Game: 0 Degrees Peripherals: – Time to Platinum: 1 hour Difficulty: 3/10 Missable trophies: None Trophies: 1, 11 , 1 , 0 Author: Hellscythe Welcome to the trophy guide for 0 Degrees. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Stage 1 – Complete the game.
0 Degrees is a is an adventure through frozen landscapes, which has as an incentive the use of puzzles to continue to the next level.
To go through each of the 40 levels in the game, must constantly use blocks of ice, a series of skills, run and jump.
In certain levels it is required to collect a rhombus in order to finish the level.
The quantity of ice cubes are limited; at certain levels the number of cubes to be used can be recharged.
The game controls are quite easy to associate:
Button X: Jump.
Button Option: Pause.
Touch panel/Touch panel button: Reset.
Button L: Move.
Button R: Aim.
Button R1: Create Ice Blocks.
Button L1: Freeze Ice Blocks.
Ice Land Collect all other trophies.
Level 2 Complete level 2.
This level is considered as a kind of tutorial for the player to start associating the controls, only have to make jumps and reach the end of the level.
Level 2
Level 3 Complete level 3
This level is considered as a kind of tutorial for the player to start associating the controls, only have to make jumps, reach the rhombus and reach the end of the level.
Level 3
Level 6 Complete level 6.
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 6.
Level 4
Jump to the block located in the center of the screen, move the cube and place it in such a way that you press the switch, that way the door located at the bottom of the right of the screen will open and will be able to access the portal of the next level.
Level 5
Must jump to the floating block in the center of the screen, push the cube to the left side in such a way that it falls, then move that same cube and place it in such a way that press the switch, which will allow the door located in the right part of the screen opens, the other remaining cube push it to the right, to be able to jump on it and reach the door, which gives access to the portal and the next level.
Level 6
From level 6 will have the ability to create ice blocks, very useful to reach higher places, which is activated with the R1 button and pointing with the right stick the place where you want to locate the cube.
To pass this level must use the acquired skill and reach the highest part of the level, therefore you must create some cubes that facilitate access to the highest part of the level located in the upper right part and be able to access the portal already turn to the next level.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 8 Complete level 8
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 8.
Level 7
In this level you must use the ability to create ice cubes to reach higher places, in the first part place 1 ice cube, the second part places 3 ice cubes stacked one on top of the other and finally place a cube on top of the switch so that the door located on the right of the screen is open and you can access the portal.
Level 8
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the first door, located at the top of the character. To overcome the rest of the level, place the cubes as shown in the picture at the bottom, to be able to access the door located in the upper right part of the screen and search the portal, thus accessing the next level.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 10 Complete level 10
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 10.
Level 9
Place the ice cube on the Switch so that the door opens, then collect the rhombus. To overcome the rest of the level, place the cubes as shown in the picture at the bottom, which will allow access to the highest parts of the level and be able to reach the portal located in the upper right part of the screen and be able to access the next level.
Level 10
Place the cubes as shown in the image at the bottom, to prevent the pikes from affecting our character, after placing the character in the position show int the picture, moving the cursor, jump and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the door.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 15 Complete level 15
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 15.
Level 11
Place the ices cubes to get to the floating platform located in the middle of the screen and collect the rhombus. To overcome the rest of the level, placing the character in that position, as shown in the picture at the bottom, moving the cursor and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, to be able to jump on the cube and avoid falling.
Level 12
Place the cubes as shown in the picture at the bottom, to prevent the pikes from affecting our character and finally reach the portal, thus concluding the level.
Level 13
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the door and finish the level.
Level 14
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, to be able to continue in the level and avoid the blows. Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the door. Place a cube as shown in the picture at the bottom, allowing to jump the character and concluding the level.
Level 15
Place the ices cubes on the second floating platform and collect the rhombus. Placing the character on the cubes, moving the cursor on the left and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the door located on the right side of the screen.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 20 Complete level 20
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 20.
Level 16
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor on the right, jump and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, causing the floating platform to start moving. To overcome the rest of the level, place a cube as shown in the picture at the bottom, to be able to access the highest part of the level and finish it.
Level 17
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, causing the floating platform to start moving. Place an ice cube and after collect the rhombus. To overcome the rest of the level, place a cube as shown in the picture at the bottom, to be able to avoid the rest of the level.
Level 18
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor on the left and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the first the door located at the top left on the screen. To overcome the rest of the level, place a cube as shown in the picture at the bottom, making it easier for the character to reach the second door located on the right side of the screen.
Level 19
This level must be used in favor of gravity since in the lower right part, a cube must be located as shown in the picture and then move the cursor and launch another cube with the R1 button, so that the thrown cube falls on top of the switch and open the door located in the upper part of the left, to get to that part see the picture below to concluding the level.
Level 20
Throwing an ice cube with the R1 button above the switch causing the floating platform to start moving and later collect the rhombus located of column the center. To overcome the rest of the level, place a cube as shown in the picture at the bottom.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 25 Complete level 25
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 25.
Level 21
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor towards the lower left, jump and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the door. To overcome the rest of the level, place three cubes as shown in the picture at the bottom and collect the rhombus, later must return through the cubes and search the portal that appears in the upper right part of the screen.
Level 22
Placing the character in that position, moving the cursor, jump and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, avoiding dying and collecting the rhombus incidentally. Moving the cursor towards the top of the right as shown in the picture and throwing an ice cube with the R1 button, will make the cube fall on top of the switch, which will open the door located on the left of the screen . To overcome the rest of the level, place a cube as shown in the picture at the bottom, to finally reach the portal located in the upper part of the right.
Level 23
For this level it must be taken into account that a series of cubes must be located as shown in the picture below, the purpose is to be able to access the column located on the right side of the screen and later launch a cube with the R1 button towards the switch on the right side, this causes the platform located on the left side of the screen to start moving. Later, we return to the place where our character was in the beginning, to use the platform and be able to launch a cube with the R1 button at the switch located in the upper left part, thus allowing the door to open and access the portal to finish level.
Level 24
At the beginning of level 24, care must be taken to touch the walls, since there is no way to use the cubes to avoid direct contact, later on having dodged the walls in the place where the character falls, jump and locate a cube with the R1 button, so that the switch allow the door open. In the next part of the level after passing the door, a cube must be located again with the R1 button on the other switch, this will make the platform begin to move, in turn use the cubes located on the level to access the floating platforms, take into account the picture at the bottom.
Level 25
At level 25 a new ability is acquired “Freeze Ice Blocks”, which allows freezing the ice cubes anywhere on the screen, first the cubes that are predisposed on the level must be scaled, then in the middle of the screen there is a very high column where you must launch a series of cubes with the R1 button and freeze them with the L1 button, when you reach the second column jump move the cursor to launch a cube with the R1 button and thus be able to reach to the portal and finish the level.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 30 Complete level 30
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 30.
Level 26
From the following levels the skills of Create Ice Blocks and Freeze Ice Blocks, will be used constantly, placing the ice cubes in certain ways to be able to circumvent the levels. In level 26, first of all, you must move the cursor, place it at the top, launch a cube with the R1 button and freeze it with the L1 button, so that in that way the cube presses on the switch and the door opens, Later, some cubes must be placed, interspersing the acquired skills as shown in the picture below, which will allow the rhombus to be collected. To finish the level, a couple of cubes must be thrown and frozen, with the R1 and L1 buttons, thus being able to reach the portal and access the next level, as shown in the picture below.
Level 27
Level 27 to be finished, the ceiling must be used to throw the ice cubes with the R1 button and freeze them with the L1 button at the right time; the idea is to use gravity in our favor and place the cubes in optimal places to be able to get to the column where the portal is located. As can be seen in the picture below, it was tried to locate the cubes to be used as a platform and to complete the level.
Level 28
Already at level 28, a cube must be located to prevent the character from dying on the spikes, as well as freezing another cube to access the center platform, then drop the character and place it where the switch is, once in this place a cube must be placed on the switch so that the platform begins to move at the bottom of the screen, in that way to be able to reach the last column located on the right of the screen and be able to reach the portal and finish the level, be based on the image located at the bottom.
Level 29
Must be very careful at this level to avoid damaging the layer located at the bottom of the screen where the spikes are located, this layer can be easily damaged by falling ice, additionally it should be avoided falling, in which case it should restart the level, on the other hand, the roof must be used in our favor to launch the cubes and freeze them in the desired place to create a platform and thus be able to reach the upper right where the switch is located, in order to activate it must jump and throw a cube with the R1 button, in such a way that the cube falls on the switch and opens the door located in the lower right part of the screen, where the portal is located and thus end the level.
Level 30
At level 30 again find a rhombus, this is located in the last column on the right side, throw and freeze some cubes that serve as a platform. To conclude the level and access the portal, must freeze some cubes in the center column at the top and in the top column on the left, remember that have a limited number of cubes.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40 trophy for more information.
Level 35 Complete level 35
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 35.
Level 31
As for level 31, the ice cubes must be located, as shown in the image below, taking into account that this time a cube should not be placed on the switch, failing that, the character must be located on This, so that the platform begins to advance once located in the ideal place, the character must move and locate the last cube to be able to jump on it and be used as a platform and access the column in the upper right part where the portal and thus culminate the level.
Level 32
Level 32 must be subdivided into two stages as a rhombus must be collected, located at the top of the left column. Place the cubes as shown in the picture below, in such a way that they are used as a zigzag platform and access the rhombus. Subsequently, place the character as shown in the image below, launch a cube with the R1 button so that it falls on the switch and the platform below begins to move to the right. To finally be able to locate a last cube in the column and be able to access the portal located in the right column and end the level.
Level 33
Level 33 has the particularity of collecting a rhombus, which is located in the upper left part of the screen, for this you must use the lower part of a block, in that way using the skills of throwing and freezing the cube through the R1 and L1 buttons, you can create a kind of platform and reach the rhombus. In the next part of the level, the character must be located as shown in the image below, throw a cube with the R1 button, in such a way that it falls on the switch and can open the door located in the middle of two columns in the middle from the screen. To conclude, you must interact with the column on the right and in the center, place two cubes on each side and be able to reach the door where the portal is located.
Level 34
At level 34, a series of cubes must be located with the R1 button, in such a way as can be seen in the picture below, this with the idea of creating a platform that connects to the rectangle in the center, in order to collect the rhombus from this level; Before this, collect the recharge of ice cubes located at the bottom of the left, to be used later, which will help to reach the column located on the right of the screen. After collecting the rhombus of the level, a series of cubes must be placed interspersing the skills of R1 and L1, to access the next floating platform and finally access the column located on the right of the screen and conclude the level.
Level 35
At level 35 a series of ice cubes must be located, throwing them towards each of the columns with the R1 button and freezing them with the L1 button, preventing the ice cubes from falling on the thin layer that serves as a platform since occur the character would fall on the spikes located in the lower part of the screen, for this place the ice cubes as shown in the picture below, to be able to reach the portal and finish the level.
Check out the video walkthrough located at the Level 40trophy for more information.
Level 40 Complete level 40
Trophy that will be obtained when finishing level 40.
Level 36
Level 36 should be used as an aid to locate the ice cubes, the platform located at the top of the screen, using gravity in favor, is so that the cubes must be thrown with the R1 button towards the bottom of that platform and freeze them with the L1 button at the indicated time, this with the intention of creating a platform and being able to reach the middle of the stage and collect the ice cubes recharge. Subsequently, must continue using the lower part of the platform located at the top of the screen, cubes must be thrown with the R1 button towards the bottom of that platform and freeze them with the L1 button at the indicated time, this with the intention of creating a platform and being able to reach the column on the right side of the screen, to be able to reach the portal and conclude the level.
Level 37
At level 37, an ice cube must be placed on the switch located in the lower left part, which will allow the door located in the third column to open, in turn, interspersed between the abilities of the R1 and L1 buttons, to be able to access this place and prevent the character from falling to the spikes. Subsequently, a refill of ice cubes located in the upper part of the center column must be collected, place the ice cubes as shown in the image below, in case the ice cubes end up being returned by the other ice refill located in the lower part under the center column, the idea is to create a series of platforms with R1 button and be able to reach the highest part of the column on the right of the screen, where the portal is located and conclude the level, must have care to avoid contact with the spikes.
Level 38
At level 38, you must again use gravity and the lower parts of the platforms located in the center of the screen, throwing the ice cubes with the R1 button and freezing them at the indicated time with the L1 button, as In other previous levels, the idea is to create and place the cubes and use them as a platform to reach the right column where a refill of ice cubes must be collected. In the next part of this level, they must lean again on the upper platforms located in the center of the screen, throw the ice cubes with the R1 button and freeze them at the indicated time with the L1 button, the intention is to get there to the rhombus located on the left platform and to be able to activate the portal, which appears in the right column, therefore once the rhombus has been collected it can be returned through the ice cubes previously located, taking care to be in contact with the spikes located at the bottom of the center deck.
Level 39
For level 39 you must launch an ice cube with the R1 button and freeze it with the L1 button, as shown in the image below, the intention is to place our character on the ice cube and from there move the cursor to the left in the direction where the switch is located, throw an ice cube with the R1 button, to open the door located in the center column. In the next part of the level, it must be inserted between the skills of R1 and L1 buttons, leaning on the bottom of the platform located at the top of the screen, trying to locate them in a similar way to that observed in the image below , this with the intention of creating a series of platforms. Collect the reloads of ice cubes when necessary, this in order to collect the rhombus located on the lower platform of the screen and thus activate the portal and conclude the level, after the rhombus was collected, use the platform of ice created with previous.
Level 40
In the last level of the game from the position that the character appears, you must move the cursor to the right side where the switch is located, throw an ice cube with the R1 button, while the ice cube is on the path to the switch. You must move the character and pass the door as soon as it opens since it will be closed, the door is located at the bottom of the screen. To conclude level 40, a series of cubes must be placed between the skills of the R1 and L1 buttons, as shown in the picture below, in turn collect the recharge of cubes, in the right column Once the character is located on the cube previously frozen near the right column, the cursor must be located under our character, jump and throw ice cubes with the R1 button, the intention is to create a platform and reach the highest part of the column on the right where is the last portal of the game.
Video – Walkthrough.
Level 1 Complete level 1
This level is considered as a kind of tutorial for the player to start associating the controls, only have to make jumps and reach the end of the level.