine Rack x2 Sofa x2 Low Table
Dialogue: Receptionist Look “Do you want to get some food sometime?” “Is it business as usual here?” “About Iris…”
Driver Look “Where are you from?” “What are you doing here?” “About Mayumi…” “Describe what happened with Mayumi.” “Listen to the rest of the story.” x2 “I have one more question.”
Sejima Residence
Interactive Objects: Wall Scroll Low Table Chair Large Vase Large Vase Look Large Vase X-Ray Large Vase Vase Shards So’s Body So’s Head x3
Dialogue: None.
Wall Clock The time is… [5] Calendar Today’s date is… [5] Sliding Door Welcome Back [60] Phone My husband? [90] Bucket Let’s wear it. [80] Protect Your Head unlocks. Refer to Crazy Awful Customers unlocks. Note: Use the options button to go back to the previous lock, continue from there without using the bucket and autographs. Cake Congratulations, Ota! [40] Envelope Let’s do our best [65] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Slightly hidden udner a table on a chair) Day 5: Mayumi B obtained Odoroki-man Sticker Chocolate? [70] Wall Clock Advance Time [100] Day 5: Mayumi A obtained SUSTaiN: Indelible Memories
After completing Day 5: zugAI ends you should have: Persons: 27. Album: 9, 10.
Day 6: hakAI
Day 6: hakAI locations.
Sejima Residence
Interactive Objects: Stone Topiary Tree Lantern Mansion
Dialogue: Saito Look “About Saito and Rohan…” “About the next target…” “Why did the victims have their right eyes taken out?” “Bring him to ABIS” Persons Analyst unlocks.
Room in Kabasaki District, Abandoned Factory
Interactive Objects: Oil Drum Chemical Bottles CRT Monitor Medicine Shelf Torso Shelf A Shelf B Locker Renju’s Body Chair Long Table Bookshelf
Dialogue: Saito Look “What was Falco’s real name?” “What happened after we exchanged minds?” “About Rohan after the personality exchange…” “Counterattack.”
Kabasaki District, Abandoned Factory
Interactive Objects: (Do Dialogue First) Container x2 Stairs x2 Window Pipe Column Equipment Scaffold x14 Metal Door x2 Control Room Go back to Dialogue
Dialogue: Ota Look “When did you get here?” “You came to help? Ota
Iris Look x2 “Are you okay?!”
Mizuki Look x2 “How’s your foot?” Go to Interactive Objects
Interactive Objects: Sink Door Cupboard Curtain Patient Monitor Bed x2 Bedside Table x2 TV x2
Dialogue: Date Look “Perverted old man.” “Stupid.” “Idiot.”
Boss “About Ai-ball…” “About Date’s punishment…” “About Date’s condition…” “About the New Cyclops Serial Killer…” “About Date’s “soul”…”
Date “Wake up.” “”Shizue Kuranushi.”” “You’re so stupid.” “Speak honestly.” “Wake up!”
Stew Taste [18] Police ID Throw It! [24] Trash Can Look Closer [12] Corkboard This Picture… [6] Left Speaker Listen [24] Adorabbit Ugly… [66] Bed Smell [6] Door Knock [42] Date’s Sofa Sleep [60] Fridge Lift [66] Pot Any [??] A…Do…Rab…Bit… unlocks. Note: Use options to retry from the last lock. Continue on without Lifting the Fridge or Using the Pot. Date’s Coat Kick [30] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE:(Where Adorabbit sits on the speaker all the time.) Day 6: Date B obtained. Backpack This Charm… [48] Date Date! [12+] x3 Day 6: Date A obtained CAPTaiN: Bonds Revealed unlocks.
After completing Day 6: hiAI ends you should have: Appendix: 51. Album: 11, 12.
Interactive Objects: Shelf A Shelf B Locker Chemical Bottles Torso x2 Renju’s Body Long Table Bookshelf Oil Drum Medicine Shelf CRT Monitor Plastic Bucket Crane
Dialogue: Saito Look “Where are Iris and Hitomi…” “Day 1 (Friday)?” “Why was Shoko’s rental phone in the horse?” “Day 2 (Saturday)?” “Day 3 (Sunday)?” “Day 4 (Monday)?” “Why did you want #89 to escape?” “What happened after you escaped with #89 in the car?” “About the shooting on Monday…” Day 5 (Tuesday)?” “About Manaka’s murder 18 years ago…” “Why did you kill Manaka?” “Listen to the rest of his story.”
Monitor Erase [0] Investigate Knife [0] Psync Room Door Move [60] Psync Machine Investigate [60] Psync Gear Pull Off [0] Door Move [60] HIDDEN COLLECTIBLE: (Hanging on a chain in this room.) Day 6: Saito B obtained Pool of Blood Stick Hand In [0] Mirror Investigate [0] Blood %s!nk [60] x3 Day 6: Saito A obtained CHaiN: % s ! n k unlocks.
After completing Day 6: sousAI ends you should have: Album: 25, 26, 27.
This is actually called Three Months Later but for spoiler sakes I put Epilogue. There will be no guide or how to in this, as you should have all but 2 trophies. The Resolution Route which pops at the end of this chapter and the marriage trophy; Refer to Surprisingly Good Together. So with nothing to worry about, enjoying wrapping up the end of the game!
AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES Obtained all other trophies.
Resolution Route: END Finished the final investigation.
AI: The Somnium Files may have branching routes, but some ends will be locked and marked as ‘Classified’ until you finish different routes. The Final investigation is behind the last classified section on Day 6: hakAI which will lead into the epilogue 3 Months Later. This will pop upon completing the epilogue.
All endings are color co-ordinated by the route lines. Pink >>> Resolution Route: END by completing 3 months later. Purple>>> Iris Route: END by completing Day 6: kekkAI. Red>>> Ota Route: END by completing Day 5: syokuzAI. Yellow>>> Mizuki Route: END by completing Day 6: sanpAI. Green>>> Annihilation Route: END by completing Day 5: ihAI.
A Locked Route on the Left Path.
A Locked Route on the Right path.
Dream Documentation Duty: CEO Found all hidden items in Somnium.
In every Somnium there will be a single hidden item in the form of Aiba. They’re always sitting out in the open and never require prerequisite actions to unlock them. Though sometimes they will be in different ‘sections’ of the Somnium, so you may miss some if you leave a room.
Be careful as Retrying a section will forfeit your collectible you found. But Restarting as long as you’ve reached another checkpoint, won’t. So just really make sure you have it picked up if you redo a section.
All hidden items unlock the “B” counterparts of the Album collectibles. There are 13 in total ! They are (In order of the Album): Note: You can easily determine location by picture for where they are, no help needed or the rough location by where in the Psync instructions they’re put. The exception to this is PSYNCIN’ IN THE VaiN – Day 3: Iris B as it’s crammed in a small corner. At the Immediate start of the level run into the back left corner to find it!
SINKIN’ IN THE BRaiN – Day 1: Date B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE PaiN – Day 2: Mizuki B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE MaiN: 1 – Day 4: Iris B
PSYCIN’ IN THE MaiN: 2 – Day 5: Iris B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE VaiN – Day 3: Iris B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE CURTaiN – Day 4: #89 B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE SUSTaiN – Day 5: Mayumi B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE SWaiN – Day 4: Ota B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE MOUNTaiN – Day 5: Hitomi B
PSYNCIN’ IN THE CHaiN – Day 6: Saito B
Appendix Analyst Collected 100 “Appendix” files.
Appendix files are obtained by information, history, story, anything that you question people have the potential of being an appendix item! So do not rush story events, make sure to ask all the mundane, and pointless sounding questions! As long as you follow that, you will not need to worry about this as you’ll achieve this far before the game is over. If you follow the Trophy Stage above, it lists out where to unlock more than 100 of these entries!
Boss Mania Checked absolutely everything in Boss’s office.
This trophy can be obtained at anytime you visit ABIS HQ, Boss’s Office. There is a lot of stuff to go through, and a lot of them have more then one interaction. Following the trophy stage above you’ll get this near the beginning of the game. For those that didn’t here is the following list: Bags Shelves Chair Cabinet Matryoshka x2 Large Key x2 Door AC Vent x2 Tombstone Wine Bottle RC Car x2 Police Officer Mannequin x3 Fishing Flag Broom Volleyball Soccer Ball x2 Tanuki x2 Coffee Maker x2 Desk Soba Door Curtain Pumpkin x2 Happy Birthday Banner Bookshelf x2 Computer Darts Machine x2 Skis x2 Snowboard Triangle Ruler Poster Public Bath Door Curtain Map Boy Band Poster x2 Cymbal x2 Stationary Bike Lifesaver Plaster Figure Christmas Tree x2 Coat Hanger Mask (Left) Mask (Right) Pennant x2 Rug x2 Broken Clock x2 Shogi Piece
The Shogi Piece well hidden behind Boss’ back.
Persons Analyst Collected all the “Persons” files.
This is technically a collectible as it’s information you collect during the game’s entirety, but it’s all natural progression. There are no hidden characters, all “persons” will be eventually a suspect, informant, victim, etc. No need to look out for this trophy.
Complete Persons file.
CHaiN: % s ! n k Day 6: Wednesday – Cleared Saito’s Somnium.
Saito’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE CHaiN, is during the Psync on Day 6: sousAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Saito’s Somnium.
Dream Album Analyst Collected all the “Dream Album” files.
The “Dream Album” refers to all collectibles regarding Somniums. There are 2 types of Dream Album Collectibles: A and B. A collectibles are for completing a Somnium with more than 1.0s left on the timer, and B collectibles are for finding the hidden collectible in a Somnium. These 2 types count fo 26/27 of the Dream Album Files, but the 27th unlocks upon finding all 13 hidden items. Refer to Dream Documentation Duty: CEO.
Complete Dream Album.
“The Erotic Legend of Atlantis” Cleared the shooting event at the Warehouse District with no misses.
The shooting event that takes place at the Warehouse District is on Day 5: dakkAI.
I Wish Mine Were That Glorious Admired the Sagan’s stereo equipment.
During Day 2: saikAI you’ll pay a visit to the Sagan Residence. When you’re there pan all the the way right and you’ll find an interactive Speaker System. You will need to interact with this 5 times for the trophy.
The Speaker System
Your Name? Enjoyed a fulfilling chat with Kagami.
One of the running gags in AI: The Somnium Files is Date’s continuing fortgul nature of Kagami’s name. You’ll ask him lots and have this recurring gag, but there is only one set of asking his name that will net you this trophy. While at the Maid Cafe Sunfish Pocket on Day 3: syokubAI you will need to ask him “What’s your name?” for a total of 8 times.
Bonephilia X-rayed the Mermaid.
X-raying is a mechanic used in this game to find clues and advance the story but there is an instance where you used it to indulge Date’s desires. While you’re visiting the Maid Cafe Sunfish Pocket on Day 3: gyoukAI click on the Mermaid Waitress and she will have an X-Ray option. You will need to X-Ray her and interact with her skeletal structure a few times for this to pop!
Cooler Heads Prevail Kept your cool and did not shoot Saito.
At the end of the game you’re given an ultimatum between two choices: To Shoot Saito and To Not Shoot Saito. Not shooting Saito is the choice on the right, this choice isn’t a miscellaneous one either as it leads to the end of the game as well. So there is no need to ever choose the left option, a bonus is the amazing scene that comes with this trophy!
Surprisingly Good Together Discovered the marriage of the yakuza and the nurse.
During the epilogue 3 months later you will need to visit 2 locations and speak with specific people. Firstly, visit the Kumakura Office and talk to Member B and exhaust his options. After the Kumakura Office you’ll need to visit Matsushita Diner. At the Diner converse with the Nurse and exhaust her options as well, popping this trophy!
The Dream Wanderer Saw This Man twice in Somnium.
The man this refers to is actually a floating head. This head appears in 2 of Iris’s somniums: PSYCIN’ IN THE MaiN 1 & 2. In the first Somnium after you Dig at Gate 3, you’ll come to another alley. Before using Crafting Table B, You’ll find a Zombie-esque character named “???” inside a building. You’ll need to interact with it to find the head.
In the second Somnium he’ll be at the very beginning, investigate the Chozuya you start beside.
Protect Your Head Had Aiba wear the basket and the pot in Somnium.
This trophy is misleading, as it’s not just a Basket and a Pot you need for the trophy. Looking at the thumbnail you’ll realize you need to wear a Bucket as well.
All 3 of these wearable items are in different Somniums too! In Date’s Psync; SINKIN’ IN THE BRaiN on Day 1: sigAI you’ll find the basket you need to wear. In #89’s Psync; PSYNCIN’ IN THE CURTaiN on Day 4jukkAI you’ll find the pot you need to wear. In Mayumi’s Psync; PSYNCIN’ IN THE SUSTaiN on Day 5: zugAI you’ll find the bucket you need to wear. You’ll find all of these mentioned in the Trophy Stage aboves Somnium solutions.
Crazy Awful Customers Saw three autographs of crazy customers in Somnium.
The only places with autographs in this game is at Matsushita Diner. You’ll learn that far before the Somnium that takes place there. During Day 5: zugAI you’ll psync with Mayumi and enter her mind. A little ways into the Psync unlocking you’ll unlock the portion of the wall with autographs. Interact with them and do all 3 choices for this trophy.
The Autographs
The three choices for autographs.
Interrogation: Implicate Hitomi Confronted Hitomi with the evidence with no mistakes.
A mechanic of AI: The Somnium Files is interrogating suspects and bringing forth evidence, usually following up with a Psync. It’s during these interrogations at ABIS HQ, Interrogation Room that you’ll need to present all the relevant clues without an error.
The correct clues for each interrogation, in sequential order, are as follows:
Hitomi Information on Manaka. Where Manaka Was found.
So Iris’s Picture. Where Iris was found. So leaving the warehouse. Iris’s Time of Death. Iris’s Autopsy Records.
Date’s Atami Date Route: END Asked out the receptionist to Atami.
During Day 5: seisAI you will have to visit the Talent Agency Lemniscate. Speak to the receptionist and after asking “Let’s go to Atami together!” 5 times, you’ll get this ending.
“MUSCLES GALORE! Men’s Gymnastics Routines” Cleared the shooting event at Golden Yokocho with no misses.
Refer to stage 1 about shooting events as there is no in-game tutorial.
The shooting event that takes place at Golden Yokocho is on Day 4: syuurAI.
REFRaiN: Echoes of Murder Day 5: Tuesday – Cleared Boss’s Somnium.
Boss’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE REFRaiN, is during the Psync on Day 5: jinnAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Boss’s Somnium.
PaiN: Mother, Blood, and Secrets Day 2: Saturday – Cleared Mizuki’s Somnium.
Mizuki’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE PaiN, is during the Psync on Day 2: saikAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Mizuki’s Somnium.
VaiN: Disassociated Persona Day 3: Sunday – Cleared Iris’s Somnium.
Iris’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE VaiN, is during the Psync on Day 3: syokubAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Iris’s Somnium.
SWaiN: My Hero Day 4: Monday – Cleared Ota’s Somnium.
Ota’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE SWaiN, is during the Psync on Day 4: youdAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Ota’s Somnium.
SUSTaiN: Indelible Memories Day 5: Tuesday – Cleared Mayumi’s Somnium.
Mayumi’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE SUSTaiN, is during the Psync on Day 5: zugAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Mayumi’s Somnium.
CAPTaiN: Bonds Revealed Day 6: Wednesday – Cleared Date’s Somnium.
Date’s Somnium, PYSNCIN’ IN THE CAPTaiN, is during the Psync on Day 6: hiAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Date’s Somnium.
CURTaiN: The Other Side of the Black Curtain Day 4: Monday – Cleared #89’s Somnium.
#89’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE CURTaiN, is during the Psync on Day 4: jukkAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
#89’s Somnium.
VILLaiN: Evasive Memory Day 3: Sunday – Cleared So’s Somnium.
So’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE VILLaiN, is during the Psync on Day 3: gyoukAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
So’s Somnium.
“H***y Housewives In H***” Cleared the shooting event at the Sagan residence with no misses.
Refer to stage 1 about shooting events as there is no in-game tutorial.
The shooting event that takes place at the Sagan residence is on Day 5: jinnAI.
“A…Do…Rab…Bit… Almost got cursed by Adorabbit in Somnium.
The “almost” curse happens in the PSYNCIN’ IN THE CAPTaiN Somnium. When the light makes it’s way towards the kitchen in a later unlock, you’ll be able to interact with the Fridge. You’ll need to Lift the fridge, which will cost you [66] seconds. Lifting the Fridge will unlock an interaction with a Pot. Interact with the pot and choose any direction, the Adorrabit will appear from the stew.
MaiN1: Antinomic Conflict Day 4: Monday – Cleared Iris’s Somnium.
Iris’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE MaiN: 1, is during the Psync on Day 4: syuurAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Iris’s Somnium.
MaiN2: The Eternal Ceremony Day 5: Tuesday – Cleared Iris’s Somnium.
Iris’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE MaiN: 2, is during the Psync on Day 5: dakkAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Iris’s Somnium.
MOUNTaiN: Corpse Flower Day 5: Tuesday – Cleared Hitomi’s Somnium.
Hitomi’s Somnium, PSYNCIN’ IN THE MOUNTaiN, is during the Psync on Day 5: jutAI. Refer to that date in the Trophy Stage for the solution to this somnium.
Hitomi’s Somnium
Dream Documentation Duty: Intern Found 1 hidden item in Somnium.